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You can ' t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them look ing backward s


So you have to trust that the dots will somehow conn ect in your future.


You have to trust in somethi ng: your gut, dest iny, life, karma, whatever.


Because believ ing that the dots will conn ect dow n the road, will give you the con fide nee to follow your heart, eve n whe n it lead you off the well worn p ath. And that will make all the differe nee.



Your time is limited, so don

t waste it livi ng some one else ' s life.


Don ' t be trapped by dogma,which is living with the results of other people ' s thinking.


inner ' ve got to find what you love.


And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers.


Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.



And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.


If you haven ' t found it yet,keep looking, and don 如果你还没有找到,继续找,别安逸下来

Have the courage to follow your heart and in tuiti on, they somehow already know what you truly want to become.


You ' re going to have some ups and you dow ns. Don ' t let the noise of others

opinions drow n out your own

't settle. 're goning to have some


Most people give up on themselves easily. You know the huma n sp irit is po werful! 大多数人轻易放弃,但你知道人的意志有多坚强吗


An ybody can feel good whe n they have their health, their bills are p aid, they have happy relatio nships.


An ybody can be p ositive the n,an ybody can have a larger visi on then,an ybody can have faith un der those kinds of circumsta nces.

任何人都能自得其满,任何人都能有伟大的理想,任何人在何样的环境下 都能有信念

The real challe nge of growth, men tally, emotio nally and sp iritually

comes whe n you get kno cked 真正的试验你的信念,信仰和意志,是当你被击倒的时候,其身而行需要 有勇气,

Part of being hungry whe n you have bee n defeated.


It takes courage to start over aga in.

There is nothing as po werful. It

's hard to kill the human spirit! takes courage to act.


Fear kills dreams.


Fear kills , put people in the hos pital.


Fear can age you, can hold you back from doing someth ing that you know with in yourself that you are cap able of doing, but it will p aralyze you.


At the end of your feeli ngs is nothing, but at the end of every principle is a pro mise.


Beh ind your little feeli ngs,it might not be absolutely nothing at the end of your little feeli ngs.


some of you in your life, the reas on

But beh ind every principle is a

why you not at your goal right now, because you just all about your feeli ngs.
