当前位置:文档之家› 英语倒装句详解




概念:用以表示一定句子结构的需要和强调某一句子成分的需要, 分为完全倒装和部分倒装.



1. 以here, there, now, then 等副词或out, in, up, down, away 等表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首以示强调, 句子要全部倒装, 谓语动词常用come,go, be, lie,run,rush 等.

2. 表示地点的介词短语位于句首时A beautiful lake lies at the foot of the hill At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake.

注意:在上述句子中, 如果主语为人称代词, 则主、谓不需要倒装.

In he came and back he went again. Away he went .


Is am are was were (be 动词)do does did (助动词)can could would may will might (情态动词)等

1.only 所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时, 要进行部分倒装.

Only then did I realize the importance of learning English.

Only after he came back was I able to see him.

注:only 修饰主语, 仍用自然语序, 如:Only socialism can save China.

I seldom go to the cinema.

倒装:Seldom do I go to the cinema.


I have never seen such a performance. 倒装:Never have I seen such a performance. 我从来没有看过这样的表演.

2. 否定副词及介词短语的否定词位于句首时.高考常考的这类词或词语有:never , not, seldom, hardly, little, nowhere, by no means, in no time 等.

3. not until 引导的从句位于句首引起的主句部分倒装

He didn ' t finish his homework until his mother came back. 倒装:Not until his mother came back did he finish his homework.

直到他的妈妈回来, 他才完成作业.

The mother didn ' t leave the room until the child fell asleep. 倒装:Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 等到孩子睡着了, 妈妈才离开房间.

注意:当Not until 引出主从复合句, 主句倒装, 从句不倒装.

4、as/ though (虽然, 尽管)引导的让步状语从句名词形容词副词分词+as\though+主语+其他Although I am ugly, I am gentle.

倒装:Ugly as I am, I am gentle.

Though he is a child, he has to make a living. 倒装:Child as he is, he has to make a living. 注意:从句的表语是名词, 其名词前不加任何冠词

5. 用于so nor neither 开头的句子

A、So +be/助动词/情态动词+主语


Nor/neither +be/助动词/情态动词+主语


1) . 他喜欢读书, 我也是.

He likes reading very much. So do I .

2) . 我从来没有去过广州大学, 他也是.

I have never been to Guangzhou University, neither/ nor has he.

Betty is a nice girl. So she is

B、So +主语+be/助动词/情态动词


6. 在hardly/scarcely/ …w;enno sooner …than; not only … but also; so...that;


hardly/scarcely/ no sooner后句子的谓语用had done, when/than后句子的谓语用一般过去时

(1) Hardly / Scarcely had he fallen asleep when a loud knock at the door awaked him.

(2) No sooner had I reached the station than train moved.

(3) Not only is he interested in football but also he plays it well.

(4) So hard does he work that he has made great progress in English.

7. If 虚拟条件从句中.从句有(were/should/had)

1) If I were you, I would work hard. 倒装:Were I you, I would work hard.

2) If it should rain tomorrow, we would put off our meeting.

倒装: Should it rain tomorrow, we would put off our meeting.

3) If he had followed my advice, he would have succeeded.

倒装:Had he followed my advice, he would have succeeded.

8. May 置句首, 表示祝愿.

May you succeed.祝你成功!


1. 全部倒装



1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首,谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run 等表示来去或状态的动词.

Then came the chairman. 那时总裁来了.

Here is your letter. 你的信.

2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首, 谓语表示运动的动词.

Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. 轰炸机肚底下窜出一枚导弹. Ahead sat an old woman. 前面坐着一个老妪.

注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词, 如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装.

Here he comes. 他来了.

Away they went. 他们走开了.

2. 部分倒装部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前.如果句子的谓语没

有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前.

1. 句首为否定或半否定的词语, 如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time 决不,in no way, not un til 等:…

Never have I seen such a performance. 从未见过如此糟糕的表演.

Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. 无论如何你不会找到这个问题的答案的.

Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 母亲一直到孩子入睡后离开房间.

2. 当Not until 引出主从复合句, 主句倒装, 从句不倒装.注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装.

I have never seen such a performance. ---never have I seen such a performance. The mother didn\'t leave the room until the child fell asleep.

---not until the child fell asleep the mother did leave the room. 改写为正常语序为, Man did not know what heat is until the early years of the 19th. 现在将not提前,后面就不能再用否定了,否则意思就变了.

3. 以否定词开头作部分倒装

女口Not only …but also, Hardly/Scarcely …when, No sooner ??等hail倒装.

Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender. 他没有收下礼物, 还狠狠批评了送礼的人.

Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her. 她刚出门, 就有个学生来访.

No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit her.她冈H出门, 就有个学生来访.

4. so, neither, nor 作部分倒装用这些词表示\"也\"、\"也不\" 的句子要部分倒装.

Tom can speak French. So can Jack.汤姆会讲法语, 杰克也会.

If you won\'t go, neither will I. 你不去, 我也不去.



Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did. 汤姆邀我去踢球, 我去了.

---It\'s raining hard.---So it is. 雨下得真大.是呀.

5. only 在句首倒装的情况.

Only in this way, can you learn English well. 只有这样, 你才能学好英语.

Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 叫了三次, 他才来参加会议.

如果句子为主从复合句, 则主句倒装, 从句不倒装.

Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed. 病得狠重时, 他才卧床休息.

6. as, though 引导的倒装句

as / though 引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前(形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前).但需注意:


2)句首是实义动词, 其他助动词放在主语后.如果实义动词有宾语和状语, 随实义动词一起放在主语之前.

Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 他工作很努力但总不能让人满意.

注意:让步状语从句中, 有though, although 时, 后面的主句不能有but, 但是though 和yet 可连用.

7. 其他部分倒装


So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch. 他害怕得很, 动也不敢动. 2)在某些表示祝愿的句型中.例如:

May you all be happy. 愿你们都快乐.

3)在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should 等词, 可将if 省略, 把were, had, should 移到主语之前, 采取部分倒装.例如:

Were I you, I would try it again. 我是你的话, 就再试一次. 深化拓展


经常与be/come/exist/fall/follow/go/remain/seem/stand (表示移动或动态的不及物动词连用)

或用表示类似存在观念的其他不及物动词如:live, stand, come, lie, flow, enter, rise 和appear 等

1、有:在there be 结构里

There is a box on the table.桌子上面有一个盒子.

2、时:表示时间副词, 如:now, then,

Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了.


Present at the party were Mr. Green and many other guests. 格林先生和其他的客人在这个聚会上.

Seated on the ground are a group of young men. 一群年轻人坐在了地上.


In south of the river lies a small factory. 小工厂位于河的南方.

From the valley came a cry.山谷传来一阵哭声.

5、方:表方位的副词here, there 或out, in, up, down, away, off 等标志词放在句首There lies a large wheat field in front of the house. 房子前面有一大片麦田.

Off all the lights went when I came in.

当我进来时, 所有的灯都灭了.



①no, not, never, hardly, no,not,never,hardly,barely,seldom,rarely,scarcely,no longer,nowhere

Never have I been to Beijing. 我从没有没有去过北京.

②绝不:at n time, in no way, by no means, on no account, in no case, in/under no


At no time can we give up. 我们决不能放弃.

③Not until ...: 直到Not until my mother came home did I go to bed. 知道我妈妈回家我才睡觉.

④Hardly/ Scarcely...(过完)...when...(一过)...:一...就...

No sooner...(过完)...than...(一过)...:一...就...

He had hardly got home when it happened to rain.= Had he hardly got home when it happened to rain. 他一到家碰巧就下雨了.

⑤Not only .. but also ..... : (前倒后不倒)

Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender. 他没有收下礼物, 还狠狠批评了送礼的人

2、只:only 所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句子开头时.

Only then did I realize that I was wrong. 只有到那时我才意识到我错了.

Only in this way can you learn from your mistake. 只有用这样的方法你可以从错误中学习.

Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work. 只有当战争于1918 年结束时候, 他才能够快乐地回到工作当中.

※ 当only 之后所接的不是状语时不可以用倒装

Only Comrade Zhang knows about the matter..只有张同志知道这件事.

3、让步:as/though/although引导让步状语从句时要倒装(形/畐“名/动+as +主语+ 谓语)

Proud as they are, they are afraid to see me. 尽管他们自豪, 但是他们还怕见到我. Child as he is, he seems to know everything.(child 前不加冠词)尽管他是个孩子, 但他好像知道一切.

Hard as he worded, he made little progress. 尽管他努力工作, 但是几乎没什么进步.

※ 以上句中as 可以替换though/although, 但是as 更加常用.


so 用于肯定句, 表示也一样也这样;nor/neither 用于否定句, 表示同样也不, 也不这


初中英语倒装句 英语句子通常有两种语序:一种主语在前,谓语在后,称为自然语序,另一种谓语在前,主语在后,称为倒装语序,按“主语+ 谓语” 这种顺序排列的句子是陈述语序。如果排列顺序变为“谓语(或谓语一部分)+主语”,就是倒装。之所以出现倒装,一方面是因为语法结构的需要,另一方面为了强调,有时两种原因兼有之。倒装句分为部分倒装和全部倒装。以下就分别讲述这两种倒装的用法。如果遇到一句,不知道使用全部倒装还是部分倒装的话,我们主要主要看其标志性的词语。 一、部分倒装 就是把谓语中的be动词、助动词或情态动词置于主语前面。常见于下列几种情况: (一). only所修饰的副词,介词短语或状语从句放在句首时,要用: only+ 状语+ be /助动词/情态动词+主语及其他 Only when he told me the news did I know what had happened. Only in this way can you make progress in your English. Only through education can we rise in the world. 注意:only修饰主语时,不需要倒装。 1. Only in this way ________to make improvement in the operating system. A. you can hope B. you did hope C. can you hope D. did you hope 2.Among all the people, only you know the truth. (二).含有否定意义的副词或连词放在句首时。如:never, little, seldom, not, not only, not until, no sooner (…than), hardly (…when), rarely, scarcely, in no way等。 We seldom get up at four in the morning. = Seldom do we get up at four in the morning. Not a single word from him could express his feelings. Rarely have I heard of such a silly thing. (1) hardly…when; scarcely…when…; no sooner…than… 可以用正常语序had hardly done when… did 或用倒装句式Hardly had + 主语+ done when… did 句式。hardly所在的句子用过去完成时。 The bell hardly had rung when the class began. = Hardly had the bell rung when the class began. No sooner had he arrived in Beijing than he began to work. (2) not only… but also 如连接两个成分时,不用倒装;连接句子时,前面的句子要用倒装。


初中英语倒装句练习 1. Look, ______ . A. here the bus comes C. here comes the bus D. here the bus is coming 2. —Where is Kate? —Look , _____ , she is at the school gate. A. there she is B. there is she C. here you are D. here it is 3. Which of the following sentences is correct? A. In the teacher came B. In did come the teacher 7. ___ , you can ' t lift yourself up. C. How strong you are D. In spite you ' re strong 8. So carelessly ______ that he almost killed himself. A. he drives B. he drove C. does he drive D. did he drive 9. Early in the day ___ the news ____ t he enemy were gone. A. come; that B. came; that C. comes; that D. came; what 10. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages ____ them well. A. you can learn B. can you learn C. you learned 11. Only after liberation ____ to be treated as human beings. did they begin B. they had begun C. they did begin 12. Not only ___ to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to see his friends. B. here is the bus coning C. In did the teacher come D. In came the teacher 4. Out ____ , with a stick in his hand. A. did he rush B. rushed he 5. ______, he is honest. A. As he is poor B. Poor is he 6. _______ , he knows a lot of things. A. A child as he is B. Child as he is C. he rushed C. Poor as he is C. A child as is he D. he did rush D. Poor as is he D. Child as is he A. Even you ' re strong B. Strong as you are D. did you learn D. had they begun A. he was forcing B. he was forced C. was he forcing D. was he forced


英语句子的自然顺序是主语在前,谓语在后(主语+谓语)。把谓语动词放在主语之前(谓语+主语),就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前, 叫全部倒装; 如果只把助动词或be 动词放在主语之前就叫部分倒装。 基本语序(natural order): 主语+谓语+宾语(subject + predicate+ object) I love English. 完全倒装 (full inversion) 谓语+主语 Here came the headmaster. 部分倒装 (partial inversion) 助动词/情态动词+ 主语 + 动词 Nerve will I forgive you. 一、完全倒装 1. There be结构。另外,在此结构中可以用来代替be动词的动词有:exist, seem, happen, appear, live, rise, stand等。 There stood a dog before him. There exist different opinions on this question. 例题: ________ a beautiful palace ________ the foot of the hill. A. There stand; at B. There stands; under C. Stands there; under D. There stands; at 2 (1).在以here、there、now、then等副词开头的句子里。 句式:副词+vi+名词主语 “Here, There, Now, Then + come (或be,go,lie,run) + 主语" 结构。 Here comes the old lady! Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. Now comes your turn. 如果主语是人称代词,主语和谓语语序不变,不用倒装。 如:Here you are. There she comes. (2).表示方向的副词out, in, up, down等置于句首,要用全部倒装。如果主语是人称代词,就不用倒装。如: In came Mr. White. Up went the arrow into the air. Away went the boy. 题:There ________. And here ________. A. goes the phone; she comes B. is the phone going; is she C. does the phone go; does she come D. the phone goes; come she 3.当表示地点的介词词组(如on the wall, under the tree, in front of the house, in the middle of the room等)在句首时。 句式:介词短语+vi+主语(必须是名词) 如:At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake. East of the lake lie two towns. Under the tree was lying a wounded soldier.


初中英语倒装句练习题及解析 一、倒装句 1.—What language is that guy speaking? I can hardly catch a single word! — . He's from India, so I guess it is Hindi. A. Neither I can B. Neither can I C. So I can D. So can I 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:一一那个人讲的是什么语言?我几乎听不懂一个词。一一我也听不懂,他来自印度,所以我猜那是印地语。So+主语+助动词,表示的确如此,用于前面是肯定的情况,neither+主语+助动词则用于前文是否定;So+助动词+主语,表示……也是,用于前文是肯定句,Neither+助动词+主语,用于前文是否定句。根据上一句说can hardly catch a single word!和下句I guess可知我跟第一句说话的人一样听不懂,表示“我也是”,并且是否定,用Neither can I,选B. 【点评】考察倒装句。 2.If you go to his party tomorrow, A. won't, neither do I B. don't, neither will I C. don't, neither do I D. /, so do I 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你明天不参加他的聚会,我也不去。分析:考查if引导的条件状语从句,通过时间状语tomorrow体现时间将来时,因此从句用一般现在时,主语是第二人称用do; 我也不去,为主句,同时前句为否定形式,因此用neither.故选 B 【点评】考查if条件状语从句应使用主将从现。 3.—Many students won 't take part in the after-school activities today. — .We have so much homework to do! A. So will I B. So do I C. Neither will I D. Neither do I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:—今天许多学生不愿意参见课外活动。—我也不愿意。我们有那么多作业要做。So+助动词+主语,表示与前面的肯定形式一致,表示也。Neither+助动词+主语,表示与前面的否定形式一致,表示也不。这两种部分倒装结构中的助动词与前一句的助动词一致,根据Many students won 't take part in the after-school activities today.可知此处won't表示否定形式,故用Neither+will+主语,故选C。 【点评】此题考查倒装句。注意助动词与前一句的助动词一致。 4.— Can you come to my birthday party, Lily?— If Jack does, ____________. A. so do I B. so I do C. so will I 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:-Lily,你能来参加我的生日晚会吗?-如果Jack去,我就会去。so


初中英语倒装句练习 1. Look,________. A. here the bus comes B. here is the bus coning C. here comes the bus D. here the bus is coming 2. —Where is Kate? —Look,_____, she is at the school gate. A. there she is B. there is she C. here you are D. here it is 3. Which of the following sentences is correct? A. In the teacher came B. In did come the teacher C. In did the teacher come D. In came the teacher 4. Out _____, with a stick in his hand. A. did he rush B. rushed he C. he rushed D. he did rush 5. _______, he is honest. A. As he is poor B. Poor is he C. Poor as he is D. Poor as is he 6. ________, he knows a lot of things. A. A child as he is B. Child as he is C. A child as is he D. Child as is he 7. _____, you can’t lif t yourself up. A. Even you’re strong B. Strong as you are C. How strong you are D. In spite you’re strong 8. So carelessly ________that he almost killed himself. A. he drives B. he drove C. does he drive D. did he drive 9. Early in the day ____the news _____the enemy were gone. A. come; that B. came; that C. comes; that D. came; what 10. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages_____ them well.

2012届高考英语第一轮 倒装精讲精练复习题3

倒装 下列情况句子需要全部倒装 (1)表示方位的副词(如there,here,up,down,out,in,away等)位于句首,句子谓语是go,come,run等表示位置的动词,可将谓语动词全部置于主语之前。 There goes phone again.It’s not stopping ringing all morning. 电话铃又响了。整个上午都响个不停。 There remains the possibility that mistakes have been made. 仍然有可能出了差错。 Here comes the train to Beijing.去北京的火车来了。 There goes the bell.铃响了。 Down came the rain.下雨了。 但主语是人称代词时,主语仍置于动词之前。 Here he comes.他来了。 Here it comes.它来了。 (2)由一些表示方位的介词短语引起。 In the middle of the mountain lies a temple. 山里有座庙。 Inside the temple live many monks.庙里有很多和尚。 (3)一些作表语的形容词放在句首。 Seated in the lecture hall are hundreds of students. 演讲大厅里坐着数百名学生。 Present at the conference were many famous people. 出席会谈的是很多著名人士。 下列情况需要部分倒装 (1)句子以never,seldom,rarely,little,hardly,scarcely等否定意义的副词以及by no means,not until,not a word,not a single等否定词开头的词组一般都用部分倒装语序。 Never in all my life have I felt so humiliated. 我这辈子从未感到如此受辱。


倒装句用法总结归纳 一、部分倒装: 1.否定副词位于句首时的倒装 在正式文体中,never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首,则其后要用部分倒装: I shall never forgive him. / Never shall I forgive him. 我永远不会宽恕他。 He seldom goes out for dinner. / Seldom does he go out for dinner. 他很少出去吃饭。 He little realizes how important this meeting is. / Little does he realize how important this meeting is. 他不甚明白这个会议的重要性。 注意: (1) 对于not…until句型,当not until…位于句首时,其后的主句要用倒装语序: He didn’t leave the room until the rain stopped. / Not until the rain stopped did he leave the room. 雨停了之后他才离开这房间。 (2) 某些起副词作用的介词短语,由于含有否定词,若位于句首,其后要用部分倒装: On no accounts must this switch be touched. 这个开关是绝不能触摸的。 (3) 但是,in no time(立即,马上)位于句首时,其后无需用倒装语序: In no time he worked out the problem. 他马上就算出了那道题。 2.“only+状语”位于句首时的倒装


中考英语倒装句100及答案经典 一、倒装句 1.—Peter has made great progress in English recently. — . He has been studying so hard these days. A. So have he B. So he has C. So he have D. So has he 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——彼得最近在数学反面取得重大进步。——他就是这样,这些天他一直在努力学习。在表示和上述发生相同事情时,用so+助动词+主语。对别人情况加以肯定时常用,so+主语+助动词。根据He has been studying so hard these days.可知是对上述事情的肯定。主语是第三人称单数,助动词用has,故选B。 【点评】此题考查倒装结构。主语部分倒装So+助动词+主语。和So+主语+助动词。两个句式区别。 2.—He's never been late for school. —________________. A. So have I B. So am I C. Neither have I D. Nor am I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:—他从来没有上学迟到过。—我也没有。So+助动词+主语,表示主语也是;neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是这样;根据上文是现在完成时,这里用助动词have。根据题意,故选C。 【点评】考查固定句型neither+谓+主。 3.—My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. — . Shall we go together? A. So do I B. So I do C. So will I D. So I will 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,此句型是主谓倒装结构,可以表示前面的情况也适用于后者,使用该句型需要注意以几个方面的问题:1.该句型只能用于肯定句,不能用于否定句:如果前句是否定句,则要用“neither /nor +助动词+主语”。2.句型中的主语与上文中的主语是不同的两个主语3.句型中助动词,包括连系动词和情态动词的时态要和上句中谓语动词的时态相一致。 句意:我的哥哥和我明天要去图书馆。根据下文,我们一起去吗?可知上文情况同样适用于后者,故用主谓倒装结构,上文是将来时态,选C。 【点评】这几个倒装句的区别比较难。“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,表示前面的情况也适用于后者。So+主语+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)是对上文所说的情况加以肯定。如果上文是否定形式则要将so换成neither。


英语倒装句练习题及详解 1. Tom doesn't want to take part in any school activities,____. A. and David doesn't too B. and David doesn't either C. and so doesn't David D. and either does David 2. Many a time ____ not to play with fire but he turns a deaf ear to the warnings. A. the child being told B. the child has been told C. has been told the child D. has the child been told 3. ______ , it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with a eraser. A. Hard a diamond is B. Hard as a diamond is C. As a diamond is hard D. How hard is a diamond 4. David's mother seldom does her homework on Sunday.____. A. So does my mother. B. Nor does my mother. C. My mother isn't, either. D. My mother doesn't, too. 5. ____ at the railway station when it began to rain. A. Hardly had he arrived B. Hardly he had arrived C. No sooner did he arrive D. No sooner arrived he 6. ______ today, he would get there by Friday. A. Would he leave B. Were he leaving C. Were he to leave D. Had he left 7. ____ been asked to sing an English song. A. Never before have I B. Before have I never C. Have never I D. I never have 8. By no means ____ look down upon the disabled. A. should we B. we should C. we shall D. we ought 9. ____ that it was made into a film. A. So great the success of the book was B. So successful the book was C. So the book was successful D. So great was the success of the book 10. ____ for your help, I'd never have been able to achieve such a success. A. If I had not been B. Had it not been C. If it were not D. Had it not [参考答案详解]


(英语)中考英语倒装句试题经典及解析 一、倒装句 1.Only _________ save his life. A. can the doctor B. the doctor can C. will the doctor D. could the doctor 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:只有医生能挽救他的生命。分析:only的倒装中一定注意他的用法,只有当only+状语(从句)至句首是才倒装这儿很明显是在强调主语doctor所以不用倒装,故选B 【点评】倒装句的用法。 2.— I can't stand (忍受) the air pollution in this city any more. It is getting more terrible. — ________. We've never had so many factories before. A. Neither I can . B. Neither can I C. So I can. D. So can I. 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:-我不能在忍受这个城市里的空气污染了,它变得更糟糕了。-我也不能,我们以前从来没有这么多工厂。Neither也不,是否定意思,位于句首,应该用倒装,故A不对;C和D应该用于肯定句中,这里是否定句。故选B。 3.—I didn't go to the cinema yesterday. What about you? —____________, because I was preparing for the project all the time. A. Nor do I B. Neither did I C. Neither am I D. Nor was I 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—我昨天没有去电影院,你的?—我也没去,因为我一直在准备这个项目。根据句意及题干分析此题是过去也没去,所以选B。 4.—We are not allowed to bring any snacks or drinks at the school meeting. — . A. Neither are we B. Neither do we C. So are we D. So do we 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:—我们在学校会议上不被允许带任何零食和饮料。—我们也是。根据We are not allowed可知此处表示否定,并且助动词用are,故表示我们也不被允许,用Neither are we。故选A。


50套初中英语倒装句 一、倒装句 1.Only _________ save his life. A. can the doctor B. the doctor can C. will the doctor D. could the doctor 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:只有医生能挽救他的生命。分析:only的倒装中一定注意他的用法,只有当only+状语(从句)至句首是才倒装这儿很明显是在强调主语doctor所以不用倒装,故选B 【点评】倒装句的用法。 2.—He's never been late for school. —________________. A. So have I B. So am I C. Neither have I D. Nor am I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:—他从来没有上学迟到过。—我也没有。So+助动词+主语,表示主语也是;neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是这样;根据上文是现在完成时,这里用助动词have。根据题意,故选C。 【点评】考查固定句型neither+谓+主。 3.— My mother hardly watches any sports shows. —_________ A. So do mine. B. So does mine. C. Neither do mine. D. Neither does mine. 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:—我妈妈几乎不看任何体育节目。—我的妈妈也不看。当A做的事,B和A做了相同事时,B说“So+助动词/情态动词…+B”;当A没做某事,B也没做,B 可说“Neither/nor+助动词/情态动词…+B”。mine指的是my mother,根据主谓一致原则,可知使用助动词does,结合句意和语境可知选D。 【点评】此题考查倒装结构和情景交际。 4.—Many students won 't take part in the after-school activities today. — .We have so much homework to do! A. So will I B. So do I C. Neither will I D. Neither do I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:—今天许多学生不愿意参见课外活动。—我也不愿意。我们有那么多作业要做。So+助动词+主语,表示与前面的肯定形式一致,表示也。Neither+助动词+主语,表示与前面的否定形式一致,表示也不。这两种部分倒装结构中的助动词与前一句的助动词一致,根据Many students won 't take part in the after-school activities today.可知此处won't表示否定形式,故用Neither+will+主语,故选C。

最新 英语倒装句专题练习(及答案)

最新英语倒装句专题练习(及答案) 一、倒装句 1.—My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. — . Shall we go together? A. So do I B. So I do C. So will I D. So I will 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,此句型是主谓倒装结构,可以表示前面的情况也适用于后者,使用该句型需要注意以几个方面的问题:1.该句型只能用于肯定句,不能用于否定句:如果前句是否定句,则要用“neither /nor +助动词+主语”。2.句型中的主语与上文中的主语是不同的两个主语3.句型中助动词,包括连系动词和情态动词的时态要和上句中谓语动词的时态相一致。 句意:我的哥哥和我明天要去图书馆。根据下文,我们一起去吗?可知上文情况同样适用于后者,故用主谓倒装结构,上文是将来时态,选C。 【点评】这几个倒装句的区别比较难。“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,表示前面的情况也适用于后者。So+主语+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)是对上文所说的情况加以肯定。如果上文是否定形式则要将so换成neither。 2.— I think the plan is just a waste of time. What do you think? — Well, if you don't support the plan, ________. A. neither do I B. so do I C. neither will I D. so will I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——我认为这个计划只是在浪费时间。您是怎么想的?——好,如果你不支持这个计划,我也不支持。Neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是……;这里是if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时态,这里是主句,故助动词用will。根据题意,故选C。 【点评】考查倒装句,注意Neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是这样;so+助动词+主语,表示主语也是这样。 3.— Can you come to my birthday party, Lily?— If Jack does, ____________. A. so do I B. so I do C. so will I 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:-Lily,你能来参加我的生日晚会吗?-如果Jack去,我就会去。so do I我也是;so I do.我的确如此;so will I.我也将会。句中if引导的是条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时态,倒装结构表示上面说的情况也适用于另外一


英语倒装句讲解 倒装句分为全部倒装和部分倒装 14.1 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1)here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run等表示来去或状态的动词。例如: Then came the chairman. 那时总裁来了。 Here is your letter. 你的信。 2)表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。例如:Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. 轰炸机肚底下窜出一枚导弹。 Ahead sat an old woman. 前面坐着一个老妪。 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全 倒装。例如: Here he comes. 他来了。 Away they went. 他们走开了。 14.2 倒装句之部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句子的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 1. 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time决不, in no way, not until…等。例如: Never have I seen such a performance. 从未见过如此糟糕的表演。 Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. 无论如何你不会找到这个问题的答案的。 Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 母亲一直到孩子入睡后离开房间。 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装。例如: I have never seen such a performance. ---never have I seen such a performance. The mother didn\'t leave the room until the child fell asleep. ---not until the child fell asleep the mother did leave the room. 典型例题 1)Why can\'t I smoke here? At no time___ in the meeting-room A. is smoking permitted B.smoking is permitted C. smoking is it permitted D.does smoking permit 答案A. 这是一个倒装问题。当否定词语置于句首以表示强调时,其句中的主谓须用倒装结构。这些否定词包括no, little, hardly, seldom, never, not only, not until等。本题的正常语序是Smoking is permitted in the meeting-room at no time. 2)Not until the early years of the 19th century ___ what heat is.


中考英语倒装句讲解 为了强调或平衡句子结构,英语中常用倒装。倒装有全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词置于主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did等,并将其置于主语之前。现将倒装句分类讲解如下: 一.完全倒装: 1.以here,there,now,then等地点或时间副词开头的句子,谓语动词是be,come,go,remain等,而主语又是名词时,用全部倒装。注意:如果句子的主语是代词时,则不倒装。如: Herecomesthebus!/Hereitcomes! 2.有些动词与副词out,in,up,down,away等构成不及物动词短语。为了使句子更生动,常将这些副词提前到句首,这时用全部倒装。注意:句子的主语是代词时,则不倒装。如:Upwenttherocket./Upitwent. 3.将表示地点的介词短语放在句首进行强调时,使用全部倒装。谓语动词常为不及物动词。如:Fromthewindowcamethesoundofmusic. 4.当句子主语部分较长,谓语部分较短,或为了强调句子的表语时,常使用全部倒装。句子的结构为“表语+系动词+主语”。如:Gonearethedayswhenwehadnothingtoeat. 5.if虚拟条件状语从句中,如果将连词if省略,需用部分倒装。如:WereI you,Iwould gothere. 6.as引导的让步状语从句的倒装有如下几种形式: 1)从句的谓语部分为“不及物动词+副词”时,常将此副词提前到从句句首。如: Hardasyoutry,youwillnotsucceed. 2)从句的谓语部分为“情态动词+不及物动词”时,常将此动词提前到从句句首。如:Waitasyoumay,hewillnotseeyou. 3)从句的谓语部分是“系动词+形容词”时,常将此表语形容词提前到从句句首。如:Proudasthenoblesare,theyareafraidtoseeme. 4)从句的谓语部分是“系动词+单数名词”时,则常将这个表语提前,但要省略名词前的不定冠词。如:Childasheis,hecantellrightfromwrong. 二.半倒装: 1.具有(半)否定意义的词或短语位于句首时,用部分倒装。如: seldom,rarely,not,never,bynomeans,innotime,hardly...when,nosooner...than,notonly...butalso 等。 E.g:Notonlydoeshedowellinhislessons,butalsoheoftenhelpsotherswiththeirlessons.


英语句子的自然语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。把谓语动词放在主语之前,就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前,叫全部倒装;只把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前就叫部分倒装。 一、完全倒装 1.时间状语now,then等,地点状语here,there, out,in,up,down,away等副词位于句首①Here comes the bus. ②There goes the bell. ③Now comes your turn. ④Out went the children. 当代词作主语时,主谓语序不变。例如: ⑤Here it is. 在这儿。⑥Here he comes. 他来了。 2.当句首状语为表示时间或地点的介词词组时,也常常引起全部倒装 ①在城市南部坐落着一家钢铁工厂。South of the city lies a big steel factory. ②从山谷里传来了一阵可怕的声音。From the valley came a frightening sound. 3.表语置于句首时,倒装结构为“表语+连系动词+主语” 1)形容词+连系动词+主语 出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯教授,格林教授及其他嘉宾。 Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith, Professor Green and many other guests 2)过去分词+连系动词+主语 他们可以随心所欲的日子过去了。Gone are the days when they would do what they liked. 二、部分倒装 1.用于疑问句Do you speak English? 2.If引导的条件状语从句谓语动词为were, had或should时,可省去if,把那三个词挪至句首。Had you reviewed your lessons, you might have passed the examination. Were there enough hands, we should go on with the project. Should I be free tomorrow, I will come to the party. 3.用于“形容词(或名词、动词)+as(though)引导的让步状语从句中” ①Pretty as she is, she is not clever. ②Try as he could, he might fall again. 如果从句的表语是名词,其名词前不加任何冠词。 ①尽管他还是个孩子,他不得不去谋生。Child as he was, he had to make a living. 4.用于否定词never, hardly, seldom, scarcely, barely, little, often, at no time, at no time, not only+ 部分倒装but+不倒装, not once,no sooner+部分倒装… than+不倒装…,hardly+部分倒 装… when+不倒装和not until开头的句型中 ①我再也不做这个了。Never shall I do this again. ②他几乎不了解这个女人是谁。Little did he know who the woman was. ③直到老师开始上课他才写完作业。Not until the teacher came did he finish his homework. ④他刚迈出家门电话铃就响了。No sooner had he stepped out of the house than the phone rang. ⑤我刚到她们就要走了。Hardly had I arrived when they had to leave. 5.用于so,nor,neither开头的句子,表示重复前句部分内容,原句的谓语应与前句谓语的时态、形式相一致.若表示强调前句内容,则不倒装。 ①He has been to beijing. So have I. ② Li Wei can't answer the question. Neither can I. ③Li Lei failed the exam, so he did. ④ Lucy likes paintings, so she does. 6. 用于only开头的句子(only后面跟副词、介词短语或状语从句)。 ①只有以这种方式我们才能取得进步。Only in this way can we make progress. ②只有当他告诉我的时候我才意识到他陷入到了什么样的麻烦中。 Only when he told me did I realize what trouble he was in. 7)用于某些表示祝愿的句子。祝你成功!May you succeed!

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