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1.bring 与take相反bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. 拿来,带来,送来

bring about vt. 引起,突现,造成bring in 引进、引来、吸收

bring back 归还,带回来bring back to life (health) 使复生,使恢复健康bring out 显示出来,表现出来,讲清楚;出版;生产;提出bring on 使...前进bring up 提出;抚育大,教养bring down 1. 降低 2. 使...倒下2.break break away 突然逃掉或离开;断绝往来;改掉(习惯);破除(旧做法)

break away from 脱离...break the rule 违反规定

break down (身体)垮了;(谈话)中断;(机器)坏了;压倒,克服

break forth 突然(迸出)break in 突然进入,非法进入;插嘴,打岔

break into 破门而入;突然,一下子...;打扰,打断

break out爆发;突然(大声地)vt .break off vt. 打断,折断;中断,断绝(关系)break through 突破,打通break up 分散,折散;分解;腐蚀


burn away vi. 熊熊燃烧;烧掉,烧完burn one’s fingers 吃亏

burn the midnight oil 开夜车burn down 把...烧成平地、烧光

The bedclothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down .

burn ... to the ground 烧毁,把...烧平

In the country the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles' castles and burnt them to the ground . ( SIIL 87 ) 4.matter vi. 有关系,有严重性,要紧没关系It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter that....= It doesn’t make difference that...It doesn’t matter doing sth.

n. What’s the matter?怎么啦?What’s the matter with ...?

No matter what(how...)...不管怎么...

It is no matter that....没关系as a matter of fact事实上,不瞒你说

5.check check sth. 检查,调查,核对; 阻止,遏制check in 报到,签到,到达

check off 核对无误; 下班check on 查清楚,检查

check out 把…检查一遍,清点登记; 结账后离开(旅馆)

check over 检查一遍check through 查看,校阅

check up (on) 检查,调查,核对check with 和…核对;和…相符n. make a check of 核对,检查check 支票, (饭馆)账单, 方案keep (hold) in check 控制住

6.burst burst through 冲破;爆裂;炸破;胀破burst forth 突然出现(发生);(vi.)

burst into tears (laughter, leaf, blossom) 突然(进入某种状态或发生某种情况)

burst with 装得满满的,装得快要裂开了;非常,...之极

突然...起来burst out laughing (crying… ) burst into song (sweat…)

be bursting to do sth. 急于做...;迫切想做...

7.appear vi. link-v. = seem 似乎, 显得

appear to do sth. appear + adj. appear + done

appear + sth. It appear that….

8.look link-v look + adj. (过去分词,名词,介词短语,)看起来,

look about 四周打量look about for 四处寻找look ahead 预测未来

look like 看起来像look as if 看起来好像look well看起来不错

look sb. up and down 上下打量某人look at看,望,看待

look after照看,照管,照顾,负责处理look back on回顾,回想

look down upon (on)看不起,蔑视look for找寻,自找(麻烦),

look forward to盼望,希望;预计会有look in作短时间的访晤(参观),

look in on拜望,顺便来看望look into调查,了解,研究

look on旁观,在旁边看look on … as…把...看作

look out查找,找出;当心,注意look out for当心,提防;找寻,注意;

look over翻阅,审读;复习look round审视,到处看看;回头望

look through 翻阅,查看;读一遍look to照顾,注意,负责

look up查出,了解;看望,拜访look up and down 上下打量

9.mind 当心,注意mind + 名词mind + that...

介意,在乎(主要用于疑问句和否定句)mind + if ...mind doing sth.

mind that...mind + 名词

never mind 没关系,不要紧Would you mind doing sth ?劳驾,可否请你...?

Would you mind if I did sth. ? 我可以(做)...吗?

= Do you mind if I do sth. ?=Can /May I do sth. ?

change one’s mi改变主意keep in mind 记住

keep one’s mind on...聚精会神干...

make up one’s mind to do sth.决定做...make up one’s mind that...

10.call sb. 叫(喊)某人, 给某人打电话

call sb. + 名词sb. + adj. 说...是...,认为...

call attention to 引起对...的注意call away叫走了

call back 回电话;叫回去call for 要求、号召、约请

call in 招集、招来,找来;请来;收回call names骂(人)

call on (upon) sb. = call at sb’s house ...拜望,去会(某人)

call on (upon) sb. to do sth. 叫(请)某人作某事;号召;要求;呼吁

call at ( a place ) 访问(某地)call on 拜访、访问

call out to sb. = shout at sb. 向某人吼(叫喊)call up给某人打电话;叫...起床n.pay (make) a call on sb.访问某人=pay a visit to sb.

give sb. a call = male a calltosb. 给...打电话on call 随叫随到,随时可用

11.pick pick sth. 债,检, 拾; 挑选have a bone to pick 又意见要提

pick a hole in sth. 挑毛病,找出破绽pick and choose 挑剔, 仔细挑选

pick off 摘下来pick on 选择, 挑选; 招惹, 找岔

pick one's way 仔细前进, 小心往前走pick out 挑选出, 选好; 认出, 看清楚pick up 拾起, 拿起; (偶然)买到; 得到, 染上; (非正规地)学会; (取)某物, 接(某人)上车;

整理, 收拾; 继续(讲故事, 谈话等) 收听到; (身体)恢复健康; (情况)好转

12.think sb. think 想,思考think that...想,认为,以为

I don’t think he is good student.(注意否定的转移)

What do you think she would feel ?(do you think 是插入语)

think sb.(sth.) + adj. think sb. (sth.) + 名词

think + it + adj. / 名词+ to do sth. think + it + adj. / 名词+ doing sth.

think + it + adj. / 名词+ that...think sb.(sth.) to be...

think to do sth.打算做...;想到,预料think that...想到,预料