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Mock Test
1. The official name of the United Kingdom is___D___.
A .the United Kingdom of Great Britain
B .the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
C .the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland
D .the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2. It was under__B____ that the feudal system in England was completely established.
A .Harold B .William C .Henry D .Edward
3 .The largest and most important museum in Britain is__A____.
A .the British Museum B .the Victoria and Albert Museum
C .the Imperial War Museum D .the National Gallery
4. Which of the following is not a political division on the island of Great Britain? C
A .England B .Scotland C .Northern Ireland D .Wales
5. The highest peak in Britain is___A___.
A .Ben Nevis B .Scafell C .Snowdonia D .Cross Fell
6. The first known settlers of Britain were___A___.
A .the Iberaians B .the Bearker Folk C .the Celts D .the Romans
7. The Wars of the Roses lasted from ___C___ to______.
A.1455, 1465 B.1455, 1475 C.1455, 1485 D.1455, 1495
8. The religious change from Catholicism toward Protestant theology in England was called “___B___”.
A .Renaissance B .Reformation C .Revolution D .Evolution
9. A British Parliament has a maximum duration of___C___ years.
A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6
11. The first English colony in America was founded in___B___.
A .1593 B .1607 C .1618 D .1620
12. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the___B___ and the North Sea in the______.
A .south, west B .south, east C .north, west D .north, east
13. The first successful Roman conquest in Britain was led by___B___.
A .Julius Caesar B .Claudius C .Agricola D .Constantine
14.___B___ served as the new cultural centers in England during the reign of the Norman kings.
A .The schools B .The monasteries C .The royal court D .The big towns
15. The House of Lancaster was symbolized by the___C___ rose, while that of York was symbolized by the______ rose.
A .white, black B .white, red C .red, white D .black, red
16. In Britain, the ultimate authority for law-making resides in____B__.
A .the House of Lords B .the Hose of Commons C .the Queen D .the Prince of Wales
17. Which of the following statements is not true about the contributions made by the Anglo-Saxons to English state? D
A .They divided the country into shires.
B .They devised the narrow-strip, three-field farming system.
C .They created the manorial system and the Witan.
D .They established the complete feudal system in England.
19. Which of the following statements is not true about William’s

policy toward the church in England? C
A .He kept the church completely in his control and tried to suppress its power.
B .He appointed the Italian-born Lanfranc to be Archbishop of Canterbury.
C .He encouraged the church to have a closer relationship with Rome.
D .He took care to maintain the independence of the church.

20. The Magna Carta had altogether___D___ clauses.
A .50 B .53 C .58 D .63
21. The__B____ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.
A .Whigs B .Tories C .Radicals D .Nonconformists
23. The House of Lord is presided over by the__B____.
A .Archbishop of Canterbury B .Lord Chancellor C .Queen D .Archbishop of York
24. The capital of Scotland is___C___.
A .Belfast B .Cardiff C .Edinburgh D .Dublin
25. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation? C
A .About 200 years B .About 300 years C .About 400 years D .About 500 years
27. Mrs. Thatcher was British Prime Minister from__C____.
A .1980, 1990 B .1982, 1988 C .1979, 1990 D.1979, 1984
28. The present Sovereign of Britain is___C___.
A .Philip B .Elizabeth I C .Elizabeth II D .Charles
30. The destruction of the___B___ in 1588 showed England’s superiority as a naval power under Elizabeth I’s reign.
A .French Fleet B .Spanish Armada C .Danish Vikings D .Portuguese Navy
31. The replacement of James II by William and Mary has been known as___A___.
A .the Glorious Revolution B .the Restoration C .the Reformation D .the Renaissance
32. The decade of 1980s is remembered in Britain as the era of__C____.
A .centralization B .nationalization C .privatization D .industrialization
33. The Church of Scotland is a____C__ church.
A .Methodist B .Baptist C .Presbyterian D .Catholic
34. The longest river in Britain is____A__.
A .the Severn River B .the Thames River C .the Mersey River D .the Clyde River
35.__D____ were the people who laid foundation of the English state.
A .The Celt B .The Romans C .The Jutes D .The Anglo-Saxons
36. Mrs. Thatcher’s Medium-term Financial Strategy was characterized by___D___.
A .prices control B .incomes control C .state interventionism D .privatization
37. The British Prime Minister is appointed by___A___.
A .the Queen B .the Speaker C .the House of Commons D .the House of Lords
38.___A___ is the highest judiciary officer in Britain.
A .The Lord Chancellor B .The Home Secretary C .The Attorney General D .The Prime Minister
39. The well-known Lake District in Britain is located in___B___.
A .north Scotland B .north-west England C .north Wales D .Northern Ireland
41. Henry VIII was above all responsible for the___D___ reform in England.
A .milita

ry B .economic C .social D .religious
44. Around which time period did the Celts start to arrive in Britain?___C___
A .3000 B.C. B .2000 B.C. C .700 B.C. D .500 B.C.
45. The death of King__C____ marked the perishing of Anglo-Saxon England.
A .Alfred B .Edward C .Harold D .William
46. England has been a Protestant country since the reign of___D___.
A .Henry VIII B .Edward VI C .Mary Tudor D.Elizabeth I
47.___B___ was Britain’s first colony in America.
A .Plymouth B .Jamestown C .Philadelphia D .New York
50. The head of State in Britain is___A___.
A .the king or queen B .Prime Minister C .Parliament D .Prince of Wales
51. In Great Britain, the___A___ is uniquely related to the Crown.
A .Church of England B .Church of Scotland
C .Church of Ireland D .Church of Wales
52. Among the four political divisions of Britain, ___A___ is the most densely populated.
A .England B .Scotland C .Wales D .Northern Ireland
54. The hundred years’ war between England and France was declared by__C____.
A .Henry III B .Edward I C .Edward III D .Henry V
55.___C___ was a king that was so enthusiastic about agricultural changes that he got the nickname “Farmer George”.
A .George I B .George II C .George III D .George IV
56. The end of Britain’s empire was hastened by___C___.
A .World War I B .the Great Depression C .World War II D .the Korean War
58. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from___A___.
A .the 11th and 12th centuries B .the 12th and 13th centuries
C .the 14th and 15th centuries D .the 18th and 19th centuries
61. There were___D___ Tudor monarchs who ruled England and Wales and the first one was______.
A .4, Henry V B .5, Henry VII C .6, Henry VII D .7, Henry VIII
62. The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was a___B___ conspiracy.
A .Scottish B .Catholic C .Puritan D .Spanish
65. Which of the following people are not descendants of the Celts ? A
A .English B .Scots C .Welsh D .Iris
68. Greater London is divided into 32___C___ and the City of London.
A .districts B .counties C .boroughs D .regions
71. As a transitional period, Renaissance covered the years between___C___ and______.
A .1150, 1450 B .1250, 1550 C .1350, 1650 D .1450, 1750
72.___C___ is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.
A .The Renaissance B .The English Reformation
C .The English Civil War D .the Glorious Revolution
73. Which of the following countries was not a member of the “Allies” during World War I? B
A .Britain B .France C .Russia D .Germany
74 .Among the following industri

al cities,___A___ is not based on coalfields.
A .London B .Glasgow C .Edinburgh D .Manchester
s that begin with M’, Mc or Mac are___C___ names.
A .English B .Welsh C .Scottish D .Irish
77. The first Christian church in Britain was established in___C___.
A .London B .York C .Canterbury D .Bath
80. The British East India Company was established in______.
A .1500 B .1600 C .1700 D .1800
81. The Midlands refers to the area of___A___.
A .central England B .central Lowlands of Scotland
C .North-East England D .North Wales
82. By tradition, the Prime Minister of Britain is also First Lord of__A____.
A .the Treasury B .the Home Office
C .the Foreign and Commonwealth Office D .the Ministry of Defense
83. Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates___B___.
A .the birth of Christ B .the resurrection of Christ
C .the coming of the Holy Spirit to Christ’s apostles D .the death of Christ
84. The most important river in Britain is__B____.
A .the Severn River B .the Thames River C .the Mersey River D .the Clyde River
85. Margaret Thatcher was leader of the___A___ Party.
A .Conservative B .Labor C .Liberal D .Democratic
86. In December 1653, Oliver Cromwell was made___C___ of the Commonwealth of England.
A .King B .General C .Lord Protector D .Lord Chancellor
89.___C___ is the most typically English of sports.
A .Football B .Rugby C .Cricket D .Horse racing
90. King___C___ was known of his piety as “the Confessor”.
A .Alfred B .Canute C .Edward D .William
91. Henry VIII’ s religious reform began as a struggle for___B___.
A .power B .a divorce C .equality D .peace
93. The___A___ are Anglo-Saxons.
A .English B .Scots C .Welsh D .Irish
95. It was___C___ that united the Houses of Lancaster and York.
A .Edward V B .Richard III C .Henry Tudor D .John Beaufont
96. During the First Civil War of England, the supporters of Parliament were called____B__.
A .Cavaliers B .Roundheads C .Royalists D .Crusaders
97. The Beatles was a band formed by four boys from___B___.
A .Manchester B .Liverpool C .London D .Edinburgh
98. England got its name “Angle” land from___C___.
A .the Celts B .the Romans C .the Germanic conquerors D .the Danes
99. Which city used to be the Roman capital in Britain? A
A .London B .York C .Bath D .Edinburgh
102. The home of golf is___B___.
A .England B .Scotland C .France D .the U.S.A
105. Which of the following statements is not true about William the Conqueror? D
A .He was Duke of Normandy. B .His ca

valry was then the finest fighting horsemen in Europe.
C .He was Norman. D .He was crowned as King of England at Canterbury.
106. Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Britain in___C___.
A .1930 B .1935 C .1940 D .1945
109. During the American Civil War, the army of the North was known as ___D__.
A. the Continental Army B. the Confederate Army C. the U.S. army D. the Union Army
110.___C___ is sometimes called the birthplace of America.
A. The Midwest B. the Great Plains C. New England D. The south
111. In the U.S., the Senatorial term is ____C_____ years.
A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
112. The Marsh Plan offered economic aid to ___D___.
A. European countries B. Western European countries
C. Eastern European countries D. European countries except the Soviet Union
1. The statement “A person cannot step into the same river twice.” was said by __C___.
A. Pythagoras B. Plato C. Heraclitus D. Democtitus
2. ____B____ said, “One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.”
A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales
3. ____C____ founded the science of logic.
A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales
4. The Republic was written by _____A______.
A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales
5. “Question-and-answer” technique was created by ____B_____.
A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales
6. “The Renaissance” was between ____B_____.
A. 1500-1700 A.D. B. 1400-1700 A.D. C. 1300-1600 A.D. D. 1400-1600 A.D.
7. ____B_____ said, “I think; therefore, I am”.
A. David Hume B. Rene Descartes C. John Rock D. George Berkeley
8. _____B_____ was called the farther of modern Rationalism.
A. David Hume B. Rene Descartes C. John Rock D. George Berkeley
9. ____C____ was called the modern father of Empiricism.
A. David Hume B. Rene Descartes C. John Rock D. George Berkeley
10. ____A_____ combined elements of both Rationalism and Empiricism into one new comprehensive system.
A. Immanuel Kant B. George Hegel C. John Lock D. George Berkeley
11. ____B____ were mainly interested in love, Nature and art.
A. The National Romantics B. The Universal Romantics
C. The Classical Romantics D. The contemporary Romantics.
12. The British Isles is made up of ___B_____
A. Three large islands and hundreds of small ones
B. Two large islands and hundreds of small ones
C. Three large islands and dozens of small ones
D. Two large islands and dozens of small ones
13. Between 1337 and 1453 the ___C___ took place in Britain.
A. Wars of Roses B. Black death C. Hundred Years’ war D. peasants uprising
14. Which of the king was executed in the civil war? B
A. James I B. Charles I C. James II D. Charles II
15. Westminster Palace is the _____A______.
A. seat of British House of Parliament B. seat of English Ch

C. residence of king and queen D. Residence of Prime Minster
16. No. 10 Downing Street is ____B____.
A. Office of British Navy B. Official residence of Prime Minster
C. Seat of English parliament D. Official residence of King
17. The oldest university in Britain is ____C ____.
A. Cambridge University B. St. Andrews University C. Oxford D. Edinburgh University
18. British English is spoken in ___D____.
A. Great Britain B. Australia C. New Zealand D. A,B and C
21.The goal of Roosevelt’s New Deal was ____A_____.
A. to save the American economic and political system B. to change the American economic system
C. to weaken monopoly interests in America D. to nationalize banks and financial institutions in America.
22.The American Civil War lasted from ___C____ to _______.
A. 1858,1861 B. 1861, 1863 C. 1861, 1865 D. 1863, 1867
5.The narrowest part of the English Channel is the Straits of Dover, which is only___B___ km across.
A .25 B .33 C .43 D .50
11.__C___ is the major port of Scotland.
A. London B. Edinburgh C. Glasgow D. Liverpool
13.The most important river in Britain is___B___.
A .the Severn River B .the Thames River C .the Mersey River D .the Clyde River
29. The capital of Northern Ireland is ___A_____.
A .Belfast B .Cardiff C .Edinburgh D .Dublin
30. The capital of Wales is __B______.
A .Belfast B .Cardiff C .Edinburgh D .Dublin
19. The tower of London, located in the center of London, was built by ___B____.
A. King Harold B. William the Conqueror C. Robin Hood D. Oliver Cromwell
20. In English individualistic culture, one should not bother Englishmen without a good reason and making appointment beforehand seems to be important. It is best reflected by an English proverb ____B______.
A. as welcome as a storm B. an Englishmen’ s house is his castle
C. don’t wear out your welcome D. outstay one’s welcome
21. The oldest university in Britain is ____C____.
A. Cambridge University B. St. Andrews University C. Oxford D. Edinburgh University
21.The goal of Roosevelt’s New Deal was ___A______.
A. to save the American economic and political system
B. to change the American economic system
C. to weaken monopoly interests in America
D. to nationalize banks and financial institutions in America.
23.During World War I, the U.S. government actually pursued a policy of ____A_____.
A. neutrality B. pro-Ally partiality C. pro-Axis partiality D. appeasement(绥靖政策)
24. The American population movement between the end of the civil war and 1880 had much to do with ___C____.
A. the westward movement B. the urbanization
C. the industrialization D. the development of hi-tech industries
27. __B___ constitute the dominant sector of the U.S. economy.
A. state-

owned business B. privately owned business
C. independent professionals D. government-run business
28. Among the Great Lakes, __D____ is the only one entirely in the United States.
A. Lake Superior B. Lake Huron C. Lake Ontario D. Lake Michigan
1. Alfred the Great
2. Easter
3. Downing Street
4. Aristotle
5. The American Civil War
6. The Abolitionist Movement
7. The Emancipation Proclamation
8. the Chunnel
9. Electoral College
10. William the Conqueror
11. Valentine’s Day
12. The New Deal
13. The Elizabethan Age
14. Independence Day
15. Halloween
16. Monroe Doctrine
17. Jefferson’s Liberalism
18. The Mississippi River
19. The Great Lakes
20. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
21. “the Big Apple”
22. Washington. D. C.
23. The British parliament
24. The Renaissance
25. Protestantism
26. Oxford University
27. What are the problems and challenges for the US Economy?
28. How has religion influenced British education?
29. Explain the US Health Care System
30. Why do Americans value youth more than old age?
31. Name and highlight the three eras of British economic development.
32. Why do the British continue to support their monarchy?
33. Compare and contrast Rationalism and Empiricism.
34. Why do we study philosophy?
35. Discuss the effects of the Industrial Revolution on English society.


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