当前位置:文档之家› 5.《内部招聘推荐(自荐)申请表》





Passage 1 Digital Cameras [00:45.70]①According to a standard definition, / [00:48.34]a digital camera is a camera that produces digital images / [00:53.63]that can be stored in a computer, displayed on a screen and printed. / [01:00.17]②Years ago people used to possess two different devices / [01:04.47] in order to take pictures and make videos. / [01:08.42]③The creation of digital cameras was motivated mainly by two factors. / [01:14.04]④First, need to spare space. / [01:17.78]⑤Second, make it more comfortable for people [01:21.07]to do both things with higher quality results. / [01:25.49]⑥The multi-functionalism of digital cameras [01:28.62]and the combination of several devices in one / [01:32.12]make it a popular choice for a modern man. / [01:35.99]⑦For years a digital camera has been unaffordable for many families. / [01:41.39]⑧However, the variety of digital cameras and various prices nowadays / [01:47.06]make it possible for almost every single family to buy a digital camera. / [01:52.92]⑨With increasingly fierce competition, / [01:55.51] the digital camera manufacturers satisfy customers [02:00.35]with lower prices but best quality standards. Passage 2 The Migration of Birds [00:48.91]①The most obvious feature of birds is that they can fly. / [00:52.81]②This facility gives them great mobility and control over their movements. / [00:58.39]③Many species can travel quickly and economically over long distances —/ [01:04.28]up to thousands of kilometers, / [01:07.14]if necessary, crossing seas, deserts or other inhospitable areas. / [01:13.46]④They also have great orientation and navigational skills, / [01:18.14]and are able to remember and re-find [01:21.42]remote places they have previously visited. / [01:24.61]⑤Birds can thereby occupy widely separated areas at different seasons, / [01:30.80]returning repeatedly to the same localities from year to year. / [01:35.76]⑥Although migration is evident in other animal groups, / [01:40.09]including insects, mammals, and fish, / [01:43.49]in none is it as widely and well developed as in birds. / [01:48.22]⑦The collective travel routes of birds span almost the entire planet. / [01:53.69]⑧As a result of migration, bird distributions are continually changing—/ [02:00.05]on regular seasonal patterns, and on local, regional or global scales. Passage 3


WinKawaks 1.45局域网联机方法 硬件条件:至少2台电脑,通过局域网联机 需要软件: 1、WinKawaks 1.45模拟器(两台电脑上都要安装) 2、Kaillera服务器端,作为主机的电脑安装即可。(附件中提供下载) 步骤: 1.配置并运行Kaillera服务器端: 参照: Kaillera Server 0.86非常小,只有21KB,下载后无须安装,只需解压到硬盘即可。解压 后主要的文件只有两个,主程序kaillerasrv.exe和配置文件 Kaillerasrv.conf。该软件的 使用非常简单,只要运行kaillerasrv. exe即启动了kaillera server。 在运行之前,我们需要对 kaillerasrv.conf文件作一些必要的配置,让我们的服务器运行 得更加称心如意。用记事本打开 kaillerasrv.conf,下面我们来修改一些重要配置。 第三行为ServerName=(服务器名称),在等号后键入你自己服务器名称,如KOF stage,最 大长度为 64个字节。 第八行为MaxUsers=(最大用户数),服务器中最多可以容纳的人数,默认为10,建议改为4 。 第九行为Port:27888(端口号)。 第十一行Public=,默认为1,如果你要在互联网上对战,无须改动,若在局域网中对战, 请改为0。 第十五行IP=(服务器的ip地址),在这里输入你的公网厂地址 (互联网对战)或是内网,ip 地址(局域网对战)如192.168.0.1。 第二十六行MaxConnSet=(最大连接类型限制),默认为O{即不限制).1为bad,2为Low, 3 为 Average,4为Good.5为Excellent, 6为LAN。如设置MaxConnSet为5.则客户端不能以 LAN方式登录你的服务器。 好了.修改了上述关键配置.就可以运行Kaillerasrv.exe了.当然.别忘了要事先连接网 络。运行后会出现.一个DOS登录窗口,它会自动记录一些用户登录信息。 在互联网上对战 因为普通互联网用户的ip地址都是不固定的,所以在对战前首先要知道自己机


四级短文听写的长度一般在200到250词之间,包括8个单词填空和3个句子填空。全文朗读三遍。第一遍朗读时,中间没有停顿,供考生听懂全文内容;第二遍朗读时,单词空格中间没有停顿,句子空格大约有60秒的停顿时间,要求考生把听到的内容填入空格;第三遍朗读与第一遍一样,中间没有停顿,供考生核对所填内容。 Lecture 1第一讲5招扫清填词障碍 从某种意义上说,短文听写实际上也是一种完形填空。我们可以利用完形填空技巧,根据空格前后的语法结构、近义或反义复现等卷面材料所提供的已知信息来预测空格处的未知信息,从而提高答题的针对性,减少盲目性。第一招:利用句子的语法结构根据句子的主谓搭配、动宾搭配、修饰关系以及虚拟、倒装等语法结构关系,判断所缺单词充当的成分,从而推测出所填词的词性及形式(名词单复数或动词的时态、语态等)。 【例1】(11 6 42,43)Albert Einstein (42)this in 1905, when he (43) the concept of relative time as part of his Special Theory of Relativity. 【解析】分析句子结构可知,空格(42)以及空格(43)所在分句均缺少谓语动词,(42)题答案为predicted,意为“预测”。(43)题答案为introduced,意为“引进,介绍”。 第二招:利用语义连贯根据上下文中的关键词与空格前后词语在语义上的连贯,推断所填词可能的含义。 【例2】(08 12 39)Crime rates have always been high in multicultural, industrialized societies such as the United States, but a new (37) has appeared on the world (38) —rapidly rising crime rates in nations that previously reported few (39) . 【解析】空格(39)前的形容词few表明此处应填复数名词。此句与but前一句的情况构成转折,前一句说,犯罪率在美国等具有多元文化的工业化社会一直很高,空格所在句则说“犯罪率在那些以前很少有(39) 报道的国家开始快速上升”,为了确保语义上的连贯,所填词应有“犯罪,罪行”之意。本空答案为offences,意为“犯罪,罪行”。37题答案为phenomenon (现象),38题答案为scene(场景)。 第三招:从逻辑衔接中寻找线索根据上下文及句际间的逻辑关系(如并列、转折、因果等)推测所填词可能的含义(主要通过连接词、介词短语和副词来判断)。 【例3】(04 6 S5)Anyone may go there and read anything in the collection. But no one is (S5) to take books out of the building. 【解析】转折连词but前是说“任何人都可以进去阅读收藏的书籍”,根据but的特点可知,其后应该是说“任何人都不可以把书拿出大楼”,由此可知所填词应该表示“可以,允许”之意。本空答案为permitted,意为“允许”。 第四招:利用上下文的照应或复现关系注意在同一语境中寻找能够与所填词构成近义、反义或同根等复现或照应关系的词语,从而推测出所填词可能的形式或含义。近义词或反义词的出现常伴有表示并列或转折关系的信号词。 【例4】(09 12 43)For example, descripti ve writing might list the colors an artist used in a painting or the (43) a composer included in a musical composition, so as to make pictures or sounds in the reader s mind by calling up specific details of the work. 【解析】分析句子结构可知,所填词应与前面的colors并列,故很可能也是名词复数,二者后面都跟了一个省略了that的定语从句;所填词的定语a composer… in a musical composition 提示,该词应该与composer, musical属于同一个语义场,故应该与音乐有关。本空答案为instruments,意为“乐器”。


两台电脑联机方法 先设置好IP(最好是用手动,自动会减慢系统开机和联网速度)再在我的电脑-网上邻居-设置家庭或小型办公网络就OK了 根本用不着买路由器,双网卡 双网卡是用在省钱的条件下三太电脑互联的;路由器是用在多台电脑上网用的,有自动拨号和防火墙功能! 两台电脑,只要对联线就可以了,电脑城有卖! 两台电脑怎样互联 随着时代的发展,电脑在现在的家庭中的普及程度越来越高,而且已经有很多的家庭拥有了两台甚至两台以上的电脑。对于这些用户来说,如何把两台电脑连接在一起,组成一个最小规模的局域网,用来共享文件,联机玩游戏,共享打印机等外设,甚至共享MODEM上网就成为应用中的一个焦点,这就是我们这里所说的“双机互联”。 双机互联方法很多,你可以使用两块以太网卡,通过非屏蔽双纹线(UTP)连接;也可以通过串口或并口直接连接,或使用USB接口连接,还可以利用计算机的红外线接口无线连接以及通过两台MODEM通过拨号实现远程共享等等。在这些方法中,用两块网卡通过双绞线连接是最简单方便同样也是最常用的一种连接方式,下面我们就着重介绍通过这种方式来实现双机互联。 一、通过网卡互联 1、网线的制作 在连接网络之前,我们首先应该考虑的是网线的制作。一般若使用双绞线组建网络,需要一个集线器(HUB),通过集线器联网时,双绞线的夹线方法非常容易,只需把两头的网线一一对应的夹好就可以了,夹线顺序是两边一致,统一都是:1、白橙、2、橙、3、白绿、4、蓝、5、白蓝、6、绿、7、白棕、8、棕。注意两端都是同样的线序且一一对应。这就是100M网线的做线标准,即568B标准,也就是我们平常所说的正线或标准线。 可是作为只有两台机器的小网络,买一台几百元的集线器有点太浪费了,事实上我们可以不用集线器而用网线直接把两台电脑连接起来,不过这时候网线的做法就要有一些小小的改变,通过改变网线的顺序来实现不用集线器的双机互联。具体的做法是:一端采用上述的568B 做线标准不变,另一端在这个基础上将这八根线中的1,3号线和2,6号线互换一下位置,这时网线的线序就变成了:1、白绿、2、绿、3、白橙、4、蓝、5、白蓝、6、橙、7、白棕、8、棕。这就是100M网线的568A标准,也就是我们平常所说的反线或交*线。按照一端568B,一端568A的标准排列好线序并夹好后,一根适用于两台电脑直接连接的网线就做好了。 2、网卡的安装


一(5)班*上学期*值日安排表 备注: 1.每周五大扫除一次。 2.值日生当日值日具体安排以劳动委员具体分配为准。 星期 周次(日期) 学号 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 2(09.04-09.08) 3(09.11-09.15) 4(09.18-09.22) 1-10 5(09.25-09.29) .42 11-20 6(10.09-10.13) 21-30 7(10.16-10.20) 31-42 8(10.23-10.27) 1-10 9(10.30-11.03) 11-20 10(11.06-11.10) .42 21-30 11(11.13-11.17) 31-42 12(11.20-11.24) 1-10 13(11.27-12.01) 11-20 14(12.04-12.08) 21-30 15(12.11-12.15) .42 31-42 16(12.18-12.22) 1-10 17(12.25-12.29) 11-20 18(01.01-01.05) 21-30 19(01.08-01.12) 31-42 20(01.15-01.19) .42 1-10


听写作文5篇 篇一:听写今天下午上学到教室,老师就把上午听写的作业发给了我们。我一看错了很多,才几十分,我难过极了。后悔没有好好复习,妈妈让我多写多练,我没有做到。放学后妈妈接我,我偷偷看妈妈,妈妈不快乐。妈妈差不多收到老师发的短信了。我低着头对妈妈讲了一声:“对不起”妈妈什么也没讲带着我走了。回家的路上,妈妈依旧没忍住吵了我。我哭了!我明白错了,我以后一定好好学习,认真复习,认真完成作业。篇二:听写今天早上我在家里认真复习英语单词,为下午的英语听写做预备。上英语课的时候,老师第一件事就是给我们报听写。我听着老师报的第一个单词后,想了想,写了下来。接着,老师又报了几个单词,我紧张地抓紧写下来,生怕自己写错。老师改好了英语听写单词,发下来我看了看,“呀,又有这么多错啊,真是不可思议!”看来我的经历力也是非同一般的差呀,下次可要好好努力了!篇三:听写今天晚上,妈妈给我和爸爸听写,妈妈就随便念了几个词,我就在纸上写,等妈妈念道最后一个词:“舞蹈”的时候,我就有点可不能写了,然而那个“舞”字我会写,只是那个“蹈”我就可不能写了……突然,我想起一年级下册的时候,薛老师讲过“蹈”字的小儿歌的时候,我就立即把那个字写了出来,我真快乐,我的了今天的听写小明星,爸爸还没有我写的字漂亮呢,因此妈妈就给爸爸扣了2分。篇四:听写晚上妈妈给我听写生字,我觉得这些字都非常简单,觉得自己写的还好。写完后,妈妈让我自己检查,我大概看了看,告诉妈妈讲:检查过了,全对。结果,妈妈检查的时候,发觉我有两处写的不认真。两处差不多上写完字,组词的时候,没有重新写那个字。真是不小心呀!晚上心情一直都不行,写作业注意力不够集中,唉,内心一直想着下午摔跤的事呢!真后悔呀,以后一定听妈妈的话!篇五:听写今天听写生字,李老师给我发了一块糖,我非常感谢李老师。放学后,奶奶来接我,我告诉奶奶:今天上课听写生字,我写的好,李老师给我们写的好的同学都发了糖,奶奶讲:确实吗?,我讲:是的,奶奶讲:宝宝真乖,宝宝只要努力,老师都会看见的,坚持哦!我要认真写字,做个好学生。


无敌风火轮 一、项目类型:团队协作竞技型 二、道具要求:报纸、胶带 三、场地要求:一片空旷的大场地 四、游戏时间:10分钟左右 五、详细游戏玩法:12-15人一组利用报纸和胶带制作一个可以容纳全体团队成员的封闭式大圆环,将圆环立起来全队成员站到圆环上边走边滚动大圆环。 六、活动目的:本游戏主要为培养学员团结一致,密切合作,克服困难的团队精神;培养计划、组织、协调能力;培养服从指挥、一丝不苟的工作态度;增强队员间的相互信任和理解。 信任背摔 一、游戏简介:这是一个广为人知的经典拓展项目,每个队员都要笔直的从1.6米的平台上向后倒下,而其他队员则伸出双手保护他。每个人都希望可以和他人相互信任,否则就会缺乏安全感。要获得他人的信任,就要先做个值得他人信任的人。对别人猜疑的人,是难以获得别人的信任的。这个游戏能让使队员在活动中建立及加强对伙伴的信任感及责任感。

二、游戏人数:12-16人 三、场地要求:高台最宜 四、需要器材:束手绳 五、游戏时间:30分钟左右 六、活动目标:培养团体间的高度信任;提高组员的人际沟通能力;引导组员换位思考,让他们认识到责任与信任是相互的。 齐眉棍 一、游戏简介:全体分为两队,相向站立,共同用手指将一根棍子放到地上,手离开棍子即失败,这是一个考察团队是否同心协力的体验。在所有学员手指上的同心杆将按照培训师的要求,完成一个看似简单但却最容易出现失误的项目。此活动深刻揭示了企业内部的协调配合之问题。 二、游戏人数:10-15人 三、场地要求:开阔的场地一块 四、需要器材:3米长的轻棍 五、游戏时间:30分钟左右

六、活动目的:在团队中,如果遇到困难或出现了问题,很多人马上会找到别人的不足,却很少发现自己的问题。队员间的抱怨、指责、不理解对于团队的危害……这个项目将告诉大家:“照顾好自己就是对团队最大的贡献”。提高队员在工作中相互配合、相互协作的能力。统一的指挥+所有队员共同努力对于团队成功起着至关重要的作用。 驿站传书 一、游戏类型:团队协作型 二、游戏目的:使学员强烈意识到,充分沟通对团队目标实现的重要意义;制度规则的建立与修正。 三、游戏介绍:全队成员排成一列,你们每个人这时候就相当于一个驿站,到时候培训师会把一个带有7位数以内的数字信息卡片交到最后一位伙伴的手中,你们要利用你们的聪明才智把这个数字信息传到最前面这位伙伴的手中.当这位伙伴收到信息以后呢要迅速的举手,并把当然了信息写在纸片上交给最前面的培训师!!比赛总共会进行四轮.在信息传递的过程当中我们会有一些规则来约束. 四.游戏规则:项目开始后:(所谓项目开始是指培训师喊开始,信息从后面一位伙伴开始传递那刻起) 1,不能讲话. 2.不能回头 3.后面的伙伴的任何部位不能超过前面人身体的肩缝横截面以及无限延伸面.(前后标准要以最前面的某个物品做参照,比如白板.离白板近则为前,离白板远则为后)


先讲红警 红警技尤里复仇局域网连接方法 1,IPX协议要装,连网的每台都要装,具体做法: 网络连接属性里,本地连接属性,点安装,找到IPX协议安装上就可以了。 2,游戏序列号要改,连网的每台都要不同,具体做法:游戏目录里有一个名叫“Woldata.key”的文件,用记事本打开,把最后两位数字改了就行了,每台不同)如果打开后是乱码,把我下面给出的复制进去替换原来的字符—— 1099147831053729756164962240188076412641984091367227079218816949160819737271132505 7266741593997146213246811979244021552319061240\SETUP.INI 把最后两位数“40”每台改成不同的就可以了 3,设置目标网络,连网的每台都要相同,具体做法: 进入游戏后,点选项,网络设置,在“目标网络”上填写好,如:“”或“”等等,八位数字三个点,一样就可以了。 OK,所有步骤完毕,有时可能无法连机,那么重新启动一下就可以了。 ——玩吧,可以了。 同一个路由器上的电脑怎么设置成局域网连网打游戏 如何安装路由器 在每台机器在上安装网卡的驱动程序(在有的WINDOWS XP中带有网卡驱动,就不需要再安装),再用网线把每台机器都联接起来,即每台机器一条网线,一端联电脑上的网卡,一端联交换机上的任一个端口。再把你的ADSL猫和路由器之间用一根网线联接起来。 设置每台机器的IP地址:点“网上邻居”,点“查看网络联接”,用右键点“本地联接”,点“属性”,选“INTERNET协议(TCP/IP)”,点属性,就可以进行IP地址设置了。路由器IP地址设为192.168.1.0,各台电脑的IP地址设为192.168.*,其中“*”为2-255之间的任意一个数字都可以,但不可同名。作为网关地址,留给联接上网的调制解调器(猫、路由器)使用。这样,一个小型局域网就基本建成了。DNS地址是网络服务商提供的服务器地址。 最后,设置小型办公网络:打开“网上邻居”,点“设置家庭或小型办公网络”,点“下一步”,再点“下一步”,选“其他”点“下一步”,选“这台机器直接或通过网络集线器连接到INTERNET”,点“下一步”,设置你的计算机名(各台不能同名),设置工作组名(各台必须一样,才能在一个工作组内,互相才能访问),选“启用文件和打印共享”,弹出一个对话框询问是不是要共享,点“是”,再点下一步,等待设置完成,选“完成该向导,我不要在其他计算机上运行该向导”,点下一步,点“完成”。OK,你重启机器后就可以了。 注意:你在局域网内的每台机器上都要这样设置小型办公网络一次,才能实现文件和打印机的共享。


(一) Time is, for the average American, of utmost importance. To the (1) visitor, Americans seem to be more concerned with getting things(2) on time(according to a predetermined schedule) than they are with developing deep(3) . Schedules, for the American, are meant to be planned and then followed in the smallest detail. It may seem to you that most Americans are completely(4) by the little machines they

wear on their wrists, cutting their discussions off (5) to make it to their next appointment on time. Americans’language is filled with(6) , giving a clear (7) of how much it is valued. Time is something to be”on”, to be “kept”, “filled””saved”,”wasted”,”gained””planned””given””mad e the most of”, even”killed”. The international visitor soon learns that it is considered very rude to be late- even by 10 minutes- for an(8) in America.


怎样搭建简单的局域网对战平台 本帖最后由秋水长天于 2009-10-28 13:18 编辑 一。战事准备 1.网络选择 在小范围内组建局域网,因为机器比较少,最简单、最便捷的方法就是选择对等网。对等网就是指以HUB(集线器)为中心(交换机也可以),所有的计算机通过网线和集线器连接起来进行通信(图1),其实就是我们常说的星形网络。该网络具有安装方便,故障易查、易排除等特点。 2.硬件安装 至少需要两台电脑外,还要购买了一台TP-Link TP-1005m 5 口交换机(65元搞定的)、两根网线以及一块网卡。安装好网卡后,用网线分别将电脑和交换机连接,可以选择任意的端口连接,打开交换机的电源就OK了。 3.网络设置 完成硬件安装之后,并不能说明已经组建好网络了,还需要进行相应的网络设置。

Windows XP操作系统,看看是怎么设置的。 首先,在A电脑中依次点击“开始→连接到→显示所有连接”,在打开的“网络连接”窗口中右键单击“本地连接”,选择“属性”。 提示:如果安装了多块网卡,那么在“网络连接”窗口会显示“本地连接”、“本地连接2”、“本地连接3”……应该选择当前使用的网络连接。 在打开的属性窗口中单击“安装”按钮,在选择网络组件类型窗口中选择“协议”,单击“添加”按钮。并选择了“NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol”(图2),单击“确定”按钮进行安装。安装完成之后,就可以在“本地连接”属性窗口中看到NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS和NWLink NetBIOS项目。 提示:NWLink IPX/SPX协议主要对联网游戏提供支持,所以在局域网中玩游戏必须安装该协议;NWLink NetBIOS协议主要用于数十台计算机的小型局域网。为了保证网络文件的共享,比如A和B电脑共享游戏安装目录,还必须保证选择“Microsoft网络的文件和打印机共享”项目。 协议是安装好了,可是为了能在局域网中互相看到对方,还需要设置TCP/IP。同样是在“本地连接”属性窗口的“常规”选项卡中,双击“Internet协议(TCP/IP)”项目,选择“使用下面的IP地址”,输入IP地址,A输入的是192.168.0.1,子网掩码为;默认网关、DNS服务器地址不设置。最后,连续单击“确定”按钮完成设置。


In addition to being the first great (1) , Charlie Chaplin was also one of the most (2) directors in history and a great talent as writer and composer. Chaplin had a(3) childhood and an early start in the (4) business. He was born in a poor district of London on April 16,( 5) . His mother was a (6) singer, (7) most of her life in and out of mental(8) . His father was a fairly successful performer until he began (9) . After his parents separated, Charlie (10) most of his childhood in a workhouse. Later he played a leading role in a comedy act; by the age of 19 he had become the most popular performer in England. In addition to being the first great comedian, Charlie Chaplin was also one of the most gifted directors in history and a great talent as writer and composer. Chaplin had a miserable childhood and an early start in the entertainment business. He was born in a poor district of London on April 16, 1889. His mother was a talented singer, spending most of her life in and out of mental hospitals. His father was fairly successful performer until he began drinking. After his parents separated, Charlie spent most of his childhood in a workhouse. Later he played a leading role in a comedy act; by the age of 19 he had become the most popular performer in England.


《盖瑞模组》游侠平台局域网联机教程+中文免安装绿色硬 盘版下载地址 游侠对战平台下载地址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/e69388032.html,/thread-5162896-1-1.html 联机QQ群:1群 328968415(满),2群 165867368(可加),3群 428349561(满),四群497795971(推荐) . 游戏或者联机问题请加游侠对战平台客服QQ:800172213。 《gmod》V2015.06.01中文免安装绿色联机硬盘版下载地址(整合很多MOD)建主机的时候,本地服务器打钩。 请务必用旧浏览器——lan那边进别人的主机,请务必关了防火墙!! 百度网盘:https://https://www.doczj.com/doc/e69388032.html,/s/1mhWVHTe BT下载:https://www.doczj.com/doc/e69388032.html,/show.php? hash=810c2cefdce02a164de156d653bfd8f3e02a07fe 旋风分享:https://www.doczj.com/doc/e69388032.html,/?YvmmEbA 安装说明 开始游戏或者解压缩游戏时候注意关闭杀毒软件,防止误杀免DVD文件。游戏路径一定要是全英文路径!!! 1). 使用winrar软件解压缩到硬盘任意目录 2). 运行hl2-LAN.exe。 建主机的时候,本地服务器打钩。

把这个.NET4.5.2也要安装了:https://www.doczj.com/doc/e69388032.html,/showpatch/29186.html 进游戏在右下角选择中国国旗,就是改成中文。 找别人主机的话,必须点这里的旧版浏览器,然后在浏览器里面选择LAN(局域网),然后看主机的信息,得到主机IP。或者在专房让建主机的人直接告诉你他的虚拟IP。


英语专业四级听写50篇文本(Oct. 22, 2011) Passage 1 Professor Bumble Professor Bumble is not only absent-minded but short-sighted as well. His mind is always busy with learned thoughts and he seldom notices what is going on around him. On a fine day recently, he went for a walk in the countryside. But as always, he read the book as he walked. He hadn't gone far when he ran into a large cow and fell down. He had lost his spectacles in the fall, and he thought he had stumbled over a fat lady. "I beg your pardon, madam," he said politely before searching for his glasses. As soon as he had put the glasses on,he realized his mistake. Soon he was concentrating on his book again and paying no attention to anything else. He had scarcely been walking for five minutes when he fell over again, losing both his book and his glasses. This time he became very angry. Seizing his umbrellas, he struck the "cow" in anger. Then, after finding his glasses, he realized with horror that he had made a second mistake. A large fat woman was running away from him in terror. (187 words) Passage 2 Teamwork Teamwork is just as important in science as it is on the playing field or in the gym. Scientific investigations are almost always carried out by teams of people working together. Ideas are shared, experiments are designed, data are analyzed, and results are evaluated and shared with other investigators. Group work is necessary, and is usually more productive than working alone. Several times throughout the year you may be asked to work with one or more of your classmates. Whatever the task your group is assigned, a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successful experience. What comes first is to keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas deserve consideration and each group member can make his or her own contribution. Secondly, it makes a job easier to divide the group task among all group members. Thirdly, always work together, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another. Mutual support and trust often make a great difference.(166 words) Passage 3 Mistakes Are Good Teachers After the birth of my second child,I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced waitress for a few days,I was allowed to wait on tables on my own. When Saturday night came,I was luckily given the tables not far from the kitchen. However,I still felt a little hard to carry the heavy trays. So I moved slowly, minding every step. I remembered how happy I was when I saw a tray standing next to the tables. It looked different from the one I was trained on,and it had nice handles which made it easier to move around. I was pleased with everything and began to believe I was natural at this job. Then, an old man came to me and said that was his wife's walker. I stood frozen as ice,but my face was on fire. Since then, I have learned to be more careful and not to be too sure of myself. (164 words)


Changing Rate of Employment West Germany had one of the lowest rates of unemployment back in 1980. It stood at just 3%. But then over the next three years it rose quite sharply and steadily. In 1982 it was nearly 6%, and in 1983 it was the same as France. 1984 saw a slight increase, and 1985 a slight fall. The 1985 figure was 8%, in between France and the United States. The United States has had ups and downs, or rather, it’s the only country to show a significant drop in the number of unemployed. This is d ue to high interest rates, which haven’t helped the rest of the world. In 1980 the rate was about the same as France and Great Britain, slightly higher than France, actually, at about 7%. This rose to 7.5% in 1981, and then peaked the following year at over 9%. Creativity Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of high intelligence. That a person is highly intelligent does not mean he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce original ideas that are good for something. There are things that parents can do at home to encourage creativity. They can involve children in decision-making if the problem is appropriate, asking the child for suggestions. Parents can help their children to understand the consequences of various decisions. Parents should also encourage their children to talk out loud about things they are doing, thinking and language skills are closely related. Talking out loud improves language skills and thinking skills. It is important to give children choices. As children grow older, parents should let their children make more serious decisions, but not automatically help them too much if they make the wrong decision. This may be confusing for the child, but that is all right. This is because one of the most important traits of creative people is a very strong motivation to make order out of confusion.

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