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基于 STM32的指纹识别系统的设计




关注和需求下,得到了长足的发展,出现了各种不同的指纹识别系统,然而大多数指纹识别系统是基于PC 机的,在便捷性和可移动性上还存在很多不足。基于嵌入式的指纹识别成为了人们的研究的方向,并取得了一定的成果。然而在这些应用中还有很多不足等待大家的讨论研发,需要更进一步的研究和改善,以提高系统的应用前景。本文通过对嵌入式相关知识、图像预处理等方面的理论知识进

行研究 ,在前人的基础之上 ,开发了一套小型的嵌入式身份识别系统。本文根据要

设计的身份识别系统的功能来讨论了相关的指纹识别系统的硬件设计,完成了基于STM32 微处理器的指纹识别系统设备的硬件电路设计和相应的软件设计。该

系统具有指纹图像采集、指纹库中数目统计、指纹比对、指纹录入等功能。另外 , 本文电路设计中选取的电器件在价格和性能上都有一定的优势。同时,本文对指纹识别系统的过程和相关的原理进行了一定的分析和研究,重点研究指纹图像的


关键词:指纹识别 ; STM32;嵌入式技术;图像预处理

The design of the fingerprint identification

system based on STM32


With the advent of the era of economy and the development of science and technology, people's living standards have further pursuit, gradually improve the safety of the life, the one which has the function of authentication security fingerprint identification technology under the people's attention and demand, the rapid development, appeared a variety of fingerprint identification system, but most of the fingerprint identification system is based on PC, there are still many deficiencies in the convenience and mobility. Based on embedded fingerprint identification has become people the direction of the research, and achieved some results. However

in these applications and there are many inadequate wait we discuss research and development, the need to further research and improvement, in order to improve the application prospect of the system. Based on the embedded knowledge, image preprocessing, etc to study the theory of knowledge, on the basis of predecessors, has developed a small embedded identification system. Identification based on to design the system function to discuss the related fingerprint recognition system hardware design, completed the fingerprint identification system based on STM32 microprocessor equipment design of hardware circuit and software design. The system has a fingerprint image collection, fingerprint library statistics, fingerprints, fingerprint input number, and other functions. In addition, this paper selected from the circuit design of electric have a certain advantage in price and performance. At the same time, in this paper, the fingerprint recognition system has been conducted for the

process and the related principle of analysis and study on the key research of fingerprint image pretreatment process.

Keywords:fingerprint identification; STM32; Embedded technology; Image preprocessing


I Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ II 第 1 章绪论 (1)

1.1 引言 (1)

1.2 指纹识别技术 (1)

1.3 指纹识别研究的现状 (2)

第 2 章 STM32 嵌入式指纹识别系统的设计 (2)

2.1 设计的概述 (2)

2.1.1 图像分割 (2)

2.1.2 指纹图像的收敛 (3)

2.1.3 指纹图像的二值化处理 (3)

2.1.4 指纹图像的细化 (3)

2.1.5 指纹图像增强 (4)

2.1.6 特征点的提取 (4)

2.2 指纹传感器的分类 (4)

2.2.1 光电式指纹传感器 (4)

2.2.2 热敏指纹传感器 (5)

2.2.3 电容式指纹传感器 (5)

2.2.4 超声波指纹传感器 (6)

2.2.5 压敏指纹传感器 (6)

2.3 指纹采集程序设计 (6)

2.3.1 指纹比配 (7)

2.3.2 图像场计算 (7)

2.4 细节提取 (8)

8 第 3 章系统的硬件设计及软件设计 ...............................................................................................

3.1 指纹识别系统的硬件 (8)

3.1.1 采集方式 (9)

3.1.2 MBF200 传感器概述 (11)

3.1.3MBF200 主要寄存器 (11)

3.1.4MBF200 的主要功能 (12)

3.1.5 SPI 通信模式 (12)

3.2 STM32 指纹识别的软件 (12)

3.2.1 系统主程序设计 (13)

3.2.2 传感器初始化程序 (14)