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【篇一:2016年12月英语四级作文预测:名人隐私】 2016年12月英语四级作文预测:名人隐私


1. 许多媒体都热衷于揭露名人的隐私

2. 出现这种现象的原-因

3. 我的看法


in recent years, many newspapers and magazines focus on the activities of film stars, pop singers and some other celebrities. reporters disguise their

identities, infiltrate the subject’s business and family, or even bug and wiretap them to get the news by whatever means.

it is not difficult to explain the reason for the reporters’ great interest in celebrities’ private lives. what matters to a newspaper or a magazine is the number of readers. a large readership means the rise in the circulation of their publications, hence a huge profit. since celebrities are newsworthy figures, and their stories draw far more attention than those of ordinary people, it is natural that the press tries to feature private lives of celebrities.

in my view, famous people are also citizens. they have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people — their privacy should be respected, protected and guaranteed by laws under all circumstances. therefore, the press should stop invading their privacy.




















part-time job兼职工作 economic burden经济负担

working experience工作经历 competition and cooperation竞


tuition学费 course arrangement课程安排

extracurricular activities课外活动 distance education远程教育

required course/compulsory course必修课

take an examination/sit an examination参加考试

live outside campus住在校外 food services饮食

application form申请表 withdraw/draw cash取钱

instructor辅导老师 student union学生会

undergraduate本科生 postgraduate研究生

credit学分 degree学位


①in recent years, studying abroad has become a new craze among college students.如今,留学在大学生中成为一种新的热潮。

②with the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market.随着大学的扩招,越来越多的毕业生在就业市场面临激烈的竞争。

③diploma and certificates are still significant standards by which many employers m easure a person’s ability. in order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.


④during the holidays, a growing number of students choose to be volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike.


⑤some students spend too much time in taking part time jobs so as to ignore their study. therefore, we are supposed to try to balance the relationship between social practice and study.





cyber culture计算机文化 online love affairs网恋

net bar网吧 shopping online网上购物

cyber chat网上聊天 virtual net虚拟网络

net partner网友 surf on the internet网上冲浪

net citizen网民 cyberspace网络空间

cyber college网络大学 convenient and effective方便有效

e-bank电子银行 kill time打发时间

information security信息安全 the popularity of computer电脑的普及

be addicted to对……上瘾 campus network校园网络

release one’s pressure减轻压力 e-mail电子邮箱


①no invention has received more praise and abuse than the internet.


②it is commonly thought that our society had been dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.


③as a product of modern computer and the internet, online games have become extremely popular among college students.


④but as we see, some students lacking self discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected.

但是,正如我们看到的,一些缺乏自律的学生沉迷于网络游戏以至于影响了健康和学习。⑤more significantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.





lung cancer肺癌 smoking-related diseases抽烟引起的疾病

lose weight减肥 go on die节食

under the weather生病、不舒服 flight-headed头昏眼花

drowsy昏昏欲睡 flu流感

epidemics瘟疫 rampant猖獗的

contract infections得传染病 pick up the habit养成这种习惯

physical and mental condition身体与精神状态 overweight/fat


mentally unhealthy精神不健全的 be good for/do good to对……有益处

good living habits良好的生活习惯 take regular exercise进行有规律的运动

unhealthy eating habit不健康的饮食习惯 junk food垃圾食品



属于你,却对别人最有用的网络身份证像我们前面谈到过的那样,网民们自认为在网络世界里非常安全,其中一个重要的假设是:在网上,只要自己不说,永远没有人能搞清楚自己是在哪里上网。网上人多了去了,到哪去找我啊!实际上,这是一个根本不存在的假设。用不着在现实生活中有任何接触,通过网络本身,准确地发现一个正在上网的人的地理位置是举手之劳的事,非常简单。这是因为,和现实生活中每个人都有一个身份证一样,每个上网的人也都有一个“网络身份证”,它精确地记录着每一个网民在现实生活中的详细地理位置和姓名等重要信息。更重要的是,网络身份证的发放是强制性的,也就是说,任何一个人,只要你上网,就必须出示自己的网络身份证,否则,就别想“跨过”网络世界的门槛。和现实生活中的身份证不同,网络身份证的发放与年龄无关,不管你是不是达到18岁的成人年龄,只要上网,哪怕是三岁的小孩,也得持有网络身份证才行。现实生活中的身份证还存在着被伪造的可能,而就网络身份证而言,则完全没有这种可能。一个网民的网络身份证永远是和这个网民的真实信息相对应的,在网络世界里,通过网民的网络身份证去查找这个网民是不会出错的。网络身份证之所以无法逃避、无法伪造,是因为它既不能拿在手上,也不能放在口袋里,而是存放在网民上网时使用的电脑上! 和个人身份证一样,网络身份证也分为持证人姓名和家庭住址两部分。不过,网络身份证上的家庭住址是用“ip地址”来表示的,ip地址看上去有点复杂,其实和现实生活中居民身份证上的家庭地址没有太大差别。网络身份证上的“电脑名称”则对应于身份证上的姓名。看看自己的网络身份证下面以一台使用中文windows xp/2000上网的电脑为例,演示一下如何在电脑上查找自己的“网络身份证”。查找“网络身份证” 1.显示“开始”菜单:把鼠标放到电脑屏幕左下角“开始”图标上,用鼠标左键单击这个图标,就弹出了“开始”菜单。 2.打开“运行”窗口:用鼠标左键单击“开始”菜单中的“运行”项,弹出“运行”窗口。

3.打开“命令”窗口:在“运行”窗口中输入“cmd”三个字符,然后回车,弹出“命令”窗口。 4.输入“ipconfig”命令:在“命令”窗口光标闪动处输入“ipconfig/all”12个字符,然后回车。 5.显示ip设置信息:如图所示,窗口中显示的是ip设置信息,其中host name 后显示的是“电脑名称”,ip address后显示的是当前的ip地址,格式是。 ip地址就是你在现实世界的地址 ip地址是惟一的,也就是

说互联网上任何两台电脑的ip地址都是不同的。正是因为ip地址的这一特性,它成为电脑在互联网上的惟一标识。需要注意的是,ip 地址是公开的,不仅你自己,互联网上的任何人都可以看到,这样互联网上的任何人也都可以通过这个ip地址,准确地发现你是在什么地方上网。那么,这短短的一组数字里面究竟隐藏着什么魔力,竟然能让远在天边的人通过网络发现你的藏身之地呢?这要从互联网上的电脑相互之间是如何交流信息的谈起。我们知道,在现实生活中,人与人之间的交流是通过语言进行的。你要和一个人对话,首先必须知道这个人在什么地方,如果你根本看不见对方、根本不知道这个人在什么位置,那就算是喊破嗓子,你的话也到不了对方的耳朵里。这不叫对话,这叫自言自语!互联网上的电脑也同样如此,你上网用的电脑,要想与其他电脑对话,必须首先知道对方电脑的位置。对方电脑也必须知道你的电脑的位置,只有这样,两台电脑之间才能进行信息交流。你也才能在互



ip地址查询网站不要吃惊,当你自己登录上面这三个网站时,虽然你根本没有进行任何操作,它的首页上依然会显示出你电脑的ip地址,而且还会显示你是来自哪个城市,包括你的电脑使用什么样的操作系统、用什么浏览器等。事实上,这些网站了解到的你的信息远远要比上面列举出来的多得多,只是故意隐藏起来罢了。如果不用上面三个网址,网上也有的是各种免费软件让你把任何一个你感兴趣的网友在现实生活中的真实地址搞得清清楚楚。在某个黑客网站上,短短一天时间内,一款名叫“网络探测器”的软件被下载了66 855 499次!“网络探测器”能实现的功能如下。 1. 可以根据ip地址追踪对方所在位置,提供国内163/169宽带网的大部分地址,最精确可追踪到哪一家网吧、哪一所学校及哪一个单位。ip地址数据库每周升级一次,确保能查询到国内外的绝大部分ip。 2. 扫描远程主机(ip),并探测出远程主机所开放的端口。 3. 获取本机ip地址和计算机名称。 4. 获取远程计算机时间。 5. 国际域名信息查询。

6. ping功能/域名或ip互转。在网络身份证中,除了ip地址,另外一个重要项是电脑的名称,也就是你用来上网的那台电脑在互联网上的名字。我们在前面提到用ipconfig命令查找ip地址时,也说明了如何查看电脑的名称,但是,它有一个弊端是不能显示中文说明。下面仍以windows xp/2000 中文操作系统为例,来介绍另一

种查看电脑名称的方法。查看电脑名称 1. 打开“系统属性“窗口:在电脑桌面上,将鼠标放在“我的电脑”图标上,用鼠标右键单击这个图标。这时会出现一个菜单,在这个菜单中选择“属性”一项,用左键单击它,即会弹出“系统属性”窗口。

2. 选择“计算机名”项:在“系统属性”窗口中,选择“计算机名”项,用鼠标左键单击此项,当前窗口显示的就是“计算机名”这一项。

3. 查看“电脑名称”:如图所示,在当前窗口中,“完整的计算机名称”这一项后显示的就是记录在网络身份证上的“电脑名称”。通常,我们习惯用自己的名字或者名字的一部分来命名电脑的名称。从某种意义上说,在网络世界,你的电脑的名称就是你的名字。和ip地址一样,这个名字在网络世界里也是公开的,谁都可以看到。这样,准确的地理位置和你在现实世界中的真实名字,一起构成了网民的“网络身份证”。在这样的“网络身份证”体系下,网络世界中,没有任何一个人是匿名的,恰恰相反,每个人都是透明的,任何一个网民上网时,他在现实生活中的具体地理位置和姓名都是向网络上的所有人公开的。实际上,人

们早就知道网络身份证的重要性,也早就把ip地址作为网站管理的一项重要手段广泛采用了。不知你是否注意到,很多聊天网站都显示了发言人的部分ip地址,这样做是有其深远意义的。它表明通过ip地址,网站能在现实生活中找到任何一个在互联网上发言的人。当然,也只有这样,“您要对您发表的言论的后果负责”,这句话才有意义。不要对网站提供的“匿名”发言服务产生误解,那只是意味着你没有使用你注册的网名发言罢了,而你的网络身份证仍然是公开的,网站一样可以通过ip地址,随时把你给找出来。需要说明的是,为了尊重网民,网站公布ip地址时,一般都把最后一个数字隐去了。但网站是完全知道那个被隐去的数字的。每一个网民都迫切需要树立起来的对互联网的正确认识是:互联网是透明的,而不是匿名的!nbspnbsp书包网 txt小说上传分享







双击任何一个“小甜饼”文件,打开后,它的内容可能是这个样子的:int t=1 1600 2412473088 29549672 999266080 * 对一个普通网


















1. 登录网站“非常男女”频道,单击了“热门约会”中三个女生的邀请:[北京]做我的情人吧、[北京]共度周末、[北京]激情浪漫真诚相约。


时间浏览了这三位女生的资料、照片,但并未回应她们。 2. 与此同时,还登录了网易的另外一个频道“非常男女论坛”,在这个频道下,选择了“闲聊瞎掰”版块,发了一个主题为“一个人过周末”的帖子,

帖子的内容是“寻找能共度周末的网友”。 3. 离开网易,登录新浪


禁之巅5”聊天室,在进入聊天室时,选择了男性身份。 4. 在聊了半个小时以后,又离开了新浪,登录了搜狐“约会频道”,浏览了“约会





5. 大约20分钟以后,离开了搜狐网站,来到了西陆网站的“社区论坛”(),选择了“图片艺术”下的“极品贴图”版块,停留了近50分钟,浏览了一些美眉的图片。

6. 离开西陆网站,再次来到新浪的











隐私泄露的英语作文 【篇一:2016年12月英语四级作文预测:名人隐私】 2016年12月英语四级作文预测:名人隐私 12月份的英语四级考期临近,时间越来越紧迫,同学们准备得怎么样了?如果想在考前突击一下作文的话,那么就来看看文都网校小编为大家整理的这些英语四级作文预测话题与范文吧,希望大家能够抓住考前这段时间,全力备考,在此文都四级小编预祝大家12月份通关顺利。 1. 许多媒体都热衷于揭露名人的隐私 2. 出现这种现象的原-因 3. 我的看法 参考范文: in recent years, many newspapers and magazines focus on the activities of film stars, pop singers and some other celebrities. reporters disguise their identities, infiltrate the subject’s business and family, or even bug and wiretap them to get the news by whatever means. it is not difficult to explain the reason for the reporters’ great interest in celebrities’ private lives. what matters to a newspaper or a magazine is the number of readers. a large readership means the rise in the circulation of their publications, hence a huge profit. since celebrities are newsworthy figures, and their stories draw far more attention than those of ordinary people, it is natural that the press tries to feature private lives of celebrities. in my view, famous people are also citizens. they have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people — their privacy should be respected, protected and guaranteed by laws under all circumstances. therefore, the press should stop invading their privacy. 以上就是小编为大家准备的英语四级作文范文,希望大家在考前认真的背诵几篇,然后别忘了总结出一套自己的模板。 如果想要了解更多英语四级写作技巧,可以与文都四级咨询老师进行沟通、交流。


关于网购泄露隐私英语作文 网上购物给予我们生活极大的便利,但是也带来了泄露隐私危害,下面作文啦小编为大家带来了网购泄露隐私英语作文,欢迎阅读! 网购泄露隐私英语作文【1】 A lot of smartphone apps can help you out if you let them access your phone's GPS. But even if you give permission, do you know everything they're doing with that information? Some computer scientists wanted to find out. So they modified the Android mobile phone platform to tag all data apps sent from the phone. Then they randomly selected 30 of the most popular Android apps, choosing only ones that require access to the Internet and access to the phone's GPS, camera or microphone. And they played with them, all while tracking the data each app sent out. Turns out 15---half the apps---sent the phone's location to third-party advertisers. Two apps did present user agreements---but they said nothing about sending that data. And a third of the apps revealed the phone's unique ID, sometimes along with the phone number and SIM card serial number. The findings will be presented at an upcoming USENIX Symposium. [William Enck et al.,


关于网购泄露隐私英语作文 关于网购泄露隐私英语作文 网上购物给予我们生活极大的便利,但是也带来了泄露隐私危害,下面作文啦小编为大家带来了网购泄露隐私英语作文,欢迎阅读! 网购泄露隐私英语作文【1】 A lot of smartphone apps can help you out if you let them access your phone's GPS. But even if you give permission, do you know everything they're doing with that information? Some computer scientists wanted to find out. So they modified the Android mobile phone platform to tag all data apps sent from the phone. Then they randomly selected 30 of the most popular Android apps, choosing only ones that require access to the Internet and access to the phone's GPS, camera or microphone. And they played with them, all while tracking the data each app sent out. Turns out 15---half the apps---sent the phone's location to third-party advertisers. Two apps did present user agreements---but they said nothing about sending that data. And a third of the apps revealed the phone's unique ID, sometimes along with the phone number and SIM card serial number. The findings will be presented at an upcoming USENIX Symposium. [William Enck et al., TaintDroid: An Information-Flow Tracking System for Realtime Privacy Monitoring on Smartphones] The researchers won't say which apps committed the worst offenses. But the re’s a good chance you could have some of the apps on your smartphone. And if one of them asks for your location, you can opt to have it mind its own business instead of yours.


科技带来的隐私泄露问题英语作文 In today's increasingly digital world, the issue of privacy leaks caused by technology has become a growing concern for individuals. 当今日益数字化的世界中,由科技带来的隐私泄露问题已经成为人们日益关注的焦点。 One of the main contributors to privacy leaks is the vast amount of personal data that is collected by companies and organizations. Individuals often unknowingly provide personal information through various online platforms, such as social media, e-commerce sites, and mobile applications. This data is then used by companies for targeted advertising, analytics, and other purposes, raising concerns about how it is being handled and protected. 隐私泄露的主要原因之一是公司和组织收集的大量个人数据。个人往往会在各种在线平台上无意中提供个人信息,比如社交媒体、电子商务网站和移动应用。这些数据随后被公司用于定向广告、分析和其他目的,引发人们对其处理和保护方式的担忧。 Furthermore, the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms has made it easier for companies to analyze and draw insights from massive amounts of data. While this can lead to


互联网为信息传播提供了便利,同时也容易侵犯他人隐私我的看法 英语作文 Recently, there exists an increasingly serious social problem. The problem of internet and privacy become a common concern of the public. It has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life. There are a couple of reasons booming this problem. But I think the main ones for internet areas follows. For one thing, internet is becoming more and more popular in people's life and has become an important part of people's life. For another the convenience of the Internet enables people to upload a lot of personal information when using it. Many criminals in order to seek benefits to steal others' personal information, which leads to the Internet personal information security become endangered. The leakage of personal information on the Internet may also cause users to suffer huge losses, such as fraud or marketing, serious will cause economic losses. In my opinion, when we use the Internet, we should be aware of our privacy, don't trust the information on the web, and don't click on strange websites. 互联网和隐私 最近,社会问题日益严重。网络和隐私问题成为公众普遍关注的问题。它已经对社会 和我们的日常生活造成了实质性的影响。 有几个原因使这个问题日益严重。但我认为互联网领域的主要问题如下。一方面,互 联网在人们的生活中变得越来越受欢迎,已经成为人们生活的重要组成部分。另一方面, 互联网的便利使人们在使用它的时候可以上传大量的个人信息。许多犯罪分子为了谋取利 益而窃取他人的个人信息,这导致互联网上的个人信息安全受到威胁。个人信息在互联网 上的泄露还可能给用户造成巨大的损失,如欺诈或营销,严重的会造成经济损失。 在我看来,当我们使用互联网时,我们应该意识到我们的隐私,不要相信网上的信息,不要点击奇怪的网站。


安全与隐私英语作文范文 In today's digital age, ensuring safety and privacy online has become more important than ever. In an era where personal information is constantly being shared and stored online, individuals must take measures to protect themselves from potential threats. 现今的数字时代, 确保在线安全与隐私变得比以往任何时候都更为重要. 在个人信息不断被分享和存储在线的时代, 个人必须采取措施来保护自己免受潜在威胁. One of the key aspects of online safety is protecting personal information from being accessed by unauthorized parties. This can be done by setting strong passwords, being cautious about what information is shared online, and utilizing security measures such as two-factor authentication. 在线安全的关键方面之一是保护个人信息不被未经授权的第三方访问. 这可以通过设置强密码, 谨慎分享在线信息, 以及利用两步验证等安全措施来实现. Furthermore, being aware of common online scams and phishing attempts is essential in protecting oneself from potential threats. Scammers often use deceptive tactics to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information or compromising their online security.


关于应用隐私泄露的英语作文 Privacy leakage is a growing concern in the era of advanced technology. With the increasing use of mobile apps and online platforms, our personal information is at risk of being exposed to unauthorized parties. In this essay, I will discuss the implications of privacy leakage and provide possible solutions to address this issue. Privacy leakage can have serious consequences for individuals. Firstly, it can lead to identity theft. When our personal information, such as our name, address, and social security number, falls into the wrong hands, it can be used for fraudulent activities. For example, someone could use our identity to open credit card accounts or apply for loans, leaving us with a damaged credit history and financial burden. Moreover, privacy leakage can also result in invasion of our personal space. When our private messages, photos, or videos are accessed without our consent, it can cause

互联网是我们的生活更加便捷 同时侵犯着我们的隐私英语作文

互联网是我们的生活更加便捷同时侵犯着我们的隐私 英语作文 The Internet makes our life more convenient and violates our privacy. The Internet has penetrated into all aspects of our life and work. We can study and work through it. We can find jobs through it. We can communicate through it. We can use it for entertainment. We can use it to buy and sell. We can do almost anything on the Internet, almost anywhere. However, while the Internet provides services for us, it inevitably infringes on our privacy to a certain extent. Most of the services on the website require our registration. If we want to enjoy these services, we must provide a lot of personal information, including our name, type, address, telephone number, and sometimes our bank account. Due to poor Internet management and weak network security, our information may be disclosed, stolen or sold. Sometimes even this information is abused by criminals. Considering the above situation, we must improve our vigilance in using the Internet. First of all, when we need Internet services, we should often log in to those big legal websites. Second, if the service needs important personal information, you should think twice before entering it.

保护互联网上的隐私英语作文_Protect privacy on the Internet 3篇

保护互联网上的隐私英语作文_Protect privacy on the Internet 3篇 导读:关于”保护互联网上的隐私“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Protect privacy on the Internet。以下是关于保护互联网上的隐私的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。关于”保护互联网上的隐私“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Protect privacy on the Internet。以下是关于保护互联网上的隐私的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:Protect privacy on the InternetThe Internet plays an important role in our daily life. We can get news and information at home. We can send e-mail and make phone calls on the Internet.We can also learn, read books and learn foreign languages on the Internet. We can listen to music, watch sports programs and play s. We can also shop on the Internet, which is very useful, but we have to use it correctly.中文翻译:互联网在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色我们可以在家里获取新闻和信息,我们可以在互联网上发送电子邮件和打。我们也可以在互联网上学习、阅读书籍和自学外语我们可以听音乐、看体育节目和玩游戏。我们还可以在互联网上购物,这非常有用,但我们必须正确使用它。万能作文模板2:保护互联网上的隐私To some extent, online education is no longer a new thing in our life. It has become a part of our daily life. We can do a lot of things on the Internet, such as searching for information recently


信息泄露的英语作文 信息泄露的英语作文 The day before yesterday,someone gave me a phone call.he said“che ,i am your leader,e to my office room right now”so i felt anxious and said”who are you?and what did i do?”.he just said”i am just your leader”.i realized he is a cheater.so i said”i will call the police”he hung up immediately.so i felt scared.and i have a question:who leak my information? Ten years ago,i have never thought our personal information is important.but now if your phone number is leaked,you will be drowned in a sea of junk short message.the ID card number is one of your most important personal information.because your bank card, driving license, student card and personal resume are both binding to your ID card number.so if your ID card number leaked, that pletely is a disaster. How did my information leak? In some film, a hacker use a puter attack a website and get many information.that is true.many puter virus can do this.and today is the age of big data, a good hacker can get your password from your other information.for example,a hacker build a false website, and you register for an

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