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The design of 110 KV substations is for preliminary design. First, according to the task given system and line book and all the parameters, make the analysis of load development trend. From the load increasing illustrates the necessity of the establishment of construction, and then through the generalization of substation and outlet to consider, and through the analysis of the data of load, safety, economy and reliability into consideration, determine the 110 KV and consumers 10 kV power station, as well as 35kV main connection. Analyses the argumentation of 110 KV substations auto-switch manner of various advantages of electrical equipment selection and calculation, the detailed description of short-circuit current calculation have strict calculations. And through the load calculation and scope of supply determined, the main transformer capacity and models. Finally, according to the maximum continuous working current and short circuit calculation results of calculation, make line protection, transformer protection, bus bar protection, lightning protection, substation to finish the whole design.

Keywords: Transformer substation;Consideration of load;Main Connection ;the choice of Electrical Equipment ;Relay


1 概述

1.1课题来源 (1)

1.2设计依据 (1)

1.3设计范围 (1)

1.4设计分工 (1)

1.5设计的基本要求 (2)

1.6基础资料 (2)

1.6.1原始背景资料 (2)

1.6.2变电站负荷情况分析 (4)

2 电气主接线方案的确定 (5)

2.1选择原则 (5)

2.1.1 主接线设计的基本要求 (6)

2.1.2主接线的设计依据 (8)

2.2主接线的方案与分析 (8)

2.2.1 110KV侧主接线设计 (9)

2.2.2 35KV侧主接线设计 (11)

2.2.3 10KV侧主接线设计 (12)

2.2.4 所用电设计 (13)

3 主变压器台数和容量的选择 (14)

3.1变压器的选择原则 (14)

3.2主变压器型式的选择 (14)

3.3主变中性点接地设计 (15)

3.3.1 110kV侧中性点接地方式 (15)

3.3.2 35kV、10kV侧中性点接地方式 (15)

3.4主变全绝缘、半绝缘、绕组材料等问题的解决 (16)

3.5变压器台数的选择 (16)

3.6变电站负荷计算 (17)

3.7变压器容量的选择 (18)

3.7.1主变容量选择及校验 (18)

3.7.2所用变选择 (19)

4 短路电流的计算 (21)

4.1短路概述 (21)

4.2 短路电流计算的目的 (22)

4.3 短路电流计算的条件 (22)

4.3.1基本假定 (22)

4.3.2一般规定 (23)

4.4短路电流的标么值算法 (23)

4.5短路电流计算结果 (24)

5 变电所电气设备选择 (29)

5.1概述 (29)

5.2选择设备的基本原则 (30)

5.3断路器的选择 (31)

5.3.1选择断路器时应满足以下基本要求 (31)

5.3.2断路器的主要参数 (31)

5.3.3断路器选择其他考虑因素 (31)

5.3.4 110kV断路器的选择: (32)

5.3.5 35kV断路器的选择: (33)

5.3.6 10kV断路器的选择 (34)

5.4隔离开关的选择 (34)

5.4.1隔离开关的作用 (35)

5.4.2形式结构 (35)

5.4.3选择条件 (35)

5.4.4选择隔离开关基本要求 (35)

5.4.5 110kV隔离开关的选择 (36)

5.4.6 35KV隔离开关的选择 (36)

5.4.7 10kV隔离开关的选择 (37)

5.5母线的选择 (37)

5.6电流互感器的选择 (39)

5.7电压互感器的选择 (40)

6 继电保护配置 (42)

6.1电力系统继电保护的作用 (42)

6.2保护装置的装设原则: (43)

6.3电力系统继电保护的基本任务 (44)

6.4继电保护的选择要求 (45)