当前位置:文档之家› 八年级下学期期末考试英语试题及答案










place of interest does he want to visit

A. B . C.

2. Which organization does Jack’s sister work for

A. B. C.

3. Where are the two speakers talking now

A. B. C.

4. Which sign do they talk about in the conversation

A. B. C.

5. When will the plane take off

A. 7:15.

B. 7:00.

C. 7:30.

6. What can we learn about this young man

A. He hasn’t got married.

B. He is very shy.


He has a sense of homour.

7. Why is the boy still in the library

A. Because the book is interesting.

B. Because he forgets the time.

C. Because the bad weather prevents him from leaving.

8. Which of the following is helpful to live a green life in

Daniel’s opinion

A. To drive to school.

B. To ride a bicycle to school.


To take the underground to school.

9. What does the woman want her son to do

A. Save energy.

B. Save water.

C. Reduce air pollution.

10. What can we learn from the man’s words

A. David lost his racket.

B. David should pick up his things.

C. David may be somewhere nearby.

第二部分:听对话和短文答题 (共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)




11. How many times has the boy read the novel

A. Never.

B. Twice.

C. Three times.

12. What will the girl probably do

A. She’ll borrow the novel.

B. She’ll go to buy the novel.

C. She’ll work in the bookshop.


Life in the past and now

What the speaker’s father did with the old radio He listened to 13 .

What the speaker’s grandpa’s new

radio looks like

It’s 14 .

What the speaker has now A 15 .

13. A. the news B. football matches

C. English

14. A. modern B. big C. small

15. A. radio B. computer C. television


16. What does the organization encourage

A. The understanding between children and adults

B. The understanding between people with and without intellectual disabilities

C. The understanding between the deaf and the blind

17. When was the organization set up

A. In 1898.

B. In 1968.

C. In 1986.

18. How many athletes take part in the activities now

A. A few hundred.

B. 107.

C. Over 4 million.

19. Besides athletic competition and other programs, what else does the organization provide

A. medical treatment

B. sports training

C. food and drinks

20.Whose lives are changed by the organization

A. People with poor children in poor areas.

B. People with intellectual disabilities in 170 countries.

C. People with intellectual disabilities in all countries

around the world.




21. As we all know, playing chess is usually

one-to-one game.

A. /; an

B. /; a

C. the; an

D. the; a

22. You two live in the same community now. It’s too hard

_____you to avoid_____ her.

A. of; meeting

B. for; to meet

C. for; meeting

; to meet.

23. My uncle will come _______ next month and he will stay here

for _______.

A. sometime; some time

B. sometime; sometime

C. sometimes; some time

D. some time; some


24. It’s careless ________ Jim ________ his homework to school.

A. for; to bring

B. for; not to bring

C. of; to bring

D. of; not to bring

25. Without enough trees, soil won’t be kept____. And then sandstorms may happen.

A. in the place

B. on place

C. in place

D. on the place

26. The young man_______ leave his office around eight o’clock

last night.

to B. is seen to C. was seen D.

was seen to

27. _______ of the people in the North live on wheat. They live

_______ on wheat.

A. Mostly; most

B. Most; mostly

C. Mostly; almost

D. Most; almost

28. These kinds of CD-ROMs in that shop over there. They well.

A. are sold; are sold

B. are sold; sell

C. sell;

sell D. sell; are sold

29. –Have you read the __ of the country you are going


–Yes. Now I know it’s famous for natural beauty.

A. instruction

B. introduction

C. interview

D. conclusion

30. Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Don’t

just ________ your dictionary all the time.

A. look on

B. take on

C. keep on

D. depend on

31. –Sally, I went to the concert last night. How b ig Yangzhou

Music Hall is!

– So it is. It is ________ to hold more than one thousand people.

A. big enough

B. enough big

C. too big

D. big too

32. – You haven’t been to Hong Kong Disneyland ,have you

–_______. But this summer I plan to go to Shanghai

Disneyland with my parents.

A. Yes,I did

B. No,I didn’t ,I have

D. No,I haven’t

33. – Did the doctors save the man

– Yes. He _____ on the morning of March 5th and now he is out of danger.

A. was operated

B. operated

C. operated on

D. was operated on

34. — Bill, can I get you anything to drink — __________.

A. You are welcome

B. No problem

C. It doesn’t matter

D. I wouldn’t

mind a cup of coffee

35. –You shouldn’t stay up late tonight. – Thanks, I will

go to bed earlier. .

A. No pain, no gain

B. I believe

practice makes perfect

C. Many h ands make l ight work

D. I won’t burn the

candle at both sides




I was walking down the road one day when my phone rang. 36 voice on the other end spoke to me, “Dad, please come b ack soon.

I miss you so much!” I thought that it was a wrong number.

A short while later, the call came once again, so I 37 impolite ly, “You’ve call ed the wrong number!” and then hung up.

During the 38 days, I often got the 39 call. But I

didn’t care much about it. Then one day she kept calling me,

40 I didn’t answer. Finally I a nswered the phone and heard

a weak voice, “Dad, pleas e come

b ack. I miss you so much! Dad, I’m i n so much 41 ! Mom said you were too busy to take care of me. But, dad, please 42 me again, OK” It was 43 to refuse the innocent(天真的)ask. I made a 44 kiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say, “Thank you…Dad, I am s o…happy, so…happy….”

Shortly after this, I became curious about 45 it was on

the other end of my p hone. So I called back, and a woman answered, “Sorry, sir. I am really sorry to 46 you. My daughter has

had bone cancer since she was born. And her father…died in a car 47 two weeks ago. I didn’t want to tell her the news.

Poor baby. When she couldn’t 48 the painful chemotherapy(化疗), she would cry for her dad because her dad

49 encouraged her. I really don’t know what to do, so I gave her a random(随意的) phone number…”

“How is your daughter now”I couldn’t wait to ask.

“She has died. You must have 50 her on the phone, because she died with a smile, tightly holding the cell phone….”Tears full of my eyes….

36. A. A boy’s B. A child’s C. My d aughter’s D. My son’s

37. A. spoke B. told C. returned D. answered

38. A. other B. front C. following D. coming

39. A. different B. same C. wrong D. funny

40. A. though B. and C. as if D. so that

41. A. dangerous B. troubles C. pain D.


42. A. look after B. kiss C. help D. support

43. A. easy B. sad D. happy

44. A. softly B. sweet C. lower D. wisely

45. A. that B. what C. who D. how

46. A. trouble B. ask C. stop D. reach

47. A. experiment B. event C. accident D. activity

48. A. receive B. stand C. fighting D. faced

49. B. sometimes C. never D. always

50. A. kissed B. taught C. shouted D. told




Scotland 12:00 noon Scotland is part of the UK. Egypt 2:00 .

Friday is already the

Japan 9:00 .

Japan is seven hours ahead

Canada 4:00 . to 8:30 . Canada is a big country with

51. If it is 12:30 . in eastern Canada, the time is _______ in

western Canada.

A. 8:00

B. 10:00 .

C. 1:30 .

D. 4:30 .

52. The people in needn’t go to work on Fridays.

A. Canada

B. Scotland

C. Japan

D. Egypt

53. While Canadian children are waking up, children in Scotland

are ________.

A. sleeping

B. having lessons

C. watching TV

D. playing games


I was telling my boy Sonny the story of the hare and the

tortoise. At the end I said, “Son, remember: Be slow and steady (镇定的), and that will win the race. Don’t you think there’s something to learn from the tortoise”

Sonny opened his eyes wide, “Do you mean n ext time when I’m entering for the 60-metre race I should wish that Billy, Tony

and Sandy would all fall asleep halfway”

I was shocked, “But the tortoise didn’t wish that the hare would fall asleep!”

“He must have wished that,” Sonny said, “Otherwise how could he be so foolish as to race with the hare He knew very

well the hare ran a hundred times faster than he himself did.”

“He didn’t have such a wish,” I insisted. “He won the race by perseverance (坚忍不拔), by pushing on steadily.”

Sonny thought a while. “That’s a lie,” he said. “He won it because he was lucky. If the hare ha dn’t happened to fall asleep, the tortoise would never have won the race. He could

be as steady as you like, or a hundred times steadier, but he’d never have won the race. That’s for sure.”

I gave up. Today’s children are not like what we used to

be. They’re just hopeless.

54. The writer wanted his son _______.

A. to learn from the tortoise

B. to open his eyes wide

C. to enter for the 60-meter race

D. to have a big wish

55. According to Sonny, it was the tortoise’s wish that _______.

A. the hare would be as steady as he was

B. he could run faster than the hare

C. the hare would fall asleep during the race

D. he would have a sleep during the race

56. Sonny believed that the tortoise won the race ________.

A. by pushing on steadily

B. by luck

C. by taking a risk

D. by telling a lie

57. It is clear that the writer ________ in the end.

A. learned a lesson

B. won the argument

C. became impatient

D. was satisfied


I hid the long black bag in the garage two days ago. Tonight, in the dark, I would finally take it away. If everything went

OK, it would be done by morning. But I had to be sure no one,

not even my wife, saw me.

It was more difficult to get away from the party than I

expected. I said that the children were tired and needed to get to bed. It was partly true. But the main reason for leaving was that I wanted to complete my plan.

First I had to get the kids to sleep. That was never easy

at any time and tonight it was even more difficult. The eldest one wanted to know why we left the party early. I told him 10:30 pm was not early. As usual, I read them a bed time story, but

I had to stop myself reading too quickly or they would learn

my secret.

Silence finally came, and feeling like a thief in the night, I went out of the house and into the garage. Taking one end,

I pulled the bag out from its hiding place and took it into the garden. I was worried that my neighbours might see me a nd call the police.

It was already eleven o’clock. By the light of the moon

I started working, trying to make as little noise as possible. And that was not easy with a saw (锯子) and a hammer (锤子).

After much h ard work, I finally completed my w ork. I looked down at my watch. It was exactly 4:00 am. Then I went inside

to have a shower and get a few hours of sleep. It wouldn’t be long now before the kids would rush into my room and wake me

up to tell me a bout the new tree-house Father Christmas brought them this year.

58. Why did the man feel nervous

A. He left the party too late.

B. He was afraid of the darkness.

C. He didn’t know where the black bag was.

D. He worried that others would know his secret.

59. The underlined word “they”in Paragraph 3 refers to_______.

A. thieves

B. parents

C. children

D. neighbours

60. In what order did the man do the following

a. Read the kids a story.

b. Had a shower.

c. Worked in the moonlight.

d. Pulled the bag from the garag

e. e. Went to a party.

A. e-d-a-b-c

B. e-a-d-c-b


a-b-e-d-c D. a-e-d-c-b

61. How w ould the childr en feel when t hey saw the man’s work

A. Interested.

B. Excited.

C. Tired.

D. Angry.


Most people around the world are right-handed. This also

seems to be true in history. In 1799, scientists studied works of art made at different times from 1,500 . to the 1950s. Most

of the people shown in these works are right-handed, so the

scientists guessed that right-handedness has always been common through history. Today, only about 10% to 15% of the

world’s population is left-handed.

Why are there more right-handed people than left-handed ones Scientists now k now that a person’s two hands each have their own jobs. For most people, the hand is used to

find things or hold things. The right hand is used to work with things. This is because of the different work of the two sides of the brain. The right side of the brain, which makes a person’s hands and eyes work together, controls the left hand.

The left-side of the brain, which controls the right hand, is

the centre for thinking and doing problems. These findings show that more artists should be left-handed, and studies have found that left-handedness is twice as common among a rtists as among people in other jobs.

No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed instead of left-handed. Scientists have found

that almost 40% o f the people become l eft-handed because their main brain is damaged when t hey are born. However, this doesn’t happen to everyone, so scientists guess there must be another

reason why people become left-handed. One idea is that people

usually get right-handed from their parents. If a person does

not receive the gene(基因) for right-handedness, he/ she may become either right-handed or left-handed according to the

chance and the people they work or live with.

Though right-handedness is more common than left-handedness, people no longer think left-handed people are strange or unusual. A long time ago, left-handed children were made to use their right hands like other children, but today

they don’t have to.

62. How many people in the world are left-handed now?

A. Less than one sixth.

B. More than a half.

C. About 40% passage doesn’t tell us.

of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “damaged” in this passage?

A. knocked

B. changed

C. broke

D. harmed

64. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT


A. No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed.

B. Left-handedness is cleverer than right-handedness.

C. Today children are not made t o use their right hands only.

D. Scientists think there must be some reason why people

become left-handed.

65. The best title for this passage is _______.

A. Scientists’ New Inventions


Left-handed People

C. Which Hand

D. Different


欢迎共阅人教版八年级英语期末考试题及答案 八年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 一、单项填空(共25小题,每题1分,计25分) 1.What____you______atthistimeyesterday? A.did;do B.are;doing C.were;doing 2.Shedidn’tgohome.Ididn’tgohome,_______. A.too B.also C.either 3.Heaskedme_____areportcard. A.write B.writing C.towrite 4.TheteachersaidIcoulddobetter_____English. A.in B.at C.for 5.Thankyoufor______mewithmyhomework. A.help B.helps C.helping 6.____iseasyforachildtowakeupandknowwheretheyare. A.It B.That C.This 7.I’msurehewill_____passtheexam. A.can B.isableto C.beableto 8.____eyeexercises____good_____youreyes. A.Doing;are;for B.Do;is;for C.Doing;is;for 9.Theriverisverydirty.______peoplewanttoswiminit.

A.Afew B.Little C.Few 10.I’vebeen________forfivehours. A.skate B.skating C.skated 11.Therearemanytreeson______sideofthestreet. A.both B.every C.each 12.Theman_____glassesismyphysicsteacher. A.with B.has C.wears 13.Thereislittlemilkinthebottle,________? A.isit B.isthere C.isn’tthere 14.Howdidyoumakehim______? A.stoptalking B.tostoptalking C.stopstalking 15.Canyoutellus____? A.wheredoeshelive B.wherehelives C.wherehedoeslive 16.—Howdoyouusuallycometoschool? —_____myfather’scar. A.By B.In C.With 17.Theteachertoldthechildrenthattheearth____aroundthesun. A.moves B.moved C.wasmoving 18.---Whichdoyouprefer,orangesorapples? ---_______.I‘dlikebananas. A.Yes,both B.Neither,thankyou C.No,thanks


2017—2018学年度下学期期末素质教育测评试卷 八年级英语 (时间:120分钟满分:120分) 一、听力(共二节,计25分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段小对话,每段对话后面对应一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出与所听对话内容相符的图片的最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有5秒钟的答题时间并阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 第二节(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 听下面7段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,完成第6至7小题。

( ) 6. When did Tony go to work in the old people’s home? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last summer. ( ) 7. What did Tony do for the old people? A. Read newspapers. B. Told stories. C. Cleaned the rooms. 听第7段材料,完成第8至9小题。 ( ) 8. Where are they going tomorrow? A. To the science museum. B. To the art museum. C. To the space museum. ( ) 9. How are they going there? A. Ride their bikes. B. Take the subway. C. Take the bus. 听第8段材料,完成第10至11小题。 ( ) 10. What time did Lucy call Jack yesterday evening? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00. ( ) 11. Who was Jack with? A. His father. B. His mother. C. His friend. 听第9段材料,完成第12至14小题。 ( ) 12. What is Karen going to do using the computer? A. To play games. B. To check the e-mail. C. To buy things. ( ) 13. Where is Karen’s e-pal from? A. Australia. B. French. C. Canada. ( ) 14. What does Karen like doing? A. Traveling. B. Making friends. C. Cooking. 听第10段材料,完成第15至17小题。 ( ) 15. Where is the new library? A. On Ocean Road. B. Next to the museum. B. In London School. ( ) 16. What can they do in the video reading room? A. Listen to tapes. B. Borrow some books. C. Search the Internet. ( ) 17. When can they see a free film? A. On Tuesdays. B. On Saturdays. C. On Sundays. 听第11段材料,完成第18至20小题。 ( ) 18. Why hasn’t Amy done her math homework yet? A. Because it’s too difficult for her. B. Because she wants to wait for Daniel. C. Because she wants to watch TV first. ( ) 19. When are they going to meet after school? A. At four o’clock. B. At five o’clock. C. At six o’clock. ( ) 20. What subject can Amy help Daniel with? A. English. B. Science. C. Physics. 听第12段材料,完成第21至25小题。 ( ) 21. How long has the writer been living in the Taihe village?


新人教版八年级上册期末英语试卷附答案 (总分:100分时间:100分钟) 第?卷(共60分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ()1. Yesterday I only bought _________ for my cousin, but __________ for myself. A. something; something B. nothing; something C. nothing; nothing D. something; nothing ()2. We _________ our holidays in Hong Kong next year. A. visited B. spent C. are going to visit D. are going to spend ()3. My sister is as __________as her classmate Joe, so they are good friends. A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the more outgoing D. the most outgoing ()4. Of all the boys, John does his homework ___________. A. more careful B. the most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully ()5. There _________ a book sale in our school next month. A. will be B. will have C. was D. has ()6.Mr Smith plans _________ here much longer because he has lots of things to do. A.to keep B. keep C. to stay D. stay ()7. ——Does your brother __________ play soccer? ——Yes. He plays it every day. A. often B. never C. hardly ever D. sometimes ()8.Our son is going to study medicine when he __________ school. A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. left ()9.——Will you go boating this Saturday? ——___________. We will camp by lake. A. Yes, we will. B. No, we won’t. C. Yes, we do D. No, we don’t. ()10. ——Do you know Lin Shuhao? ——Yes, he is one of ____________ basketball player in NBA. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. the more popular ()11. ——We’ll have a picnic _______ it doesn’t rain tomorrow. ——Have a nice day. A.when B. because C. if D. since ()12.Susan, get some eggs and butter and _________. A. mix up them B. mix them up C. mix up it D. mix it up ()13.——Can you go camping with me tomorrow? ——_________. A. No, I don’t. B. Sure. C. No, I can’t. D. Let’s make it. ()14.What ________ if I ________ to turn off water? A. will happen; forget B. Will happen; will forget C. happen; forget D. happen; will forget ()15. ——_________ are these oranges and pears? ——About thirty yuan.


n .选择填空(20分) ( )16. Every one ____ h ere. No one is away. A. is B. are C. be D. am ( )17. Please ____ call me Dann y. I'm Mary. A. not B. don ' C. n ot to D. does n't ( )18. --- Would you like to go boating ? A. Yes, please B. No, I like C. Yes, I 'like to D. No, I dlike ( )19. If you don 't know the way, you can ___ the policema n for help. A . speak B. tell C. ask D. say ( )20. They are too heavy. Do you n eed ____ help ? A .any B. a C. many D. some ( )21. If it doesn 'train, we ____ a football match. A .are havi ng B. will have C. have D. are have ( )22. _____ you ____ f ree next Saturday ? A .Will, are B. Will be C. Do, be D. Have, bee n ( )23. We ____ waste water. A .must B. shouldn't C. need n't D. can ' ( )24. When school was over yesterday, it ______ . A .was snowing B. is snowing C. sno wed D. has sno wed ( )25. I would like _____ a teacher. A. be B. to C. to be D. not be ( )26. ---What did Tom say ? ---Tom said ______ well in speak ing. A .he think he did B. he thinks he did C. he thought he did D. he thought he does ( )27. I dlike to ______ t he message to Jim for you. A .put on B. tur n on C. pass on D. work on ( )28. If you want to get good grades, you must be ____ all the time. A」azy B. busy C. hard-work ing D. stressed out


精心整理 人教版八年级英语上期末考试卷及答案 第Ⅰ卷(100分) ws. 第二节:对话理解。(每小题2分,共10分) 听两遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。

()6.Howmanypearsdotheyneed? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. ()7.WhatwillDaviddoiftheschoolhasaconcert? A.Playtheguitar. B.Playtheviolin. C.Playthepiano. 提及)intheletter? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. ()12.WhatkindofmilkshakeisAlicesfavorite? A.Bananamikeshake. B.Applemilkshake. C.Carrotmilkshake.

()13.Ifyouwanttomakeacarrotmilkshake,youdontneed_______. A.ice B.honey C.juice ()17.Myfathermustbeangry____me,__________? A.About;mustnthe B.with;mustnthe C.with;neednthe D.with;isnthe ()18.Wehave________studentsthisyearthanlastyear.

A.many B.manymore C.much D.muchmore ()19.Wouldyoulike________now,John? A.sweetanythingeat B.sweetanythingtoeat C.somethingsweeteating D.somethingsweettoeat A.wear B.puton C.with D.in ()25.We_____outgoingand_____swimming. A.areboth,likeboth B.areboth,bothlike C.bothare,bothlike D.bothare,likeboth


2020-2021学年第一学期期末测试 八年级英语试题 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 第Ⅰ卷 Ⅰ. 听力测试。 第一节 听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 1. A. Sure. B. No, she can’t. C. Never mind. 2. A. Yes, he will. B. No, they won’t. C. Y es, they do. 3. A. First, peel an orange. B. It’s easy. C. Finally, drink it. 4. A. For two hours. B. Every day. C. Twice. 5. A. Not at all. B. Sorry. C. Thanks. 6. A. In a week. B. Last week. C. On the weekend. 第二节 听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 7. A. She watched TV. B. She went somewhere. C. She prepared for a test. 8. A. a piano lesson. B. A big dinner. C. A soccer game. 9. A. In the school. B. In the hospital. C. In the bookstore. 10. A. On foot. B. By train. C. By air. 11. A. The woman. B. Tom. C. The winner. 12. A Monday. B. Tuesday the 1st. C. January 1st. 第三节 听两遍,根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听下面一段材料,回答第13和14小题。


( ) 1. I think difficult for us to learn a foreign language well. A. it B. that C. this ( ) 2. She often provides food and clothes the homeless children. A. of B. with C. for ( ) 3. Teenagers sho uldn’t be allowed . A. to drive B. drive C. to driving ( ) 4. Have you even seen him ? A. before B. ago C. just now ( ) 5. Why don’t you an English club to practice English? A. to join;to speak B. join;speaking C. join;to speak ( ) 6. —Where is your father? —He Australia and he Sydney for two weeks. A. has been to;has been in B. has gone to;ha s been in C. has been in;h as been to ( )7.Joe to Shanghai last year. A. has gone B.went C.goes ( )8.This pair of shoes from England A.are B.is https://www.doczj.com/doc/e418629991.html,e ( )9.His father________his hometown for twenty years.He really


人教版八年级英语期末考试题及答案 八年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 一、单项填空(共25小题,每题1分,计25分) 1. What ____ you ______ at this time yesterday? A. did; do B. are; doing C. were; doing 2. She didn’t go home. I didn’t go home, _______. A. too B. also C. either 3. He asked me _____ a report card. A. write B. writing C. to write 4. The teacher said I could do better _____ English. A. in B. at C. for 5. Thank you for ______ me with my homework. A. help B. helps C. helping 6. ____ is easy for a child to wake up and know where they are. A. It B. That C. This 7. I’m sure he will _____ pass the exam. A. can B. is able to C. be able to 8. ____eye exercises ____ good _____ your eyes. A. Doing; are; for B. Do; is; for C. Doing; is; for

9. The river is very dirty. ______ people want to swim in it. A. A few B. Little C. Few 10. I’ve been ________for five hours. A. skate B. skating C. skated 11. There are many trees on ______ side of the street. A. both B. every C. each 12. The man _____ glasses is my physics teacher. A. with B. has C. wears 13. There is little milk in the bottle, ________? A. is it B. is there C. isn’t there 14. How did you make him______? A. stop talking B. to stop talking C. stops talking 15. Can you tell us ____? A. where does he live B. where he lives C. where he does live 16. — How do you usually come to school? — _____ my father’s car. A. By B. In C. With 17. The teacher told the children that the earth ____ around the sun. A. moves B. moved C. was moving 18. --- Which do you prefer, oranges or apples?


人教版八年级英语上期末考试卷及答案 第Ⅰ卷(100分) I. 听力测试。(共30分) 第一节:情景反应。(每小题2分,共10分) 听两遍,根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答语。( )1. A. delicious. B. Twice. C. once a week. ( )2. A. Yes, I did. B. No, she didnt. C. He saw many old things. ( )3. A. Chongqing University. B. In Chongqing. C. In September. ( )4. A. Star Cinema is better. B. Gold Cinema. C. Its the nearest. ( )5. A. Yes, its interesting. B. I dont mind it. C. No, but I like talk shows. 第二节:对话理解。(每小题2分,共10分) 听两遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。( )6. How many pears do they need? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. ( )7. What will David do if the school has a concert? A. Play the guitar. B. Play the violin. C. Play the piano. ( )8. What is the boy going to do? A. Watch TV. B. Do homework. C. Play basketball. ( )9. Which country did Jim go to? A. America. B. Japan. C. England. ( )10. Where is John going for his vacation? A. Hawaii. B. Mount Tai. C. He isnt sure now. 第三节:短文理解。(每小题2分,共10分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。( ) 11. How many kinds of milk shake are mentioned (提及) in the letter? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. ( ) 12. What kind of milk shake is Alices favorite? A. Banana mike shake. B. Apple milk shake. C. Carrot milk shake. ( ) 13. If you want to make a carrot milk shake, you dont need _______. A. ice B. honey C. juice ( ) 14. What should you do first if you want to make a carrot milk shake? A. Turn on the blender. B. Wash and cut the carrot up. C. Put the milk and ice into the blender. ( ) 15. This letter is about __________. A. how to make fruit salad B. how to make a milk shake C. how to learn English well II.单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的答案. ( )16. Mike, ______ late next time! Oh, sorry. I wont again. A. isnt B. doesnt C. dont D. dont be ( )17. My father must be angry ____ me, __________? A. About; mustnt he B.with; mustnt he C.with; neednt he D.with; isnt he ( )18. We have ________ students this year than last year. A. many B. many more C. much D. much more

八年级英语下学期期末试题 人教新目标版 (3)

2019学年八年级英语下学期期末试题 听力部分 Ⅰ.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分) 1.A. clever B. climber C. collector 2.A. look after B. run after C. take after 3.A. in the face of B. at the end of C. in the front of 4.A. He was too nervous to speak. B. He was very nervous, but he could speak. C. He can’t speak if he is nervous. 5.A. Julia is taller than her teacher. B. Julia is the tallest student in her class. C. Julia is the tallest girl in her class. Ⅱ.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分) 6.A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Why not lie down and have a good rest. C. I disagree with you. 7.A. About 6,300 kilometers long B. For many years. C. About 5,200 meters away from here. 8.A. Yes, he has B. Yes, please. C. Not yet. 9.A. I think it’s exciting. B. I think so. C. I’m afraid I can’t. 10.A. That’s all right. B. OK, I will. C. I think so. Ⅲ.听第一段对话和问题,回答11——13题,听第二段对话和问题,回答14——15题(5分)


人教版八年级下英语期末考试试题 寒窗苦读为前途,望子成龙父母情。祝你八年级英语期末考试取得好成绩,期待你的成功!下面是为大家精心整理的人教版八年级下英语期末考试试题,仅供参考。 人教版八年级下英语期末考试题Ⅰ.听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ.听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 6.A.Sure. B.You are welcome. C.No,but I don t like it. 7.A.That s great. B.No,thanks. C.I have a headache. 8.A.Yes,I did. B.No,I haven t. C.No,I am not.

9.A.Because I ve bought a new one. B.You can have it for 500 yuan. C.I bought it last year. 10.A.I am watching TV. B.I was doing my homework. C.She was sleeping. Ⅲ.听对话,选择最佳选项。每个对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 11.Why does Jack look nervous? A.Because his bike is broken. B.Because he can t find his bike. C.Because he has lost the key to his bike. 12.What will Henry do after school? A.Play tennis. B.Take piano lessons. C.Play computer games. 13.Who are the two speakers? A.Mother and son. B.Teacher and student. C.Doctor and patient. 14.How much is the smart phone today? A.200 yuan.


伊滨区2014——2015学年上学期期末 八年级英语试卷参考答案 听力部分(20分) 1—5 ABCAC 6—10 CABAC 11—15 BBABC 16.hospital 17.shirt 18.football 19. uncle 20.movie 笔试部分(共77分) 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 21—25 BCBBD 26—30 ACABC 31—35 BBCDB 二.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 36—40 BCCDD 21—45 BCAAC 三、阅读理解(每小题1分,共20分) 46—50 DBBCC 51—55 ACCAC 56---60 ACBDC 61---65 CDBAC 四、选词填空(每小题1分,计10分) 66.better 67. home 68.doctor 69. leaving 70. about 71.more 72.go 73.help 74.moon 75.sea 五.补全对话(每空2分,共10 分) 76. Can you help me prepare for it ? 77. When will you have it? 78. Why? 79. What about this Saturday? 80. What will you do after the party?

六、书面表达(12分) Dear Lucy, Thank you very much for inviting me to your party.I’d like to go but I can’t. My parents went to Beijing, They aren’t coming back until next month. And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed. And I also need to study for my coming English exam.I’m very sorry I can’t go to your party.Thank you for inviting me. I hope you can have a good time. Yours, Liuying 八年级上学期期末英语试卷听力稿 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 1. W: How many bananas do we need? M: We need three bananas. We need one cup of yogurt, too. 2. M: Can you hang out with me tonight? W: Sorry, I’m busy. I have too much homework to do. 3. W: I will talk to my mother if I have a problem. What about you? M: I will keep it to myself. 4. W: What do you like to do on weekends, Jack? M: I like to clean my father’s car, because I can be outside. 5. M: Could you please clean your room, Linda? W: Yes, sure. I’ll do it at 4:00, Dad. 第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。 W: Steve, what time did you go to bed last night? M: At 11:00 p.m. W: What did you do? M: I read a book. W: You should go to bed early. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。 M: Shall we go fishing this Saturday, Jane?


一、根据句意填入一个适合的词,使句子完整,正确(5) 1、Sports help people to keep______. 2、Ashland is a small ______ not far from Richmond. 3、Football is a very ______ game in China. 4、______ a bike is much more quickly than walking. 5、Grandma is ill. I must take her to ______. 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. It is the ___________ (twelve) lesson. 2. "How long do you stay there every year?" "_________ (little) than five months." 3. Look at the ___________ (monkey). They are jumping. 4. My mother is the ____________ (busy) in my family. 5. Snakes are very ___________ (danger). 6. Do you think pandas are ____________ (friend) 7. Who speaks _________ (slow), Mrs Zhao or Mrs Yang? 8. Please show _________ (they) the most beautiful picture. 9. There are some _________ (different) between these two countries. 10. He lives in a tall _________(build). 三、选择题(20) ()1、Mr Wang is ____ a visit to Paris. A、in B、with C、on D、for ()2、There is ____ "f"in the word "floor". A、a B、an C、the D、/ ()3、The man often wear a coat ____four pockets. A、about B、in C、having D、with ()4、Would you like to have ____ tea? No,thanks. A、some more B、more some C、any more D、more any ()5、Wang Lin likes playing football.______. A、So am I B、So I did C、So do I D、So I do ()6、____open the door until the bus stops. A、Not B、Don't C、Not to D、No ()7、Must I be at home tomorrow? No, you______. A、mustn't B、can't C、needn't D、don't ()8、When he was tired, he usually stopped ______ a rest. A、to have B、having C、have D、has ()9、Can you ______ it in English? A、speak B、say C、talk D、tell ()10、If it ______tomorrow, we'll stay at home. A、will rain B、rained C、is raining D、rains ()11、He is feeling ____ to go to school. A、enough well B、enough good C、well enough D、good enough

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