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高二上学期10月月考英语试题 (5)

高二上学期10月月考英语试题 (5)
高二上学期10月月考英语试题 (5)




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6. 考试时间120分钟,满分150分。





1. What do you know from the talk?

A. The woman said hi to Jim and Debbie.

B. The woman didn’t see Jim and Debbie.

C. The woman was looking for Jim and Debbie.

2. What will the man do next?

A. Leave right away.

B. Stay for dinner.

C. Catch a train.

3. What do we know about the man?

A. He will not learn to use the computer.

B. He uses the computer every day.

C. He will learn to use the computer.

4. How many sports does the Olympics have?

A. 50.

B. 28.

C. 32.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. His job interview.

B. His meeting with a friend.

C. His good behaviour.



6. How many people does Tom bring?

A. 6.

B. 5.

C. 7.

7. Where is Tom?

A. At a restaurant.

B. In a hotel.

C. In a club.

8. Why can’t Tom get a table reserved under Tom?

A. Because there’s no table reserved.

B. Because there’s no table available.

C. Because the service is over.


9. What show does the club have tonight?

A. A dance show.

B. A music show.

C. A talk show.

10. What food can the man have in the club?

A. French food.

B. Japanese food.

C. Italian food.

11. When will the man come to the club?

A. At 8:40.

B. At 9:00.

C. At 11:00.


12. Where is the man now?

A. At a restaurant.

B. At a fast-food shop.

C. At a shopping center.

13. What is the man’s order?

A. A milk-shake.

B. A burger and a cola.

C. A burger and fries.

14. What statement of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?

A. The man got his order.

B. The man was angry with the woman.

C. The woman looks nice.


15. What is the woman going to do this weekend?

A. To go shopping.

B. To go bird-watching.

C. To watch a game.

16. What else can the woman enjoy by doing that?

A. Relaxing.

B. Picking up red leaves.

C. Skiing.

17. What does the man mean by saying “Live and let live!”?

A. He doesn’t w ant to live with the woman.

B. He wants to live alone.

C. Don’t be strict to others.







21. As he reached _____front door, Jack saw ______strange sight, frightened.

A. the; a

B. a; the

C.不填; a

D. the; the

22. New shoots will come out ______ the roots of the old bamboos when they die.

A. from

B. from around

C. under

D. above

23. ______ the boys in our class went to the playground to play basketball. Tom and Jack were in the library.

A. All

B. Every one of

C. None of

D. Not all

24. In doing scientific experiments, one must be ______ careful with the instruments.

A. no more than

B. more than

C. not more than

D. more

25. Sorry, but you can’t go this way. The road here ______.

A. was mended

B. has been mended

C. is being mended

D. mended

26. I told him jokingly that the painting looked like a mess from ______ I was.

A. what

B. how

C. that

D. where

27. It is a matter of ______ will take the position of the manager. So many people want to take it.

A. who

B. whoever

C. whom

D. whomever

28. He is rather difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his, ______, is truer than that

of anybody else’s.

A. while gaining

B. once gained

C. if gaining

D. after gained

29. Mr. Jackson ______the result of the election. He seems to be very excited.

A. must have known C. would have known

C. might know

D. need have known

30. —______ was it that you met the man wearing a pair of sunglasses?

—It was at the gate of the restaurant ______ I had just finished my dinner.

A. Where; where

B. Where; that

C. When; that

D. When; when

31. He suggested the problem worth paying attention ______ at the meeting.

A. be discussed

B. to be discussed

C. being discussed

D. be discussing

32. —______ would you like your coffee?

—White with some sugar please.

A. When

B. What

C. Where

D. How

33. Never take the apples whe n they ______ bad, or you’ll have a stomachache.

A. have come

B. have gone

C. appear

D. seem as if

34. —Did you forget about my birthday?

—______ I’ve booked a table at the Michel’s restaurant for this evening.

A. What then?

B. I’m afraid so.

C. How could I?

D. For sure.

35. I apologize here for my statement in court ______I didn’t go to Mr. Smith’s office that day. I lied to all.

A. what

B. that

C. when

D. if



Why did I come today? I wondered. My Christmas 36 contained several people that claimed they wanted nothing but I knew their feelings would be hurt 37 I didn’t buy them

anything, so buying gifts was 38 but fun.

Hurriedly, I finished shopping and 39 the long checkout lines. In front of me were a boy of about 5 and a younger girl. She carried a beautiful pair of 40 slippers. When we finally

41 the checkout register, the girl 42 placed the shoes on the counter. She treated them as

though they were a 43 .

“That will be $6.09,” the cashier said. The boy 44 all his pockets. He finally came up with $3.12. “I guess we will have to put them back,” he said 45 , “We will come back some other time, m aybe tomorrow.” With that statement, a 46 sob (抽噎) broke from the little girl.

“But Jesus would have loved these shoes,” she cried.

“Well, we’ll go home and work some more. Don’t cry. We’ll surely 47 ,” he said. Quickly

I handed $3 to the cashier. These children had waited in line for a long time. And, 48 , it was

Christmas. Suddenly a pair of arms came around me and the girl said 49 , “Thank you, lady.”

“What did you 50 when you said Jesus woul d like the shoes?” I asked. The boy answered, “Our mommy is sick and going to 51 . Daddy said she might go before Christmas to be with Jesus.” The girl spoke, “My Sunday school teacher said the streets in heaven are shiny gold, just like these shoes. Wo n’t mommy be 52 walking on those streets in these shoes?”

My eyes 53 as I looked into her tear-streaked face. “Yes,” I answered, “I am54 she will.” Silently I thanked God for using these children to 55 me of the true spirit of giving.

36. A. plan B. list C. goods D. purchases

37. A. if B. because C. unless D. since

38. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything

39. A. waited B. joined C. attended D. gathered

40. A. cotton B. leather C. gold D. silver

41. A. reached B. passed C. checked D. found

42. A. immediately B. hesitantly C. shyly D. carefully

43. A. gift B. treasure C. life D. prize

44. A. opened B. touched C. tore D. searched

45. A. sadly B. uncertainly C. slowly D. doubtfully

46. A. deep B. soft C. fierce D. brave

47. A. leave B. come C. turn D. arrive

48. A. above all B. at last C. at least D. after all

49. A. gratefully B. sweetly C. gracefully D. kindly

50. A. request B. expect C. mean D. attempt

51. A. hospital B. tomb C. heaven D. sky

52. A. equal B. comfortable C. convenient D. beautiful

53. A. pained B. flooded C. shut D. froze

54. A. sure B. afraid C. glad D. confident

55. A. inform B. warn C. cure D. remind




A fox in the deep forest of long ago had lost its front legs. No one knew what caused so. A

man, who lived on the edge of the forest, seeing the fox from time to time, wondered how in the world it managed to get its food. One day when the fox was not far from him he had to hide

himself quickly because a tiger was approaching. The tiger had fresh game in its claws. Lying down on the ground, it ate its fill, leaving the rest for the fox.

Again the next day the tiger did the same and the fox appeared again. Seeing this, the man began to think, "If this fox is taken care of in this mysterious way, its food sent by some unseen higher power, why don't I just rest in a corner and have my daily meal provided for me?"

Because he had a lot of faith, he let the days pass, waiting for food. Nothing happened. He just went on losing weight and strength until he was nearly a skeleton. Close to losing consciousness, he heard a voice which said, "Oh you, who have mistaken the way, see now the truth! You should have followed the example of that tiger instead of imitating the disabled fox."

********************************************************************* So from the above story, we may have some questions to think about:

In what ways do you feel like the disabled fox or the tiger?

Is it OK for the disabled fox to continue living, or would it be better off either dead or never alive in the first place?

Are there any people in your life who are like the disabled fox, but you wish they were more like the tiger?

56. What did the man see in the forest one day?

A. A tiger was eating a fox.

B. A fox was trying to get food from a tiger.

C. A tiger was leaving food to a fox.

D. A fox was driven away by a tiger.

57. What did the man decide to do after he saw the tiger and the fox?

A. Learn from the tiger.

B. Learn from the fox.

C. Wait for the tiger and the fox.

D. Wait for what the tiger was leaving.

58. Which of the following will happen in the end of the story?

A. The man would try to drive away the fox.

B. The man would stop waiting but get himself fed.

C. The man would never see the tiger and the fox.

D. The man would never understand the tiger and the fox.

59. Why does the author give out the above questions?

A. Because he himself was the man in the forest.

B. Because he is trying to compare man with animals.

C. Because he is asked these questions but can not answer them.

D. Because he wants readers to think about the truth of life.


Eleven years ago, three people decided to sit in silence for an hour, in an everyday Silicon Valley living room. No teachers or experts. No set agendas (议程) or proposed beliefs either. Just silence for an hour every week with one strong principle —when you change within, the world changes.

And instead of closing the door, they left it open ... open to all. The rest, as they say, is history.

Simply put, Wednesday evenings are about sharing. In the spirit of an ashram (僻静), we offer the space for everyone to walk their own walk. A random group of 20—40 folks conference once a week; we meditate (沉思) for an hour and follow it up with a roundtable sharing of "aha"

moments from everyday life, based on the wide-ranging weekly journey reading.

While each journey takes different routes, the paths have many similarities. Along that road, sometimes, it is useful to have a place to share ... our conviction, compassion, presence or even something indescribable. We grow and learn by listening both to ourselves and the people around us, by looking within—and without.

Over the years, thousands of folks have come; some offered much, some received much, but all were present with the same heart. We don't really understand how this spontaneous(自发的)gathering of goodness happens every Wednesday, but as hosts, we feel fortunate to have such an opportunity to be of service, and to be home for such sincere and powerful inspiration.

These meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend. For many of us they have been and continue to be a constant source of inspiration, insight—and joy.

And you're invited to join us this Wednesday!

60. What happened eleven years ago?

A. Wednesday evenings came into being.

B. Groups of people gathered in silence.

C. Silicon Valley became popular.

D. Experts were invited to Wednesday evenings.

61. What do people do every Wednesday evening according to the above passage?

A. They go out to have a journey outside.

B. They gather together and share what they have read.

C. They hold parties where every one can talk free.

D. They discuss what to read for next Wednesday.

62. Why do the people hosting Wednesday evenings feel fortunate?

A. Because they have met so many inspired people.

B. Because they consider their work valuable.

C. Because they feel popular with so many people.

D. Because they have earned a lot of managing experience.

63. Which of the following can serve as a proper title of the whole passage?

A. Activities on Wednesday evenings, Silicon Valley

B. Birthplace of Wednesday evenings.

C. Characteristics of Wednesday Evenings.

D. Welcome to Wednesday evenings.


I’m fat. I’m too skinny. I’d be happy if I were taller, shorter, had curly hair, straight hair, a smaller nose, bigger muscles, longer legs. Do any of these statements sound familiar? Do you often put yourself down? If so, you’re not alone. As a teen, you’re going through a ton of changes in your body. And as your body changes, so does your image (形象) of yourself. Lots of people have trouble getting used to it and this can affect their confidence.

Some people think they need to change how they look or act to feel good about themselves. But actually all you need to do is change the way you see your body and how you think about yourself.

The first thing to do is recognize that your body is your own, no matter what shape, size, or color it comes in. If you’re very worried about your weight or size, go to your doctor to check that things are OK. But it’s no one’s business but your own what your body is like—finally, you have

to be happy with yourself.

Next, find which aspects (方面) of your appearance you can change and which you can’t change and need to accept—like your height, for example, or your shoe size.

If there are things about yourself that you want to change you can do this by making goals for yourself. For example, if you want to get fit, make a plan to exercise every day and eat nutritious foods.

When you hear negative comments coming from within yourself, tell yourself to stop. Try building your confidence by listing three things in your day that really gave you pleasure. It can be anything like the way the sun felt on your face, the sound of your favorite band, or the way someone laughed at your jokes.

64. From the first paragraph, we can infer that ______.

A. many teens can’t accept their body change easil y

B. most teens like to have a special body image

C. teens prefer to change their body image quickly

D. teens usually change their opinions on their body image

65. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?

A. Change the way other people look at you.

B. Go to your doctor for advice on how to change your body.

C. Realize you can’t change everything about yourself.

D. Learn from some celebrities on how to change your body.

66. The underlined phrase “put yourself down” in the first paragraph probably means “______”.

A. make yourself fall down

B. say negative things about yourself

C. force yourself to do something

D. write down your name somewhere

67. The passage is mainly about ______.

A. how to adjust to the changes of your body

B. how to build confidence by changing your body

C. how to keep an attractive body image

D. how to find pleasure in your day


Being a mother is apparently not like it was in the good old days.

Today’s parents yearn for the golden age that their own mothers enjoyed in the 1970s and 1980s, researchers found. Mothers have less time to themselves and feel under greater pressure to handle work and family life than the previous generation. As a result, 88 per cent said they felt guilty about the lack of time they spent with their children.

The survey of 1,000 mothers also found that more than a third said they had less time to themselves than their mothers did – just three hours a week or 26 minutes a day. And 64 per cent said this was because they felt they ‘had’ to go out to work, while nearly a third (29 per cent) said they were under constant pressure to be the ‘perfect mother’, the report found.

Other findings showed social networking and parenting websites, as well as technology such as Skype, were important in providing help and support among female communities. Kate Fox, a member of the Social Issues Research Centre, which conducted the survey for Procter & Gamble,

said, ‘With increasing pressure on mothers to work a “double shift” — to be the perfect mother as well as a wage-earner — support networks are more important than ever.

It comes as a separate report examining childcare in the leading industrialized nations found that working mothers in Britain spend just 81 minutes a day caring for their children as a ‘primary activity’. Mothers who stay at home, on the other hand, manage twice as much time—more than two and a half hours—looking after their offspring, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Critics say the pressure on women to work long hours, and leave their offspring in the hands of nurseries or child minders, is putting the well-being of their children at risk.

The study also reveals that, despite the fact that more and more modern mothers go out to work, the burden of childcare still falls on them—even if their husband is not in work. A father who is not in work tends to spend just 63 minutes a day looking after his child—18 minutes less than a mother who goes out to work. Working fathers spare less than three quarters of an hour with their children.

68. What does the underlined phrase “yearn for” probably means “______”?

A. hate

B. forget

C. miss

D. control

69. Which of the following problems is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Today’s mothers have less time left for their children and themselves.

B. The working mothers can hardly strike the balance between work and family.

C. Most of the mothers can not control their husbands nowadays.

D. Modern fathers do not spend enough time with their children.

70. From Paragraph 4, we can infer that______.

A. Skype is a very famous expert in studying social issues

B. working mothers can seek help on line

C. working mothers’ double shift is to be a wife and a mother

D. Kate Fox has opened a website offering help to working mothers

71. What critics say means that ______.

A. it is wise for working mothers to put their kids in nurseries or child minders

B. children do not like nurseries or child minders at all

C. nurseries or child minders are dangerous places for children

D. too much time in nurseries or child minders is bad for kids’ mental and physical health


Economics (经济学) is the study of how societies with limited resources decide what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce. What, how, and for whom to produce are problems all over the world because human needs are practically unlimited, but all societies have only limited quantities of resources that can be used to produce goods or services.

A knowledge of basic economics is important for understanding both the problems and opportunities that will face the world economy in the 21st century. As a student of economics, one will have the chance to discover how commerce, govern-

ment policies, and day-to-day decisions made by consumers affect his living standards. The study of economics can help him understand the influence of such events as the move to free markets in Poland and Russia, or of ups and downs in interest rate and the foreign exchange rate. Economics is influenced by developments in the many different areas of business, politics, science, nature, religion and history. And whether or not one is aware of it, economics is an important part of his


From a practical point of view, one's study of economics will help improve his decision-making (决策) skills. He learns a logical way to compare different courses of action. As he studies the concept (概念) of opportunity cost, for instance, he will discover that every choice he makes has both a benefit and a cost. Let us suppose someone decides to get a part-time job so he can earn enough money to buy a car. He will have the benefit of owning the car, but he will pay a cost in terms of the leisure hours he gives up for working so as to pay for the car and keep it in good condition. After weighing his choice in cost-benefit terms, he may decide he does not need a car any more.

72. According to the passage, economics is studied to______.

A. get more resources for human beings

B. put human needs under some control

C. satisfy the unlimited human needs with the limited resources

D. produce better goods and services for all human beings

73. Economics can help one make better decisions because he learns______.

A. how to weigh the cost and the benefit

B. all the practical economic theories

C. something useful about business

D. a logical way of thinking

74. Why does the person have to give up leisure hours in the example of buying a car?

A. Because he has to spend some time in the car.

B. Because he has to work extra hours to get the money.

C. Because he is busy working for his boss.

D. Because keeping a car in good condition takes much time.

75. What is the central topic of the second paragraph?

A. Influences of economics.

B. Importance of knowing economics.

C. Uses of economics.

D. Scope (范围) of economic studies.









Today I together with my classmate went to climb the Taibai 76.______ Hill. Early in morning we gathered together and started out. 77.______ Then they began to climb. The hill was high and some of us got 78.______ tired soon, and all of us were very excited. We cheered happily when 79.______ we got to the top. We had our lunch there and had enjoyed ourselves 80.______ very much. Unfortunate, when we were walking down, we were 81.______

caught on a rain. But we remained calm, shared umbrellas and 82.______ raincoats and walked carefully. Finally we both came down 83.______ safely. In spite of the unexpect rain and wind, we had a good time. 84.______ We were determine to go climbing it and enjoyed ourselves again. 85.______



注意:1. 发言稿必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;

2. 发言稿开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

3. 词数:100左右;

4. 参考词汇: 偏食be particular about food 零食 snack。

Dear friends,

As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it’s very important for

us to form healthy eating habits.








1—5 BAABA 6—10 BCBBC 11—15 ABCBB 16—17 AC

18. Friday 19. 20/twenty 21. dinner



21—25 ABDBC 26—30 DABAA 31—35 BDBCB

第二节.完形填空36—40 BACBC 41—45 ADBDA 46—50 BBDAC

51—55 CDBAD


56—60 CBBDA 61—65 BBDAC 66—70 BACCB 71—75 DCABB



Today I together with my classmate went to climb the Taibai 76. classmates

Hill. Early in∧morning we gathered together and started out 77. the

Then they began to climb. The hill was high and some of us got 78. we

tired soon, and all of us were very excited. We cheered happily when 79. but

we got to the top. We had our lunch there and had enjoyed ourselves 80. had

very much. Unfortunate,when we were walking down, we were 81.Unfortunately

caught on a rain. But we remained calm, shared umbrellas and 82. in

raincoats and walked carefully. Finally we both came down 83. all

safely. In spite of the unexpect rain and wind, we had a good time. 84. unexpected

We were determine to go climbing it and enjoyed ourselves again 85. determined

第二节.书面表达One Possible Version

Dear friends,

As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it’s a very important for us to form healthy eating habits. However, bad eating habits are still very common among us students. Some of us often go to school without breakfast; some like to have snacks; some others are particular about food; and still some eat or drink too much. All these bad habits will surely do harm to our health.

To keep fit, we should have various healthy diets, which generally include proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit as well as main food. Besides, we’d better have meals regularly.

In my opinion, we should try to develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. Only in this way can we have enough energy to study better.

That’s all. Thank you!


2021年高二10月第一次月考英语试题 一、单项选择(1*10=10分) 1. Our class ___________ twenty four boys and thirty girls. A. consists for B. consists of C. consists with D. consists in 2. Autumn has e. The garden is covered with ________ leaves. A. falling B. fallen C. being fallen D. being falling 3. Please remained ____________ before our guests leave. A. sit B. sat C. seated D. seating 4. They are discussing the project _____________ next week. A. to be carried out B. being carried out C. carrying out D. will be carried out 5. He explained it again to made himself ______________. A. understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understood 6. We have to buy a new air conditioner, for the old one has broken ________. A. off B. up C. down D. out 7. Kate keeps a diary in English to have her written English ____________.


高二10月月考英语试题 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 听第1段材料,回答第1、2题。 1. What will the woman do in 15 minutes? A. Give a concert. B. Go to the stadium. C. Attend a meeting. 2. Who is the man? A. A traffic policeman. B. A taxi driver. C. A music fan. 听第27段材料,回答第3、4、5题。 3. What kind of party will be held? A. A birthday party. B. A surprise party. C. A house-warming party. 4. How long will the party last? A. Four hours. B. Five hours. C. Six hours. 5. Where was the woman just now? A. At the airport. B. At the theater. C. At the apartment. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5,满分22.5) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个


高二上学期物理10月月考试卷 一、单选题 1. 关于导体的电阻及电阻率的说法中,正确的是() A . 由,可知导体的电阻与电压成正比,与电流成反比。 B . 由 可知导体的电阻与长度l、电阻率成正比,与横截面积S成反比C . 将一根导线一分为二,则半根导线的电阻和电阻率都是原来的二分之一D . 将一根电阻丝均匀拉长为原来2倍,则电阻丝的电阻变为原来的2倍 2. 如图所示,图线表示的导体的电阻为R1,图线2表示的导体的电阻为R2,则下列说法正确的是() A . R1:R2=3:1 B . 把R1拉长到原来的3倍长后电阻等于R2 C . 将R1与R2串联后接于电源上,则功率之比P1:P2=1:3 D . 将R1与R2并联后接于电源上,则电流比I1:I2=1:3 3. 有两个相同的灵敏电流计,允许通过的最大电流(满偏电流)为Ig=1mA,表头电阻Rg=30Ω,若改装成一个量程为3V的电压表和一个量程为0.6A的电流表应分别:() A . 串联一个2990Ω的电阻和并联一个0.15Ω的电阻 B . 并联一个2990Ω的电阻和串联一个0.15Ω的电阻 C . 串联一个2970Ω的电阻和并联一个0.05Ω的电阻 D .

并联一个2970Ω的电阻和串联一个0.05Ω的电阻 4. 如图,电源电动势为30 V,内阻不计,“6 V,12 W”的灯泡与一个绕线电阻为的电动机串联。当电动机正常转动时,灯泡正常发光,则此时() A . 电路中电流为 B . 小灯泡电阻为 C . 电动机两端电压为24 V D . 电动机输出功率为48 W 5. 如图所示,一电动机与一电阻R串联接在电源上,电源电动势E=20V,内电阻r=1Ω,用理想电压表测出电动机两端的电压为10V,已知电动机的内阻RM=1Ω,电阻R=9Ω,则下列结论正确的是:() A . 电动机输入功率20W B . 电动机输出的机械功率9W C . 电源的输出功率20W D . 电动机的热功率是10W 6. 在如图所示的U-I图象中,直线Ⅰ为某一电源的路端电压与电流的关系图象,直线Ⅱ为某一电阻R的伏安特性曲线。用该电源与电阻R组成闭合电路。由图象判断错误的是() A . 电源的电动势为3V,内阻为0.5 B . 电阻为1 . C . 电源的效率为90% D . 电源的输出功率为4W


高二上学期数学10月月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题 (共10题;共20分) 1. (2分) (2018高二上·台州期末) 抛物线的准线方程为() A . B . C . D . 3. (2分)(2019·浙江模拟) 已知直线,平面满足,,则“ ”是“ ”的() A . 充分不必要条件 B . 必要不充分条件 C . 充分必要条件 D . 既不充分也不必要条件 4. (2分) (2019高三上·德州期中) 命题“ ,”的否定为() A . , B . , C . , D . , 5. (2分)(2018·河北模拟) 如图,为经过抛物线焦点的弦,点,在直线 上的射影分别为,,且,则直线的倾斜角为()

A . B . C . D . 6. (2分)下列说法中正确的是() A . 如果两个平面α、β只有一条公共直线a,就说平面α、β相交,并记作α∩β=a B . 两平面α、β有一个公共点A,就说α、β相交于过A点的任意一条直线 C . 两平面α、β有一个公共点A,就说α、β相交于A点,并记作α∩β=A D . 两平面ABC与DBC相交于线段BC 7. (2分)如图,长方体ABCD—A1B1C1D1中,BB1=BC,P为C1D1上一点,则异面直线PB与B1C所成角的大小() A . 是45° B . 是60° C . 是90°

D . 随P点的移动而变化 8. (2分)已知F1 , F2是椭圆+=1的两焦点,过点F2的直线交椭圆于A,B两点.在△AF1B中,若有两边之和是10,则第三边的长度为() A . 6 B . 5 C . 4 D . 3 9. (2分)已知正四棱锥S-ABCD的侧棱长与底面边长都相等,E是SB的中点,则AE,SD所成角的余弦值为() A . B . C . D . 10. (2分) (2019高三上·双鸭山月考) 已知实轴长为2 的双曲线C:的左、右焦点分别为F1(﹣2,0),F2(2,0),点B为双曲线C虚轴上的一个端点,则△BF1F2的重心到双曲线C的渐近线的距离为() A . B . C . D . 二、填空题 (共7题;共7分)


高一10月月考 英语试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 21. It is bad for a man to smoke in public places where smoking is not allowed. A. method B. impression C. behavior D. attitude 22.—_______you ________to the new house? —Not yet. The rooms are being painted(油漆). A. Did; moved B. Have; moved C. Will; moved D. Are; moved 23. After his long journey from abroad, Mr. Wu returned home, ________. A. exhausting B. having exhausted C. being exhausted D. exhausted 24. David rode so fast that he couldn’t hitting a passer-by and he fell off the bike. A. avoid B. enjoy C. stand D. stop 25. We all regard _____ our duty to help those who are poor to go to school. A. this B. that C. us D. it 26. The two pens are the same, but the red one cost ______ that one. A. as much twice as B. twice as much as C. much as twice as D. as twice much as 27. All the leading newspapers _______ the trade talks between China and the United States. A. printed B. announced C. published D. covered 28. The government has rebuilt the old temple _______ a long time ago. A. abandoned B. abandoning C. was abandoned D. being abandoned 29. — I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of this weather. —. I can’t stand all this rain. A. So do I . B. I don’t care. C. It’s hard to say. D. So am I. 30. The little boy isn’t getting on well in maths and worse still, he is even unwilling to go to school. With her son_______, she feels very________. A. disappointing, worried B. disappointing, worrying C. disappointed, worried D. disappointed, worrying 31. ---- Would you mind if I use your computer for a little while? ----_______ A. No, please don’t. B. I’m afraid not. C. I’d rather you didn’t. D. I’m afraid so. 32. The cost of renting a house in Beijing is higher than ______ in any other city of China. A. one B. it C. this D. that 33. I would appreciate _______ back this afternoon so that we can make an early decision. A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. you’re calling 34. Her attitude ______ learning math has changed a lot since her teacher had a talk with her. A. of B. at C. with D. to


高二月考试题(英语) I.单选(共15题,15分) 1. ---What a pity! I missed the last concert of the year. ---Oh, not at all. It was so terrible. In fact, I would rather I ____ there. A. hadn’t been B. was not C. haven’t been D. am not 2. Professor Li, do you like Ewa and can you make a(n)_______ on her new movie? A. impression B. bet C. attack D. comment 3. We’d better live in the countryside, because living in the city will cost us twice____ much. A. so B. as C. than D. too 4. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ____ it was 20 years ago, when it was so poorly _______. A. what; equipped B. that; equipped C. what; built on D. which; equipped 5. ______ with what I said, mother agreed that I could go swimming with my classmates. A. Satisfying B. Satisfied C. To be satisfied D. Being satisfied 6. Though the professor tried his best to explain the difficult question, the students still looked _____. A. confusing B. being confused C. to confuse D. confused 7. I regret ______ you that my daughter has already regretted ______ out with you. So leave her alone and don’t bother her any more. A. telling; dating(约会) B. to tell; to date C. to tell; dating D. telling; to date 8. The young graduate(毕业生) ______ his vegetable farm so successfully that soon he became No 1 vegetable producer in the area. A. made B. performed C. worked D. discovered 9. The flu is believed _________ by viruses(病毒) that like to reproduce(繁殖) in the cells inside the human nose and throat. A. cause B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused 10. ________ his mother came home, ____________ to do his homework. A. Only then, had he begun B. Only when, did he begin C. Only, he began D. Only when had he begun 11. —The boss will offer me a pay rise. —Pigs might fly! You are day-dreaming.You’re lucky enough not to have been fired.The underlined phrase means . A.Wonderful B.Impossible C.Too bad D.Congratulations 12. With the help of his friends, he has _____a good business over the years. A. built up B. made up C. grown up D. picked up 13. Before he went abroad he spent as much time as he__________English. A. could learning B. learned C. could to learn D.could learn 14. It is the test system, _________ the teachers, that is to blame for the heavy burden of middle school students nowadays. A. other than B. or rather C. rather than D. more than 15. – How about going to the movies? -- I don’t ________ movies.


河北省蠡县中学2018-2019学年高二英语10月月考试题 第一部分听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Which game does the man like best? A.Bridge. B.Cards. C.Chess. 2. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.Their weekend plans. B.Their hobbies. C. The weather. 3. What did the weatherman forecast about the afternoon’s weather? A.It would be suuny. B. It would be windy. C. It would be rainy. 4. How many hours will the woman be in the city? A. Two. B.Six. C.Four 5. What does the man mean? A.The person in the black shirt is the twin brother of his boss. B.He didn’t know his boss had come back from a business trip. C. The person in the black shirt looks very similar to his boss. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What will the woman take? A.Some postcards. B.Hand-made woollen hats. C.Some local food. 7. How much should the woman pay? A.45 dollars. B. 80 dollars. C. 90 dollars. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题 8.When did Heather call the woman? A. One hour ago. B. Two hours ago. C. Three hours ago. 9.What did the woman do to save time?


广西高二上学期历史10月月考试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单选题。 (共25题;共50分) 1. (2分)(2016·北京) 17世纪来华传教士曾将《论语》《大学》等译为拉丁文在欧洲出版,19世纪中期传教士理雅各又将多部儒家经典译成英文,在西方引起轰动。这表明() A . 儒家思想被西方学者普遍接受 B . 中国传统文化在西方引起关注 C . 中西文化交流限于传教士之间 D . 儒家思想推动了西方政治革命 2. (2分) (2019高一下·丽水期中) 下列历史现象发生在汉代的是() A . 私营丝织业兴起 B . 水排的出现 C . 曲辕梨开始使用 D . 草市发展为地方商业中心 3. (2分) (2020高二下·河北月考) 朱熹弟子陈宓曾任安溪知县,他在《安溪劝农诗·劝贫富相资》一诗中说:“举债当知济汝穷,取钱须念利难供。富人心要怜贫者,贫者身全仰富翁。”材料体现了() A . 社会贫富分化现象日趋严重 B . 士大夫崇尚社会和谐的理念 C . 士大夫反对民间的借贷行为 D . 官府强行干预民间财务纠纷 4. (2分) (2017高三上·曲靖月考) 北宋初年规定:租佃土地须“命立要契,举借粮种,及时种莳。俟收成,依契约分,无致争讼”。如有纠纷,“只凭契照为之定夺”。其目的是() A . 保护佃农利益 B . 增加政府收入 C . 维护地主特权 D . 规范租佃关系 5. (2分)(2020·湖南模拟) 叶圣陶在《昆曲》中提到“听昆曲先得记熟曲文;自然,能够通晓曲文里的故实跟词藻那就尤其有味。这又岂是士大夫阶级以外的人所能办到的?当初编撰戏本子的人原来不曾为大众设想”,作者意在强调() A . 戏词追求典雅深奥 B . 内容应贴近百姓生活


2019-2020年八年级10月月考英语试题(I) ( ) 13. A. 2 million B. 3 million C. 4 million ( ) 14. A. Diwang Tower B. The Great Wall C. Sydney Opera House ( ) 15. A. Hot B. Cool C. Cold 笔试部分(100分) 四、语言综合运用。(15分) ( ) 16. Yao Ming is ________excellent player and he enjoys playing ________ volleyball. A. a; the B. an; / C. a; / D. an; the ( ) 17.— You watched xx FIFA World Cup matches on TV, don’t you? —Yes, I do. I was so excited when the German team played ____ the Argentinean(阿根廷) team. A. in B. on C. against D. about ( ) 18.Anqiu is my home town and it’s famous ________ its mountains and water. A. for B. with C. to D. as ( ) 19. —Look at this beautiful painting! It’s my sister’s. —Wow! Wonderful! Let’s________ it on the wall of the living room. A. pass B. miss C. train D. place


高二上学期英语10月月考试卷 一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分) 1. A balanced diet with proper amount of physical exercise a healthy life. A . make contributions to B . lead to C . contributes to D . account for 2. The medical team, ten doctors and several nurses, was sent immediately to the earth-stricken area. A . consisting of B . consisted of C . made up D . making up 3. It is to read again the novel that the professor in his lecture. A . worth, referred to B . worthwhile, referred to C . worthy, mention D . worth, mentioned to 4. The president and his team of administration promised to try every means possible to jobs and the goal of recovering its economy as soon as possible. A . create, accomplish B . invent, achieve C . discover, win D . attract, finish 5. It will be many years the doctors and medical scientists can find for cancer. A . since; cures B . when; treatments C . before; cures D . until; treaments 6. Suddenly, a tall man driving a golden carriage the girl and took her away, into the woods. A . seizing; disappeared B . seized; disappeared C . seizing; disappearing D . seized; disappearing


2021年高二上学期10月月考(物理) 一、单项选择题(本题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) l.下列说法正确的是 A.电路中的电流越大,表示通过导体横截面的电量越多 B.电流的定义式,适用于任何电荷的定向移动形成的电流 C.比较几只电阻的I-U图线可知,电流变化相同时,电压变化较小的图线是属于阻值较大的那个电阻 D.公式P=UI,P=IR,P=适用于任何电路电功率 2.电源的电动势和内电阻都保持一定,在外电路的电阻逐渐变小的过程中,下面说法错误的是 A.路端电压一定逐渐变小B.电源的输出电流一定变大 C.电源内部消耗的电功率一定逐渐变大D.电源的输出功率一定逐渐减小 3.用多用电表的欧姆挡的“×10Ω”挡测量一个电阻的阻值,发现表的指针偏转角度极小,为了准确测定该电阻的阻值,正确的判断和做法是 A.这个电阻的阻值肯定也是极小的 B.应把选择开关换到“×1Ω”挡,重新进行欧姆调零后再测量 C.应把选择开关换到“×100Ω”挡,重新进行欧姆调零后再测量 D.为了使测量值比较准确,应该用两手分别将两表笔与待测电阻两端紧紧捏在一起,使表笔与待测电阻接触良好 4.图甲为某一小灯泡的U-I图线,现将两个这样的小灯泡并联后再与一个4的定值电阻R串联,接在内阻为1、电动势为5V的电源两端,如图乙所示,则 A.通过每盏小灯泡的电流强度为0.2A,此时每盏小灯泡的电功率为0.6W B.通过每盏小灯泡的电流强度为0.3A,此时每盏小灯泡的电功率为0.6W C.通过每盏小灯泡的电流强度为0.2A,此时每盏小灯泡的电功率为0.26W D.通过每盏小灯泡的电流强度为0.3A,此时每盏小灯泡的电功率为0.4W 5.在如图所示的电路中,E为电源电动势,r为电源内阻,R1 和R3均为定值电阻,R2为滑动变阻器。当R2的滑动触点在a端时 合上开关S,此时三个电表A1、A2和V的示数分别为I1、I2和U。 现将R2的滑动触点向b端移动,则三个电表示数的变化情况是


I. 单项选择题(共15题,一个1分,共15分) 1. --- Who cooked the meal? ---Actually, it was a ____ effort . A. joint B. join C. joined D. jointed 2. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent ____at the end of last August . A. has been launched B. having been launched C. being launched D. to be launched 3. untidily and in a strange way ,my brother must have appeared to the people to be a silly boy . A. Dressed, spoken, presents B. Dressing, speaking ,present C. Dressed, speaking, present D. Dressing, speaking ,be present 4. ---Thank you for your timely help. --- My pleasure. It is hardly talking about. A. worthy B. worthwhile C. worth D. useful 5. The hat is too expensive._____ the price ,it doesn’t suit me .Which one can’t be chosen ? A. In addition to B. Besides C. Other than D. Apart from 6.When you meet with difficulties in study, you may _____ your teachers who are always ready to instruct you. A. search B. find C. consult D. seek 7. Accustomed to ____ the steep mountains ,he had no difficulty ___the top .


学习资料汇编 重庆市铜梁一中2018-2019学年高二英语10月月考试题 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What kind of films does Tina like? A. Thrillers. B. Comedies. C. Cartoons. 2. What happened to the boy yesterday? A. He lost his keys. B. He broke his cell phone. C. He forgot to take his bag. 3. How much is the green dress? A. $200. B. $400. C. $800. 4. Why is the woman late? A. Her flight was delayed. B. She was caught in a traffic jam. C. The road was under construction. 5. What did Jason do? A. He went to a concert. B. He played with Lily. C. He did his homework. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. What will Alice do during her holiday? A. Walk on the beach. B. Do some reading. C. Go swimming. 7. When will Jim leave for Florida?


辽宁省沈阳市法库县高级中学2020-2021学年高二英语10月月考试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 A Welcome to Holker Hall Garden Visitor information How to Get to Holker By car: Follow brown signs on A590 from J36, M6. Approximate travel times: Windermere﹣20 minutes, Kendal﹣25 minutes, Lancaster﹣45 minutes, Manchester﹣1 hour 30 minutes. By rail: the nearest station is Cark﹣in﹣Cartmel with trains to Carnforth. Lancaster and Preston for connections to major cities&airports. Opening times Sunday﹣Friday(closed on Saturday)11: 00 am﹣4: 00 pm, 30th March﹣2nd November. Admission Charges Hall & Gardens Gardens Adults: £12.00 £8.00 Groups: £9.00 £5.5 Special Events Producers? Market 13th April Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas. Holker Garden Festival 30th May The event celebrates its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in the gardening. National Garden Day 28th August Holker once again opens its gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden guide. Winter Market 8th November This is an event for all the family. Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment. 21. How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Manchester? A. 20 minutes. B. 90 minutes. C. 45 minutes. D. 25 minutes. 22. How much should a member of a tour group pay a visit to Hall &gardens? A. £12.00. B. £5.50. C. £8.00. D. £9.00. 23. Which event will you go to if you want to see a live music show? A. Producers? Market. B. Winter Market. C. National Garden Day. D. Holker Garden Festival.


福建省高二上学期数学 10 月月考试卷
一、 单选题 (共 8 题;共 16 分)
1. (2 分) (2020 高三上·富阳月考) 设 m,n 是空间两条不同直线, , 是空间两个不同平面,则下列 选项中不正确的是( )
A . 当 n⊥ 时,“n⊥ ”是“ ∥ ”成立的充要条件
时,“m⊥ ”是“
时,“n// ”是“
时,“n⊥ ”是“
2. (2 分) 已知直线 顶点,以 F(c,0)为右焦点,且过点 M,当
与 x 轴交于点 A,与直线 x=c(c>0,cA.
D. 3. (2 分) (2016 高一下·平罗期末) 命题“
,使得 f(x)=x”的否定是( )
,都有 f(x)=x
B . 不存在 ,使
第 1 页 共 21 页

4. (2 分) (2017 高二下·陕西期中) “x≠1”是“x2﹣3x+2≠0”的( ) A . 充分不必要条件 B . 必要不充分条件 C . 充要条件 D . 既不充分也不必要条件
5. (2 分) (2020·江西模拟) 已知函数

的最大值为( )
6. (2 分) (2016 高二上·定兴期中) 某中学初中部共有 110 名教师,高中部共有 150 名教师,其性别比例 如图所示,则该校女教师的人数为( )
A . 93 B . 123 C . 137 D . 167 7. (2 分) (2020 高二下·北京期中) 若随机变量 ξ 的分布列如下表所示,则 p1=( )
第 2 页 共 21 页


2019年高三年级第二次月考英语试卷 第I 卷选择题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How did Lawrence go to the meeting this morning? A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. On foot. 2. What does the woman mean? A. The man's always busy. B. The man's inventing an excuse. C. She forgot the man has a meeting. 3. When is the last train? A. 9:48 p.m. B. 10:18 p.m. C. 10:50 p.m. 4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Choosing courses. B. Shopping. C. History. 5. What will the man probably do? A. Go back to Colorado. B. Go to visit his relatives. C. Climb the mountains. 第二节(共15题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Where does the conversation take place? A. At a clinic. B. At a restaurant. C. On the beach. 7. Which restaurant did the woman go to first last night? A. Chinese one. B. Italian one. C. American one. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Customer and waiter. 9.What must have caused the speakers' stomach aches? A. The fish. B. The soup. C. The apples. 10. Where will the speakers go? A. To the market. B. To the hospital. C. To the restaurant. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. W hat day is it today? A. Monday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday. 12. Why does the man have to see Dr. Smith? A. He was hit by a ladder. B. He broke his leg. C. He hurt his foot.

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