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1 essential/vital/significant (重要的)

2. show great interest in /take interest in 兴趣)

a sense of (养成 - 的意思)

4. challenging (困难)

5. be of great help (importance,use,value ) 重要,用,价值)

(由于 --- ) (碰巧 -- ,正好 -- ) (如果) 证明是 --- ,结果是 ---) (为了 - )


-- ) 15. have trouble in doing sth (导致)17. endless homework (许多作


18. c are nothing for (不喜欢)

19. b e under construction


22. be occupied with/bury oneself in. 23. show great interest in: be fascinated by

(对 感兴趣)

6. eventually 最后)

7. hurry home 急急忙忙回家) annoyed with 对 --- 生气) 21. on schedule 按

时) 对 --- 感 对 --- 有帮助

9. thanks to/ owing


10. it happens that

11. on condition

that 12. turn out to ( 16. result in 不能做 - )

忙于 ---

24.threaten people ' lives. (威胁人们的生命)

25.personally (speaking); based on one 's personal idea;


an apology to sb (向某人道歉)

27. be involved in/ participate in (参加)

28. be faced with (面对)29. offer/ organize (组织)

30. an increasing number of people (越来越多的人)of many different kinds (很多不同种类的活动)

the performance given by the students from (观看由-- 演出的表演)

33. live a happy life (过着幸福生活)

34. catch sight of (突然看见)35. all of a sudden (突然)

36. have a strong appetite for knowledge (对知识的渴望)

37. in a hurry (急急忙忙)

what one can to do/ spare no effort to do


39.without hesitation/ delay (立刻)

40.for the reason that (因为)

41.exhausted (很累,精疲力竭)

42.be astonished at (对感到吃惊、意外)

43.in no time (立刻,马上)44. swiftly (快的,迅


accustomed with (习惯于)

; love; prefer; enjoy; be interested in; be fond of. (喜欢)

; dislike; be tired of; lose interest in. (不喜欢)

; excited; pleased; satisfied. (高兴)

; sad; worried, disappointed, terrified, mad; frightened (生气)

50. be determined to do (决定做某事)

,distinguished (优秀的,杰出的)

52. be addicted to, be crazy about, be absorbed in

(对迷恋,沉积于 -- )

53. make use of (使用)54. pay a visit to (参观)55. be supposed to (应该)56. be located in (位于)57. be expected to (希望,期待)58. be scared (害怕)well as (和)(送)

the time with(和- 一起度过的时光)

in great need of (急需)


2. Do a good deed (做好事)

3.Be thankful to sb for sth (对感谢、感激)

4.throw off one ' s clothes (迅速脱掉衣服)

5.be too frightened to move (害怕的不敢动)

6.struggle for (为--- 奋斗、努力)

7.pay a visit to (参观)

8.be about to do sth, when (正要--- 突然)

9. learn a lesson from

从--- 中得到教训)

10. teach sb a lesson (给某人一个教训)

11. keep the lesson in mind (牢记教训)

12. make up one ' s mind (下决心)

a loss of (造成损失)

the sun setting down (随着太阳的下山)

goodbye to (向-- 告别)

the passing of the time (忘记了时间的过去)in lost in (沉寂在--- 之中)

at the time (正在这个时候)

long (不久)to normal (恢复正常)


good to (对--- 有益)harm to (对--- 有害)