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1-5 CCBBA 6-10 ABCAB 11-15 CCAAB 16-20 CABAC

21-24 DACD 25-27 BDA 28-30 BAD

31-35 BEDGA

36-40 DCBCA 41-45 BDCAB 46-50 ADCCD 51-55 BABAD

56. it 57. However 58. called 59 popularity 60 privately

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62 A possible version

Dear Emily,

Hearing that you are going to learn Chinese folk dance in China, I want to recommend to you Miss Chen, the best dance teacher in our school.

I love folk dance. I used to watch Miss Chen’s performances of Chinese folk dance, which impressed me a lot. Her peacock dance is wonderful. Most importantly, many of her students have won prizes in various dancing competitions. I believe you will achieve a lot in this field.

Wish you good luck to be Miss Chen’s student.


Li Hua

63 A possible version

The boy headed back down to the old man’s house. He knocked on the door again and this time the old man came right to the doo r. “Boy, I thought I told you no magazines!” The old man stared at him angrily. “I know that, sir. I just wanted to bring you a gift.” The little boy handed him the dog figurine. Looking at the boy, the old man was too surprised to say anything and simply smiled in tears, as no one had ever shown him so much kindness.

From that day on something changed inside the old man. He started coming out of the house and talking to his neighbors. Soon, he and the boy became friends. The boy visited the old man frequently and brought his real live dog to his house once in a while. He even invited the old man to join his family for Christmas dinner. With the boy’s company, the old man was no longer a lonely soul.


Text 1

M: Do you still work for Microsoft, Lisa? Or did you go back to your job at the hospital?

W: No. I started my own company. I sell homemade soaps online. I’ve been doing that for about a year now, and I love it.

Text 2

M: Hi Jane. I know you’re probably busy, but I just wanted to call you to than k you for helping me cook for my brother’s birthday dinner. Every body loved the food.

W: You’re welcome. It was my pleasure.

Text 3

M: Mrs. Lang, where is my three o’clock appointment? They are ten minutes late.

W: Oh! I’m sorry, Mr. Robertson. Your patient cancelled the appointment because of a family emergency.

M: Well, that was my last patient. If anyone else wants to reach me, I’ll be on the golf course.

Text 4

W: You know what, o n rainy days like this, I really want soup…

M: Well, let’s go get some! There’s a place on 4th Street that has delicious soup, and it’s pretty cheap.

Text 5

M: I’m glad we’re going dancing tonight! Can we meet at the club at 8:00?

W: Well, I don’t have anything to do before that. Let’s have dinner at Antonio’s restaurant. Wan t to meet at 7:00?

M: It’s up to you. I could meet as early as 6:00.

Text 6

W: It was a crazy crowd at the baseball game today. Why was everyone so upset?

M: Well, the home team played terribly, and most of the fans paid a lot of money to see that game. W: I can understand that, I guess, but there were people throwing garbage onto the field and yelling at the players.

M: If you think that’s bad, you should go watch a soccer match in England. Europeans are very aggressive during games. A lot of times, fights break out in the stands.

W: Really? Wow, that seems a little unnecessary. It’s just a game, after all.

M: I agree. I find it unfair to blame it on the athletes. They are all trying their best.

Text 7

M: How do you like your job?

W: It’s all right. I get to travel sometimes…

M: That sounds great!

W: Yeah, but I’m not that happy to be working there. I’ve been in the same position for three years, and I would like to have some new responsibilities.

M: Well, have you talked to your boss about this? Perhaps it’s time for a promotion.

W: Not yet. Unfortunately, I’m not qualified for a position with more responsibilities in my company unless I get a graduate degree.

M: Well, then you should get one!

W: I know. UCLA has the master’s program that I’m really interested in, but I can’t afford to move to Los Angeles. So, I will have to get my degree online.

M: Will you have time to do that while working full-time?

W: Probably. I will have to spend my evenings and weekends studying, but I think it will be worth