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1、已知b a 、是有理数,且b a >,则下列式子正确的是( )

A 、11->-b a

B 、b a ->-11

C 、11-<-b a

D 、b a 2121->- 2、已知b a 、两个实数在数轴上的对应点如图所示,则下列式子中正确的是 ( )。

A 、b a >

B 、0>+b a

C 、0<-b a

D 、a ab <

3、下列多项式不能用平方差分解的是 ( )。

A 、2225b a -

B 、224

1b a - C 、2225b a +- D 、24b -- 4、我校八年级学生在生物实验中抽出50粒种籽进行研究,数据落在37~40之

间的频率是,则这50个数据在37~40之间的个数是( )

A 、1

B 、2

C 、10

D 、5

5、若分式n m n

m m 、中的22+同时扩大2倍,则分式的值 ( ) A 、扩大两倍 B 、不变 C 、缩小两倍 D 、无法确定


取2500名同学的数学成绩进行统计分析,则以下说法中正确的是 ( )

A 、2500名考生是总体的一个样本;

B 、每名考生的数学成绩是个体

C 、全市八年级考生是总体 ;

D 、2500是样本。

7、乐器上一根弦AB=80cm ,两端点A 、B 固定在乐器板面上,期间支撑点C 是AB

的黄金分割点(AC>BC ),则AC 的长是 ( )。

A 、40540-

B 、80540-

C 、540120-

D 、


22、如图,在半径为R 的圆形钢板上,冲去半径为r 的四个圆,请


部分面积S 的计算式子,并利用因式分解计算当R=,r =时S 的值




23. ----I am so hungry now. ----When did you ______ breakfast

---- Four hours_________!

A. had; before

B. eat; now

C. have; ago


ate; after

24. ---- My mum always says: “Time is money.”

---- That’s true, but I think time is _______ important than money.

A. much

B. the most

C. less

D. more

25. ----Dad, is Hannan Province ____ the south of our Anhui Province

---- My boy, if you want to know, you can check it on the map of China.

A. on

B. to

C. in

D. of

26. ---- Have a nice holiday, Tony ----____________________.

A.Thanks, the same to you.

B. Sure, it will be very nice.

C.Of course, no problem.

D. Yes, don’t worry about it.

27. ---- I was so tired that I _______ quickly as soon as(一…就) I

_________ last night.

---- So please don’t play computer games after you finish your homework.

A. go to bed; is asleep

B. is asleep; go to bed

C. went to bed; was asleep

D. fell asleep; went to


28. ----Betty is a well-behaved at school, isn’t she

----That’s true. She is a _____ girl. She does everything _________.

A. nice; good

B. well; good

C. good; well

D. well; well

29. ----______ you______ a meeting last Monday

----Yes, and it ______ me three hours to get ready for it.

A. Were, have; spent

B. Did, had; take

C. Did, have; took

D. Were, had; spent

30. -----Do you know who runs _________in our class

-----Of course, David runs ________ than any other student in our class.

A. the fastest; fast

B. fastly; fastest

C. faster;

fastest D. fastest; faster



Smith told us s_______(几个) stories about Shenzhou Ⅶ.

’t be s________ (害羞的) when you speak English.

you tell me the s_______(秘密)

mother likes listening to w___________ (西方的)music.