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to accept a difficult reality
a failure
to start again from the beginning
to fire someone very intelligent
a job that won’t lead to anything else
3. 拓展句型
f) You can trust me.你可以信赖我。 g) I'll be available if you need me.你需要帮助
h) I'll be there if you need a hand.你需要帮助 时,我就会出现。
i) I'm a phone call away.我随call随到。 j) I'm with you all the way.我一路上陪着你。
I. 如何衡量一个人英语口头表达能力
(1)语言的准确性(accuracy)和得体性 (appropriateness);
(2)语音(pronunciation)、语调 (intonation)是否正确,口齿是否清楚;
(3)话语组织(discourse management)是 否合理;
(4)口语表达的流利程度(fluency); (5)语法(grammar)
• you need to pay more attention to it. 你需要更加留心 • let's take this one step at a time. 做这事我们要一步一步
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
3. 拓展句型
• leave nothing to chance. 做任何事情都要有把握。
• take no chances with it. 这事儿可不能碰运气。
• be on your guard. 你要提防着点儿。 • you'd better watch your step or you'll get
into trouble again. 你最好留点儿神,免得再惹麻烦。
IV. Working Girl《打工女郎》
1. underwater position 困境,艰难的地步 2. ground rules 基本程序 3. link n. 连接 4. tough a. 强硬的 5. warranted a. 有正当理由的 6. accommodating a.肯通融的 7. accurate a.准确的;精确的 8. punctual a.严格守时的 9. impeccable a.无懈可击的;无缺点的 10. shabbily ad.衣衫褴褛地;不体面地 11. terrific a.糟糕的 12. input n.提供的看法 13. rewarded a. 得到奖赏的 14. pitiful a.可怜的 15. cut out for… 生来就合适;天生合适……
6. My boss showed me the door yesterday. 我老板昨 天叫我走路。
7. I was cancelled. 我被开除了。 8. I was laid off. 我被解雇了。
9. The boss told me that I don't have to come
• black and blue青一块紫一块 • a black sheep 败家子 • red tape 繁文缛节 • a white lie善意的谎言
Dialogue Two
1. “We’ll stand in your side.” a) I will support you.我会支持你的。 b) I'll back you up.我会挺你的。 c) I'm on your side.我站在你这边。 d) You can count on me.你可以依靠我。 e) You can rely on me.你可以依赖我。
2. 对图片中人物的动作、表 情、神态加以解释:为什 么出现这种动作、表情和 神态。
3. 图片中所能见到的景和物, 以及他们互相之间的位置 关系。
4. 图片的内在含义是什么, 根据图片的主题加以符合 逻辑的联想或评论。
Self talk自言自语法
(1)何谓“自言自语法”? “自言自语法”,即以自己跟自己交流的 方式,促成英语口语能力提高之方法。它 不受时间及其他交流因素的限制,只要有 一个属于你的空间,自己对着自己用英语 讲就可以了,此方法是正常课堂英语口语 训练的有益补充。
Telling Someone To Be Careful
• safety first. 安全第一。 • play it safe. 做事要稳妥 • play it cool. 做事要冷静 • look before you leap. 想好了再行动。 • you'd better be careful. 你要小心一点 • you really must try and take more care. 你一定要更当心
Black humor: • “Pompey, how do I look?” the master asked. • “O massa mighty. You looks mighty.” • “What do you mean mighty, Pompey?” • “Why massa you looks nobles.” • “What do you mean by noble?” • “Why, I mean looks just like a lion.” • “Why Pompey, where have you ever seen a lion?’ • “I saw one down yonder field the other day massa.” • “Pompey, you foolish fellow. That was a jackass.” • “Was it massa? Well suh you looks just like him.”
Katherine Parker: Well, I think he’s in an underwater position. All right, so that’s our first and second call, and then we’ll see where we are. Right, I’ll count the minutes. Bye.
• an open question: may be doubted beyond question: cannot be doubted.
1. I got fired. 我被炒鱿鱼了。 2. I got the boot. 我被开除了。 3. I got the axe. 我被开除了。 4. I got sacked. / I got the sack. 我被开除了。 5. They kicked me out. 他们把我踢出来了
Interactive Speaking
Class Missions
• Dialogues • Functional expressions • Term study, translation. Interpretation. • Business etiquette. • Idiom study. • Team work. (40% of final score).
Tess: How am I look? Katherine: You look terrific. You might want to rethink the jewelry. I want your input Tess. I welcome your ideas and I like to see hard work rewarded. It’s a two-way street on my team. Am I making myself clear? Tess: Yes, Katherine. Katherine: And call me Katherine. Tess: OK. Katherine: So, let’s get to work, shall we? This department’s profile last year was damn pitiful. Our team has got its work cut out for it.
II. 口语训练方法
1. Imitation模仿跟读法 2. Retelling复述法 3. Picture description 图片描述法 4. Interpretation口译法 5. Recitation背诵法 6. Self talk自言自语法
1. 图片中的人物及他们的动 作、表情、衣着、姿态和 神态。
Self talk自言自语法
(2)如何用“自言自语法”进行英语口语练 习
• 自主创造语言环境 • 有目的地去选择说的材料 • 狠抓句型训练 • 说话时要带手势、动作、表情 • 注意说的质量
Unit One A New Start
Dialogue One: pink slip: walking papers • red figure 赤字 • in a blue mood 情绪低沉 • green eyed 红眼病 • green with envy非常妒忌
in tomorrow, or any other day. 老板告诉我说,我明天或以后都不必来公 司了。 10. My boss told me to find a "better" job. 我 老板叫我"另谋高就"。
Idiom Study
• Dialogue:
Bob works as a manager in a furniture store, Peter, his boss, is not happy about sales. Bob’s new advertising campaign hasn’t helped. Peter decides to fire him.
• Black humor:absurd, even little sort of being morbid. A mockery at itself with no alternative when in darkness and coldness.
• Feature: Parody Satire Irony
Thanks. So, Tess, a few ground rules. The way I look at it, you are my link with the outside world. People’s impression of me starts with you. You’re tough when it’s warranted, accommodating when you can be, you’re accurate, you’re punctual and you never make a promise you can’t keep. I’m never on another line, I’m in a meeting. I consider us a team Tess and as such we have a uniform, simple, elegant, impeccable. Dress shabbily they notice the dress. Dress impeccably, they notice the woman. Coco Channel.
to make something known
to be very expensive a lot of money
to create a feeling of disgust or horror
to prevent a disaster or misfortune
to go bankrupt
2. roll up the sleeves
3. lofty idea: (of ideas, feelings, writing, etc.) of usually high moral quality.
Functional Expression
• I feel in such a muddle.