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湖南大学毕业设计 第 I 页


摘 要

本设计的主要内容包括:取水构筑物设计;净水厂设计;输配水管网设计;工程总概算与制水成本分析四部分。经用水量计算知,新水厂近期供水规模为5.4万3/m d ,远期为11万3/m d ,以地表水为水源。

取水工程由菱形箱式取水头部、自流管以及取水泵房组成。取水泵房内径16.5m ,近期1台30019S 型水泵(Q=612-9353/m h ,H=22-14m ,N =103kw,n=970r/min )和2台50022S A 型水泵(其中1台为备用泵)(Q=1400-20203/m h ,H=20-14m ,N =

185kW,n=970r/min )。远期将30019S 型水泵换成500

22S A 型水泵,并再增设一台50022S A 型水泵,即3台50022S A 工作,1台50022S A 备用。

净水工程常规工艺采用折板絮凝池、平流沉淀池、V 型滤池、液氯消毒工艺,絮凝剂选用碱式氯化铝。

絮凝池与沉淀池合建,采用2组,每组设计水量为32.7/q m d =万。絮凝池设计絮凝时间为19.9min ,絮凝池尺寸:15.68.20 3.50L B H m m m ⨯⨯=⨯⨯,有效水深为3.20m 。

平流沉淀池设计停留时间为2h ,尺寸:868.2 3.6L B H m m m ⨯⨯=⨯⨯,有效水深:

3.3H m =,池内平均水平流速:11/v mm s =,弗劳德数:51.1810Fr -=⨯(在510-~410-范围内),雷诺数:Re 14880=(一般为4000-15000)。

V 型滤池设两组,每组设计水量为32.7/q m d =万,共四格,单格池宽 3.0B m =,池长10.5L m =,面积为422m 。设计滤速采用9/v m h =,强制滤速v '=11/m h 。

滤池采用单层石英砂均粒滤料,有效粒径在0.95~1.35m ,不均匀系数80 1.30K =。 冲洗方式采用:先气冲洗,再气-水同时冲洗,最后再用水单独冲洗。


湖南大学毕业设计 第 II 页

臭氧投加量选为1mg/L,臭氧在水中的半衰期为20min 。设计氧化接触时间为10min 。臭氧接触池的尺寸为L ×B ×H=19.10m ×5.90m ×7.20m 。

生物活性炭滤池选用普通快滤池池型。采用2组炭滤池,滤池设计水量为35.4/Q m d =万,每组采用的滤池个数为8个,每个滤池面积为35.72m ,尺寸为:8.5 4.2 3.3L B H m m m ⨯⨯=⨯⨯。炭滤池采用的设计滤速18.0/v m h =,强制滤速为29.1/v m h =。炭滤池按大阻力配水系统设计,反冲洗强度()215/.q L s m =,10min t =。

二级泵房即近期3台350S44运行,1台350S44备用;远期换掉2台350S44并增加3台500S59A ,即2台350S44和2台500S59A 运行,1台500S59A 备用。

管网采用环状管网与树状管结合,管材选用球墨铸铁管。管线总长35390 m ,最大管径700mm ,最小管径100mm 。


排泥池流量为31740/m d ,寸定为16m ×16m ×3.9m 。

浓缩池设计流量为:72.5m3/h ,池体直径为16.2m ,总高度为5.90m 。

污泥平衡池池容 392V m =,池体径为6.2m ,池体总高度为3.5m 。



湖南大学毕业设计第III 页

Water Supply Preliminary Design of

X City



The main elements of the design include:

Ⅰ. Design of the intake structure of the new water plant.

Ⅱ. Design of the new water plant.

Ⅲ. Design of the pipe network in the G1 city.

Ⅳ. Balance budget of water supply engineering and the running cost of the new plant.

Calculated by the water consumption is known that the scale of the new plant is determinted as 54 000 3/

m d in the.further futrue.

m d in the near future and 110 000 3/

The intake structure is formed with the diamond-shaped box-type intake head, gravity pipe, as well as the composition of the water pumping station. The inside diameter of the water pumping station is 16.5m, in the near futrue use 1 300S19 pump (Q=612-9353/

m h,H=22-14m,N=103kw,n=970r/min)and 2 500S22A pumps (including 1 stand-by pump ) (Q=1400-20203/

m h,H=20-14m,N=185kW,n=970r/min). 300S19 pump will be replaced by 500S22A in the further futrue , and to add a same type pump, that is 3500S22A working,1 spare.

Water purification project is made up with folded-plate flocculating tank , horizontal flow sedimentation tank , aquazur V-filter, chlorine disinfection process, selection of BAC as flocculant.

flocculating tank and horizontal flow sedimentation tank build together, using 2 groups, designed supply capacity is 43

q m d

=⨯10. Design flocculation time:19.9min,


flocculation Size: 15.68.20 3.50

⨯⨯=⨯⨯,effective water depth:3.20m.The

L B H m m m

sedimentation tanks stratospheric residence time:;2h size: 868.2 3.6


L B H m m m effective water depth: 3.3

H m

v mm s

=,Froude number:

=, pool average velocity: 11/



10-), Reynolds number: Re14880



=⨯(in-scope 5

