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Li Hong a boy. He is twelve years old. He up at six

Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are Americans. But now they are in Beijing their kids. This is their first time to China.

Mr. Cooper is a and culture. So she often goes to see Beijing opera.

her daughter doesn’t think so. She likes , and her favorite movie

is Mr. Bean.

every morning. He and his friend, Wang Tao are in No 1 Middle School. He M r. Cooper doesn’t like movies.

He thinks they are . He likes sports. His playing basketball after school. But his friend, Wang Tao, doesn’t like to it.

favorite sport is . He likes Yao Ming very much.

They often to a movie on ’t like documentaries.

They science is boring, they think English is very .

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They The Coopers want to go to Pingyao, Shanxi. It is an and nice place. They

want to take photos there. They can also to speak Chinese. They can have a very well at school.



good time in China.

Your attention, please. We will _________ a show at:00pm _________ Sunday. We _________two good musicians for the show. If you _________ dance or sing,

please_________ us. If you can play the piano, the ________ or the guitar, please send an ___________ to GiGi182@ 163. com. Also, we want three people to _________us paint some pictures. So if you can

__________, please ___________ to the school office before Thursday.

It’s the time of year again. to Jenny’s Clothes

Store. Have a $1each. Skirts are sale for only$15. Do you to have one?

at our new clothes. We them at a very good price. We have new T-shirts for

are they? Only0. Anybody can afford prices.

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Come and for yourself at Jenny’s Store!



I work in a small shop. It's near an American . Every day students come to_______ things. ________the morning I get up at six, and then I have breakfast. I go to school _______bike. I _______ to shop at about

six fifty. The shop ________ at seven. We sell things _________food and drinks. We have school things, too. So there are often many ________in our shop __________morning to evening. I have lunch in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. I go home _______ supper.

My name is Ed Smith . I’m 12. I’m ___1___ Class

One. I like ball games . They are __2__. I play ball games every day.

I can _3___ baseball, tennis, and volleyball. But I can not play__4__. Ping-pong is difficult for me. I __5_ a good friend at

school .___6___ name is Linda Brown . Linda Brown is an English

___7___. She is 11. She also __8____ball games. She can play tennis, volleyball and ping- pong . But she __9__ not play baseball. So Linda

and I often

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play tennis__10___volleyball together. 1、__________2、




home . _4__Breakfast, we all drink milk . Emma and Sally like eggs, but I __5__. I like bread for breakfast. We have lunch at school . I

like hamburgers with chicken. But they don’t . They like hamburgers with __6_. We all have__7___ at home. Emma and I eat _8__ salad. But Sally doesn’t. She __9__carrots . We often eat

fruit__10__ dinner. 1、__________2、__________3、



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中考英语选词填空习题 We can’t stop an earthquake(地震), but we can do things to make sure they don’t destroy(毁坏) whole cities. First, it is not a 1 .________ idea to build houses along lines where 2. ________ of the earth’s plates(板块) join together. Second, if you think there 3. ________be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4.________. Third, you must make the houses as 5.________ as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6. ________ .. Scientists are 7. ________ that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco(旧金山) . They call it “ The Big One ”. However, people today are still building more 8. ________. The population in and around San Francisco is 9. ________ ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that 10. ________ there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed. Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes 1 ________ him broken umbrellas, and then he took them to a big shop in London. They were 2 ________ there. One day Mr. Brown went to London by train. He 3 ________ to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing 4 _______ the seat. When the train arrived in London, Mr. Brown 5 ________ up the umbrella as he often did during his journey by train. Just as he was getting off, he was 6 ________ by the man. He said angrily, “That’s 7________ !” Mr. Brown’ s face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once. When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at 8 ________ of them, he said, “You’ve mended them very well.” In the afternoon he got into the train again. The 9 ________ man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr B rown and his six umbrellas, “You’ve had a 10 ________ day,” he said.


语文选词填空题专项训练 应试技巧 技巧1:拿捏词义的轻重 近义词虽然表达的意思是相近的,但在表现事物的某种特征或程度上,往往有轻重之别。我们辨析时就要注意区别。 例如:“损坏”“毁坏”“破坏”其表现的程度就层层升级,依次加重。再如:“陌生”与“生疏”,两个词都有“不熟悉”的意思。但“陌生”表示对一个人或事物因初次接触而不熟悉;“生疏”则可表示对一个人或事物以前熟悉或曾经有过接触,因相隔时间长变得不熟悉了,或者因接触时间不长次数不多所以不熟悉。 技巧2:限定词义的范围 有些近义词虽指同一事物,但所指范围却有大有小,这种分别也是辨析近义词的一个标准。例如:“边疆”“边境”“边界”范围是越来越小。“边疆”指远离中心的地方,靠近国界的领土,范围大,同时这个概念比较抽象;“边境”指靠近国界的地方,范围较小,同时这个概念比较具体。“边界”仅指一条界限,范围最小。再如:“年纪”与“年龄”。“年纪”专指人的年龄,词义范围小,“年龄”指人或动物植物已生存的年数,词义范围大。如:(1)校园里的两棵银杏树,看上去它们的年龄足有千年。(2)你这把年纪还带头干活,我们这些年青人哪敢怠慢?这里的例(1)的“年龄”就不能换成“年纪”。 技巧3:揣摩词义侧重 有些近义词虽指意义相似,但由于词素构成不同往往所指的侧重点不同,使用就有所不同。 例如:“景色”与“景点”,“景色”侧重指景象、情景。“景点”侧重指景物的地点。再如:“诡辩”与“狡辩”都指无理强辩,但“诡辩”着重在“诡”,即欺诈、怪异,“诡辩”就是用欺诈的手段,奇怪的言辞,似是而非的论证来为自己的谬论辩护。“狡辩”着重在“狡”,即不老实,耍花招,“狡辩”是歪曲事实,狡猾的为自己的错误言行辩解。 技巧4:分清词性和语法功能 近义词一般词性相同,但也有词性不同或不完全相同的。 例如“诞生”与“诞辰”,前者为动词,后者为名词,词性不同,用法自然就不同了。也有因词性不同,句法功能也就不同,如“突然”(形容词,作状、谓、定语),“猛然”(副词,作状语)。再如:“申明”与“声明”,“申明”动词,陈述说明,含有解释、分辩的意思,在句中一般作谓语;“声明”,动词兼名词,当众宣布、公开表明立场态度或说明情况,在句中作谓语,也可作宾语。如:2005年2月10日下午3时,朝鲜外务省突然发表——,鉴于美国丝毫没有改变对朝敌视政策,朝决定无限期中止参加六方会谈,并采取措施进一步扩充核武库。此句中需要一个名词性的词语,应该填“声明”。 技巧5:语感与第一印象 选词填空题还考察我们的日常词汇和语言积累,许多固定搭配或者约定俗成说法,凭借语感即可做出答案。考生在考场上一定要相信自己的积累,不要耗费两大量时间迂回于一道试题。此外,有些词语习惯搭配我们也需要注意,这些就是考察我们的词语积累了。 技巧6:找准对象 近义词在实际运用时,使用对象也有区别。主要是谈话人或陈述对象所处的地位不同而使用的词语不同。例如:“爱戴”与“爱护”都可一用于人,但“爱戴”只用于下对上,“爱护“用与同志之间或上对下,有时还用于物。如“爱护公物”。如“他是一个深受群众爱戴


初三英语选词填空训练 一、选词填空。 The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty”on the sports ground shines in basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans. Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia (亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Women’s NBA) in the US. It’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was ready for the challenges ahead. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English. “My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!”She likes speaking English to 7 . Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper. This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二、选词填空。 All the students at school 1 Mr Green. He 2 at the school for a long time. Mr Green cleans the floors and keeps everything 3 . He is very nice too 4 , too. He helps them 5 their work and often finds things 6 have lost in school. One day the students 7 , “Let’s do 8 nice for Mr Green.”They bought him a 9 shirt, The 10 morning when Mr Green came to work, everyone shouted, “Surprise!”Mr Green said it was the surprise he ever had. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、选词填空。 Many years ago, there was a family 1 Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five 2 and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1760, another baby boy 3 . The boy’s mother and his father 4 the boy a name-Benjamin. Benjamin was the 5 of all the children. He could read when he was five and he 6 write by the time he was seven. When he was eight he was sent to school. In school Benjamin had been good at 7 and writing but not good at math. He read all of 8 father’s books. And whenever(每当) he had a little money, he bought a book with it. He liked books. They told him how to do 9 . At that time he invented the paddles(脚蹼) for 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 四、选词填空。 Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to school to learn languages, geography(地理), history, science and many other subjects. That is 1 true. But 2 do they learn these things for ? And are these things all that they learn at school? We send our children to school to get ready for their future(未来的) work and life. Many of the things they study at school are useful 3 their life, but is that the 4 reason why they go to school? There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn or teach 5 . If a man really 6 how to learn, he will 7 to do 8 new, he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the 9 way. The uneducated(没受过教育的) person, on the other hand, is 10 unable to do it, or does it badly, So the purpose(目的) of modern education is not only to learn languages, geography, history, science and many other subjects, but to teach students the way to learn. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 7. 8. 9. 10. 第 1 页共3 页


2018中考英语选词填空专项练习 1._______ stones. We can see hills, too. There is a little rain in the 2.________, but it is not 3. ______ for most plants. The animals are 4. _______ to the desert people in many ways. The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use their skins to 5. ________ shoes, water bags and even tents(帐篷). They use the camels(骆驼) for 6. _______ things. The people of the desert have to keep 7. _______ from places to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in the tents. When there is mo more food for their animals, they take down their tents, put them on the camels and move to 8. _______ place. The desert people are very 9. _______. No man in the desert would ever refuse to help the people in 10._______ and give them food and water. 二选词填空 that quite a lot of people are busy studying them. All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about 2.________ they live and grow are as interesting as anything could be. Do you know that one of the great presidents of the United States 3 ________ hours and hours studying birds? A businessman who lives near New York City became so interested in insects(昆虫) that he began to collect them. He now has more than one thousand different kinds 4. ________ kept in the glass boxes. Come then with me, and I will help you find some of Nature’s secrets. Let us go quietly through the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for 5. ________ sleep. We shall watch bees 6. ________ in the air to let other bees know where they can find food. I will 7.________ you many other interesting things, but the 8. ________ thing that I can teach you is to keep your eyes and ears 9.________ when you go out of doors. Nature tells her secrets 10.________ to people who look and listen carefully. 三用所给词的适当形式填空 beard(蓄着胡须). Since it has been 2.________ there, he has taken it off (剃掉). But his passport photo shows him with his 3. __ beard ___. An officer looks at the 4. ________for a moment, and says,"Will you excuse me? Please sit down. I shan't keep you long." With this, he walks away, shows the photo to a second 5.________, and says: "I know that face." The second officer looks at the 6. ________ and asks where Mr Hill has come from. When he hears that Mr Hill has arrived back from Paris, the 7.________officer smiles and says: "An Englishman with a beard stole a painting in Paris on Friday, And that man looks just the kind of man..." 8.________ it comes to the first officer who Mr Hill is. He returns to him, and asks: "Did you9. ____ at the No.2. High School?" When Mr Hill answers, 10. ________, that he did, the first officer smiles and says: "I thought so. I'm Jack Smith. You taught me French. You haven't changed a bit."


选词填空技巧教案 一、选词填空的练习分析 二、选词填空的常考知识点 三、选词填空的技巧 一、选词填空的例题练习分析 Bob and David are good friends, but they like to joke on each other sometimes. One day they went to London for their holidays. They went to the (1)___________and bought their tickets. When the train arrived, Bob got on the train first, but he dropped his (2)_______________ on the platform(站台)without knowing it. David was behind him and quickly (3) _________it up. Without saying a word to his friends, he put it in his (4)_______After they had been in the (5) _________for a little while, they saw the conductor(列车员)coming along, shouting,“ Ticket, please!” Bob(6)__________ for his and of course he couldn’t find it.“ Oh, dear, I can’t (7)__________ my ticket, David.” he said. “Have another look, Bob; it must be (8)___________”said David.“No, I can’t find it anywhere. What shall I do ?”“Perhaps you’d better hide under the(9)___________so that the conductor won’t see you.”So Bob crawled(爬)under the seat and lay there quietly. Soon the conductor stood in front of David.“Ticket, please.” he said.David handed him (10) __________tickets and said, “This is mine. The other is my friend’s. He prefers to travel under the seat.” 1,2,4,5,9根据上下文意思填名词。3,6,7,8根据上下文意思填入动词,并注意动词的形式及语态。10考数词。 二、选词填空的常考知识点 1、名词 新课程标准要求初中毕业生要掌握1500-1600个单词,200-300个词组和短语;名词需要注意单复数 2、动词 动词的时态及语态。动词的时态:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、现在完成时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时。动词的语态(动词的主动语态及被动语态)。 3、数词:基数词和序数词的转化(结合语境提示例如one,the other可推出two tickets) 4、副词(结合语境) 5、介词(固定搭配) 6、代词:(人称代词主格、宾格的转化;人称代词、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的转化);固定搭配:each of(每个)


、根据语境,在括号里填上适当的词语 倾诉倾吐 1.他把这些烦心事一直埋在心底,不愿意向任何人( )。 2.这两个许久不见的好朋友正在( )对对方的思念。 静谧宁静 3这一声凄凉的狗叫身,打破了夜晚的( )。 4.我又躺在田野里,在无限的( )中,忘了世界。 二、把下列词语补充完整,抖根据语境填上合适的词语。 百折( )( ) 立( )顶( ) ( )不安( ) 蹒跚( )( ) 可( )一( ) ( )落石( ) 悬崖( )( ) 攀( )越( ) ( )来入( ) 1.完成这项工作,需要我们有( )的毅力。 2.因为自己的错误导致班级荣誉受损,她整天( )。 三、先连线,再选词填空 心惊自受 流连肉跳 十指忘返 自作连心 1.惊险的极限挑战活动令人( ),勇敢的挑战者却是镇定自若。 2.即使孩子不小心磕破了皮,母亲都会很心痛,毕竟( )。

四、在括号里填入适当的词语,并选两个词造句 ( )的地球( )的怀抱 ( )的生活( )的海洋 ( )的枪口( )的丛林 造句:______________________________ 造句:______________________________ 五、选择最恰当的动词填入句中 1.考人把饼干丁很小心地放在湖边的围栏上,退开一步,( )起嘴向鸣群呼唤。(嘟搓) 2.当我们不得不去收起遗像的时候,海鸥们像炸了营似的朝遗像( )过来。(扑飞) 3只见松鼠像粒子弹似的从里头( )了出来,跳到了大柜顶上。(蹿跑) 4.一只大狐狸正( )着秋田狗大摇大摆地走过来,它嘴里叼着一只哆哆嗦嗦的鸡。(朝冲) 六、根据语境填入恰当的成语。 1.苏州园林的设计,可谓是( ). 2.西安是一座( )的城市,历史为它注入了活力。 3中国许多名句流传至今,( )。 4.今天的交响乐既欢快又动听,真是( )啊! 参考答案 一、倾吐倾诉宁静静谧 二、不回地天寝席学步见斑水出峭壁山岭频梦百折不回寝不安席 四、脆弱温暖幸福枯竭冰冷茂密 家如同一个温暖的怀抱可以治愈你受的伤痛。


初三英语选词填空训练 Many years ago, there was a family 1 Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five 一、选词填空。 2 and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1760, another baby boy 3 . The boy’s one she other play open think speak keep both wide mother and his father 4 the boy a name-Benjamin. Benjamin was the 5 of all the children. He could read when he was five and he 6 write by the time he was seven. When he was The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty”on the sports ground shines in eight he was sent to school. In school Benjamin had been good at 7 and writing but not good basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans. at math. He read all of 8 father’s books. And whenever(每当) he had a little money, he Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia ( 亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Women ’s NBA) in the US. It ’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was bought a book with it. He liked books. They told him how to do 9 . At that time he invented ready for the challenges ahead. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she the paddles(脚蹼) for 10 . always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. “My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!”She likes 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. speaking English to 7 . 四、选词填空。 Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and only either what learn good something quite know in always she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper. This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star. Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to school to learn languages, geography(地理), history, science and many other subjects. That is 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 true. But 2 do they learn these things for ? And are these things all that they learn at 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. school? 二、选词填空。 We send our children to school to get ready for their future( 未来的) work and life. Many of work next love something with student beautiful clean they the things they study at school are useful 3 their life, but is that the 4 reason why they go All the students at school 1 Mr Green. He 2 at the school for a long time. Mr Green to school? cleans the floors and keeps everything 3 . He is very nice too 4 , too. He helps them 5 There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how their work and often finds things 6 have lost in school. to learn or teach 5 . If a man really 6 how to learn, he will 7 to do 8 new, he will One day the students 7 , “Let’s do 8 nice for Mr Green.”They bought him a 9 quickly teach himself how to do it in the 9 way. The uneducated(没受过教育的) person, on shirt, The 10 morning when Mr Green came to work, everyone shouted, “Surprise!”Mr the other hand, is 10 unable to do it, or does it badly, So the purpose(目的) of modern Green said it was the surprise he ever had. education is not only to learn languages, geography, history, science and many other subjects, but 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. to teach students the way to learn.


【揭秘奉献】2012上海中考英语新题型精练(共9套)2012年上海中考英语题型已确定,词汇与语法部分新增选词填空题,根据文章意思,选择方框中最恰当的词语,不需要进行词性转换。但也增加不少难度,首先需要读懂文章,才能选择最正确的词,以下为2012年上海中考英语新题型选词填空专项练习,供学生学习参考。 2012年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空1 destroy(毁坏) whole cities. First, it is not a 1 .________ idea to build houses along lines where 2. ________ of the earth's plates(板块) join together. Second, if you think there 3. ________ be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rocks , not on 4. ________. Third, you must make the houses as 5. ________ as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6. ________ Scientists are 7. ________ that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco(旧金山) . They call it " The Big One ". However, people today are still building more 8. ________ . The population in and around San Francisco is 9. ________ ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that 10. ________ there is another earthquake, a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed. 参考答案: 1.good 2.two 3.may 4.sand 5.strong 6.stayup 7.afraid 8.houses 9.now 10.if 2012年上海中考英语新题型专项练习——选词填空2 forget, bring,mend,beside,luck,pick,same,differently, I ,every , stop,each Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes 1 ________ him


初三英语选词填空专项训练 一、选词填空。 The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty”on the sports ground shines in basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans. Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia (亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Women’s NBA) in the US. It’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was ready for the challenges ahead. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English. “My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!”She likes speaking English to 7 . Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper. This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二、选词填空。 All the students at school 1 Mr Green. He 2 at the school for a long time. Mr Green cleans the floors and keeps everything 3 . He is very nice too 4 , too. He helps them 5 their work and often finds things 6 have lost in school. One day the students 7 , “Let’s do 8 nice for Mr Green.”They bought him a 9 shirt, The 10 morning when Mr Green came to work, everyone shouted, “Surprise!”Mr Green said it was the surprise he ever had. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、选词填空。 Many years ago, there was a family 1 Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five 2 and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1760, another baby boy 3 . The boy’s mother and his father 4 the boy a name-Benjamin. Benjamin was the 5 of all the children. He could read when he was five and he 6 write by the time he was seven. When he was eight he was sent to school. In school Benjamin had been good at 7 and writing but not good at math. He read all of 8 father’s books. And whenever(每当) he had a little money, he bought a book with it. He liked books. They told him how to do 9 . At that time he invented the paddles(脚蹼) for 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 四、选词填空。 Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to school to learn languages, geography(地理), history, science and many other subjects. That is 1 true. But 2 do they learn these things for ? And are these things all that they learn at school? We send our children to school to get ready for their future(未来的) work and life. Many of the things they study at school are useful 3 their life, but is that the 4 reason why they go to school? There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn or teach 5 . If a man really 6 how to learn, he will 7 to do 8 new, he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the 9 way. The uneducated(没受过教育的) person, on the other hand, is 10 unable to do it, or does it badly, So the purpose(目的) of modern education is not only to learn languages, geography, history, science and many other subjects, but to teach students the way to learn. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 7. 8. 9. 10. one she other play open think speak keep both wide work next love something with student beautiful clean they call swim anything clever bear can his give girl read only either what learn good something quite know in always 第 1 页共 3 页

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