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焗饭类 焗茄汁猪扒饭/意粉 焗茄汁鸡扒饭/意粉 焗芝士肉酱意粉 原只菠萝海鲜焗饭 白汁芝士焗鸡扒饭 焗葡国鸡饭 焗荷叶香菇滑鸡饭 焗荷叶排骨饭 焗荷叶腊味饭 焗荷叶田鸡饭
香菇滑鸡蒸饭 排骨腊肠蒸饭 梅菜肉饼蒸饭 腊味(腊肠、腊肉)煲仔饭 咸鱼肉饼煲仔饭 牛腩煲仔饭 排骨煲仔饭 田鸡煲仔饭 黄鳝煲仔饭 香菇滑鸡煲仔饭 排骨腊肠煲仔饭 腊鸭肶腊肠煲仔饭
火腿(餐肉)煎双蛋 肠仔煎双蛋 公司三文治
茶餐厅菜单/ Hongkong Style Restaurant Menu
all kinds of roasted meat
BBQ Pork,Roast Duck,Roast Spare Ribs, Roast Pork
plain chicken,soy sauce chicken roasted goose
欢畅饮品 港式咖啡(热) 港式奶茶(热) 冻柠茶 鸳鸯(热) 冻柠蜜/柠乐 冻柠乐/柠七 鲜奶(热) 阿华田(热) 好立克(热) 朱古力(热) 冻咸柠七 柠底乐/七 可乐煲姜 鲜奶加蛋(热) (以上热饮改冻饮加2元)
三文治 菠萝油 厚多士(果酱,奶油,花生 酱) 牛油(奶油)多士 西多士 吞拿鱼三文治 火腿(餐肉)蛋三文治 芝士火腿三文治
Special curry rice curry chicken rice curry beef rice curry pork chop rice curry chicken chop rice curry tenderloin rice curry sea food rice
Fast-food sauté beef with tomato and egg Ma Pos been curd fry dried meat floss with kale borecole and long been fish flavor eggplant cucumber(Towel Gourd) pork sauté pork with vegetable
Fry rice Fry rice with dacewithblackbean and cabage Fry rice, Yangzhou style Fry rice with beef Fry rice with salted fish and chicken Fry rice with pineapple and chicken Fry rice with sausage and cabage Fry rice, Fujian style Fry rice, Indonesia style Fry rice with XO sauce and sea food
Hot pot rice/steamed rice
steamed rice with chicken &mushrooms steamed rice with spareribs &sausage steamed rice with minced pork with preserved mustard cabbage hot pot rice with sausage/cured meat hot pot rice with minced port and salted fish hot pot rice with tenderloin hot pot rice with spareribs hot pot rice with frog hotBiblioteka Baidupot rice with eel hot pot rice with chicken &mushroom hot pot rice with spareribs &sausage hot pot rice with dried duck leg and sausage
Chow Fun or Noodle fried rice noodles with slice beef (with/without juice) sauté noodle with soy sauce sauté rice noodle with Shredded carrot, cucumber and vermicelli fried rice vermicelli with shredded seafood and curry fried spaghetti with black pepper and beef fillet Fried instant Noodle with sea food and XO sauce Fried udon, Japanese style Fried instant noodle with pork chop Fried udon with sea food and XO sauce Seafood Noodles in Abalone Sauce
Baked rice baked rice(spaghetti) with tomato juice pork chop baked rice(spaghetti) with tomato juice pappa chicken chop spaghetti with cheese and meat paste baked rice with sea food in pineapple baked rice with white sauce cheese chicken baked rice with Portugal chicken Lotus Leaf Rice with mushroom and chicken Lotus Leaf Rice with spareribs Lotus Leaf Rice with cured meat Lotus Leaf Rice with frog
炒粉面类 干(湿)炒牛河 豉油皇炒面 三丝炒米 星州炒米 黑椒牛柳丝炒意 XO酱海鲜炒公仔面 日式炒乌冬 猪扒炒公仔面 XO酱海鲜炒乌冬 鲍汁海鲜两面王
汤粉/捞面类 牛腩汤河粉 猪手汤河粉 榨菜肉丝汤河粉 排骨汤米粉 鱼旦汤河 鲜虾云吞 鲜虾云吞面 餐(腿)蛋汤公仔面 猪扒汤公仔面 沙爹牛肉汤公仔面 烧味汤粉(叉烧,烧鸭,烧 肉,烧排骨) 猪手(牛腩)捞面 瑞士鸡翅捞面 京都炸酱面 日式汤乌冬 烧鹅汤粉 切鸡肶/油鸡肶汤米
炒饭类 豆豉鲮鱼菜粒炒饭 扬州炒饭 生炒牛肉饭 咸鱼鸡粒炒饭 菠萝鸡粒炒饭 菜粒腊味炒饭 福建炒饭 印尼炒饭 XO酱海鲜炒饭
招牌咖喱饭 咖喱滑鸡饭 咖喱牛肉饭 咖喱猪扒饭 咖喱鸡扒饭 咖喱牛腩饭 咖喱海鲜饭
快餐精选 番茄蛋牛肉饭 麻婆豆腐饭 榄菜豆角肉松饭 鱼香茄子饭 肉片青瓜(胜瓜)饭 时菜肉片饭
港式茶餐厅菜单/ Hongkong Style Restaurant Menu
各式烧味 各式烧味(叉烧,烧鸭,烧 排骨,烧肉) 白切鸡,豉油鸡(半只) 烧鹅
招牌秘制烧味皇 招牌烧肉饭 烧鸭饭 叉烧饭 烧排骨饭 白切(鼓油)鸡饭 盐焗鸡饭 双拼饭 三宝饭 单肶饭 烧鹅饭 鹅肶饭 咸蛋/煎蛋 鸭头颈 鹅头颈
红烧豆腐饭 榨菜肉丝饭 酸豆角肉碎饭 火腿(餐肉)双蛋饭 尖椒回锅肉饭 尖椒牛肉饭 剁椒牛肉饭 胜瓜鸡杂饭 虾仁滑蛋饭 梅菜扣肉饭 黑椒牛柳饭 鱼香茄子豆角饭 菜圃豆角叉烧粒饭 豉汁排骨饭 叉烧滑蛋饭 凉瓜牛肉(排骨)饭 豉汁沙爹牛肉饭 酸菜猪肚饭 金菇日本豆腐肉碎饭 香菇(薯仔)焖鸡饭 鲜菇牛肉饭 秘制卤肉饭 子姜焖鸭饭 菠萝牛肉饭 菠萝酸甜排骨饭 金菇牛肉饭 支竹牛腩(火腩)饭 菜远牛腩饭 玉米猪扒饭 海南鸡饭 黑椒猪扒饭 泡椒(姜葱)田鸡饭 川味辣子鸡饭 椒盐排骨饭 尖椒鳝片饭
精美小食 咖喱鱼旦(串) 手拍黄瓜 凉拌土豆丝 炸春卷
瑞士鸡翅(2只) 炸薯条 法式肠仔 椒盐鸡中翅 酥炸鸡块 烟肉肠仔卷 盐焗凤爪 日式鸡肉串(半打) 烧汁炒凤爪 手撕鱿鱼丝 日式珍珠八爪鱼 椒盐鸭下巴
粥类 白粥(榨菜/榄菜) 皮蛋瘦肉粥 猪肝瘦肉粥 生滚鱼片粥 生滚牛肉粥 香菇滑鸡粥 鱼腩粥 状元及第粥 枸杞猪肝瘦肉粥 田鸡粥
Simmer To-Fu shredded pork with preserved vegetable sour bean with ground meat ham(luncheon meat) with double eggs spicy pepper with twice cooked pork spicy pepper with beef Diced Hot Red Peppers with beef chicken giblets with Towel Gourd fried egg with shrimp meat preserved vegetable and pork Sauté Beef Fillet with Black Pepper fish flavor eggplant with long bean BBQ pork with long bean and Chaozhou dried turnip Black Bean Sauce Spareribs fried egg with BBQ pork Bitter Melon with beef(spareribs) black bean sauce satay beef pickled Chinese cabbage with pig bag needle mushroom with Japanese Bean Curd and ground meat stewed chicken with mushroom(sweet potato) beef with mushroom special braised pork rice stewed duck with tender ginger beef with pineapple sweet and sour ribs with pineapple beef with needle mushroom tenderloin(BBQ pork) with Yuba tenderloin with greens pork chop with corn Hainanese Chicken rice pork chop with black pepper frog with pickled pepper(ginger&green onion) chicken with chili and pepper, Sichuan style crispy spareribs with spicy salt eel with chilli pepper
Rice with Special rosted meat Rice with special rosted pork Rice with roast duck Rice with BBQ pork Rice with roast spare ribs Rice with plain/soy sauce chicken Rice with Salt Baked Chicken Rice with two kinds of roast meat Rice with three kinds of rost meat Rice with chicken leg(plain/soy sauce chicken/roast duck) Rice with roast goose Rice with goose leg Salted egg/fried egg Duck neck goose neck
扒类 洋葱猪扒 吉列猪扒 蒜蓉鸡扒 黑椒牛扒 纽西兰T骨扒 柠檬树大什扒
汤类 老火例汤 玉米羹 罗宋汤 生滚枸杞猪肝瘦肉汤 鱼头豆腐汤 胜瓜猪杂汤 花旗参炖瘦肉汤 虫草花炖瘦肉汤 原只椰子炖老鸡汤
特色小炒 豆豉鲮鱼油麦菜 干煸肉碎豆角 鱼香茄子煲 胜瓜炒鸡杂 榄菜豆角炒肉松 香煎红衫鱼
虾米粉丝煲 菜圃煎蛋 麻婆豆腐 凉瓜炒牛肉 青瓜炒肉片 薯仔焖排骨 莲藕猪手煲 梅菜扣肉煲 川味回锅肉 支竹豆腐火腩煲 子姜焖鸭 萝卜牛腩煲 鲜菇炒牛肉 金菇日本豆腐煲 咖喱牛腩煲 尖椒炒鳝片 菠萝酸甜排骨 铁板泡椒田鸡 川味辣子鸡 水煮牛肉 各式时菜 白饭(碗)