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1. It is becoming …… who are obese(肥胖) are predisposed genetially. 答案:fat (肥胖)

2. The IT industry is developing ...... may be obsolete (过时的) next week. 答案:outdated (过时的)

3. In such dry weather, …... devastation(毁灭) is sure to ensue. 答案:destruction (毁灭)

4. I should like to put …...merge(合并) the two firm……答案:combine (合并)

5. Utilization of the land …... an infertile(贫瘠) condition ……答案:sterile (贫瘠)

6. Don’t cling to (坚持) your old ideas …... 答案:hold on to (坚持)

7. In modern society ……fall apart(散开)without a supply of electricity. 答案:split up (散开)

8. Coming …... I was destined for(命运) a career on the stage ……答案:fated to be(命运)

9. We don’t think he is a dependable …... counter to(相反) his promise. 答案:contrary to(相反)

10. In order to finish the task …... and this brought on(导致) a bad cold.答案:resulted in (导致)


1. The play shows that Americans have an embarrssment of riches and a paucity(不是) of spirituality

and morality, focusing on the disillusionment of the American Dream.答案:scarcity (不是)

2. Putin, 55, is enormously popular in Russia, presiding over a reviving economy flush(向上冲) with

revenue from oil and nutural gas. 答案:well-supplied(向上冲)

3. A lot of people gathered at the airport waiting for the famous film star, and when he arrived a

flurry(骚动) of excitement went round the crowd. 答案:burst(骚动)

4. Economic growth has been at the core of American success: despite periodic(偶然的) depression or

recessions, the U.S. economy over time has continued to grow.答案:occasional(偶然的)

5. Moves to change the way key resources should be allocated have sparked a rise in turf battles,

which could hinder(阻碍)the Internet’s growth as a global informantion infrastructure. 答案:retard(阻碍)

6. The result of many studies show that they dissipated(浪费) a lot of money when they carried out the

so-called effective plans. 答案:wasted(浪费)

7. I was now in such a state of nervous resentment that I thought it prudent(敏感的) to check myself at

from further demonstrations. 答案:sensible(敏感的)

8. The company experienced rapid commercial growth with its foray(尝试)into the wholesale market

and its decision to narrow down its range of products. 答案:fated to be(尝试)

9. For more than a century, economics was largely concerned with problems other than growth, chiefly

effcient allocation(分配)at the margin.答案:allotment(分配)

10. Investment is a hazardous(冒险)business in the highly volatile market; even those who are in the

swim sometimes come a cropper.答案:risky(冒险)


1. How slight a thing will disturb the peace of our frail (弱) minds when we are confronted with such

severe competition!答案:weak(弱)

2. Death was an abyss(深渊)to him. As he stood trembling on its mounful brink, he surrendered to