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1.dean 教长,主任牧师;学院院长,系主任

The dean of the law school法学院院长

assistant dean 副院长 associate dean 副院长

2.debate n./v.辩论,争论

be open to debate 有待讨论 under debate 讨论中 spark debate引起争论 widespread debate 广泛的争论

3.deck n.甲班,层面 v.装饰,打扮

not playing with a full deck 智力上有缺陷的 clear the deck 准备开始行动

4.customs declaration 报关单;申报关税; declaration of independence 独立宣言

5. decrease, diminish ,abate, reduce

decrease指数量的减少;diminish表示带走或分离出去,从而物体的数量受到损失,有时指某事物的价值突然降低;abate 表示减少时其内涵是使过分的或过量的事物得到缓和;reduce 强调人为的减少或降低

6.delicate v.题词;delicate to······把(一生等)献给(用于)

7.deem v.认为,视为



8.defect n.缺点,缺陷,毛病v.节变,叛变 He defected to the enemy

9.degenerate n.堕落者 v.衰落,堕落 a.衰退的,堕落的

10.delegate n.代表(团员) v.委派代表;授权给

常用:cheif delegate首席代表

11.democracy n.民主,民主制;民主国家

12.democratic a.民主的,有民主精神的

常用的:a democratic country民主国家 a democratic art form大众喜闻乐见的艺术形式

13.denounce v.谴责,指责,告发

14.depart v.离开,出发,背离,违反 n.departure

15.deposit n.定金;存款;矿藏,沉淀物

16.deprive of 剥夺,丧失



17.descend v.下来 descend from 起源 descend to沦为

descendant n.后裔,后代

18.get what you deserve,deserve everything/what you get罪有应得

19.desolate v.使悲惨;使荒芜 a.荒芜的,被遗弃的

20.detach from v.拆卸使分开,使分离

detain v.拘留,扣留,留住,耽搁

detect v.察觉,发现,查明,侦查出

21.A man’s dignity depends not upon his wealth but upon his character


22. industries ,diligent


23.dip n.浸,蘸 v.下降 dip out失败 dip into随便翻阅,浏览,从···中取出

24.disgrace n.耻辱,不光彩,丢脸的人或事 v.是丢脸 in disgrace 很不讨人喜欢


disgrace指因为自己或他人的不好行为而带来不光彩,使其感到失去别人的尊敬和称赞; dishonour指某人因自己的不好行为而使荣誉、名声受到损害,被别人鄙视和嘲笑;shame指某人行为不好而在他人眼中被认为可耻

25.disk n.圆盘;唱片,磁盘,光盘

26.it is important to teach children to discriminate between right and wrong教育小孩区分是非很重要

27.His last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point 他最后的论点是在声东击西,想让我们忘掉要点

28.dividend n.红利,股息;回报,效益;被除数

29.doctrine n.教义,教条,主义,学说,原理

Christian doctrine 基督教教义

Darwin’s doctrine of evolution达尔文的进化论

···abandoning the doctrine of “jogging your life” and making the alternative move to “downshifting”放弃“忙忙碌碌”的生活教条,转而选择“放慢生活节奏”

30.draft n.草稿;汇票;征兵;通风;服用量 v.起草;征募

on draft散装的,直接汲取的,从一个大容器汲取的,如酒桶

draft a bill n.起草一部法律

31.drawer n.抽屉,开票人,出票人

It would be returned on recourse to the drawer


32.dubious a.怀疑的,无把握的,有问题的,靠不住的

33.dwell v.居住;思索,详述

dwell on 详述;细想 dwell time 保压时间;停延时间

dwell upon深思;细想;仔细考虑

34.earnest a.认真的,诚挚的,庄严地,严肃的 n.印象深刻

in earnest 认真地,诚挚地,坚定地 make an earnest request for help 迫切需要帮助

35.eccentric a.古怪的,怪癖的,异乎寻常的 n.古怪的人,怪癖的人

36.eject v.驱逐,逐出,喷射,排出,弹出

The volcano ejected lava for several days

37.embark v.上船;着手,开始工作

He is about to embark on a new bussiness venture