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各种食谱菜谱中英文对照版本All Recipes ,menu chinese- english version



第一章CHAPTER I ………………………1-58页



福建菜系Fujian cuisine 佛跳墙鸡汤氽海蚌半月沉江醉糟鸡糟汁川海蚌台式三杯鸡四物药炖排骨汤宫廷姜母鸭台湾凤梨酥台湾蚵仔煎

广东菜系Guangdong Cuisine 护国菜盐焗鸡烧乳猪御品燕窝炖木瓜咕噜肉芝麻鸡

江浙沪菜系Jiangzhehu Cuisine 扬州煮干丝东坡肉西湖醋鱼芙蓉蛋下巴划水

四川菜系Sichuan Cuisine 清蒸江团夫妻肺片回锅肉水煮鱼宫保鸡丁灯影牛肉一品熊掌

湖南菜系Hunan Cuisine 龟羊汤换心蛋剁椒鱼头湖南牛肉左宗棠鸡酸辣汤

安徽菜系Anhui Cuisine 符离集烧鸡黄山炖鸽问政笋无为熏鸭八宝葫芦鸭

山东菜系Shandong Cuisine 九转大肠霸王别姬金牌干烧鱼翅扒原壳鲍鱼葱烧海参干蒸加力鱼

北方菜系North China Cuisine 猴头菇炖鸡冬虫夏草煲老鸭人参灵芝松茸鸽子汤



第二章CHAPTER II ………………………76-250页


1:禽畜肉类# Poultry,livestock meat 2:瓜豆菜果实类# Melon, bean, Fruits

3:蔬果类Vegetables 4:水果类# 5:菌类# fungi # Fungus

6:野菜# Pother 7:水产品类# aquatic product

8:调味品类# Seasoning;Condiments;Relish;SPICES

9:油类# oil,糖蜜# molasses,蜜饯# preserves, candied fruit

10:草药# herb 11:厨房用具kitchen utensils,餐具# tableware 12:餐馆# restaurant 13:烹饪准备# Cook preparing 常用刀法way of cutting常用用料形状"

14:常见的烹调方法15 中西餐食物# Chinese & Western Food

16:饮品类drinks,酒# wine # Alcohol,乳类# Milk # Dairy 名烟

17: 中西餐菜谱翻译方法技巧



Catering Staff Frequently-Used Situational Dialogs Chinese English Bilingual Contrasts

第三章CHAPTER III ………………………251-373页

食物相宜;食物相克food mutual creation and food mutual destruction

第四章CHAPTER IV ……………………374-406 页


第五章CHAPTER V ………………………407 页


参考文献…………………………………………408 页

Reference Documentation

第一章CHAPTER I ………………………1-58页




Buddha jumps over the wall:Steamed abalone with shark's fin and fish maw in broth


Main ingredients:shark fin,abalone.


Accessories:chicken,duck,sea cucumber.


Seasonings:onion segments,ginger slices,shaoxing rice wine.

制作流程Production process


1. Move sand from water soaked shark fin , take the whole row on bamboo steamer , put them into the boiling water pot ,add 30 g scallions segments ,15 g ginger pieces , 100 g shaoshing yellow wine and boiling for 10 minutes, remove it's fishy odour , pick the onions, gingers,sauce out and discard it,take steamer out and put it into a bowl, put pork fat on shark's fin, add 50 g shaoshing yellow wine,steam food steamers on fire,take it out after 2 hours,pick out fat meat, filter steamed sauce out.


2. Cut shark's lip into 2 cm long, 4.5 cm wide cubes,put them into boiling water pot, add 30 g spring onion segments, 100 g shaoshing yellow wine,15 g ginger slices , cooked for 10 minutes, remove fishy odour, pick green onion, ginger out.


3.Put gold Money abalone into food steamer, high heat steam them to rotten then removed, after washing them clean , cut each slice into two slices, obstinated with the cruciferous knife, fill them into the small basin, add 250 g bone soup , 15 g shaoshing yellow wine, put into food steamers with exuberant fire steamed for 30 minutes, take them out,filter steamed sauce. Pigeon eggs cooked ,shelled .


4. Chop head, neck, feet of Chicken and duck respectively. pick Pork's trotters tip shell, pull all hairs out, wash them clean. scraping Sheep elbow clean. cut each of above four materials into 12 pieces, quick boil them with net duck gizzard in the boiling water pot for a while, remove blood water then fish out . Eversion clean pork stomach,dip boil them with boiling water twice, after removing turbidity flavour, cut