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舌诊:tongue diagnosis

望舌:inspection of tongue

舌象:tongue manifestation

舌尖:tip of the tongue

舌边:margins of the tongue

舌中;舌心:center of the tongue

舌根;舌本:root of the tongue

舌体;舌质:tongue body

舌色:tongue color

荣枯老嫩:luxuriant/ flourishing, withered, tough and tender 淡白舌:whitish tongue

淡红舌:reddish tongue

红舌:red tongue

青舌:blue tongue

紫舌:purple tongue

青紫色:bluish purple tongue

绛舌:crimson tongue

胖大舌:enlarged tongue

肿胀舌:wollen tongue

瘦薄舌:thin tongue

点刺舌:spotted tongue

芒刺舌:prickly tongue

齿痕舌:teeth-marked tongue

裂纹舌:fissured tongue

光剥舌:peeled tongue

镜面舌:mirror tongue

地图舌:geographical tongue

舌衄:spontaneous bleeding of the tongue

强硬舌:stiff tongue

萎软舌:limp wilting tongue

颤动舌:trembling tongue

歪斜舌:deviated tongue

短缩舌:contracted tongue

吐弄舌:protruded agitated tongue

舌卷:curled tongue

苔色:coating color

苔质:texture of coating

白苔:white coating

白砂苔:white sandy coating

黄苔:yellow coating

黑苔:black coating

灰苔:gray coating

绿苔:green coating

薄苔:thin coating

厚苔:thick coating

润苔:moist coating

燥苔:dry coating

燥裂苔:dry and cracked coating

滑苔:slippery coating

腻苔:greasy(世中联)/slimy coating

腐苔:curdy coating

染苔:stained coating



浮(举之有余,按之不足)floating pulse; superficial pulse

洪(脉体阔大,充实有力,来盛去衰)surging pulse;full and over-flowing pulse

濡(浮细无力而软)soggy pulse

散(浮取散漫而无根,伴至数或脉力不匀)scattered pulse

芤(浮大中空,如按葱管)hollow pulse; empty pulse

革(浮而搏指,中空边坚)tympanic pulse; drumskin pulse


沉(轻取不应,重按始得)sunken pulse;deep pulse

伏(重按推至筋骨始得)hidden pulse

弱(沉细无力而软)weak pulse; feeble pulse;

牢(沉按实大弦长)firm pulse; hard


迟(一息不足四至)slow pulse; tardy pulse

缓(一息四至,脉来怠缓)moderate pulse; relaxed pulse

涩(往来艰涩,迟滞不畅)unsmooth pulse;uneven pulse

结(迟而时一至,止无定数)knotted pulse; bound pulse(irregular intermittent pulse)数脉类(一息五至以上)

数(一息五至以上,不足七至)rapid pulse;quick pulse

疾(脉来急疾,一息七八至)racing pulse; swift pulse

促(数而时一止,止无定数)irregular-rapid pulse; skipping pulse(rapid irregular intermittent pulse)

动(脉短如豆,滑数有力)stirred pulse


虚(举按无力,应指松软)weak pulse(asthenia pulse)

细(脉细如线,应指明显)thin pulse;thready pulse;

微(极细极软,似有似无)faint pulse

代(迟而中止,止有定数)regularly intermittent pulse

短(首尾俱短,不及本部)short pulse


实(举按充实有力)excess pulse

滑(往来流利,应指圆滑)slippery pulse

弦(端直以长,如按琴弦)string-like pulse; wiry pulse; taut pulse

紧(绷急弹指,状如转索)tight pulse;tense pulse

长(首尾端直,超过本位)long pulse

大(脉体宽大,无汹涌之势)large pulse

真脏脉true visceral pulse

雀啄脉 sparrow(bird)-pecking pulse

釜沸脉 seething cauldron pulse; bubble-rising pulse(世中联)

鱼翔脉fish-waving pulse; fish-swimming pulse

虾游脉 shrimp-darting pulse

屋漏脉 roof-leaking pulse

解索脉 rope-untwining pulse

弹石脉 stone-flicking pulse

偃刀脉 knife-upturned pulse

转豆脉 bean-spinning pulse

麻促脉 confused skipping pulse

离经脉 abnormally rapid or slow pulse


治则:therapeutic principle/

治本:treat the root

治标:treat the tip

正治法:routine treatment

寒者热之:treat cold with heat

热者寒之:treat heat with cold

虚则补之:treat deficiency by tonification

实则泻之:treat excess by purgation

反治法:paradoxical/contrary treatment

寒因寒用:treat cold with cold

热因热用:treat heat with heat

痛因通用:treating the unstopped by unstopping(WHO); treating diarrhea with purgatives

塞因塞用:treating the stopped by stopping(WHO); treating obstructive diseases by tonification(《汉英医学大辞典》)

扶正祛邪:reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors

攻补兼施:treat with both elimination and reinforcement

误治:erroneous treatment

异病同治:treating different diseases with the same method

同病异治:treating the same disease with different methods

先急后缓(急则治其标,缓则治其本):treating the acute before the chronic(WHO);the acute condition should be treated prior to the chronic condition

先表后里:treating the exterior before the interior

加减方:modified formula

合方:combined formula


治法method of treatment; therapeutic method

八法:eight (therapeutic) methods (diaphoresis, emesis, purgation, mediation, warming, clearing, tonification and resolution )

汗法:promoting sweating; diaphoresis

解表:release the exterior

发汗解表:promoting sweating to release the exterior

辛温解表:release the exterior with pungent-warm(WHO);relieving exterior syndrome with the pungent and worm herbs

辛凉解表:release the exterior with pungent-cold(WHO);relieving exterior syndrome with the pungent and cold herbs

解肌:release the flesh

透表:outthrust through the exterior(WHO);expelling pathogen through exterior 透疹:outthrust rashes

祛风:dispel wind

疏风:disperse wind

散寒:dissipate cold

疏风泄热:disperse wind and discharge heat

疏散风热:disperse wind-heat

疏表润燥:disperse from the exterior and moisten dryness

扶正解表:reinforce the healthy qi and release the exterior

宣肺: diffuse the lung(WHO);ventilating the lung(世中联) 西化

宣肺止咳平喘:diffuse the lung to suppress cough and to calm panting;ventilating the lung and relieving cough and dyspnea

宣肺化痰:diffuse the lung to resolve phlegm(WHO);ventilating the lung and resolving phlegm

通(鼻)窍:relieve the throat

利咽:soothe the throat

泻火:purge fire;reduce fire

泻心(肺、肝):purge the heart (lung, liver)

清肝泻火:clearing the liver to reduce fire(《汉英中医药学词典》)

清法:clearing method

清热:clear heat

清气泄热:clearing heat from qi aspect

清气凉营;气营两清:clear the qi aspect and cool the nutrient aspect

清营凉血:clear the nutrient aspect and cool the blood aspect

清营透疹:clear the nutrient aspect and promote eruption

清热凉血;凉血:clear heat to cool the blood

透营转气;透热转气:expel from the nutrient aspect through the qi aspect

清热生津:clear heat and engender fluid

清心(肝、胃、肺)火:clear heart (liver, stomach, lung) fire

清热利湿:clear heat and drain dampness

清暑热:clear summerheat

清暑益气:clear summerheat and boost(replenish) qi

解暑:release summerheat

泄热救津:discharge heat to preserve fluid

轻清宣化:clear and disperse with lightness

苦寒泻火:discharge fire with bitter-cold

苦寒清热:clear heat with bitter-cold

降火:reducing fire

解毒:detoxify; removing toxin(世中联)

除疳热:relieve (infantile) malnutrition fever; relieve fever in infantile malnutrition


寒下:cold purgation

泻下泄热: discharging heat by purgation

温下:warm purgation

峻下;急下:drastic purgation

轻下;缓攻:mild purgation

润下:moistening purgation(世中联)

润肠:moisten the intestine

通便:relax the bowel; promoting defecation; easing defecation; easing bowel movement

泻下软坚:soften hardness with purgation

泻下攻积:remove accumulation with purgation

釜底抽薪:take away firewood from under cauldron

温下寒积:remove cold accumulation with warm purgation

泻下逐水;攻逐水饮:expel retained fluid by purgation

增液润下;增液润肠:increasing humor to relax bowels; increasing body fluid to lubricate bowels( induce bowel movement)

和法:harmonize method

调和气血:harmonize qi and blood

调和营卫:harmonize the nutrient and defense

理气:regulate qi

行气:move/activate qi

行气止痛:activate qi to stop pain

行气消胀:activate qi to relieve flatulence

理中:regulate the middle

和胃:harmonize the stomach

调和脾胃(肝胃、肝脾):harmonize the spleen and stomach()

和解表里:harmonize the exterior and interior

和解少阳:harmonize the shao yang

表里双解:release both exterior and interior

交通心肾:coordinate the heart and kidney; harmonize the heart and kidney

祛湿:dispel dampness

清热除湿:clear heat and eliminate dampness

清肝除湿:purge the liver and dispel dampness

散寒祛湿:dissipate cold and dispel dampness

化湿:resolve dampness

清热化湿:clear heat and resolve dampness

祛暑化湿:dispel summerheat and resolve dampness

醒脾化湿:enliven/ invigorating the spleen and resolve dampness

芳香化湿:resolve dampness with aroma

芳香化浊:resolve turbidity with aroma

芳香辟秽:dispel filth with aroma

燥湿:dry dampness

苦温燥湿:dry dampness with bitter-warm

清热燥湿:clear heat and dry dampness

燥湿健脾:dry dampness to fortify the spleen;drying dampness and invigorate spleen 利湿:drain dampness

利水渗湿:induce diuresis to drain dampness(WHO);promoting urination and draining dampness(世中联)

淡渗利湿:draining dampness and with bland

利水消肿:induce diuresis to alleviate edema

分消上下;分消走泄:separate elimination from upper and lower; respectively expelling…

化饮:resolve retained fluid

祛痰:dispel ;phlegm

化痰:resolve phlegm

燥湿化痰:dry dampness to resolve phlegm

清化热痰:clear and resolve heat-phlegm

温化寒痰:warm and resolve cold-phlegm

温肺化痰:warm the lung and resolve phlegm

温肺化饮:warm the lung and resolve fluid retention

熄风化痰:extinguish wind and resolve phlegm

祛风痰:dispel wind-phlegm

润燥化痰:moisten dryness to resolve phlegm

降气化痰;下气消痰:direct qi downward to resolve phlegm(WHO);descending qi and resolving phlegm; lowering qi and eliminating phlegm(世中联)

降逆止咳平喘:descending counterflow of qi, relieving cough and dyspnea (stop cough and calm dyspnea )

纳气平喘:promote qi absorption to calm panting

消痰软坚:eliminate/disperse phlegm and soften hardness

软坚化痰:soften hardness and resolve phlegm

清燥润肺:clear dryness to moisten the lung

润肺止咳:moisten the lung to suppress/stop cough

敛肺止咳:constrain the lung to suppress cough


温法:warming method

温补:warm tonification

温里散寒;温里祛寒:warm the interior to dissipate cold

温里:warm the interior

温脾/胃/肺:warm the spleen/ stomach/lung

温中:warm the middle

温中散寒;温中祛寒:warm the middle and dissipate cold

温中和胃:warm the middle to harmonize the stomach

温中止呕:warm the middle to check vomiting

温肺散寒:warm the lung and dissipate cold

温肾;温肾阳:warm the lung

温阳:warm yang

温阳行水:warm yang to move water

暖宫:warm the uterus

温经:warm the meridian

温经止痛:warm the meridian to relieve pain

温经散寒:warm the meridian to dissipate cold

温经回阳;温经扶阳:warm the meridian to restore yang

回阳救逆;回阳:restore yang to save from collapse

温经行滞:warm the meridian to move stagnation

温经养血:warm the meridian to nourish blood

宣痹通阳:diffuse impediment and free yang

行气宽中:move qi to soothe the middle

行气止痛:move qi to relieve pain

行气宽胸:move qi to soothe the chest

理气健脾:regulate qi and fortify the spleen

疏肝理气:soothe the liver and regulate qi

疏肝养血:soothe the liver and nourish blood

疏肝泻火:soothe the liver and purge fire

疏肝健脾:soothe the liver and fortify spleen

疏肝理脾:soothe the liver and regulate spleen

疏肝和胃:soothe the liver and harmonize stomach

疏风:eliminate/ dispel/disperse wind

降逆下气;降气;下气:direct qi downward

降气止呃;降逆止呃:direct(WHO) / descend (世中联)qi downward to relieve hiccup 破气:break qi

凉血止血:cool the blood and stop bleeding

凉血散瘀:cool the blood and dissipate stasis

固冲止血:strengthen thoroughfare vessel to stop bleeding

活血:activate blood

活血止痛:activate blood to relieve pain

活血化瘀:activate blood and resolve stasis

活血行气:activate blood and move qi

活血调经:activate blood to regulate menstruation

调经:regulate menstruation

通经:dredge(世中联)/unblock(WHO) the meridian

散瘀:dissipate (blood) stasis

破血逐瘀;破瘀;逐瘀:break blood and expel stasis

舒筋活络:relax sinews and activate collaterals

通络:dredge the collaterals

疏风通络:dispel wind to free the collateral vessels

潜阳:subdue yang

平肝潜阳:pacify the liver to subdue yang

熄风:extinguish wind

熄风止痉;熄风解痉:extinguish wind to arrest/stop (世中联) convulsions 凉肝熄风:cool the liver to/and extinguish wind

滋阴熄风:nourish yin to/and extinguish wind

清热熄风:clear heat to/and extinguish wind

镇肝熄风:calm the liver to/and extinguish wind

补法:tonifying method

补气;益气:tonify qi

大补元气:greatly tonify the original qi

补气壮阳:tonify qi and invigorate yang

补气生血:tonify qi and produce blood

补益气血:tonify qi and replenish blood

升提中气;升举中气:upraise/elevate the middle qi

升阳:upraise/elevate yang

补阳:tonify yang

壮阳:invigorate yang

温补命门:warm and tonify the life gate

补益中气:tonify and replenish the middle qi

补血;养血:tonify blood

补养心血:tonify and nourish heart blood

养心:tonify the heart; cultivate the mind

补脾:tonify the spleen

健脾:fortify (WHO)/invigorate (世中联)/ strengthen the spleen

健脾益气:fortify the spleen and replenish qi

健脾养血:fortify the spleen and nourish blood

健脾扶阳:fortify the spleen and support yang

健脾利湿:fortify the spleen and drain dampness

健脾豁痰:fortify the spleen to sweep phlegm

健胃:invigorate the stomach

开胃:increase the appetite

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