当前位置:文档之家› 大学生英语作文万能句子素材





1.As far as …is concerned 就……来说

2.It goes without saying that… 不言而喻,…

3.It can be said with certainty that… 能够肯定地说……

4.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的,

5.It has to be noticed that… 它必须注意到,…

6.It's generally recognized that… 它普遍认为…

7.It's likely that … 这可能是因为…

8.It's hardly that… 这是很难的……

9.It's hardly too much to say that… 它几乎没有太多的说…

10.What calls for special attention is that…需要特别注意的是

11.There's no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that… 没有什么比这更重要的是…

13.what's far more important is that… 更重要的是…


1.A case in point is … 一个典型的例子是…

2.As is often the case…因为通常情况下…

3.As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述

4.But the problem is not so simple.Therefore 不过问题并非


5.But it's a pity that… 但遗憾的是…

6.For all that…对于这个切…… In spite of the fact that…即使事实……

7.Further, we hold opinion that… 此外,我们坚持认为,…

8.However , the difficulty lies in…不过,困难在于…

9.Similarly, we should pay a ttention to… 同样,我们要注意…


11.In view of the present station.鉴于当前形势

12.As has been mentioned above…正如上面所提到的…

13.In this respect, we may as well (say)从这个角度上我


14.However, we have to look at the other side of the coin, that is… 不过我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即…


最新最齐全的初中英语作文万能模板 一、阐述主题题型 要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1. 阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2. 分析并举例使其更充实. 中考英语作文万能模板:解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1. 问题现状 2. 怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days,we have to face I problem-----A,which is becoming more and more serious. First,------------(说明A 的现状).Second,---------------(举例进一步说明现状)

Confronted with A,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing,---------------(解决方法一). For another -------------(解决方法二). Finally,--------------(解决方法三). Personally,I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Consequently,I’m confident that a bright future isawaiting us because --------------(带来的好处). 二、说明利弊题型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1. 说明事物现状 2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法


高一英语作文经典句子与模板 常用句型: 1. Only in this way can we … 只有这样,我们才能…… 2. It goes without saying that... 不用说...(意思是:论述的内容是显而易见的) 3. It can be said with certainty that... ...是肯定的。 4. As the proverb goes 有句谚语是这样说的...;常言道... 5. It has to be noticed that...必须引起注意的是... 6. It`s generally recognized that...通常认为... 7. What calls for special attention is that... .需要引起特别注意的是... 8. There’s no denying that....不容否认... 9. Nothing is more important than the fact that...没有比这更重要的是... 10. what’s far more im portant is that..更重要的是... 11. As time goes by,.....随着时间的流逝 12. There is no doubt that...毫无疑问... 13. As far as I'm concerned, I think....就我而言,我认为... 14. It is said that...据说... 15. It is important for sb to do sth. 做某事对某人很重要 16. Compared with A, B is more ...与A相比,B更... 17. in my opinion 在我看来 18. It is high time that we did sth.是我们做..的时候了。 19. Only in this way, can we solve this problem properly.只有这样我们才能妥善解决这个问题。 20. sth is so...that...如此..以至于.. 21. not only ...,but also...不仅...而且... Not only is English important to us, but it is also a must in our daily life. 22. To be honest To tell the truth 老实说来 23. too..to 太..以至于不能.. 24. On one hand,. .on the other hand,..一方面.. 另一方面... 25. With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为…… 段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.


高中英语作文万能句子大全 【谓语结构】 1、行为动词(表示动作和状态的词)原形单三过去式 2、系动词+表语(形容词为主) feel/taste/smell/look/sound+形 be+形/名/介短/数 get/turn/become+形(名) keep+形 3、情态动词+行为动词原形 can/may/must/need(not)+v 4、助动词+行为动词 be+ving do not/does not/did not/+v have/has/had+过去分词 be+过去分词(被动语态) will/would/be going to+v原 【五种简单名结构】 1、主语+不及物动词 2、主语+及物动词+宾语 3、主语+系动词+表语 4、主语+及物动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物) 5、主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语的补足语 说明:及物和不及物动词就是句子的谓语,不外乎以上四种谓语结构 【主要连接词】 常见的有 when before after as soon as 表示“反意见”: But,however 然而,如:③Jim is intelligent but lazy. 表示“举例示范”: For example, in other words,换句话说 常用的名言和谚语 Better early than late. 宁早勿迟

It is never too late to learn. 学习永远不嫌晚。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。 Parents are the first teachers of the children. 父母是孩子的第一任老师。 Time waits for no man. 时不待人。 Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 【开头句子】 As we know, we students are very tired because of study. Just as the saying goes: “Every coin has its two sides”,television has both advantages and disadvantages. 正像谚语所说:“任何硬币都有两面”,电视即有优点也有缺点。 The problem of ..is important/serious/..to us. Now let me talk something about it. 【结尾句子】 In a word,I think I will have a good time in … I believe everything will be better in the fulture. I am sure the world must be better if we all give our love to others./if we all make a contribution to it. Let us do it hard/try our best to do it. 【重要词组】 be good at be late for be worried about be interested in be busy dong sth be afraid of on one’s way to+地点 have a good time have a rest have sth done look after look over look like look the same look at look+形容词 get ready for Get on/off get up get down get to


英语作文素材 作文是英语学习中很重要的一环,今天为大家整理了一些作文素材,希望对大家有帮助. Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school. As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there's a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help immediately. There're also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we're tired of our studies. In my opinion, it's not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way. Today , I'll talk about going online. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can


高考英语作文万能句子及高分作文素材汇总 名人名言必背部分。 在英语作文中,我们经常会引用一些名人名言。这里就向大家介绍一些,务必要全部脱口而出! Culture 文化篇 1.A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.(P. B. Shelley ,British poet )伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人雪莱。P.B) 2.Art is a lie that tells the truth 。( Picasso ,Spanish painter )美术是揭示真理的谎言。 (西班牙画家毕加索) 3.Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain ,American novelist )幽默被人正确地解释为“以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑”。(美国小说家马克·吐温) 4.The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; the two keep in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe ,German poet)文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的。(德国诗人歌德。J 。W 。) 5.When one loves one…s art no service seems too hard 。(O. Henry,American novelist)一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难。(美国小说家欧·亨利)


初一英语作文万能句子 初一英语写作常用句型 I. 用于文章主题句 1. 不用说… It goes without saying that子句 = (It is) needless to say (that)子句 = It is obvious that子句 = Obviously, S. + V. 例:不用说早睡早起是值得的。 It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. 2. …是不可能的; 无法… There is no V+ing = There is no way of V+ing. = There is no possibility of V+ing. = It is impossible to V. = It is out of the question to V. = No one can V. = We cannot V. 例:不可否认的,成功的事业关键在于健康的身心。 There is not denying that successful business lies in a 1 healthy body and mind. 3. 我深信…

I am greatly convinced (that)子句 = I am greatly assured (that)子句 例:我深信预防是于治疗。 I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure. 4. 在各种…之中,… Among various kinds of …,… = Of all the …,… 例:在各种运动中我尤其喜欢慢跑。 Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 5. …是很容易证明的。 It can be easily proved (that)子句 例:时间最珍贵是很容易证明的。 It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time. 6. …无论如何强调都不为过 … cannot be overemphasized 例:交通安全的重要性无论如何强调都不为过。 The importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized. 2 7. 就我的看法…;我认为… In my opinion,… = To my mind,…。


英语万能作文(模板型) Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that.... 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes. 然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法) As society develops, people are attaching much importance to.... 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............ People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。 As to whether it is worthwhile ....., there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. 关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。


范文一:高考英语作文中的万能句子 高考英语作文中的万能句子 Recently, the problem of … has aroused people's concern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注. The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色.它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题. Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face. 如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了. It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为…… Many people insi st that … 很多人坚持认为…… With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that… 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为…… A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为…… 引出不同观点: People's views on … vary from person to person. Some hold that …. However, others believe that….人们对……的观点因人而异.有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为……


考英语作文万能句子:8种实用句型 一.开头句型 1.As far as ...is concerned 就……而言比如说:就我而言As far as I concerned 2 It can be said with certainty that... +从句可以肯定地说...... 3.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的,可以用来引用名言名句 4 It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,... 5 It's generally recognized that... 它普遍认为... 6 It's likely that ... 这可能是因为... 7 It's hardly that... 这是很难的...... 8 There's no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认 9Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的是… 10.What's far more important is that... 更重要的是… 二.衔接句型 1A case in point is ... 一个典型的例子是... 3 But the problem is not so simple. Therefore,+句子(然而问题并非如此简单,所以……) 4 .But it's a pity that... 但遗憾的是…it’s a pity that….遗憾的是。。。 5 In spite of the fact that...尽管事实...... In spite of 尽管 6Further, we hold opinion that... 此外,我们坚持认为,... 7However, the difficulty lies In + 名词或者动名词.然而,困难在于… 8Similarly, we should pay attention to... 同样,我们要注意... 9 As it has been mentioned above...正如上面所提到的…(可以用来对前面所说的话进行补充说明) 10.In this respect, 从这个角度上 11.However, 然而… 三.结尾句型 1.I will conclude by saying... 最后我要说… 2.Therefore, we have the reason to believe that...因此,我们有理由相信… 3.All things considered,总而言之= In a word=In conclusion It may be safely said that...它可以有把握地说...... 4.Therefore, in my opinion,因此,在我看来, 5.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that….通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论… 6.The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that….通过数据我们得到的结论是,.... 7.It can be concluded from the discussion that...从中我们可以得出这样的结论 8.From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来,如果……也许更好 四.举例句型 1. Here is one more example这里有不止一个的例子 .2.Take …for example.就拿……为例子 五.常用于引言段的句型 1. Some people think that …. 有些人认为…To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下 2. I believe the title statement is valid because…. 我认为这个论点是正确的,因 I believe that_____. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.


大学生英语作文万能句子大全 1.as an old saying goes,.正如一句古老的谚语所说 2.be nothing but....不过就是... 3.from where i stand.从我的立场来说 4.give oneself a chance to.给某人一个机会去... 5.i feel sure that...我坚信... 6.is the best way to make sure that.确保...的办法是... 7.we must do our absolute best to.我们必须竭尽全力做... 8.there is no denying the fect that...无可否认. 9.nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了 10.主语+cannot emphasize the importance of.too much 再怎么强调..的重要性也不为过 11.pose a great threat to......对..造成了一大威胁 (eg.Pollution poses a great threat to our existance.) 12.stole the spotlight from...从...获得大众的瞩目 13.touch sb.on the raw .触到某人的痛处 14.it is not uncommon that...这是常有的事儿. 15it is almost impossible to do...是很困难的 16the recent research has shown that..最近研究表明. 17...has/have no alternative but to...除...外别无选择

英语作文 素材

连接词: 表示并列、递进:similarly additionally 表示让步、转折:however nevertheless(不过) 表示因果:consequently 表示举例:especially 表示概括:generally Facing difficulties: 1. There are always ups and downs in our life. 2. I need some cheering-up, not only from others but from somewhere deep down inside my heart as well, so that I can start all over again. 3. I managed not to look down on myself. 4. I cheered myself up and tried to learn a lesson from this failure. 5. It is through self-cheering-up that I learn to look at everything from the positive side and become more optimistic. 6. Being more confident means taking up challenges and establishing a better self. 7. If I’m strongly willing to make progress, with hard work and effective methods, eventually I will succeed. Traditional culture: 1. It’s a traditional Chinese skill, but now fewer and fewer people are practicing it. 2. It remains a big concern that many traditional skills are disappearing, and I’ve decided to start from now on to learn one of them. 3. I realize the importance of protecting our traditional culture. 哲理: 1. Sometimes we only want speed, but miss the wonderful sights. 2. The energetic people around me motivated me and encouraged me to cover the whole distance. 3. I saw a large number of ants carrying fruit and leaves which were a lot bigger and heavier than themselves. Their perseverance(毅力) and unity(团结) touched me. 4. I have made up my mind to spare no effort to spread my love across the world. 5. I think it necessary to give most of the lucky money back to parents, for they are giving others lucky money while I’m receiving others’. 6. We will improve our money management skills once the lucky money is put in our charge. 描写: 1. When Obama’s delivering his speech, you can always feel his passion(激情)- it’s not about the volume of his voice, but about his facial expressions, body language, the exact words he has chosen ,etc. (i) speeches have long encouraged me to try harder to become a wonderful public speaker like him. 2. My mother taught me the beauty of life and taught me how to tell right from wrong when I was young. When I am down due to my failures, she teaches me not to give up and to work harder. When I am confused about my future, she gives me useful advice and encourages me to pursue(追求) my dreams. 3. I’ll trust my parents all the way, as they trust me. 4. I’ll never forget her confident smile, which blew away any uncertainty. ①Focus on what teacher says in class achieve academic success Improve my grades overcome difficulties Absorb more knowledge cultivate my talent Save every single minute ②Balance their work and rest make full use of time Be more energetic a variety of problems, such as anxiety ③improper behaviors(不文明行为) ④she dedicates herself to taking care of my family


高考英语作文万能模板汇总 应用文写作模板 一. 邀请信 【篇首句】介绍自己,简要说明活动,并邀请对方。 1.I’m Wang Ming from YuWen School,the president of the Student Union. 我是来自育文学校的王明,学生会主席。 2.An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6. 我们学校有一场英语演讲比赛将在8月6号举行。 3. There will be a party in my garden on Sunday. 周日,在我的花园里会举行一场聚会。 4. I’d like to invite you to judge it. 我想邀请你做它的裁判。 5. I’m writing to invite you to... 我写信是邀请你...... 6. I wonder if you can come to... 我想知道你是否能来...... 【篇中句】介绍活动具体内容,并说明受邀人参加理由。 1. It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches. 它将于下午两点钟开始,四点钟结束,在此期间将会有十五位准备充分的参赛者发表演讲。 2. We will start at 8:00 am and arrive there at 9:00. 我们将会在上午八点出发,九点到达那里。 3. During the afternoon, we’ll...together. 下午,我们会一起...... 4. Remember to take water and lunch with you.


英语作文常用开头,中间及结尾的句子 (一)段首句 1.关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to____.Some people suggest that____. 2.俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______.It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3.现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。Today,____,which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First,____Second,____.What makes things worse is that______. 4.现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to______.Many people like______because______.Besides,______. 5.任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and______is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6.关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about______vary from person to person.Some people say that______.To them,_____. 7.人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem______which is becoming more and more serious. 8.……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ______has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. 9.……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。 ______has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 10.根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢? According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the/chart/bar graph/line/graph,it can be seen that______while.Obviously,______,but why? (二)中间段落句 1.相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。 On the contrary,there are some people in favor of___.At the same time,they say____. 2.但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。 But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve____.For example,____.Worst of all,___. 3.……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是…… ______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction.First,______.What"s more,_____.Most important of all,______. 4.有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 There are several measures for us to adopt.First,we can______ 5.面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,


高考英语作文素材 开头句型 1.As far as ...is concerned 就……而言比如说:就我而言As far as I’m concerned 2 It can be said with certainty that... +从句可以肯定地说...... 3.As the proverb says,正如谚语所说的,可以用来引用名言名句 4 .It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,... 5 .It's generally recognized that... 它普遍认为... 6 .It's likely that ... 这可能是因为... 7 .It's hardly that... 这是很难的...... 8 There's no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认 9 .Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的是… 10 .what's far more important is that... 更重要的是… 引言句型 1. Some people think that ….To be frank, I can not agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 有些人认为…坦率地说,我不能同意他们的意见,理由如下。 2. I believe the title statement is valid because…. 我认为这个论点是正确的,因为… 3. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that ….我无法完全同意….这一观点的说法… 4. Along with the development of…, more and more….随着……的发展,越来越多… 5 It is commonly/generally/widely/ believed /held/accepted/recognized that….它通常是认为… 6. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the former/ the latter.就我


温馨提醒: 对于英语基础较差的同学,作文可采用背模板的方法应对。以下模板仅适用于英语书面表达较差,到目前为止看到题目仍然无从下笔的同学。实属考前临时抱佛脚的无奈之举。 基础较好的同学,请按照题目要求与提示正常完成写作。 写作注意事项: 1、无论如何要写够字数80词 2、如果实在无法写出完整的符合语法的句子,可以按题目提示的中文顺序罗列你所知道的英文单词 3、一时想不起如何拼写的英文单词,可以到阅读理解等题目中查找。 万能模板1:(适用所有作文类型) The topic of 此处抄写作文题目is becoming more and more popular recently. It is my thinking about this topic below. This First point is very important. 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好)

This Second point is important, too. 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) So I believe that we should pay more and more attention to this topic from now on. 万能模板2:(适用所有作文类型) I think it is very important to understand 此处抄写作文题目. Why? That’s because many people don’t understand it well enough nowadays. For one thing, 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好)For another, 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好)

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