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华尔街 The Wall Street

Money's something in case you don't die tomorrow.


Life all comes down to a few moments.


Ought to be a picture in the dictionary under "persistence"


What else you got besides connections at the airport?


We buy everything in sight.


He saw right through me.


It's a dog with fleas


You're looking very very wellyourself


You will not regret this.


That's so like Gordon.


Not bad for a city college boy.


At the time I thought that was all the money in the world.Now it's a day's pay. 我当时以为那已经是天文数字,而如今那只是我一日所得

I want you to fill out the missing picture.


If you're not inside,you are outside


Now you had what it took to get into my office.The real question is whether you got what it takes to stay.


You got me.


If you feel that way, come on over.


It absolutely makes the room.


I’m gonna turn it around.


You’re getting a free ride on my tail.


Money never sleeps.


I’m there for you 110%


I hear you’re moving up in the world.


What brings you out here?


I never knew how poor I was until I started making a little money.


This gives you limited power of attorney for Mr Gekko’s account.


The minute I laid my eyes on you I knew that you had what it takes.


Your company, ladies and gentlemen, is under siege from Gordon Gekko.Teldar Paper is now leveraged to the hilt, like some piss-poor South American country! I strongly recommend you to see through Mr Gekko’s shameless intention here to strip this company, and severely penalise the

stockholders. I strongly recommend you to reject his tender by voting for management’s restructuring of the stock.

Well, I appreciate the opportunity you’re giving me, Mr Cromwell as the single largest shareholder in Teldar Paper, to speak. But ladies and gentlemen, We are not here to indulge in fantasy, but in political and economic reality. America…America has become a second-rate power.Its trade deficit and its fiscal deficit are at nighmare proprotions. In the days of free market, when our country was a top industrial power, there was accountability to the stockholder. The Carnegies, the Mellons, the men that built this great empire, made sure of it because it was their money at stake. Today, management has no stake in the company! All together, these men sitting up here own less than 3% of the company. And where does Mr Cromwell put his $1,000,000 salary? Not in Teldar stock. He owns less than 1%. You own the company. That’s right, you , the stockholder. And you are all being royally screwed over by these bureaucrats with their steak lunches, their fishing trips, their corporate jets and golden parachutes. Teldar Paper, Mr Cromwell, has 33 different vice presidents each earning over $200,000 a year. Now, I have spent the last two months analysing what all these guys do. And I still can’t figure it out. One thing I do know is that our paper company lost $110m last year. And I’ll bet half of that was spent in all the paperwork between all these vice presidents! The new law of evolution in corporate America seems to be…survival of the unfitness. Well, in my book you eigher do it right, or you get eliminated. In the last seven deals that I have been involved with there were 2.5m stockholders who have made a pre-tax profit of $12 billion. Thank you. I am not a destroyer of companies. I am a liberator of them! The point is ,ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much.

They’re ripe to fall.


Guys like me have had their asses hung in a sling with the airlines.

And pretty soon everybody is gonna be scrambling for parachutes.


Cos I got a way around all this.


If that’s a scum, I’ll take it over a rat any day.


You know where I stand.
