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Unit 1 Art


1)详细地in detail

2)信任have faith in

3)瞄准、企图aim at; aim to do

4)集中精力concentrate on

5)对……的看法attitude to/towards

6)同时at the same time

7)拥有take possession of

8)使某人信服convince sb of/that

9)巧合by coincidence

10)大量a great deal (of)

11)脱离、摆脱break away from

12)渴望be eager for sth/ to do sth

13)接受……为accept … as…

14)也就是说that is (to say) 15)尝试、企图attempt to do

16)一方面on the one hand

17)另一方面on the other hand

18)本人in the flesh

19)一束鲜花a bunch of flowers

20)宁愿某人做某事would rather do

21)宁愿…而不愿…would rather do…than

do…; prefer to do… rather than do…

22)偏爱have a preference for

23)吸引、恳求appeal to

24)各种各样的a variety of

25)每两年every two years; every second

year; every other year


1) 显然,这是我最不想做的一件事情。(evident)

It is evident that this is the last thing I want to do.


I’m convinced that I will embrace a bright future.

3)我宁愿亲自送她去上海浦东国际机场。(would rather)

I would rather walk her to Shanghai Pudong International Airport myself. 4)他一直在努力着让世界变得更美好,真实太了不起了。(amazing)

It is amazing that he is always trying to make the world a better place to live.

Unit 2 Poems


1)列举make a list of

2)给某人留下印象leave/make an

impression on sb

3)传递某种感情convey certain emotions

4)表达自己的思想express oneself

5)有道理、有意义make sense

6)放松,不要紧张take it easy

7)用完,消耗光run out (of sth)

8)由……组成be made up of/ consist of 9)受……欢迎be popular with

10)把A翻译成B translate A into B

11)尤其、特别in particular

12)从……中挑选choose from

13)值得be worth + n / doing sth

14)碰巧by chance/ accident

15)在……底端at the bottom of

16)测试;试验try out

17)发出;释放let out



There are various reasons why pop stars are popular with young people. 2)杭州西湖的美景给我留下了非常深刻的印象。(impression)

The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou has left a good impression on me. 3)如果你要买字典的话,有很多可供挑选。(choose)

If you want to buy a dictionary, there are many to choose from.

Unit 3 A healthy life


1)在压力下under stress

2)与……分享share … with…

3)对……挑剔be particular about

4)在两周之后in two weeks time

5)由于due to

6)放弃give up

7)对……上瘾be addicted to sth/ doing

8)习惯于be accustomed to sth/ doing


10)重复;一再over and over again

11)对……产生影响have effect on

12)损坏;破坏do damage to

13)停止做某事quit doing

14)决定;选定decide on 15)从……中获益benefit from

16)扔掉throw away

17)想要(做)feel like sth/ doing

18)提醒某人做remind sb of sth/ to do/that

19)代替instead of

20)不管;不顾in spite of

21)冒险take risks

22)养成做某事的习惯get into the habit of

23)与病魔作斗争fight disease

24)患上艾滋病develop AIDS

25)感染get infected with

26)可能……It is likely that; be likely to do

27)对……紧张be nervous about



It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit.

2)你发现要放弃吸烟很困难。(find it …)

You find it difficult to give up smoking.

3)我不知道你是谁,我也不在乎。(neither do I…)

I don’t know who you are and neither do I care.


I want you to live as happy a life as I have.

5)每次你想放弃的时候,提醒你自己你周围的人们都在关心着你。(every time…)

Every time you feel like giving up, remind yourself that the people around you are concerned