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5 年高考完形填空高频选项


Group 1

accurate adj . 准确的,正确的;精确的

appearanee n .出现,露面;容貌,外表,外观

appoint V .任命,委任;安排;确定 (时间、地点);指定;约定

app reciation n .欣赏;鉴定,评估;感激;理解

V .靠近,接近;建议;要求

14. arrival n.到来,到达;到达者,到达物

15. ashamed adj . 惭愧的;害臊的;羞耻的

16. assist v .帮助,协助,援助

17. astonishing adj . 惊人的;令人惊讶

18. attach V .把 固定;重视;系,贴,连接;使附属;使依恋

19. attack vt .& n .攻击,侵害;(疾病等的)突然发作

1. 2. admire v .钦佩;赞美;崇拜

3. admit v .承认;准许进入;可容纳

4. annoy v .使恼怒,使不高兴

5. adve nture n.冒险,奇遇

6. an xiety n .担忧,焦虑;渴望

7. anxious adj . 忧虑的,焦急的;渴望的

8. apart adv . 相隔,相距;分离;除外

9. 10. 11. app reeiate v .欣赏;感激;理解

12. 13. approach n.途径,方式,方法

28. blame n . & V .责备;责怪,埋怨

29. boring adj . 乏味的,令人厌烦的

30. braVe adj . 勇敢的

31. broad adj . 宽的,宽阔的

32. burden n . ( 义务、责任等的 )重担,负担

V .烦扰;使负重,装载


1. (2016 •全国卷 I ) Approaching the vehicle , they saw that a womanwas trying to get out of the broken window.

2. (2016 •全国卷川)1 ' m sure I was the last person in t he world he wanted to accept assistance from.

3. (2015 •重庆高考)Alice paid the vet to continue grew anxious :what if the family had simply left the cat behind?

4. (2014 •湖南高考)Whatever failures I suffer in my life , an ironed shirt tells me I am good at , through ir oning I 've learned the method for solving even the most troublesome problems.

adv . 此外 (还) ,而且

beyond prep .(表示位置)在 . 较远的一边;超过;迟于

20. attitude n.态度

21. avoid V .避免,躲开,逃避,回避 22. awkward adj . 令人尴尬的,使人难堪的 23. basic adj . 基本的,基础

的 24. behaviour n . 行为,举止 25. believe v .相信,认为 26. besides prep .除 .... 以外 (还

有 27.

10. circumstanee n .条件;环境;状况,情况

11. clap vi . 拍手;鼓掌

n .拍手

12. clean vt . 打扫,清扫

adj . 清洁的,干净的

13. colleague n .同事

14. colour n .颜色

vt .给……涂色,粉饰

15. combine vt . 使联合;使结合

16. comfort n.安慰;慰问


calm adj . 镇静的,沉着的,平静的 v .

镇静,使平静下来 2.

care n 照料,保护,忧虑 v . 介意 ,在乎;关心

3. carefully adv . 小心地,仔细地


carry v .运送;传送;传递 5. carve vt . 刻;雕刻

6. change n 变化;零钱

v .

7. 8. 9. Group 2

cheat n . & v .骗取,哄骗;作弊,舞弊

cheerful adj . 兴高采烈的,快活的

choice n .选择;抉择

V .安慰;慰问,慰藉

comforting adj . 令人欣慰的;安慰的

comfortable adj . 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的

com muni catio n n . 交际,交往;通讯

V .陪伴

V .向……挑战


1. (2016 •全国卷 n )She gave mea comforting smile , nodded while listening

patiently and then printed out the ticket immediately.

2. (2015 •广东高考 )On the whole , our population is getting changes in our population will haVe lasting effects on our social deVelopment and our way of life.

3. (2015 •陕西高考)I passed the clean comb back to smiled at meand carefully p laced his comb on his wallet.

17. 18. 19. comme nt n.评论

20. 21. company n.公司;商号;伙伴

22. challenge n .挑战(性)

23. chance n . 机会,可能性

24. conclusion n .结论;结局;推论

25. condition n .条件,状况,境况,状态

26. confuse v .使迷惑,混淆,使混乱,搞乱

27. consequenee n .结果,后果


29. con tribute v .贡献,捐献;投稿

30. con tributio n n .贡献