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()1. 下列两个字母中,字母________ 是一笔完成的。

A. B

B. C

()2. 对班上来的新同学表示欢迎,你要说:________

A. Watch out!

B. Welcome!

()3. Mike来自加拿大,他自我介绍时应该说:________

A. Hi! I’m Mike. I’m from Canada.

B. Hi! I’m Mike. I’m in Canada.

()4. 你想让别人进来,可以说:________

A. Come in.

B. Come on.

()5. This ________ my friend.

A. is

B. are

()6. 别人跟你道歉,你可以说:________

A. It’s OK.

B. I’m sorry.

()7. 不小心碰掉了别人的铅笔盒,你要说:________

A. It’s OK.

B. I’m sorry.


()1. 当你下午遇到朋友时说:________

A. Good morning.

B. Good afternoon.

C. Goodbye.

()2. 当你要表达你来自中国时,你应说:________

A. I am from Canada.

B. I am China.

C. I am from China.()3. 当别人对你说:I’m sorry.时,你应该说:________

A. It’s OK.

B. Thank you.

C. Here you are.()4. 新学期开始了,你又见到同学时应说:________

A. How old are you?

B. Nice to see you, again.

()5. This ________ my friend.

A. is

B. are

()6. 班上来了新同学,他说:Hello, I am Zhang Peng.时,你应该说:________

A. Goodbye.

B. Welcome.


()1. 当你和家人在路上遇到老师,你应介绍说:

A. Where are you from?

B. This is my teacher, Mr Li.

C. Nice to meet you.()2. 你想知道班里的新同学从哪里来,应该问:________

A. Where are you from?

B. What’s your name?

C. Who are you?()3. 当对方向你问好:Nice to meet you.你应回答:________

A. Hello.

B. Nice to meet you, too.

C. Thank you.

()4. 亮亮向同学介绍自己的弟弟,他说:________

A. He is my brother.

B. This is my brother.

()5. 当你对事实表示怀疑时,可以说:________

A. Really?

B. Wow!


()1. 当你询问照片上的女人是谁时,应说:________

A. Who is the woman?

B. What’s she?

C. Who’s the man?()2. 当你想让别人和你一起做事时,应说:________

A. Come out!

B. Come in!

C. Come on!

()3. 当你对事实表示怀疑时,可以说:________

A. Great!

B. Really?

C. Wow!

()4. 当别人问你:Who is the girl?时,你不能回答:________

A. She is my sister, Nancy.

B. She is in a shop.

C. Sorry, I don’t know.()5. 当你夸赞对方的服装漂亮时,应说:________

A. How big!

B. How funny!

C. How beautiful!

()6. 你和妈妈走在大街上,远处有位叔叔向你们走来,你问妈妈:________

A. Who’s that man?

B. Who’s that boy?

C. Who’s than woman?()7. 在动物园里,各种各样的动物真可爱:

Lucy: Look at the elephant.

Mike: ________.

A. It’s so big


C. Look

()8. Teacher: It has a long nose. It has big ears and a short tail.

Student: ________

A. It’s an ant.

B. It’s an elephant.

C. It’s a panda.


()1. 当别人帮助了你,你应该说:________

A. Thank you.

B. Hello!

()2. 当你向别人介绍你的好朋友Lisa时,你应该说:________

A. This is Lisa.

B. I’m Lisa.

()3. 当你欢迎新来的同学的时候,你可以说:________

A. Welcome.

B. Thank you.

()4. 当别人邀请你和他(她)一起做游戏时,你可以说:________

A. Welcome!

B. OK!

()5. 你想知道那个女孩是谁说:________

A. What’s she?

B. Who’s she?

()6. 在动物园与你看到大象时想说:________

A. It’s so big.

B. It’s so small.

()7. 你想询问你的铅笔盒在哪里,你该说:________

A. Where is my pencil case?

B. What’s in my pencil case?

()8. 你想询问某物品是否在玩具盒子里,你会说:________

A. Are you in the toy box?

B. Is it in the toy box?

()9. 你想表达自己的书包放在了书桌下面,你会说:________

A. My bag is on the desk.

B. My bag is under the desk.


()1. 询问什么东西在什么地方?

Mike: Where is my pen?

Lucy: ________

A. Here you are.

B. Give it to me.

C. In your bag.

D. Yes.