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of DeCember, is the 1 festival i n the

ChriStia n coun tries of the world. ChriStmaS Day is particularly enjo yed by ChiIdre n, who get Very excited because 2 __________ the PreSe nts they know

they are going to receive. Small ChiIdre n believe that 3 __ PreSentS

are brought by Father ChriStmas. Father ChriStmaS is a ki nd old man who, the ChiIdre n are told, lives at the North Pole. He 4 _____ through the

Sky on a SIedge(雪橇)WhiCh is pulled by deer and loaded With PreSe nts. Stopp ing on the roofs the houses, he en ters by 5 __ down the Chi mney

(烟囱)。When small ChiIdren go to bed on ChriStmaS Eve, they 6 a stocking at the end of their beds. Their Parents order them not 7_ to look at Father ChriStmaS or he will not leave them _ 8__ . Whenthey Wake up, they find their stock ings

_________________________ 9__With PreSe nts. ChiIdre n __10 _ __________ Very excited on ChriStmaS morni ng and always Wake UP early.

ChriStmaS is a family CeIebrati on. AS 11 ______ of the family as POSSibIe gather together to eat, play Party games and, these days, WatCh the SPeCiaI ChriStmaS PrOgrammeS on TV.

EVery one 12 two or three days off work for ChriStmas. In

Brita in the day after ChriStmaS is __13 BOXing Day. ThiS is a great day for _14 , and ma ny go out to WatCh football matches, etc.

15 most people Stay at home and have a lazy day.

1. biggest,


3. their,




7.to try,

8.a nyth ing, 9.filled, 10.are, 11.ma ny, 12.gets, 13.called,

14.sports, 15.though


baby WhaIeS drink milk from the 2 __________ body. EVery SPring 3 _________ Of WhaIeS SWim hun dreds of kilometers to Warm PIaCeS to have their babies. EaCh mother WhaIeS 4 ______ to the Same place every year. The mothers

take Very good Care of 5 _____ . The WhaIeS 6 _____ to each other With

a high noise, it SOundS like 7 ________ . ThiS “talking ” Can 8 _________ f or

9 ________ t han 300 kilometres.

10 ___ people kill over a hundred WhaIeS a day. They kill them 11 __________ many thi ngs. 12 ______ t hem is a moder n bus in ess. The WhaIeS dies Very

13 _______ i n great Pain. More and more WhaIeS are killed by people , even

the mothers and babies. 14 ___________ the things goes on like this, there

will be no young WhaIeS to grow UP and no mother WhaIeS to 15 _____

more babies.

1. aren ' t

2. mothers '

3. groups

4. goes

5. their

6. talk


Singing 8. be heard 9. more 10. Yet 11. to make 12 Killi ng 13.

slowly 14. If 15. have



ManyAmeriCan youngsters earn their allowance by doing odd jobs for their neighbors. BabySitting is one of the commonof these . Most couples do not have maids or relatives With them, and they n eed