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Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul



‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but i nstead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.


A Beautiful Soul ,self-respect, striving for life ,the real beauty

"Jane Eyre" had come out of the literary sensation of the nineteenth century, it is beauty with an irresistible attracted thousands of readers, there is an irrepressible impulse that drove people to pick up this book, along with deeply moved, but also the soul tremble.

This is a novel with a rotation of color, it is a British writer of the nineteenth century, one of the famous Three Sisters * Charlotte Bronte's book. This is one with his heart and strong spirit of the pursuit of the cast to Make a book author mouth infinite emotion and personality charm for women won a brilliant sky.

Petite heroine Jane Eyre, homely, no money, no status, but it has an extraordinary temperament and a very rich emotional world. She honed in life, abandoned women born weak and delicate gradually develop a strong and independent personality. She was not willing to humiliation in the face of brutal cousin, but argue. Even though the outcome is unsatisfactory, but consistently did not bow; in the cold devil Mr. Brocker Hess torture, she does not show any fear, but rather calmly carry off, independent strong survive. Read "Jane Eyre", I suffered for her childhood abuse and grief, empathy-like experience with the young Jane Eyre sensitive soul that suffered damage. Jane and I also dumped. Like her position in front of the so-called higher than her high society to show the kind of attitude reasonable manner, like she exhibited in the face of the spirit of self-love that kind of self-esteem, she can not help but sigh in the era in which the distance two hundred years of

modern progress, there are few women have the courage to their dignity and for a beloved and rich men say it? Jane can! Moment in her body flashed an independent personality of the sublime and lofty!

"Do you think, because I am poor, humble, not the United States, I have no heart, no soul? I like you have a soul, but also exactly the same as a heart. If God had gifted me with beauty and wealth, I would It allows you to leave me, as I now to leave you! "Every time read" Jane Eyre ", that they will be shocked by these words. As Edward said, simply, "like a mad bird desperately tearing his feathers." This is a strong self-released A grief and love intertwined together, "dominated everything, conquer everything, overwhelming everything" power. Her own language and actions show that: they have the right to an equal pursue their own love. She is not beautiful, humble, but with their own unique qualities to attract all people. Equality between the sexes, women must have an independent personality, self-esteem, not dependent on other people can earn respect and love, we will have a truly happy. Love shall serve as a basis of equality and mutual independence, not simply accept each other's administration. If Jane chose to stay, willing to be a nameless no points, almost mistress wife, Rochester will be like the original as Chiai with her? He loved reasonable manner, self-respect of Jane Eyre, not a hiding his arms to accept only know how to love a woman! Jane Eyre is generations of female hearts of the most approachable idol, she will not difficult to close, her shadow drifting around us, with her as a criterion, we can live magnanimous self-confidence, can give clues to the fate along find their true happiness lies.

In today's real world, people are crazy for money and status seems to drown love. Choose between the poor and the rich rich, the choice between love and not love does not love. Few people like Jane abandon all this for love of human dignity for the individual, and no turning back. Maybe when people are so poor that only money, they will go to the pursuit of "love." Can be smoked mercenary spirit also deserve to have love it? Perhaps to simplify time to return to basics. In the pursuit of material life, we should perfusion of some truth and warmth in life, to pursue one of the true warmth, harmony and tolerance. Let us also seek devote full feeling, excluding gains and losses simplified feelings. Pure like a glass of water, slowly floating down to earth.

Detachment from worldly vanity in the hustle and bustle, makes a stop and read of "Jane Eyre" it, go and Jane's soul dialogue. Jane Eyre is a fairy tale, she let us

believe, have an independent personality and can self-esteem, self-love, self-confident woman, even a lily, will have their own pride, will find their own eternal spring . Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.

We remember her pursuit o f justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.

We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyon e is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.

We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…

When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.

Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’. B ut as the little governess had said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gav e her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.

In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if h is or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that

‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.

Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty。



[2]Charlotte Bronte,Jane Eyre. CRW Publishing,2003-09-01

[3] 刘洊波,《英国文学史概述及作品选读》.北京:高等教育出版社2010-03-01

[4]夏绿蒂·勃朗特,尹承东,祝庆英著《中译经典文库·世界文学名著:简·爱(全译本) [JANE EYRE]》. 中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司.2009-06-01


四川外国语大学成都学院外语专业本科毕业论文写作规范 本科毕业论文是实现本科培养目标的重要教学环节。毕业论文的写作是对学生综合素质的检验,它既是检测学生综合运用所学的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能进行科学研究、理论思考与实践设计能力的重要手段,也是对他们进行初步的科研训练,掌握基本的科研方法,培养学生观察问题、分析问题和解决问题能力的重要过程。本科毕业论文是学院教学档案的重要组成部分,为了进一步做好本科生毕业论文工作,加强本科毕业论文的规范管理,结合我院实际,特制定本写作规范。 一、毕业论文总要求 本科毕业论文要求学生在掌握本专业的基础理论、专门知识和基本技能的基础上,通过查阅相关资料,有条理、有逻辑地观察问题、分析问题和解决问题。论文要求观点鲜明、论据充分、论证有力、逻辑性强、条理清楚、文字正确通顺、格式规范。同时,论文鼓励学生进行思维与观念上的创新,培养学生的创新能力,鼓励学生发表新见解;论文应该科学合理地利用资料,严禁抄袭或剽窃他人的作品(具体要求见《四川外语学院成都学院本科生毕业论文撰写条例(暂行)》)。 二、毕业论文打印格式 (一)纸型:A4纸型,除封面外,全部双面打印。 (二)页码:页码从正文第二页开始打印(首页不显示),放在页面的底端,采用“页面底端居中”的格式。 (三)字体:用汉语撰写的论文统一采用“宋体”,用英语、法语、俄语、德语、西班牙语撰写的论文采用“时代新罗马(Times New Roman)” 字体,用日语撰写的论文采用“明朝体”。 (四)字号:论文正文的字号用“小四”,章节标题用“四号”加粗。(五)页边距:采用Windows XP默认页边距:上2.54厘米,下2.54厘米,左3.17厘米,右3.17厘米。 (六)装订线:左边1厘米。 (七)行数:每页44行。 (八)页眉页脚:页眉1.5厘米,页脚1.75厘米。 (九)行距:论文全文采用1.5倍行距。 (十)对齐方式:论文正文采用“两端对齐”的方式,标题或副标题采用“居中”的方式。 三、论文组成部分 本科生的毕业论文应该包括以下部分,字数在3000-4000之间: 第一部分:论文封面页(Cover Page) 第二部分:论文题目页(Title Page) 第三部分:论文目录页(Outline Page) 第四部分:论文正文(Body) 第五部分:论文尾注(Endnotes)


英文论文写作规范 1.论文版面要求 1.1.页面设置 论文必须统一使用word排版(Word2003或Word2007),并在上传论文时在文档命名中注明使用版本。纸张统一使用A4纸,页面设置信息:上2.54cm;下3.05cm;左2.54cm;右2.54cm。页面中不允许出现页眉页脚和脚注信息。 1.2. 标点 论文中所有标点符号后面必须空一格(即:A+标点+空格+B),括号前后也必须空一格(即:A+空格+左括号+括号内容+右括号+空格+B)。 1.3. 语言及整体格式 论文撰写语言为英文,文中不得出现中文、日文等其他语言文字(部分风景图可以存在非英文字,但必须对图片有解释内容)。论文字体设置为Times New Roman,行距设置为单倍行距,字符间距设置为标准(字符间距默认状态下为标准,一般不用特意修改)。 1.4. 正文 1.4.1. 标题 一、二、三级标题统一使用阿拉伯数字编号,标题单词的首字母大写,标题编号后加“.”。如:1. Introduction;2.1. Formatting paper;3.1.2. Main text。 1.4. 2. 图和表 a)文章中出现的表格的标题需居中并置于表格上方,而图的标题应居中放在图的下方;表和图不得随意分割;表及图的长宽不得超过页边距。 b)图、表应分别使用阿拉伯数字顺序编号,居中设置与正文间距统一设置为10磅。 c)图、表标题应设置为10号Helvetica字体,加粗;图、表编号设置为9号Helvetica 字体,不加粗;图、表标题仅首字母大写;表头设置为8号字体加粗;表格内容设置为常规8号字体。 1.4.3. 公式 论文公式应使用公式编辑器编辑,并统一编号(1)、(2)、(3)……,编号应在该栏中设置为右对齐。 1.5. 参考文献 参考文献的序号按照引用文献在论文中出现的先后顺序连续编号[1]、[2] ……(选中所有文献右击选择“编号”),不能遗漏或颠倒;每篇参考文献至少在正文中出现一次;同一参考文献使用相同编码(即第一次引用时的编码)。在论文中引用参考文献时,用上标的形式(选中编码右击鼠标,选择“字体”,在效果中选择“上标”)随后附上所引用文献在参考文献中的编号。文献不可以为尾注形式。


英语论文格式及写作规范语言和内容是评判一篇英语论文质量高低的重要依据;但是,写作格式规范与否亦是一个不可忽略的衡量标准。因此,规范英语论文的格式,使之与国际学术惯例接轨,对我们从事英语教学,英语论文写作,促进国际学术交流都具有重要意义。由于英语论文写作规范随学科不同而各有所异,本文拟就人文类学科英语论文的主要组成部分,概述美国教育界、学术界通行的人文类英语论文写作规范,以供读者参考、仿效。 一、英语论文的标题 一篇较长的英语论文(如英语毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与打印纸顶端的距离约为打印纸全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)的距离则为5cm,第三、第四行分别为作者姓名及日期(均居中)。如果该篇英语论文是学生针对某门课程而写,则在作者姓名与日期之间还需分别打上教师学衔及其姓名(如:Dr./Prof.C.Prager)及本门课程的编号或名称(如:English 734或British Novel)。打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6cm(论文其他部分行距同此)。 就学生而言,如果英语论文篇幅较短,亦可不做标题页(及提纲页),而将标题页的内容打在正文第一页的左上方。第一行为作

者姓名,与打印纸顶端距离约为2.5cm,以下各行依次为教师学衔和姓、课程编号(或名称)及日期;各行左边上下对齐,并留出2.5cm左右的页边空白(下同)。接下来便是论文标题及正文(日期与标题之间及标题与正文第一行之间只需隔行打印,不必留出更多空白)。 二、英语论文提纲 英语论文提纲页包括论题句及提纲本身,其规范格式如下:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为2.5cm左右)的始端打上Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐。主要纲目以大写罗马数字标出,次要纲目则依次用大写英文字母、阿拉伯数字和小写英文字母标出。各数字或字母后均为一句点,空出一格后再打该项内容的第一个字母;处于同一等级的纲目,其上下行左边必须对齐。需要注意的是,同等重要的纲目必须是两个以上,即:有Ⅰ应有Ⅱ,有A应有B,以此类推。如果英文论文提纲较长,需两页纸,则第二页须在右上角用小写罗马数字标出页码,即ii(第一页无需标页码)。 三、英语论文正文 有标题页和提纲页的英语论文,其正文第一页的规范格式为:论文标题居中,其位置距打印纸顶端约5cm,距正文第一行约 1.5cm。段首字母须缩进五格,即从第六格打起。正文第一页不必


《大学生英语能力训练》实践课程学期作业 题目: A Paper_ times new roman三号加粗,填写具体的英文题目 学院: __ __________ 专业:__ ____________ 姓名:__ ____________ 学号:__ _________ 联系方式:__ ___________ 任课教师:__ ____________ 2020年4月

Paper Title (字体Times New Roman三号加粗,与摘要空两行) Abstract (字体times new roman,小四,加粗) An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows readers to survey the contents of an article quickly and, like a title, it enables persons interested in the document to retrieve it from abstracting and indexing databases. Most scholarly journals require an abstract. Consult the instructions to authors or web page of the journal to which you plan to submit your article for any journal-specific instructions. A well-prepared abstract can be the most important single paragraph in an article. Most people have their first contact with an article by seeing just the abstract, usually in comparison with several other abstracts, as they are doing a literature search. Readers frequently decide on the basis of the abstract whether to read the entire article. The abstract needs to be dense with information. By embedding key words in your abstract, you enhance the user’s ability to find it.Do not exceed the abstract word limit of the journal to which you are submitting your article. Word limits vary from journal to journal and typically range from 150 to 250 words. For information on how abstracts are used to retrieve articles, consult Record Structure for APA Databases (Sick, 2009). (正文:字体times new roman,小四,两端对齐,单倍行距) Keywords: low case, comma, paper template, abstract, keywords, introduction 1. Introduction The body of a paper opens with an introduction that presents the specific problem under study and describes the research strategy. Because the introduction is clearly identified by its position in the manuscript, it does not carry a heading labeling it the introduction. Before writing the introduction, consider the following questions (Beck & Sales, 2001, p. 100): 1)Why is this problem important? 2)How does the study relate to previous work in the area? If other aspects of this study have been reported previously, how does this report differ from, and build on, the earlier report? A good introduction answers these questions in just a few pages and, by summarizing the relevant arguments and the past evidence, gives the reader a firm sense of What was done and why (Beck & Sales, 2001, pp. 100-102). Your introduction should include: The background for your choice of theme A discussion of your research question or thesis statement What are the theoretical and practical implications of the study? 1.1 Background


英文科技论文写作是进行国际学术交流必需的技能。一般而言,发表在专业英语期刊上的科技论文在文章结构和文字表达上都有其特定的格式和规定,只有严格遵循国际标准和相应刊物的规定,才能提高所投稿件的录用率。 针对《发动机稀燃汽油机的氢气直接喷射燃烧和排放研究的特点》并综合网上查找资料,总结出了一套写作框架。 这套框架基本能够依次回答以下问题: Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题? Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题? Results(结果):发现了什么? Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么? Conclusions-结论/总结 英文科技论文的基本格式包括: Title-论文题目 Author(s)-作者姓名 Affiliation(s) and address(es)-联系方式 Abstract-摘要 Keywords-关键词 Body-正文 Acknowledgements-致谢,可空缺 References-参考文献 Appendix-附录,可空缺 Resume-作者简介,视刊物而定 下面把各个部分的注意事项做如下阐述。 1.Title(论文题目) 论文题目力求做到长短适中,概括性强,重点突出,一目了然。 论文题目一般由名词词组或名词短语构成在必须使用动词的情况下,一般用分词或动名词形式。题目中介词、冠词小写。 具体写作要求如下: (1)题目要准确地反映论文的内容。作为论文的“标签”,题目既不能过于空泛和一般

化,也不宜过于繁琐,使人得不出鲜明的印象。为确保题目的含义准确,尽量避免使用非定量的、含义不明的词,如“rapid”,“new”等;(2)题目用语需简练、明了,以最少的文字概括尽可能多的内容。题目最好不超过10 ~ 12个单词,或100个英文字符(含空格和标点),在内容层次很多的情况下,如果难以简短化,最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法,主副题名之间用冒号(:)隔开(3)题目要清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色,明确表明研究工作的独到之处,力求简洁有效、重点突出。为表达直接、清楚,以便引起读者的注意,应尽可能地将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头。题名中应慎重使用缩略语。尤其对于可有多个解释的缩略语,应严加限制,必要时应在括号中注明全称。对那些全称较长,缩写后已得到科技界公认的,才可使用。为方便二次检索,题名中应避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号(数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式、不常用的专业术语和非英语词汇(包括拉丁语)等。 (4)由于题目比句子简短,并且无需主、谓、宾,因此词序就也变得尤为重要。特别是如果词语间的修饰关系使用不当,就会影响读者正确理解题目的真实含意。 2.Author(s)(作者姓名) 按照欧美国家的习惯,名字(first name) 在前,姓氏(surname / family name / last name) 在后。但我国人名地名标准规定,中国人名拼写均改用汉语拼音字母拼写,姓在前名在后。因此,若刊物无特殊要求,则应按我国标准执行。如果论文由几个人撰写,则应逐一写出各自的姓名。作者与作者之间用空格或逗号隔开。例如: Wan Da, Ma Jun。 3.Affiliation(s) and address(es)(联系方式) 在作者姓名的下方还应注明作者的工作单位,邮政编码,电子邮件地址或联系电话等。要求准确清楚,使读者能按所列信息顺利地与作者联系。 4.Abstract(摘要) 摘要也称为内容提要,是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述。其作用主要是为读者阅读、信息检索提供方便。 论文中的研究体系、主要方法、重要发现、主要结论等,简明扼要地加以概括。 摘要的构成要素: 研究目的——准确描述该研究的目的,说明提出问题的缘由,表明研究的范围和重要性。 研究方法——简要说明研究课题的基本设计,结论是如何得到的。 结果——简要列出该研究的主要结果,有什么新发现,说明其价值和局限。叙述要具


Format for Research Papers California State University, Bakersfield Department of Biology Winter 2008 A scientific research report is a form of communication in which the investigator succinctly presents and interprets data collected in an investigation. Writing such reports is similar to the writing in other scientific disciplines except that the format will differ as will the criteria for grading. Writing the Report The questions and hypotheses that initiate an investigation, the resultant data gathered, and the background information obtained by reading the literature will lead to conclusions. Your research report presents these conclusions and the appropriate evidence (data and relevant literature). Before writing the report, construct an outline that logically presents the information to support your conclusions. Organize the data into tables and figures to present the evidence in a logical order. Many authors prefer to construct a draft by rapidly putting down ideas with little regard to sentence structure, and to make corrections later. Others prefer to make revisions as they proceed. Write the report with a target audience of other students with experience in biology equivalent to that of the class for which the report is written. Proper use of English is considered paramount in grading. Your major responsibility is to make the reader understand exactly what you mean by using words with precision, clarity, and economy. Every sentence should be exact and say something of importance (no "padding"). Economy and accuracy require using straightforward English sentences (subject, verb, and object). Follow a consistent pattern of tenses. Write in the active voice unless you have good reason to use the passive voice. The active is the natural voice, the one in which people commonly speak and write. Quotations are to be avoided. All sentences should be based on your understanding of source material that you then write as your own original sentences. When discussing the works of others, do not include extraneous information, such as first names or scientific affiliations. In scientific writing, the major idea of a paragraph (or sentence) is placed first. Evidence for the idea, modifications, exceptions, etc., then follow. This allows readers to quickly skim research reports by reading the first sentence in each paragraph. After finishing a draft, review it to see if the paragraphs and sentences follow a logical sequence. Examine the arrangement of paragraphs within a section; some may belong in another section. Make sure that the transitions from one idea to another are clear. Study each sentence to see if it can be clarified, shortened, or omitted. Rewrite as necessary to achieve clarity. This type of review and rewriting is best done after not looking at the manuscript for a few days. Then, you should be able to approach the manuscript with renewed objectivity. Knowledgeable friends and classmates can also help with this review process. Type your report using double spacing, 12 point font, left margin justified, and one inch margins. Number pages with the Introduction on the page following the title page. Do not use running heads; your name should only appear on the title page. Proofread and spell-check your paper to correct errors. Report Format Scientific research report format is based on the scientific method and is organized to enable the reader to quickly comprehend the main points of the investigation. The format required in all biology classes consists of a Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Literature Cited sections.


附件一: 英语专业毕业论文格式要求 一、论文组成 本科毕业论文(设计)(以下简称为毕业论文)由封面、成绩评定表、内容摘要、关键词、目录、正文、参考文献、附录等八部分组成。毕业论文装订按以下顺序进行:封面、成绩评定表、中文内容摘要、英文内容摘要、目录、正文、注释、参考文献、附录。(每位学生定稿论文,按统一要求装订1份)。 二、排版与字体 毕业论文的文字图形一律从左至右横写横排。文字一律通栏编辑。字迹必须清楚,忌用异体字、复合字及一切不规范的简化字。除非必要,不要使用繁体字。 毕业论文文字、标点必须符合出版要求。正文标题为小二号粗黑体;正文内第一级标题用三号黑体,居中上下空一行;第二级标题用小三号黑体,靠左空两个字符,上下空一行;第三级标题用四号黑体,靠左空两个字符,不空行;正文用小四号宋体,行距为固定值20磅;图题及图中文字原则上用五号宋体。 中文“内容摘要”标题四字用三号粗黑体,其正文用四号宋体。英文内容摘要即“Abstract”标题词用三号Times New Roman字体加粗,其正文用Times New Roman四号。中英文摘要正文均以空两格格式开始行文。中文的“关键词”和英文的“Key words”分别用黑体四号和Times New Roman四号,并加粗左对齐。正文分别用四号宋体和四号Times New Roman。中文“内容摘要”正文要求300个汉字以内。英文内容摘要(“Abstract”)正文要求300个英文词左右。 注释和参考文献标题用粗三号,居中上下空一行。中文注释和参考文献正文用五号宋体。英文注释和参考文献正文用Times New Roman五号。 毕业论文中的英文均采用Times New Roman字体,其字体号与其相应的部分(注:正文、注释等)一致。注意文中代表变量的英文


学术论文写作格式要求英文摘要常用句型 英文摘要虽然不像公文文体那样程序化,但由于它在语法结构上有较强的倾向性,因此英文摘要许多句型模式出现的频率很高,熟练掌握这些常用句型模式,有助于提高英文摘要写作质量和速度,进而能保证其可读性。下面举一些有代表性和常用的句式供参考。 1)常用于摘要开头部分的有4类。 A. (In this paper,…) The results of A simple method for...cases of The...approach for An attempt to (do)... presented described (through…) is(are) reported (under...) discussed (along with...) analyzed 例如:The results of analyses carried out on the process waters generated during the hydrolysis of oil shale from Rundle, Australia via the Fischer assay retorting process are presented. 对用费希尔试料蒸馏法热解澳大利亚鲁德尔页岩所产生的工业废水提出了分析结果。 B. The chief aim purpose object objective the present study of this investigation the research these studies to obtain… to evaluate… is (was/has been/will be) to find out… to establish… to asses… 例如:The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and utility of tread ill exercise testing prior to the discharge of patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction. 研究旨在对因急性心肌梗塞住院的患者在出院前进行踏旋器运动试验的安全性与效用做出评价。


英文论文写作格式及要求 英文论文模板下载英文论文写作要求下载英文论文样本下载中文论文样本下载 英文论文一些格式要求与国内期刊有所不同。从学术的角度讲,它更加严谨和科学,并且方便电子系统检索和存档。 如果您以中文向我们投稿,要求可以稍松一些,细节问题在我们翻译的过程中将进行更正;如果您以英文向我们投稿,请务必按照下面的要求写作。 版面格式

表格 表格的题目格式与正文相同,靠左边,位于表格的上部。题目前加Table后跟数字,表示此文的第几个表格。 表格主体居中,边框粗细采用0.5磅;表格内文字采用Times New Roman,10磅。 举例: Table 1. The capitals, assets and revenue in listed banks 图表和图片 图表和图片的题目格式与正文相同,位于图表和图片的下部。题目前加Figure后跟数字,表示此文的第几个图表。图表及题目都居中。 举例: Figure 1. The Trend of Economic Development 引用格式与参考文献 1.我们不采取word脚注和尾注插入格式(这种方式对单篇文章适合,但多篇文章排版时会出现较大问题)。 2. 在论文中的引用采取插入作者、年份和页数方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This 在论文中的引用采取作者和年份插入方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This problem has been studied previously (Smith, 1958, pp.20-25)。文中插入的引用应该与文末参考文献相对应。举例:F rankly speaking, it is just a simulating one made by the government, or a fake competition, directly speaking. (Gao, 2003, p.220). 3. 在文末参考文献中,姓前名后,姓与名之间以逗号分隔;如有两个作者,以and连接;如有三个或三个以上作者,前面的作者以逗号分隔,最后一个作者以and连接。 4.参考文献中各项目以“点”分隔,最后以“点”结束。


时间是检验事物好坏的最好方法,大众对于品牌的信赖根本上源于心底里那份对于时间的执着。而有着十年辉煌历程的英国优越论文网也得到了越来越多消费者的认可,这除了要归功于其专业老师们丰富的经验,还要归功于老师们热心为学生们服务的那份真诚。这不,优越论文网的专业老师福利第三波马上送达。 之前,老师已分别从宏观和微观的视角讲述了英国毕业论文的内容和结构,现在老师就英文论文的写作要求和格式这一方面来给大家继续讲解。留学生们看好啦,毕业论文的格式分为四个方面: 一、前置部分 前置部分主要包括封面、英文题名页、摘要、关键词、目录、插图、和附表目录、必要时还有略缩词。 题名要以最恰当、最简明的词语反映论文的写作领域及主要内容,避免不常用的略缩词、首字母缩写字等。摘要是论文内容不加注释和评论的简单陈述,关键词每篇论文选取3-8个次,以显著的字符另起一行。论文中的图表如果较多,可以分别列出并置于目次页之后。 二、主体部分 主要包括正文、结论、致谢、参考文献。关于字体与间距的设置,英国毕业论文的正文部分一般采用的是Times New Roman小四号字体和单倍行距。参考文献即Reference用Times New Roman3号,居中加粗;参考书目的序号如[1]形式等。 三、附录部分 主要包括必要的各种附录,如发表文章、参与项目、实验数据等。各种附表(包括导师的评语表、答辩委员会评语表)等都要收录其中。 四、结尾部分 主要包括索引和封底。 以上就是优越论文网老师对英国毕业论文写作格式的大致介绍。对于格式的调整是在写作后期即定稿之后进行的,需要注意的细节有很多,因为细节处更能彰显论文作者的态度。如果,各位留学生还有其它疑问,可随时在各种搜索引擎中找到英国优越论文网,我们的客服老师24小时在线,为您解决一切困扰。相信优越可以帮你搞定毕业论文写作。而选择优越,妈妈再也不用担心你的论文!


英文参考文献标准格式:论文参考文献格式规范计算机论文写作 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: --专著,著作 [C]--论文集(一般指会议发表的论文续集,及一些专题论文集,如《***大学研究生学术论文集》 [N]-- 报纸文章 [J]--期刊文章:发表在期刊上的论文,尽管有时我们看到的是从网上下载的(如知网),但它也是发表在期刊上的,你看到的电子期刊仅是其电子版 [D]--学位论文:不区分硕士还是博士论文 --报告:一般在标题中会有"关于****的报告"字样 [S]-- 标准 [P]--专利 [A]--文章:很少用,主要是不属于以上类型的文章 [Z]--对于不属于上述的文献类型,可用字母"Z"标识,但这种情况非常少见 常用的电子文献及载体类型标识: [DB/OL] --联机网上数据(database online) [DB/MT] --磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape) [M/CD] --光盘图书(monograph on CDROM) [CP/DK] --磁盘软件(computer program on disk) [J/OL] --网上期刊(serial online) [EB/OL] --网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) 很显然,标识的就是该资源的英文缩写,/前面表示类型,/后面表示资源的载体,如OL表示在线资源

二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号)起止页码. 【举例】 [1] 周融,任志国,杨尚雷,厉星星.对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电子教学学报,2003(6):107-109. [2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业设计(论文)教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52. [3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 67. 2.专著类 【格式】[序号]作者.书名.出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码. 【举例】 [4] 刘国钧,王连成.图书馆史研究.北京:高等教育出版社,1979:15-18,31. [5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature . London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45. 3.报纸类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次). 【举例】 [6] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3). [7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33). 4.论文集 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码. 【举例】 [8] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17.


英文论文撰写格式说明 1. 模板文件Author Instructions.rtf里面描述的内容不需要遵照执行,只需要遵照其格式,论文电子版制作均采用MS-Word软件 2. 页面设置(操作—点击“文件”里的“页面设置”进行) 1)新建WORD文档,选用A4纸并进行如下页面设置: 2)页边距:上2.5cm,下1.5cm,左2cm,右2cm,装订线0cm。 3)版式:页眉1.25cm,页脚0.5cm。 4)文档格式:栏数为1,请在“网格”里选用“无网格”项。 3. 论文格式 3.1 行距:若无特别说明,均为单倍行距。 3.2 段落间距:若无特别说明,均为段前0磅,段后0磅。 3.3 论文题目:所有实词首字母大写,Arial字体,14磅,加粗,居中;段落间距为段后6磅。 3.4 作者:Arial字体,14磅,居中,名在前,姓在后,用全称(如:玉娇龙为Jiao Long Yu), 段落间距为段前6磅。 3.5 地址:Arial字体,11磅,居中,段落间距为段前6磅(若地址太长要强行换行时,则该地址内部段落间距均为0磅) 3.6 Email 格式与地址相同,相邻email间用逗号隔离开 3.6 关键词:Arial字体,11磅,两端对齐,段落间距为段前18磅,其中Keyword:为加粗。冒号后加空格再接关键词,相邻词间用逗号分隔。每个关键词的首字母大写。 3.7 从“摘要”开始到“参考文献”结束,所有正文的字体均为Times New Roman,12磅;两端对齐。 3.8 摘要:段落间距为段前18磅,其中Abstract. 要加粗,在句点后空1格再紧接摘要内容。 3.9文中各级标题一律不用编号。标题中所有实词的首字母均大写。标题不要超出二级标题。 3.10文中一级标题:加粗,两端对齐,段落间距为段前18磅,段后6磅,独立成段。 3.11文中二级标题:标题加句点,加粗。句点号后空1格再紧接正文内容。若二级标题位于一级标题后的第一段,那么二级标题无需右缩进。否则,二级标题向右缩进5mm. 3.12正文除在一级标题后的第一段不右缩首行,其余各段首行均向右缩进5mm. 4. 图表的格式及其引用 4.1 文中表格尽量采用三线表,且不宜过于复杂。表格整体最大宽度不要大于版心宽度(17cm). 4.2 表题与表格都居中排列,无文字环绕。表题与上正文间隔一行,表格与下正文间隔一行。 4.3 表题与表格的字体与字号均与正文相同。需要时,表中字体可适当变小,但不得小于10.5磅。 4.4 表题在表格的上方,表序用“Table 1, Table 2…”表示,Table和后面的数字间加1空格,数字后面与文字之间加2个空格,其它说明写在表格的下方或旁边;表格中如有单位,应写在方括号内(如:[mm])例: Table 3 High and low settings of predictor variables 4.5 正文中引用表格时,直接用表序即可。


英文论文的格式 通常,学校发的论文写作规定会对一篇Assignment应该写成Essay还是 Report 格式作出明确要求。 两种格式的相同之处: 1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍(也有双倍间距的)。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调节,会造成不必要的麻烦。 2、段落之间空一行,每段不要求像中文写作那样空两格,而是直接顶格写。 两种格式的不同之处: 一、Essay Essay的写作相对Report要简单一些。通常只包括三个部分,绪论(Introduction), 主体(Main Body),结论(Conclusion)。绪论(Introduction)包括选题(topic)的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题,通常占总字数的 10%左右。主体(Main Body)占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写。但要求有逻辑性。结论(Conclusion)也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。 二、Report: 它的写法大体上和essay差不多,但要求要严格一些。 1、标题页:包括标题和executive summary. Executive summary是对文章的摘要,这两个部分一般是单独占一页。 2、主体部分:Report的主体部分,前三个和essay差不多,只是在conclusion 后还有一部分就是recommendations,是对提出的问题的建议。 如果题目中没有单独要求,一般就按照这几部分来写,但有的题目会作出规定。请按题目要求写哪几部分来写。 Reference Reference是几乎所有老师最看重的,所以请一定注意。 1、不管前面的主体部分最后一页剩多少空格,reference都要另起一页写; 2、每条reference之间要空一行。 3、 References 的排列要按字母顺序排列。用网址的reference放在最后; 4、 H引用分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用了文章或书中的原话。


英语论文格式 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

英文论文的格式 通常,学校发的论文写作规定会对一篇Assignment应该写成Essay还是 Report格式作出明确要求。???????????????????? 两种格式的相同之处:? 1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:倍(也有双倍间距的)。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调节,会造成不必要的麻烦。 2、段落之间空一行,每段不要求像中文写作那样空两格,而是直接顶格写。? 两种格式的不同之处:? 一、Essay? Essay 的写作相对Report要简单一些。通常只包括三个部分,绪论(Introduction), 主体(Main Body),结论(Conclusion)。绪论(Introduction)包括选题(topic)的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题,通常占总字数的 10%左右。主体(Main Body)占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写。但要求有逻辑性。结论(Conclusion)也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。 二、Report:? 它的写法大体上和essay差不多,但要求要严格一些。? 1、标题页:包括标题和executive summary. Executive summary是对文章的摘要,这两个部分一般是单独占一页。? 2、主体部分:Report的主体部分,前三个和essay差不多,只是在conclusion后还有一部分就是recommendations,是对提出的问题的建议。? 如果题目中没有单独要求,一般就按照这几部分来写,但有的题目会作出规定。请按题目要求写哪几部分来写。? Reference? Reference 是几乎所有老师最看重的,所以请一定注意。? 1、不管前面的主体部分最后一页剩多少空格,reference都要另起一页写;? 2、每条reference之间要空一行。 3、 References 的排列要按字母顺序排列。用网址的reference放在最后;? 4、 H引用分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用了文章或书中的原话。请在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注。没有出现作者就在引用的句子后面用

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