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新闻翻译一、新闻结构简介 1 标题(Headline)2 导语(Lead)3 主体(Body)二、新闻标题的翻译 1 标题的语言特点 1.1 特殊表达――省略2008 Olympic security budget ready for approval 译文:2008北京奥运安全预算正待批新闻翻译Hungry dog saves abandoned baby 译文:一条饿狗救弃婴Nations favours US-DPRK contact 译文:联合国看好美朝接触――时态Car bombs kill 7, wound 19 译文:汽车连环爆炸,7死19伤Song reaches Beijing 译文:宋楚瑜抵达北京新闻翻译Subway to Change Locals' Lives No.1 Line to Start Construction on 28th 译文:改变市民生活的地铁1号线28日动工EU not to ease visa barriers 译文:欧盟将不放松签证障碍Across US, residents opening homes to Katrina refugees 译文:全美居民为“卡特里娜”飓风灾民敞开家园US congress sending $10.5B in relief aid 译文:美国国会送出105亿美元救济――语态UN’s paramount role stressed at memorial New concept wanted to solve water shortage 新闻翻译 1.2 词汇特点――多用短小词World eyes mid-East peace talks 世界关注中东和平谈判(eyes = watches) Beijing: Tokyo must back words with actions 中国认为:日本必须拿出行动支持自己的言论(back=support)Suspects held 嫌疑犯被捕(held = arrested)――广泛使用缩略语EU may free Chinese goods next month 欧盟下月可能放宽中国纺织品出口(EU = European Union) 新闻翻译ICBC and CCB step up co-operation 中国工商银行和中国建设银行加强合作(ICBC = The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, CCB = China Construction Bank)New SARS medicine seems to show promise 新型非典药物展露希望(SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome)2 标题的翻译技巧 2.1 增减词法Astronauts cheered in Houston 美国宇航员在休斯顿欢庆胜利新闻翻译Song reaches Beijing 台湾亲民党主席宋楚瑜抵达北京China demands for bombing Probe and apology 中国要求北约就轰炸中国驻南使馆事件进行全面调查和道歉Animal world captured in movies 电影中的动物世界 2.2 用词新颖别致Fly me to the moon? That'll be $100 million 你想绕月旅行吗?一亿美元让你梦想成真Super girls: boon or farce? 超级女声:庆典还是闹剧?新闻翻译 2.3 言简意赅富有文采NASA sends shuttle to space, debris fears arise “发现”号顺利升空碎片脱落引悬疑3 练习1) Discovery to take another try at landing 2)Man recalls being first Disneyland visitor 3)Maradona owns up to 'Hand of God' 4)Schroeder 'nominated for Nobel peace prize' 新闻翻译三、新闻导语的翻译 1 导语的要素who(什么人)、what(什么事)、when(什么时候)、where(什么地点)、why(为什么)、how(怎么回事) 2 导语的翻译技巧开门见山内容准确NASA successfully launched space shuttle Discovery on Tuesday, but anxiously

reviewed video showing debris falling from the craft during liftoff, the same problem that caused the fatal Columbia disaster 2-1/2 years earlier. ---------China Daily, July, 28, 2005 新闻翻译本周二(7月26日),美国宇航局成功地把“发现”号航天飞机送入太空,但是又忐忑不安地仔细研究监控航天飞机发射升空的录像带。录像带显示,当航天飞机发射升空时,有碎片从飞船上脱落。而导致两年半前“哥伦比亚”号惨剧的正是同样的问题。British women are becoming increasingly wealthier than men, according to research from an investment bank published on Monday. 本周一(7月18日),一家投资银行发表的研究报告声称,英国女人正越来越变得比男人更有钱。新闻翻译3 练习1)China yesterday urged Tokyo to fully match its words of remorse over Japan's aggressive history with concrete actions。2)Harry Potter has bewitched detainees at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, where tales of the young wizard and mysteries by Agatha Christie top the list of most popular books, a prison librarian said on Tuesday. 3)Diego Maradona acknowledged that he struck the ball with his hand in the famous "Hand of God" goal against England in the 1986 World Cup quarterfinals。新闻翻译四、新闻主体的翻译 1 主体的语言特点 1.1 词汇特点――新词September 11(9.11), 9.11 terror(9.11恐怖袭击), base(基地),terrorism(恐怖主义),anti-terrorist (反恐)cyber chat(网上聊天),cyber-café(网吧),cyber news(网络新闻)hacker(黑客),net head(网虫),netizen(网民),surfing the net(网上冲浪),e-commerce(电子商务)新闻翻译authoritative sources(权威人士)、diplomatic sources(外交界人士)、informative sources(消息灵通人士)、reliable sources(可靠人士)anti-corruption and keeping a clean government(反腐倡廉)Iran-gate(伊朗门事件)、Zipper-gate(拉链门事件)、Nanny-gate(非法雇佣保姆丑闻)、Whitewater-gate(白水门事件)――借用词新闻翻译White House白宫(美国政府)、White Hall白厅(英国政府)、Pentagon/Penta五角大楼(美国国防部)、Kremlin克里姆林宫(俄罗斯政府)、Capitol Hill/Hill国会山(美国国会)、Uncle Sam 山姆大叔(美国政府/美国人)、Wall Street华尔街(美国金融市场)Bonn has also told Damascus it did not intend to impound the tanks and expressed a desire to settle the issue cordially. 德国也向叙利亚表示,他们并不想扣押坦克,并表达了想妥善解决事端的真诚愿望。新闻翻译a package deal(一揽子交易),showdown(摊牌),black hole(黑洞),dark horse(出人意料的获胜者),knockout(被击败),warm-up(做准备工作)encore[[]法语]再演,加演,visa[[]法语]签证,percent[[]拉丁语]百分之……,kongfu[[]中文]功夫――缩略词 1.2 语篇特点――以事件为中心文字简约――语言具体、生动、简练新