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1. Class begins. 上课。
2. Class is over. 下课。
3. Stand up, please. 请站起来。
4. Sit down, please. 请坐下。
5. I am sorry. I am late. May I come in? 对不起,我迟到了,我可以进来吗?
6. Come in, please. 请进。
7. Open your books, please. 请打开书本。
8. Close your books, please. 请把书合上。
9. Do you understand? 你明白了吗?
10. Yes, I see. 是的,我明白了。
11. No, I don't quite understand.不,我不大明白。
12. Listen to me and then repeat. 听我读,然后重复一遍。
13. Look at the blackboard, please.请看黑板。
14. Read after me, please. 请跟我读。
15. Open your books and turn to Page 1. 请打开书本,翻到第一页。
16. Let's study Lesson One .让我们学习第一课吧。
17. This is Lesson Two. 这是第二课。
18. It's time to begin. 是开始的时候了。
19. Don't open your book. 别打开书。
20. Do you understand? 你明白了吗?
21. Yes, I understand. 是的,我明白了。
22. No, I don’t understand. 不,我不明白。
23. Listen and repeat. 先听,然后再重复一遍。
24. Now read, please. 现在请大家读。
25. That's fine. 好得很。
26. Let's begin now. 现在让我们开始。
27. Are you ready ? 准备好了吗?
28. Who wants to try ? 谁想来试试?
29. Let's stop now . 我们就学到这里吧。
30. Will you read the new words, please ? 你能读新的单词吗?
31. Do you understand the text. 你能理解课文内容吗?
32. Please look at the blackboard and read after me . 请看黑板,然后跟我读。
33. Let's study it later. Listen to me and repeat. 我们迟些在学习。听我说,然后重复一遍。
34. Who is on duty today ? 今天谁值日?
35. Who is absent today ? Tom isn't here .
今天谁缺席了? 汤姆缺席了。36. Is everyone / everybody here / present ? 全到齐了吗?
37. Let's do some revision . 我们复习吧。
38. Are you ready ? Ready ? Ready or not ? 你们准备好了吗?
39. Say it together . 一起说。
40. Say after me . 跟我说。
41. Stop talking , please . Don't talk . Be quiet. .
不要说。 请安静。
42. Don't look at your books , look at me .不要看你的书,看我。
43. Hurry . Hurry up , please . 快一些。
44. May I ask you a few questions ? 我可以问一些问题吗?
45. Say it again . 再说一遍。
46. Come to the front , please . 请到前面来。
47. Come here , please. 请到这里来。
48. Please go back to your seat . 请回到你的座位去。
49. Practise in pairs , please . 请两人一组练习。
50. Who wants to have a try ? 谁想试试?
51. Put up

( Raise ) your hands , please . 请举手。
52. Put down your hands . 请把手放下。
53.Take out your books , please . 请拿出你们的书。
54. Pardon ? 再说一遍,行吗?
55. Louder , please . 请大声一点。
56. Can you try ? 你能试一下吗?
57. Try please. 请试试 。
58. Don't be afraid .不要害怕。
59. Don't be shy .不要害羞。
60. Don't be nervous . 不要紧张。
61. Think it over and try again . 仔细想想,再试一下。
62. Go on please . 请继续。
63. Please answer my questions . 请回答我的问题。
64. Please listen to me . 听我说。
65. That's wrong . 那是错的。
66. That's right . 那是对的。
67. Have a rest .休息一下。
68. Listen carefully, please. 请仔细听。
69. You've done well today . 今天你表现的不错。
70. I'm sure you'll do better next time .我相信下一次你会表现的更好。
71. I hope everything goes well with you . 我希望你每件事都做得很好。
72. We'll do Exercise 1 and 2 . 我们将要做练习1和2。
73. Copy the words , twice each . 抄词,每个两遍。
74. Do it orally before you write it . 写之前口头先说一遍。75. Do your best to write well . 尽你的能力写好。
76. Learn these words by heart . 用心记住这些词。
78. Hand in your workbooks , please . 收你们的练习本了。
79. Try your best to do it . 尽你所能做好它。
80. The bell is ringing ./There goes the bell . Class is over . 铃声响了。下课了。
81. Time is up . Let's stop here . 时间到了。我们就此打住。
82. That's all for today . 今天就上到这儿。
83. Never let it rest. 永不怠解。
84. Clean the blackboard / desk /window /door , please .
85. I have a problem. Who can help me. 我有一个问题,谁能来帮我?
86. Please read these numbers. 请读这些数字。
87. Please listen to the tape recorder. 请听录音机。
88. Please read after the tape recorder.请跟录音机读。
89. Let's listen to the radio . 让我们听收音机吧。
90. Go, go . 加油、加油。
91. Why are you late . 你为什么迟到?
92. You are smart. 你很聪明。
93. You are wonderful. 你真棒!
94. Repeat it , please . 再说一遍。
95. Good morning , class. 早上好,同学们!
96. Good afternoon, boys and girls. 下午好,同学们!
97. Goodbye , class. 再见,同学们!
98. Please look at the picture. 请看图片。
100. Now read , please . 现在一起读。
101. This is your copybook, Yang Ling . 杨玲,这是你的本子。
102. Do you have a book ? 你有书吗?
103. What's the day today ? 今天几号?
104. What day is today ? 今天星期几?

1. I'm very glad to meet you.
2. It's a pleasure to meet you.
3. May I have your name, please ?
4. I am sorry, I didn't catch your name.
5. I have heard a great deal about you.
6. I have been looking forward to meeting you.
7. I think I have see you before, you look very familiar.
8. We have talked of you very often.
9. What do you think of China?
10. It's really different from what I expected.如何打招呼
1. How are you doing?
2. How is it going?
3. How is everything with you going?
4. How have you been doing?
5. How are things with you?
6. What's up?
7. How are you getting along?
8. Are you making progress?
9. Have you gotten over your cold?
10. Why are you in such a good mood?赞扬
1. You did a good job.
2. You are the right man for the job.
3. You have got a point there.
4. You look young for your age.
5. You have a good memory.
6. You are lovelier than your pictures.
7. I am very proud of you.
8. For a beginner, you are pretty good.
9. You look nice in your new shirt.
10. You flatter me immensely.
1. Thank you very much.( Thanks a lot.)
2. Thank you for your kindness.
3. I'm extremely grateful to you, Mike.
4. You are very helpful.
5. Thank you anyway.
6. I really don't know how to thank you enough.
7. It's very kind of you.
8. Don't mention it. It's a pleasure.
9. You're welcome.
10. Thank you for your trouble.
1. I am afraid I had better be on my way.
2. I think it's about time we got going.
3. I am sorry, but I have got to be on my way.
4. I really enjoyed talking with you.
5. I enjoyed every minute of the party.
6. I had lots of fun tonight.
7. Can't you saty a little longer? Please don't be in such a hurry.
8. You will have to come and see us soon.9. ——If you are ever in Changshu, look me up, I would love to see you again.
——Sure, I will. You can coun't on that.
10. I will miss all of you. Let's get together some soon.
1. Oh, I'm terrible sorry. Sorry, sir. Are you all right?
2. I'm all right. Don't worry.
3. Please forgive me for forgetting your birthday.
4. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
5. I apologize for what I said just now.
6. Excuse me for interrupting.
7. I'm sorry to bother you.
8. I apologize for being so late.
9. I'm sorry, I really feel bad about it.
10. I'm sorry, it was entirely my fault.邀请
1. Are you going to be busy this evening?
2. I was thinking of going to a movie tonight. Would you like to come?
3. Are you doing anything tonight? I was wondering if you would like to go to a movie with me?
4. I am going to play with a group of friends. Would you like to join us?

1. That would be nice.
2. I would love to.
3. That's a good idea.
1. Sorry, I am afraid I am busy tonight.
2. Tonight's a problem, what about tomorrow night?
3. Sorry, I have got people coming over tonight.如何表示同意或不同意
1. Exactly.
2. I could't agree more.
3. That's just what I was thinking.
4. You know, that's exactly what I think.
5. That's a good point.
1. Yes, that's quite true, but …
2. I'm not sure if I agree …
3. Well, you have a point there, but …
4. Maybe, but don't you think that …
1. Are you kidding?
2. Don't make me laugh?
1. I have to go now. 我必须走了。
2. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。3. ——I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。
——Here! 到。
4. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗?
5. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗?
6. Are you with me? 你们能跟上我讲的了吗?
7. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗?
8. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗?
9. Any questions? 有什么问题吗?
10. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。
11. Please turn in your books before leaving. 请在离开前将作业本交上。
12. What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?
13. What is the colour of your new book? 你的新书是什么颜色的?
14. I'm not myself. 我烦透了。
15. Don't bother me! 别烦我!
16. Give to five more minutes please. 再给我5分钟时间好吗?
17. Get outta there! 快出来!
18. I will treat you. 我请客。
19. You know what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗?
20. Could you run that by me again? 你能再说一遍吗?
21. So what you are trying to say is … 那么,你想说的是……
22. I am running late. 我要迟到了。
23. I've gotta get outta here. 我得离开这儿了。
24. What's on the schedule for today? 今天有哪些日程安排?
25. How are thing at school? 今天在学校过得怎么样?
26. You are something else! 你真是出类拔萃!
27. You are out of sight! 你真优秀!
28. Wow! Holy cow! That's great! 哇噻!太好了!真棒!
29. What the heck is that? 究竟是怎么一回事?
30. Hey, what the heck is going on ? 嗨,究竟发生了怎么一回事?
31. Get to the point. 言归正传。
32. As a matter of fact. 事实上。
33. How did you say this word? 这个单词该怎么发音?
34. Can I see you in my office? 到我办公室来一下好吗?
35. Can I talk with you for a little while? 我能和你谈谈吗?
36. I am a little busy right now, can we talk later? 我现在比较忙,

37. Sure, no problem, right away! 没问题,马上就来。
38. What is it you wanted to talk to me about? 你想和我谈什么?
39. Thank you very much for your time. 多谢您有空和我谈话。
40. —— Can you give me a hand? 能帮帮我吗?
——Sure, no problem. 当然,没问题。
1.Good morning/afternoon, everybody/boys and girls.
2.The bell is ringing
3. I’ll waiting for you to be quiet
4.Put your English books on the desk.
5.Who is absent today?
6.It’s time for class
7.Would someone give Lucy a sheet of paper
8. Have you all found the place?
9. All of you can try .
10.Who’s next? You’re next.
11.Now. let’s have a look at exercise l3.
12. Turn to page 10.
13.Firstly a few words about your homework.
14. Louder,Please.
15. Say it ,again
16.Say it,after me.
e a complete sentence.
18. This row please.
19. Listen again carefully and then you try.
再仔细听 然后你试一试。
20.Correct it .
把它放正。 21.Let’s play a game .
22.Let’s get into two teams.
23.Stand by your desks.
e and sit at the front .
25.Go back to your seat please.
26. Put your hands down(up).
27.Up with your hand, if you know the answer.
28.Look left(right).
29.me on,now!
30.Pay attention now.
3I.Don’t look out of the window.
32.Be quiet.
33.Don’t talk
34 Get on with your work quietly
35.Work in pairs.
36.Work in groups of two/three/four
37.I’ll divide the class into 2/3 groups .
38.Don’t disturb your neighbor .
39.All right ,you can stop now .
对。 42.Our class has done well this time

43.You’re made some (considerable) progress.
44.NO, that’s wrong .
45.I know you can do it .
46.Keep up the good worle.
47.Good remembering ~
48.That’s a good boy/girl
49.That’s much better
50.Take it easy
51.There’s no hurry .Don’t worry .
52.Class if over
53.Let’s take a break .
54.All right .That’s all for today, thank you,
55.Don’t forget about your homework
56.Goodbye , boys and girls
57.See you tomorrow.
58.Go out quietly
59.Enjoy your holiday
60.No peeping
61.Assigning homework
62.Look and answer
63.Say about the picture
看图叙述 64.Let me show you
65.If you take a close look at it you’ll find it easy to do
66.Could you follow me ,Please
67.Where would you like to sit?
68.Did you have a good time on your vacation
69.To learn how to learn
70.Exercise on reading
71.To send in criticism and suggestions
72. Exercise during class
s of schools and colleges
74.Hitch one’s wagon to a star
75.May I ask a question ?
76.You are going to do you homework right now
77.We’ll try to finish the homework in time


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