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1. There is no time limitation in such classes so students can repeat exercises______(想要多少次都可以) [参考答案] as many times as they need [详细解答] 考查连接结构as…as,表示“同…一样达到某种程度”。

2. The media are_______(起着越来越重要的作用) in leading fashions and trend. [参考答案] playing an increasingly important role。

[详细解答] 要注意副词increasingly 的用法。

3. _______(这件夹克不但太大), the jacket don't match my trousers either. [参考答案] Apart from being too large [详细解答] apart from在此相当于in addition to还有一个意思等同于except for。

4. Now that the cold war is over, we must begin to____(集中更多的精力来谋


[参考答案] concentrate more on world peace

[详细解答] 此处考查动词concentrate的用法。另外注意代词more 的用法。

5. She has got used to____(用吸管喝牛奶) though she is only two months old. [参考答案] sucking milk through a straw

[详细解答] 此处used是形容词,表示“已适应,已习惯”,to后接名词或动名词形式。

6. Depending on what you are looking

for, you have to judge for yourself______(这些资料对你来说


[参考答案] how relevant the material is for you

[详细解答] 此处考查how引起的宾语从句的用法,表示“多么,到何种程度”。


[参考答案] but failed。

[详细解答] 此处考查动词fail的用法。


1. We don't laugh at___________(那伙敢于尝试的人) no matter how many errors they make.

[参考答案] those who dare try

[详细解答] 此处考查定语从句的用法。注意情态动词dare的用法。

2. America is frequently referred to as

a "throw-away society"



[参考答案] most products are made to use and then discard

[详细解答] 注意此处两个动词use 和discard的用法。

3. The Committee decided that a


[参考答案] (should)be submitted to the state council immediately

[详细解答] 此处考查虚拟语气。另需注意动词submit的用法。

4. __________________(强迫证人作出对自身不利的证词) is against his constitutional rights.

[参考答案] Forcing a witness to testify against himself

[详细解答] 考察动词testify的用法。另注意动名词forcing的用法。

5. Even if all government money for

research were cut off, the force of

competition_______ ____(仍将带


[参考答案] would still bring about advances in technology。

[详细解答] ]此处考查虚拟语气。

6. Many private companies______(不

得不宣布破产) when they begin to

lose business to their competitors.

[参考答案] are forced to declare bankruptcy

[详细解答] 被动语态,非谓语动词注意动词declare的用法。

7. I bought a large box of fast noodles thinking_____(他能够我一个星期吃的).

[参考答案] it would last(me)the whole week

[详细解答] 考查动词last的用法,表示“足够维持”。

8. Doctors use medical histories to help diagnose problems and_____(为病人开出治疗处方)

[参考答案] prescribe medical care for patients

[详细解答] 考查动词prescribe的用法.

9. _________(他们最担心的) is their 30 year otd daughter who is still single.

[参考答案] what worries them most

[详细解答] 此处考查主语从句。同
