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Reading a book, sometimes you may be deeply moved by a very small period I think. Let me share an English great writer John Bunyan in 18th English history.

British revolution and civil wars had very deep and bad effects on the development of the whole British land and caused serious social turbulence. Also, this had profound influence on the British Literature. Literature in British went into a new time and the very first great writer named John Bunyan (1628—1688). He was a tinker who also was a Puritan. Bunyan was born in a devoted Puritan family in London. His father died when he was very young and then his mother left himself. Bunyan joined the army which belonged to English Parliament to fight for the ambitions. Then, Bunyan left the Parliament and made a living being a tinker, at the same time, Bunyan studied 《Bible》intensively. In 1648, Bunyan married and his wife brought him two books 《Plain Man’s Pathway to Heaven》and 《Practice of Piety》, which had profound impact on his later literature works, and other two books 《Bible》、《Prayer Book》, these four books were the sources of Bunyan’s knowledge and thoughts. After several years, Bunyan was put into prison because of some social issue and political events, however, Bunyan persisted to write and completed the great immortal work 《The Pilgrim’s Progress》, and he wrote more than nine books in prison.

Bunyan’s work《The Life and Death of Mr. Badman》(1608). The book is formed by conversations and appeared in the way of fables, a wise man told a story about a bad man’s whole life. Its aim is to criticize and satirize the evil crimes of the English bourgeoisie and noblemen. And another great work 《圣战》also made big contributions to the history of world’s literature. Now, let me share a splendid period which was impressed me.

Well, I told you before, how the prisoners entertained by the noble Prince Emmanuel, and how they behaved themselves before him, and how he sent them away to their home with pipe and tabor going before them. And now you must think that those of the town that had all this while waited to heat of their death, could not but be exercised with sadness of mind, and with thoughts that picked like thorns…… But at last as they, with many a long book, looked over the wall of Man soul, they thought that they saw some returning to the town; and thought again, who should they be? At last they discerned that they were prisoners. But can you imagine how their hearts were surprised with wonders! Especially when they perceived also in what equipage, and with what honor they were sent home. They went down to the camp in black, but they came back to the town in white; they went down to the camp in ropes, they came back in chains of gold; they went down to the camp with their feet in tatters, but they came back with their steps enlarged under them; they