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单句改错(一)--- 冠词

1.He taught himself how to play piano.

2.They will come to your help when you are really in the trouble.

3.The researchers will keep a eye on the birds.

4.After supper, he always goes out to play the football with his friends.

5.As exchange student, I am writing to tell you I would prefer to move into a single room.

6.Under table were my mother’s shoes.

7.With the help of my English teacher, I made a great progress.

8.----Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?

----Yes. As you saw, the party went on in most pleasant atmosphere.

9.If you go by a train, you can have quite a comfortable journey.

10.It is often said that teachers have very easy life.

11.If you grow up in a large family, you are more likely to develop the ability to get on well with

the others.

12.I knew John, but not the famous one.

13.He likes music so much that I think it right to buy him a MP5 as a birthday present.

14.According to a World Health Organization, health care plans are needed in all big cities to

prevent the spread of AIDS.

15.We just take quick look at the front page.

16.Of all the reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my father’s advice was a

most important one.

17.I know you don’t like music very much. But what do you th ink of music in the film we saw


18.Don’t worry if you can’t come to party. I’ll save some cake for you.

19.Where do you live? I live on second floor.

20.A Smiths always go fishing on Sundays, which makes them happy.



1.冠a- the 误用(the特指,a泛指,形容词最高级,序数词前要


2.a-an 的误用



1.play 后面加the (西洋乐器要加the, play the guitar. play erhu(中式乐器)

2.删掉the (固定搭配如:in trouble;in danger; at risk…)

3. a 改成 an(固定搭配如:keep an eye on; 注意元音开始表泛指一个用an)

4. 去掉the;(球类、棋类不加the 如:play chess, play basketball)

5. As 后加 an (可数名词泛指用 a/an)

6.Under后加 the. (特指既可修饰可数C也可以不可数U)

7.去掉a. (make great progress.进步不可数)

8.in 后加 a (最高级前才加the,但此处a most指的是 a very 在一种怡人的氛围中举行)

9.删掉 a (固定搭配:by bus ,by plane ,on foot….)

10.have 后加 a (固定搭配:过怎样的生活 have a good/ hard life)

11.删掉others前的the (其他人 others= other people,加the表示特定指那些……)

12.knew 后加 a (我认识一个叫John的人,但不是你们说的那个出名的)

13.a 改成 an (注意元音开始表泛指一个用an,指的是音标是元音例如:a UFO,

a useful book, a European country, a university, a unique way, a useless idea / an ugly man, an unusual day, an umbrella/ an honest man, an hour)

14.a改成 the (独一无二的名称,组织等要用the修饰)

15.just 后加 a (固定搭配: take/have a look at)

16.a 改成 the (形容词最高级,序数词前要加the)

17.of 后加 the ( the music in the film we saw yesterday. 特定指昨天看的电影里的音乐)

18.to 后加 the (特定指: 我们都知道的那个聚会)

19.on 后加the (形容词最高级,序数词前要加the)

20.A 改成 the (用的姓氏复数名词前,表夫妇或一家人如:the Greens)