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March 8th is women’s Day. Mike wants to make a card for his mother. He draws some colorful balloons on the card. Lingling is going to fly a kite with her mom. She is good at flying kites. Sara’s mom is in America. She wants to call her mom and say “Happy Women’s Day”. They love their mom very much.

( ) 1. Mike draws some colorful ______ on the card.

A. balls

B. balloons

C. flowers

( )2. Lingling is going to ______

A. ride a bike

B. make a card

C. fly a kite

( )3. Sara’s mother is in _______.

A. America

B. China

C. Canada

( )4. ________wants to say “Happy Women’s Day”

A. Mike

B. Lingling

C. Sara

( )5. Women’s Day is in _____.

A. May

B. March

C. April


Welcome to our classroom. You can find a lot of shapes in it. We have

two blackboards. They are rectangle. There are three big square windows and two small square windows. They make our classroom bright. We have thirty-six desks, they are all rectangle. You can see a lot of triangles flags in our “English garden.” Everyone can get flags if they do homework well. I have got twenty-eight flags. Oh, it’s four o’clock . Our round clock can tell the time everyday. I like our classroom.

( )1. There are two rectangle blackboards.

( )2. You can see two windows in my class.

( )3. Thirty-six desks are all rectangles.

( )4. I have got twenty-eight rectangle flags

( )5. We have a round clock.


Laura is my good friend. She is from America. She likes Chinese food very much. She often has eggs and soy milk for breakfast. She has lunch at school. She likes to eat rice, chicken, sweet potatoes and tofu. After school, she helps her mom to cook supper for her family. Laura is good

at making jiaozi. She likes jiaozi best. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Laura is going to buy her mom a box of chocolate to celebrate her mom’s birthday. She loves her mom very much.

( )1. Laura is from China.

( )2. Laura likes Chinese food.

( )3. Laura has lunch at school.

( )4. Laura is good art making jiaozi.

( )5. Tomorrow is her father’s birthday.


Mike is a teacher of English. He has a round face and brown hair. He is tall . He often wears a white shirt and black trousers. There are fifty students in his class. They all like him.

Now it’s morning. Look, some students are reading, some are writing in the classroom. Mike is helping them to study English. He is a good teacher, and he is a good friend od them all.

( ) 1. What does Mike do?

A. He’s a worker.

B. He’s a teacher.

C. He’s a doctor.

D. He’s a nurse.

( ) 2.What color is his hair?

A.It’s black.

B. His hair is white.

C. It’s brown.

D. He has yellow hair.

( )3. How many students are there in his class?

A.There are fifteen students in his class.

B.There are five.

C.He has fifteen.

D. There are fifty.

( )4. Is Mike a good teacher?

A. Yes, he is.

B. Yes, she is.

C. No, he isn’t.

D. NO, she isn’t.

( )5. What does Mike teach?

A. Chinese


C. Art

D. English


There are a lot of festivals in every year. New Year’s Day is in January. It’s in the first month of the year. Women’s Day is in March. It’s a festival for all the women. May Day is in May. You can have three days

holiday. Children’s Day is on the first of June. Your parents may buy a present for you. Teachers’ Day is on September tenth. You can thank for your teachers on that day. National Day is in October. It’s our country’s birthday. Christmas Day is on December 25th. We can sing the Christmas songs together.

( )1. New Year’s Day is in the _____ month of the year.

A. 1st

B. 2nd

C. 12th

( )2. Women’s Day is a festival for all the _____.

A. teachers

B. women

C. men

( )3. Children’s Day is on _______.

A. June 1st

B. July 1st

C. May 1st

( )4. ______ is our country’s birthday.

A. Christmas

B. New Year’s Day

C. National Day

( )5. We can sing the Christmas songs together on ______

A. December 15th

B. December 25th

C. January 1st


Father’s Day is a festival for fathers. It’s on the third Sunday in June.

Father’s Day is coming . Children want to buy some gifts for their fathers. Linda wants to go to the shopping mall to buy a tie for her father. She will go there by bus. Grace wants to go to the market by bike , and she will buy some goldfish for her father. Mike’s father will get a red T-shirt. Andy will go to supermarket by subway. He is going to buy a cap for his father, because his father likes to collect caps. Bobby will go to the bookstore on foot. He wants to buy a book for his father. We all love our fathers, let’s say “Happy Father’s Day”to our fathers on that day.

( )1. Father’s Day is a festival for our _____.

A. fathers

B. mothers

C. teachrs

( )2. On Father’s Day, children want tobuy some _____for their fathers.

A. books

B. toys

C. gifts

( )3. Linda wants to go to the shopping mall_____

A. by bus

B. by car

C. by trolleybus

( )4. Linda’s father will get a _____ for gift.

A. tie

B. book

C. T-shirt

( )5. _____will buy some goldfish for her father.

A. Grace

B. Sara

C. Mary

( )6. Andy will buy a cap for his father because____

A. the caps are beautiful

B. Andy likes to collect caps

C. his father likes to collect caps

( )7. Bobby will go to the ___ to buy a ___


B.shopping mall/ T-shirt

C.market/ goldfish


Nick is six years old. He is very polite and studies well. His friends like him a lot.

It’s Saturday afternoon. Nick , his sister Kate and his mother stay at home. His mother is doing some housework and he’s watching TV . Kate is doing her homework . At two o’clock, his father comes back with a bag of apples. The boy wants to eat some. His mother gives him four apples and say, “ Go and wash them, please.” Nick washes the


新部编三年级下册语文课外阅读练习题含答案1.课内阅读,完成练习。 有时,云彩在蓝色的天空中飞行,如同经过雕饰一样,星现出各种奇妙的形状,告诉我们许多奇妙的故事…… 当云彩变得又黑又重时,雨点就会噼噼啪啪地降落到大地上。 雨后,我们会看到地上有许多水注,就像有趣的鏡子,映射着我们的脸。 一天结東了,落日的余晖不时变幻着颜色,好像有谁在天空涂上了金色、红色和紫色。 (1)选文写了________、________、________、________四种景物。 (2)用波浪线画出选文中的比喻句:________。它把________比作________。 (3)读画横线的句子,想象ー下,云彩会呈现出什么形状? 云彩有的像________,有的像________,还有的像________。 【答案】(1)云彩;雨点;水洼;(落日的)余晖 (2)雨后,我们会看到……映射着我们的脸。;水洼;镜子 (3)高山 ;骏马 ;巨人 【解析】【分析】(1)寻找文中的景物相对简单,将文中写景的实物挑出来即可。 (2)比喻句:就是打比方,用浅显、具体、生动的事物来代替抽象、难理解的事物。比喻句的基本结构分为三部分:本体(被比喻的事物)、喻词(表示比喻关系的词语)和喻体。本体、喻体有相似点,但不是同一类事物。 (3)仿照课文发挥想象,写出云彩会呈现出什么形状,可以运用比喻、拟人等修辞手法,生动而又形象,能够给读者留下深刻的印象。 故答案为:(1)云彩、雨点、水洼、(落日的)余晖 (2)雨后,我们会看到……映射着我们的脸;水洼;镜子 (3)高山;骏马;巨人 【点评】(1)本题考查学生赏析文中景物描写的能力。 (2)考查学生对比喻修辞手法的掌握。要注意本体和喻体特点的一致性。要求学生能判断,会应用。 (3)写想象内容注意条理清晰,语句通顺。 2.阅读课内片段,完成练习。 我觉得自己像个剃头大师,剪刀所到之处,头发纷纷飘落,真比那老剃头师傅还熟练。①这儿一剪刀,那儿一剪刀,不一会儿,姑父的睡衣就像一张熊皮,上面落满了黑头发。 很快,我就发现自己了祸。因为这样随意乱剪,头发长长短短,这儿翘起,那儿却短得不到一厘米 “哎呀!”我叫起来,“坏了! 小沙连忙摸耳染,看它们还在,就无所谓了。我敢说,世界上再也没有比他


小学三年级篇英语阅读理解专项训练-40 篇(含答案) (1) It 's eight o'clock. The children( But they are walking to school today. It usually( 通常) stays at homein the this morning. It 's nine o'clock. at night( 晚上). But he is reading an 孩子们) go to school by car every day. ' s ten o 'clock. Mrs. Green morning. But she is going to the shops Mr. Green usually reads his newspaper interesting( 有趣的) book this evening. ( )1.When do the children come to school? A. At 8:00. B. At 7:00. C. At 9:00. ( ) 2.How are they come to school today? A. By car. B. By bus. C. Walking ( ) 3.When is Mrs. Green going to the shops? A. At 8:00. B. At 10:00. C. At 9:00. ( ) 4.When does Mr. Green read his newspaper? A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( ) 5.What is Mr Green do this evening? A.Reading a books. B.Writing a letter. C.Watching TV. (2) Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o'clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch at home. In the afternoon, he always plays football on the school playground. He does homework after dinner. He goes to bed at nine o 'clock. 判断正(门误(F) ( ) (1) Mike gets up at 6:20 every day. ( ) (2) Mike has a blue sweater. ( ) (3) Mike has lunch at school. ( ) (4) Mike likes to play football. ( ) (5) Mike does homework after school. (3) Tomand John are good friends. Tomis 12. John is 13. They are good students. They like hamburgers. Miss White is their English teacher. 判断正(门误(F) ( )1. Tom and John are good friends. ( )2. Tom is 12. ( )3. John is 12. ( )4. They like eggs. (4) Hi, my name is Tom. I 'm 9. I like English very much. My sister is Amy. She's 5. My father is 39. Mymother is 37. They love me. I love my family. 阅读理解并选择合适的选项 ( )1. My name is _______ . A. Amy B. Tom ( )2. My sister is _____ . A . 9 B .5 ( )3. My mother is _______ .


阅读题训练: 22.蚂蚁和螳螂 在夏天里,蚂蚁们每天一大早便起床,辛勤地工作着。 螳螂呢?天天“叽哩叽哩”地唱着歌,游手好闲地过日子。每一个地方都有吃的东西,满山遍野正是花朵盛开的时候,真是一个快乐的夏天啊! 螳螂看到蚂蚁工作,感到非常奇怪。“喂!蚂蚁先生,为什么要那么努力工作呢?稍微休息一下,像我这样唱唱歌不是很好吗?” 可是,蚂蚁仍然继续工作着,说:“在夏天里积存食物,才能为严寒的冬天做准备呀!” 螳螂听蚂蚁这么说,就不再理蚂蚁。“哎!真是麻烦,干吗要想那么久以后的事呢!” 快乐的夏天结束了,秋天也过去了,冬天来了。北风呼呼地吹着,天空中下着绵绵的雪花。 到处都是雪,螳螂一点食物都找不到,消瘦得不成样子。 螳螂蹒跚地走在雪地上,心想:我若像蚂蚁先生,在夏天里贮存食物该多好啊! ⒈短文共有()个自然段。第()自然段写了螳螂和蚂蚁的对话。 ⒉结合上下文理解词语的意思 游手好闲:__________________________________________ 蹒跚:______________________________________________ 你是从哪几句话推断出这两个词语的意思的?在文中画出来 ⒊螳螂在夏天和冬天有什么不同的想法? 夏天的时候:________________________________________ 冬天的时候:________________________________________ ⒋读了这篇寓言,你想对蚂蚁或螳螂说些什么? 24.我家的菜园 我家有一块长方形的菜园子,它的四周围着高墙,里面种着各种各样的蔬菜瓜果。园子的北面长着一丛鲜艳的喇叭花,南面有着一棵茂盛的石榴树。 当春天来临时,菜苗纷纷从土里钻了出来,一片片绿油油的,像上了一条绿色的毯子。一群群毛绒绒的小鸟栖在高墙和树枝上,叽叽喳喳地叫个不停,冬眠的菜园渐渐地醒了。 到了初夏,成行的向日葵已经长得十分健壮,绽开的花朵像一只只金色的盘子。盛开的石榴树的花朵,散发出阵阵清香,引来了成群的蜜蜂和蝴蝶,园子里热闹极了。 骄阳下的盛夏,一排排挺立着的玉米,像一个个浑身插满手榴弹的威武的战士。高梁细长的头上像戴着一顶红珠帽。地里结满了累累瓜果。 秋天,石榴胀开红褐色的果皮,袒露出饱含秋意的珍珠般的颗粒,迎着秋风欢笑着。镶嵌着无数红色小花的深蓝色的络石藤,布满了北墙,墙角盛开着粉红色的喇叭花。 一场大雪过后,菜园一片洁白,如同盖上了一床银色的被子。几片顽皮的菜叶悄悄地顶起被子探着脑袋望着,远远望去就像几朵淡绿色的小花。 菜园的四季,仿佛是一幅幅诱人的画卷。 1、全文共有()个自然段。第()自然段描写的是我家菜园的样子。 2、用曲线画出文中比喻句。 3、根据课文容,选择词语连线 粉红色的画卷 茂盛的络石藤 深蓝色的石榴树 诱人的喇叭花


小学三年级英语阅读理解专项训练54篇 (1) It’s eight o’clock. The children(孩子们) go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today.It’s ten o’clock.Mrs Green usually(通常) stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning.It’s nine o’clo ck. Mr Green usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上). But he is reading an interesting(有趣的) book this evening. ( )1.When do the children come to school? A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( )2.How are they come to school today? A.By car. B.By bus. C:Walking ( )3.When is Mrs Green going to the shops? A.At 8:00. B.At 10:00. C:At 9:00. ( )4.When does Mr Green read his newspaper? A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C:At 9:00. ( )5.What is Mr Green do this evening? A.Reading a books. B.Writing a letter. C.Watching TV. (2) Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has


三下阅读理解 (一)梧桐树 校园里的梧桐树,你是我们的好朋友。 春天,你发芽了。一个个灰白色的,长有细柔绒毛的芽苞,快乐地绽开在枝头,就像小弟弟微笑着睁开眼睛。 夏天,我们在你的树荫下做功课,多么凉爽。有时,我仰起头来,透过密匝匝的绿叶,我看见金色的阳光在闪烁。我好像看见了你明亮的眼睛。 秋天,你悄悄地落叶了,我们把落叶积起来,点燃了。火苗跳跃着,发出呵呵的笑声。我们把黑色的草灰埋在你的脚下。让它变成养料,使你长得更加粗壮。 冬天,在我做功课的地方,照射着灿烂的阳光。我明白了,梧桐树!你落了叶,好让阳光给我们更多的温暖。 校园里的梧桐树,你是我们的良师益友。 1、照样子写词语,例“良师益友”。 2、联系上下文,想一想,再填空。 1)短文中的“你”指的是() 2)“快乐地绽开在枝头”的“绽开”的意思是() 3)“透过密匝匝的绿叶”的“密匝匝”的意思是() 3、从文中找出一句比喻句,用“——”划出来,这句句子中把()比作() 4、这篇短文中,你最喜欢的是哪个季节的梧桐树,为什么?

(二) 在一座人迹罕至的山的断崖上,长着一株小小的百合。它诞(dan yan)生时,长得和周围的杂草一样。但是它知道自己不是一株杂草,它有一个坚定的念头:“唯一能证明我是百合的就是开出美丽的花。”它努力地汲(ji xi)取水份和阳光,深深地扎(zha za)根,直直地挺起胸膛,对周围杂草的嘲讽置之不理。 百合说:“我要开花,是因我知道自己有美丽的花;我要开花,是为完成一株花所拥有的庄严使命;我要开花,是要用花来证明自己的价值。” 终于,它开花了。那醒目的洁白和挺拔的风姿,是断崖上最美丽的风景。它努力地开花、结籽,种子落在山谷里、草原上。后来,山谷和草原处处开满了洁白的野百合花。人们纷纷来欣赏它,看到这从未见过的美,感动得落泪。 1、划去括号里不正确的读音。 2、联系上下文解释词语: 置之不理: 欣赏: 3、写出下面词语的近义词 坚定---- 嘲讽---- 庄严---- 4、请给短文加一个合适的题目,写在横线上 5、把百合花的话用波浪线划出来,并说说你从中得到什么启示呢?


三年级英语阅读训练 1,I’m Tom. I’m ten years old. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother , my sister and I . My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. My sister is five years old. It’s five o’clock, look ,my mother is washing. My father is reading. My sister and I are playing football. I like playing football. 阅读理解,判断下列句子与短文意思是否相符,相同的写“T”不相符的写”F” ( ) 1, There are five people in my family. ( ) 2, My father is a doctor ( ) 3, My sister is playing basketball. ( ) 4, My sister is ten years old. ( ) 5, I like playing football. 2,On the playground. You can see some girls, a boy and a teacher in it. The boy is Tom. He has golden hair and blue eyes. He is from America. He can speak English very well. He is playing badminton with the teacher. The girls are Chinese. They are playing volleyball. We are good friends. 阅读理解,判断下列句子与短文意思是否相符,相同的写“T”不相符的写”F”


新部编版三年级下册语文课外阅读练习题-精选及答案1.阅读感悟。 “我心里想着,就觉得身上痒痒的,低头一看,发现许多小树枝正从我身上冒出来。呀,我真的变成了一棵树!” 我变成了一棵长满各种形状鸟窝的树:三角形、正方形、长方形、圆形、椭圆形、菱形…… (1)找出上文中,你认为想象有趣的词语,说说理由。 (2)“呀,我变成了一棵树!”拟声词和感叹号,表达了“我”______之情。 A. 快乐 B. 惊喜 C. 难过 (3)文段中的省略号,起到________作用,还可能有________等形状。 【答案】(1)我认为“痒痒的”一词太有想象力了,一个人变成树的过程竟然是从身上冒出树枝,还“痒痒的”。 “冒出来”非常好玩,从人的身上冒出树枝,该多么神奇的事情! (2)B (3)列举的省略;心形、星形、梯形、六角星…… 【解析】【分析】(1)回答这种开放性题目时需注意两点:一要联系文章的主旨,二要结合个人的认识。 (2)解答此类题目关键是抓住各项表述的要点,仔细阅读短文内容,比较判断。 (3)省略号的作用:①表明省略的话②列举的省略③表明说话断断续续。做题时细读句子,掌握句子意思,依据句意进步去分析句子。 故答案为:(1)我认为“痒痒的”一词太有想象力了,一个人变成树的过程竟然是从身上冒出树枝,还“痒痒的”。“冒出来”非常好玩,从人的身上冒出树枝,该多么神奇的事情!(2)B;(3)列举的省略;心形、星形梯形六角星…… 【点评】(1)此题属于开放性试题,结合文本内容和个人的认识。表述合理,文通句顺即可。 (2)此题考查学生对短文内容的掌握的能力。 (3)此题主要考查对省略号的作用的掌握。要求学生能判断,会应用。 2.阅读语段,完成练习。 这些小虾,有的通体透明,像玻璃似的,这是才长大的;有的稍带灰黑色,甚至背上、尾巴上还积着泥,长着青苔,这是老的,大家叫它千年虾。 (1)画出语段中的比喻句。 (2)读了这段话我知道,通过________可以识别小虾和老虾。(填序号) A. 大小 B. 颜色 【答案】(1)这些小虾,有的通体透明,像玻璃似的,这是才长大的。 (2)B 【解析】【分析】(1)比喻句:就是打比方,用浅显、具体、生动的事物来代替抽象、难理解的事物。比喻句的基本结构分为三部分:本体(被比喻的事物)、喻词(表示比喻关系的词语)和喻体。本体、喻体有相似点,但不是同一类事物。 (2)解答此类题目关键是抓住各项表述的要点,仔细阅读语段内容,比


小学三年级下册英语阅读理解练习题 (*) A monkey is hungry. He wants to look for something to eat. At this time, he sees many peaches on the trees. So he climbs the trees and picks up the peaches.Suddenly he sees many bananas on other trees. He then jumps down and runs to the banana trees. E*ery banana is big and yellow. He is *ery happy. Then he sees many watermelons on the ground. He begins to pick up the watermelons.A hare comes up. The monkey sees the hare. Then he runs after it.In the end, the monkey gets nothing. 判断,正确的写“F”,错误的写“T”。 1. The monkey sees many peaches on the ground.() 2. The monkey doesn’t run after the hare.() 3. The bananas are big and yellow.() 4. The monkey doesn’t get anything.() (*) March 12th is Trees Planting Day. Many people go out to plant trees. They plant trees on the hills, in the parks or


部编三年级下册语文课外阅读练习题含答案 1.阅读《花钟》选段,完成后面的练习。 鲜花朵朵,争奇斗艳,芬芳迷人。要是我们留心观察,就会发现,一天之内,不同的花开放的时间是不同的。凌晨四点,牵牛花吹起了紫色的小喇叭;五点左右,艳丽的蔷薇;七点,睡莲从;中午十二点左右,午时花开花了;下午三点,万寿菊;傍晚六点,烟草花在暮色中苏醒;月光花在七点左右舒展开自己的花瓣;夜来香在晚上八点开花;昙花却在九点左右含笑一现…… (1)按课文内容填空。 (2)写出下列词语的近义词。 张开________ 发现________ 怒放________ 艳丽________ (3)照样子写两个。 鲜花朵朵:________ ________ (4)这段话是围绕哪句话来写的?用横线把这句话画出来。 (5)用波浪线在文中画出一个拟人句。 (6)选文运用了________的修辞手法写不同的花开放的时间不同,这样写会让读者体到 ________ (7)我能仿照选文写一种鲜花的开放。 【答案】(1)绽开了笑脸;从梦中醒来;欣然怒放 (2)展开;发觉;开放;美丽 (3)生机勃勃 ;白发苍苍 (4)要是我们留心观察,就会发现,一天之内,不同的花开放的时间是不同的。 (5)烟草花在暮色中苏醒 (6)拟人;鲜花的争奇斗艳,生机勃勃。 (7)略 【解析】【分析】(1)本题主要考查对课文内容的记忆能力。解答本题,需要回顾课文的内容,然后结合前后句(题目提供的信息)进行补充填空即可。 (2)本题主要考查对近义词的辨析能力。近义词,是指词汇意义相同或相近的词语,解答本题,要理解词语的意思,然后写出所给词语的近义词。答案合理即可,不唯一。 (3)本题主要考查学生对变换形式的叠词的积累和运用情况。从给出的词语“鲜花朵朵”来看,是ABCC式结构,即第一个和第二个字是一样的,第三个字和第四个字是一样的。 (4)考查找中心句的方法。中心句是一段文章中处于中心地位的句子。它在全文中起主导作用,是这段话中最重要的句子。“找中心句”是概括段意的一种形式,有些文章的段落就是围绕中心句写的。我们在阅读时找准了中心句,也就把握了这段话的主要内容,概括了段意。这段话的中心句在第二句。 (5)、(6)拟人句:是把物当作人来写,赋予物以人的言行或思想感情,用描写人的词来描写物。作用是使具体事物人格化,语言生动形象。 (7)本题旨在考察学生表达能力,仿照短文中的句子,发挥想象另写一个或多个句式相同、内容与上下文衔接的句子.能做到语意连贯;内容设计合情


小学三年级英语阅读训练及答案 Trees Planting Day March 12th is Trees Planting Day. Many people go out to plant trees. They plant trees on the hills, in the parks or along the roads. First, they dig holes, then put the young trees into the holes and put the earth back. At last, they water the young trees. They know trees are people’s friends. They will take good care of them. 生词点拨:dig——挖 water——浇水 March——三月 Put back——放回 take care of——照顾 小试身手:根据短文内容判断句子正误 ()1. on trees planting day, many people go out to plant flowers. ()2. we can plant trees on the hills. ()3. we should take good care of trees. 根据短文内容选择正确的答案 ()4. when is Trees Planting Day? . A. May 1st B. May 12th C. March 12th D. May 13th ()5. what do people do on the day? A. the visit their friends B. they buy presents for their friends C. they plant trees D. they play with each other. ()6. why do people plant trees? A. they plant trees for fun


三年级下册阅读理解训练 留着爱的位置 (1)去朋友家玩,见到了他的女儿,一个六岁的女孩,小圆脸红扑扑的,笑盈满面,活像一个精灵.只是她那大大的眼睛里却眼神滞(zhì)散,她叫贝贝,是一个盲童. (2)就在闲聊的片刻,我们的烟抽完了,朋友便叫贝贝到小区门口的小店去买.我说还是我去吧,朋友却说不用,硬把我按在座位上说:“贝贝已经很熟悉小区的路了,她可以买到的.”贝贝摸索着出去了,只是我依旧困惑,再问道:“我去不是更方便吗?” (3)朋友却“诡秘”一笑,从怀里掏出一包烟来,说道:“你以为我真没烟哪?其实是故意让她帮忙买烟的.因为即使帮我们买这么一点点小的东西,她也能感觉到自己被我们需要着,而不是个累赘(zhuì).我常让她去买东西,给她留一个爱的位置让她爱我们,她才会感到幸福.” (4)听罢,我心中震撼,为这个父亲给女儿细心留着的爱的位置.直到回家的路上,我才终于允许自己的泪水如泉般涌出,怎么都冲不淡那份感动. (5)回到家,父亲正要出去.他依然如故,从衣架上取下大衣套在身上,提起公文包,就要匆忙出门.我一把拉住父亲,说:“外头冷着呢,你把扣子扣上吧.” (6)父亲连忙闪身,挡住我的手,宛如我的那位朋友一般诡秘一笑:“一出门,你妈就会给我扣上的,让她扣吧.”说着,父亲大步迈了出去.刚走到院子里,母亲果然像我一样拉住父亲,一边亲切地责骂,一边帮父亲扣好大衣的扣子.父亲憨厚地笑着,像个粗心的孩子.我和他远远地相视而笑. (7)母亲凝望着父亲远去的身影,如初嫁的女子般脸上泛着红晕,我知道那是一种幸福的颜色.

(8)爱的本身就是一种互相的给予,在给对方爱的时候,别忘了给他留一个爱的位置,让他好好地爱你. 1、联系上下文,解释词语. 2、写出下列词语的近义词. 匆忙——()困惑——() 3、本文记叙了哪两件事情? ① 4、朋友让六岁的盲童去买烟,其目的是什么?用横线画出有关的句子. 5、本文记叙的两件事情,要说明的道理是什么?


三年级英语期末四(短文排序+阅读)一、短文排序 (A) ( ) Good morning, Mr Green. ( ) Good morning. Sit down, please ( ) Now open your books. ( ) Yes, Mr Green. ( ) Don’t talk in class, Mike. ( ) Stand up. ( ) I’m sorry, Mr Green. (B) ( ) Hello, Mike. What is it? ( ) It’s over there. ( ) What are those? ( ) How nice! Where’s your pen? ( ) Hello, Yang Ling. It’s a pencil. ( ) They’re rubbers. (C) ( ) Happy Birthday, Sam. How old are you? ( ) It’s eleven o’clock. It’s time for the cake. ( ) I see. This is for you. ( ) What a lovely toy pig! Thank you. ( ) Thank you. Is this a toy pig? ( ) Yes, it is. ( ) OK. Let’s go. ( ) I’m two. ( ) What time is it? 二、阅读短文,完成练习 1.阅读短文,判断正误.( 用T与F表示) A: Happy Birthday, Liu Tao! It’s for you. B: Thank you, Mike. What’s this? A: It’s a car. How lovely! B: Do you like the colour? A: Let me see. Oh, a green car! I like green .Thank you. Oh, it’s time for the cake . B: OK. ( ) 1. It’s Liu T ao’s Birthday. ( ) 2.Liu Tao gives (给)Mike a car. ( ) 3.The car is blue. ( ) 4.It’s time for cake . ( ) 5.Liu Tao doesn’t(不) like the green car. 2.阅读短文,判断正误.( 用T与F表示) Hello, my name i s May. I’m a girl. I’m ten. I have a happy family. They’re my father, my mother, brother and I. My brother Jack and I are twins. We often(经常)go to my uncle’s farm. On the farm we can see many cows , pigs ,chickens and ducks. I like pigs but Jack likes cows. ( ) 1.May is a girl. ( ) 2. There are(有)five people in May’s family.


三年级课外阅读训练(三) 【阅读训练】 (一)齐白石临摹学生的画 那年,齐白石在当时的北平艺术专科学校当老师,指导学生们画画。有一次,他的学生谢时尼在课堂上画了一幅《梅鸡图》。图画上一枝梅花艳丽俊秀,梅花下的公鸡画得非常生动别致,特别是公鸡那弯弯的尾巴显得十分活泼可爱。 齐白石瞧着这幅画,欣赏了很长时间,然后,笑着对谢时尼说:“你画的这画太有味道了,能借我回去临摹一张吗?”谢时尼听了齐白石的话,起初还以为老师在跟他开玩笑。可是,他一看到老师那副认真恳切的神情,知道老师没有跟他开玩笑,就把《梅鸡图》交给了齐白石。 一周后,齐白石又来上课了。他讲完课后,便拿出自己临摹出来的画对谢时尼说:“你看我临摹得好不好?” 谢时尼被老师这种虚心认真的精神感动了。过了多年以后,每当谢时尼想起这件事时,都感到老师这种虚心认真的学习精神值得他学一辈子。 你需要理解并回答的问题是: 1.文中“临摹”一词中的“临”是什么意思?() A 面对,面临 B 靠近,挨近 C 到来,来临 D 照着,根据 2.齐白石长时间欣赏《梅鸡图》的原因是:() A 梅花艳丽俊秀。 B 公鸡画得生动别致。 C 想临摹《梅鸡图》。 D 《梅鸡图》太有味道。 3.“这画太有味道了。”中的“味道”是什么意思?() A 酸甜苦辣等味 B 香、臭等味 C 画的意境 D 意思 4、为什么起初谢时尼以为老师在跟他开玩笑?() A 齐白石是大画家,怎么可能临摹学生的画。 B 齐白石说话时的神情不够严肃。 C 齐白石经常跟学生开玩笑。 D 谢时尼觉得自己的画不够好。 5.在文中用“”画出具体描写《梅鸡图》的语句。 (二) 我的外公 我的外公,60出头,已是满头银发了,还挺着一个啤酒肚,一副学者的气魄。他十分勤劳,不仅对工作很负责,而且还对我很好。


(一)A letter Here is a letter from Jim to his friend in the USA Dear lily: I am in China now. I go to school five days a week. The school and the food are good here. I have some Chinese friends. They are all very friendly to me. On Saturdays and Sundays we stay at home .In the afternoon we play games. My Chinese friends like English very much. They ask me to teach them English and they teach me Chinese. I like staying here. Please write soon! 阅读短文,判断(T)or (F) 1、This letter is from Jim to Lily ( ) 2、Jim likes Chinese food but he doesn’t like the school ( ) 3、Jim is not at school on Saturdays and Sundays ( ) 4、Jim thinks his Chinese friends are good to him ( ) 5、Jim and his friends don’t play games. ( ) (二) 阅读下面的短文,指出短文下面的句子是否与短文的意思一致,如一致,请在相应的括号内写“T”,否则写“F”: Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the U.S.A Wu Dong and P eter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on S unday and Saturday. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very muc h. At school they play table tennis (乒乓球) after class . Wu Dong and Peter likes making things. Now they are making a plane. T hey like flying planes on Sunday morning. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other. (互相) ()1、Wu Dong has an American friend. ()2、They go to school from Monday to Friday. ()3、They often fly planes after class. ()4、Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese. ()5、Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them. (三)What are the children doing? What are you doing,children ?Oh, we are playing games,Look at LiLei,He is throwing the frisby with Jim .What about the twins? They are flying kites.The kites are very nice.One looks like a bird,the other is like a plane,LiTao is Playing


部编版三年级下册语文课外阅读理解专项练习题含答案1.阅读下文,回答问题。 苏州园林(节选) 我国的建筑,从古代的宫殿到近代的一般住房,绝大部分是对称的,左边怎么样,右边也怎么样。苏州园林可绝不讲究对称,好像故意回避似的。东边有了一个亭子或者一道回廊,西边绝不会来一个同样的亭子或者一道同样的回廊。这是为什么?我想,用图画来比方,对称的建筑是图案画,不是美术画,而园林是美术画,美术画要求自然之趣,是不讲究对称的。 苏州园林里都有假山和池沼。假山的堆叠,可以说是一项艺术而不仅是技术。或者是重峦叠嶂,或者是几座小山配合着竹子花木,全在乎设计者和匠师们生平多阅历胸中有丘壑,才能使游览者攀登的时候忘却苏州城市,只觉得身在山间。至于池沼,大多引用活水。有些园林池沼宽敞,就把池沼作为全园的中心,其他景物配合着布置。水面假如成河道模样,往往安排桥梁。假如安排两座以上的桥梁,那就一座一个样,绝不雷同。池沼或河道的边沿很少砌齐整的石岸,总是高低屈曲任其自然。还在那儿布置几块玲珑的石头,或者种些花草:这也是为了取得从各个角度看都成一幅画的效果。 (1)短文中划线的词语“往往”能否去掉?请你写出这个词语的作用。 (2)画横线的句子使用了()的说明方法。 A. 举例子 B. 做比较 C. 打比方 D. 下定义 (3)根据短文内容填空。

这篇短文的说明对象是________,说明对象的突出特征是________。 (4)根据短文第二自然段的描述,你觉得下面图________最符合该段所描绘的景象。 一:池沼上一模一样两座桥。 二:池沼上一座桥,河边有堆砌整齐的石岸。 三:池沼上两座不一样的桥,河岸边有高低曲折的石岸。 【答案】(1)不能,这个词语是大多数的意思,指概述,并不是全部。 (2)B (3)苏州园林;不对称的自然之趣 (4)三 【解析】【分析】(1)此类型的题目答案一般都是否定的。把二者做一对比,表达效果方面考虑。然后结合具体语境进行分析。(2)这是对说明文说明方法的考查。学生应了解常见的说明方法,①举例子;②分类别;③打比方;④列数字;⑤作比较;⑥下定义;⑦列图表;作答时要结合语境,抓住标志性词语,判断说明方法。(3)本题主要考查对课文内容的理解记忆能力。解答本题,需要回顾课文的内容,然后结合前后句进行补充填空即可。(4)解答此类题目关键是抓住各项表述的要点,仔细阅读短文第二自然段内容,比较判断正误。 故答案为:(1)不能,这个词语是大多数的意思,指概述,并不是全部。(2)B(3)苏州园林、不对称的自然之趣(4)三


小学三年级语文下册阅读理解训练题及答案 鸟从南方飞来,于是,小岛上挤满了各种各样的鸟。一眼望去,岛上密密麻麻的鸟窝一个挨着一个,数也数不清。窝里窝外,到处是玉白色、青绿色、淡灰色的各种鸟蛋。一个月后,各种各样的毛茸茸的小鸟陆陆续续地破壳而出。这是鸟岛上最热闹的季节。 1.这段话中共有()句话。第二句写()多,第三句写()多,第四句写()多,第五句写()多。 这段话是围绕第( )句话写的。 2.文中有些词语是表示多的意思,我能写出三个()、()、()。 3、第一句话和后面几句话之间是()关系。 “煮书” 爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着“煮书”两个苍劲有力的大字,我感到很奇怪:书只能读,怎么可以煮呢? 一天,爷爷刚刚写完一篇文章,正坐在藤椅上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:“书怎么可以煮呢?书放锅里煮,不是要煮坏了吗?” 爷爷笑了说书是精神食粮嘛既是食粮怎么不可以煮呢煮熟了吃下去才好消化吸收嘛 爷爷看见我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:“你知道唐代诗人杜甫吧?他小时候读书,就能反复诵读品味,非把书读透不可。其实,这就是‘煮书’。这样,他做起诗来就感到得心应手了。所以他说:‘读书破万卷,下笔如有神’。我们学习语文,对那些好的文章也应该这么‘煮’,否则,就很难把语文学好。” “爷爷,你看我该怎么‘煮书’呢?” “你可以从‘煮’语文书入手嘛。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读上几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思!这样煮下去,你不仅能体会到文章的情感,还可以牢记妙词佳句……好处可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章还会犯愁吗?” 爷爷的话使我豁然开朗,“煮书”还真有道理哩! 1.从短文中找出与下面意思相近的词语,写在括号里。 A.指心里不明白,不相信。() B.形容运用自如,心里怎么想,手就能怎么做。() C.形容开阔或通达,一下子就明白了。()


小学英语三年级阅读材料 【篇一】 狮子和老鼠 1. A Little Mouse and a Big Lion live in the forest. Little Mouse is afraid of Big Lion. He alwaysstays away from Big Lion. One day, Little Mouse has big trouble. When he is walking in the grass,Big Lion catches him. 一只小老鼠和一只大狮子住在一座森林里。小老鼠害怕大狮子。他总是离大狮子远远的。一天,小老鼠遇到了麻烦。当他在草丛里面散步的时候,大狮子逮住了他。 2. “Let me go!“ begs Mouse. “Someday I will help you!“ “放了我吧!”老鼠乞求道。“有一天我会帮助你的!” 3. “You help me?“ says Lion. “Ha, ha, ha!“ But Lion opens his paw. He sets Mouse free.“你帮我?”狮子说。“哈哈哈!”但是狮子张开了他的爪子。他把老鼠放走了。 4. Many days pass. One day, Big Lion has big, big trouble. He is caught in a big net. He cannotmove. Roar! 许多天过去了。一天,大狮子遇到了非常大非常大的困难。他被一张很大的网给困住了。他不能动弹。只能咆哮! 5. Mouse sits up. He hears that roar and runs to help. 老鼠经常熬夜。他听到了咆哮声,并跑去帮忙。 6. “Help me!“ begs Lion. “帮帮我!”狮子恳求道。 7.Mouse starts to chew. He cuts off the ropes with his teeth and sets Lion free! Little Mouse saves Big Lion!

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