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新概念英语青少版 1b



lesson 105 - full of mistakes lesson 106 - i want

you/him/her/them to... tell him/her/them to... i don’t want

you/him/her/them to... tell him/her/them not to...



2、句型:i want you/him/her/them to do sth. → i don’t want you/him/her/th em to do sth. tell him/her/them to do sth. → tell him/her/them not to do sth.


1、引入话题。 do you always spell something wrong? 你经常拼错单词么?today we will see a person who often makes such mistakes. 今天我们来看一个“白字大王”的故事。please listen to the audio and try to understand the main idea of the story.



4、提出问题:what was sandra’s present?







3、根据图片演练lesson 106的句型(详见课本及下文)。20’

4、绕口令。10’ 【第三节课】


2、听写lesson 105、106的单词,记忆法指点。10’




6、布置作业:练习册,背课文和单词。1’ 三、


1、i want her. = i want to see her / speak to her.【回顾lesson 77】 do you want to speak to her? 跟某人说话speak to sb. i

want her to come to my office.

这三句话中出现了want的三种用法:want sb./sth.;want to do sth.;want sb. to do sth. 例句:i want an apple. i want to clean the room. i want you to clean the room.

2、tell her to come (to my office) at once.

tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事←→告诉某人不要做某事tell sb. (not) to do sth.

3、did you want to see me? 想要找我是在过去,因此用一般过去时。

4、how do you spell intelligent? = how to spell intelligent?

5、can you tell me (how to spell...)? 省略句。宾语从句。动词不


6、i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t. 拼写单词的说法和写法。

7、youve typed it with only one l. 现在完成时。with 跟随,带着。

8、this letters full of mistakes.

be full of... 充满了?。例句:the bag is full of money. her eyes

are full of tears.

9、i want you to type it again. 【类比上文】 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事。

10、yes, ill do that. 一般将来时(will do)。


11、im sorry about that. = i’m sorry (that) i made so many mistakes. 宾语从句。

be sorry about sth. 对某事感到抱歉。这里的that代指的是“错误


12、and heres a little present for you. little 小的(带有一定感情

色彩)。present = gift 礼物。for sb. 给某人。

13、i hope it’ll help you. 宾语从句。


lp sb. with sth. 在某事上对某人有所帮助。

例句:it will help you with your spelling.she often helps her mother with the cleaning.



i want you/him/her/them to do sth.

→ i don’t want you/him/her/them to do sth. tell him/her/them to do sth. → tell him/her/them not to do sth.

2、lesson 106句型练习:

① -what do you want me to do?-i want you to carry it.

-what do you want me to do?-i want you to correct it.

② -why is the boy putting a record on?-because he wants them to listen to it.

-why is the policeman talking to them?-because he wants them to move it. –

what is the policeman doing?-he’s telling them to move it.

the woman is taking a cake to the man. she’s telling him to try it.

-what does the man tell the woman?-he tells her to keep it.

③ don’t hurt yourself! she’s telling him not to hurt himself.

-why is she speaking to him?-she doesn’t want him to hurt hims elf. don’t slip! she’s telling him not to slip.

-why is she speaking to him?-she doesn’t want him to slip. don’t miss it! she’s telling them not to miss it.

-why is she speaking to them?- she doesn’t want them to miss it.

don’t drive it! he’s telling her not to drive it. he doesn’t want her to drive it. -why is he speaking to her?-he doesn’t want her to drive it.

【篇三:新概念英语教案第一册101-102教案】【前10分钟】检查和复习。10’ lesson 101 - a card from jimmy lesson 102 - he says he.../she says she.../they say they...



3、句型:he says he.../she says she.../they say they... i’m afraid... you know... he hopes...


1、引入话题。3’ do you know ‘postcard’? 你知道明信片吗?look here! i have some postcards for you. 看这儿,我给你们带

来了一些明信片。do you like it? ok, today we will see a