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全国人们代表大会:the National People's Congress
常务委员会:the STanding Committee
中国人民政治协商会议:the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
国务院:the State Council
国家计委:the State Planning Commission
国家教委:the State Educational Commission
外交部:the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Foreign Ministry
财政部:the Ministry of Finance
文化部:the MInistry of Culture
商业部:the MInistry of Commerce
卫生部:the MInistry of Public Health
礼宾司:the Protocal Department
新闻司:the Information Department
外事局:the Bureau of Foreign Affairs
行政处:the Division of Administration; the Administrative Division
秘书处:the Secretariat
人事处:the Division of Personnel; the Personnel Division
环境保护研究所:the Research Institute of Environmental Protection
财务科:the Section of Finance; the Finance Section
信息中心:the Information Centre

省教委:the Provencial Educational Commission
省民政厅:the Provincial Department of Civil Administration
省监察局:the Provincial Supervisory Bureau
省审计局:the Provincial Auditing Bureau
省进出口公司:the Provincial Import and Export Company
地农业局:the Prefectural Agricultural Bureau
地税务局:the Prefectural Tax Bureau
市体委:the City/Municipal Physical Culture and Sports Commission
市文委:the City/Municipal Cultural Commission
市公用局:the City/Municipal Public Utility Bureau
市商品检验局:the City/Municipal Commodity Inspection Bureau
市邮政局:the City/Municipal General Post Office
市保险公司:the City/Municipal Insurance Company
县工业局:the County Industrial Bureau
县林业局:the County Forestry Bureau
南京大学:Nanjing University
北京四中:Beijing No.4(number four)Middle School
北京第一实验小学:Beijing No.1(nmber one )Experimental Primary /Elementary School
武汉钢铁公司:Wuhan Iron and STeel Company
杭州万向节厂:Hangzhou Universal Joints Factory
北京301医院:Beijing No. 301(number

three 0 one)Hospital
北京动物园:Bejing Zoo
北京大学出版社:Peking University Press
人民出版社:the People's Publishing House

中华全国青年联合会:the All-China Association of Youths; the Chinese National Sssociation of Youths
中国现代文化学会:the Chinese Society of MOdern Culture
省作家协会:the Provincial Writers' Association
市消费者协会:the Municipal Consumers' Association
市集邮协会:the Municipal Philately Association


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