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statistic n. (常用pl statistics) 数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料

Phrases:statistics of population 人口数据

statistics shows that····据统计····


struggle vi. & n.斗争;拼搏;努力



struggle···with···与···并肩作战;与···斗争(= struggle···against···)

struggle to do sth 奋斗去做···

※ struggle to one’s feet挣扎着站起来


decade cn.十年;十年期

Usages:one decade 一年 two decade s两年

Phrases:in the next decade(s) 在接下来的(数)十年里

For decades 历经了几十年

crop cn.庄稼;农作物;产量

Phrases:have a good/bad (poor) crop 丰(欠)收

cash crop 经济作物

hunger un.饥饿;欲望vi. & vt.(使)饥饿

Phrases:die of hunger 饿死

Have a hunger 渴望

Hunger for 渴望

Derivative:hungry adj.饥饿的

Phrases:be hungry for 渴望

gone hungry 挨饿

disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的

Phrases:a disturbing problem 一个令人烦恼的问题

Derivative:disturb v.打扰;扰乱

disturber n.打扰者

disturbance n.打扰

expand vt. & vi.使变大;伸展

Phrases:Heat expands metals. 热涨金属

expand reproduction (n.再生产) 扩大再生产

expand on sth 详细叙述某事

Derivative:expansion n.扩大

circulate vt. & vi.循环;流传

Phrases: blood circulates through the body 血液循环

Derivative:circulation. n.传播;通货

Phrases:in circulation 在传播中

Put sth into circulation 将···投入通货

Vietnam n.越南 (东南亚国家)

Derivative:Vietnamese n.越南人

Thanks to ph. 幸亏;由于;因为

Usages:thanks to one’s help 幸亏有某人的帮助

Points:※同样表示“因为”意思的短语有:because of , as a result of , due to , owing to , on account of

Add in:对比短语thanks for···因···而感谢

battle n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt. & vi.搏斗;奋斗

Phrases:accept the battle 应战

Gain a battle 获得战斗的胜利

rid vt.摆脱;除去 [rid/ridded (pt) - rid/ridded (pp) ridding (p.pr)]

Phrases: rid of 使···摆脱或除去

Rid sb/onesrlf of all worries 使某人摆脱忧虑

Rid the house of mice 把老鼠赶出房子

Be rid of 去掉;戒掉(表状态)

Get rid of 去掉;戒掉(表动作)

Be satisfied with ph.对···感到满意

Synonym: be pleased with

freedom n.自由;自主

Phrases: have the freedom to do sth 有自由做某事

Freedom of speech 言论自由

would rather ph.宁愿;宁可

Usages: would rather (not) do A than do B 宁愿(不)做A也不做B

would rather (not) do sth 宁可(不)做···

would rather that + 从句①

therefore adv.因此;所以;因而

Points: 和thus同义,且两者都是副词,使用时需要注意不能将其用法与连词混淆

mineral n.矿物;矿物

Phrases: mineral water 矿泉水

equip vt. & vi.配备;装备 [equipped (pt) – equipped (pp) equipping (p.pr)] Phrases: equip···with···用···装备···②

