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15-Sentences Solution to IELTS Writing


Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of university educatio n.

现在,越来越多的人关心大学教育的目的。 Explanation:

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that …

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about thepurposes that university ed ucation serves.

Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about what they will learn in the universities .

Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society.


I agree with the view that…Reasons are as follows. 我赞同的观点是……原因如下。

第2句:交代辩论话题 A. “是否应该……”

However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills to graduates is a controver sial issue.


B. “是这样……还是应该那样……”

However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills or pure knowledge to grad uates has caused a heated debate.


However, what kind of knowledge and skills universities should mainly provide to graduates is a c ontroversial issue.


C. 一些人认为……;另一些人认为…… Some people state that…; others believe that…

Some people state that universities should focus on giving access to knowledge; others believe tha t the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace are more important for university graduates. 一些人认为大学应关注提供知识;另一些人认为工作所需的技能对大学毕业生更重要。

第3句:交代你自己的写作观点 In my view, ,…

My view is that…(表语从句)

I agree with the view that… (同位语从句), for the following reasons. My view is that job-related knowledge and skills should be the mai n focus of universities.

I mainly agree with the former/latter view for the following reasons.



这一段的写作目的是以理服人。用it is clear that…这个主语从句写出你认为最重要、最明显的论据。

Firstly, it is obvious that for most students, the purpose of receiving university education is to obta in practical knowledge and skills which will enable them to become qualified employees in the job market in the future.

首先,很显然对大部分学生来说上大学的目的是学习实用的知识技能,这些技能能让他们在将来的职场中成为合格的雇员。 Explanation:

Firstly, it is clear/obvious/true that… Firstly, there is no doubt that… One reason for this is that …

第2句:对中心句进行拓展、解释、说明。 A. This is because…这是因为(想上一句话的原因)

This is because most of them, after graduation, will enter the workplace, earn a living, and support their own families.

这是因为大部分学生毕业之后会进入职场,挣钱谋生,建立家庭。 B. This means that…这意味着(想上一句话的结果)

This means that the courses focusing on jobs will become the most welcomed subjects which the majority of students will select.


C. If …not… (反正中心句)

If universities do not pay enough attention to such skills, most graduates will not be able to find sa tisfactory positions in the workplace, leading to a higher unemployment rate.

如果大学不重视这种技能的培养,大部分学生将会很难再职场上找到工作,导致社会失业率增高。 Explanation:

可用下面的短语拓展解释中心句: In other words, 换句话说 More specifically, 具体来说 More precisely, 准确点说第3句


So universities, as service providers, have to give top priority to these customers’ real needs.


推荐一个固定句型来写本句,让写作更简化:Therefore, it is necessary/crucial/important for sb. to do sth.

Therefore, it is crucial for universities to give top priority to the students’ real needs. 第三段第1句

首句仍是该段中心句,是你绞尽脑汁想出的第二个原因论据。 Moreover, focusing on the job-related skills can benefit the university itself.

另外,关注工作相关的技能能使大学本身受益。 Explanation:

可选用Moreover, In addition, Besides等词开始。第2句


For example, the sci-fi blockbuster “Avatar” has marked a milestone in the filmmaking industry and drawn massive interest in 3D technology. 例如,科幻大片《阿凡达》已成为电影业的一座里程碑,并且激发了大众对3D技术的广泛兴趣。 Explanation:

如果感觉上面的句子单词太难,我们可以简化为:For example, 3D

technology has become a hot topic after the movie “Avatar” made the whole world crazy.



If a university can quickly respond, and consolidate teaching resources to offer courses about 3D, not only will its graduates be more competitive in the job market, but the university itself will kee