餐厅英语类 餐厅角色分配情景英语对话

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服务员1、2、3 顾客:ABCDE


A:It’s my treat today , which restaurant shall we go ?(今晚我请客,我们去哪家餐馆?)

B:I recommend a decent India restaurant .this India restaurant is famous for it’s curry.( 我推荐一家像样的印度餐馆,这家印度餐馆以咖喱闻名)

C:Oh , no .I’m not used to eating curry, and I don’t like India cuisine .(不,我吃不惯咖喱,并且我不喜欢印度菜)

D:why don’t we go to eat Japanese food ?(不如我们去吃日本料理)

A:no ,absolutely not ,I hate Japan .(不,绝对不行。我讨厌日本)

E:don’t argue . we go to eat western food.(别争了。我们去吃西餐吧)

ABCD:that,good idea.


123 welcome,please!

1:how many in your group today?(您几位?)

A:5 people

1:smoking or non-smoking?(吸烟区还是无烟区)

B:non-smoking thanks (无烟区,谢谢)

1:right this way ,please.(请往这边走)

Please take your seats ,here are the menus ,would you like to drink something first?(请坐,这里是我们的菜单。你们要先来点喝的么?)

D:I have a coke cola with ice .(我想要可乐)

B:an apple juice please.(苹果汁) what about you ?(你呢?转向周)

E:tomato juice (番茄汁)

A:and you ?(向邵)

C:give me a cup of prawn cocktail.(给我一杯虾鸡尾酒。)

A:me too (我也一样)

1:wait a minute !(请稍等)

2:here we are coke cola ,apple juice , tomato juice and two cups of prawn cocktail.(这里是可口可,苹果汁,番茄汁,和2杯虾鸡尾酒) 2:are you ready to order now ?(您准备好点菜了么?)

A:No, we are still looking at the menu . maby you could recommend something for the main course.(没有,我们仍然在看菜单,或许你可以给我们推荐一下主菜。)

2:certainly, sirloin steak is very good, I would suggest you to try it.(当然可以,我们这里沙朗牛排很不错,我建议你们尝试一下)

A:that’s good idea ,I love beef steak. Ill have the sirloin steek.(好主意,我喜欢牛排,我就点他了)

2:how would you like your steak done?(你想要你的牛排几成熟)


C:I’ll have appetizer and Grilled scotch salmon (我要开胃菜和烤苏格兰鲑鱼)

2:what would you like to follow?(您想要点些什么)

E:fried fillet of sole,that sounds very delicious .i’ll try it .(炒鱼片听起来非常美味,我要试试)

D:I’m a vegetarian ,give me a peas and cauliflower,please.(我是素食主义者,请给我一份豌豆和花菜)

B:the same for me ,please.(给我一样的,谢谢)

D:you aren’t a vegetarian ,are you?(你不是素食主义者,不是么)

B:yes, but, recently I lose weight ,less meat.(是的但是我最近在减肥) E:you are thin enough.(你已经够瘦了)

2:anything more ?(还要点其他的么)

B:no, that’s enough. Thank you .(不用了,已经够了谢谢)

2:all right ,please wait for a moment(好的,请稍等)

ABCDE:bottoms up (干杯)

12this is your meal ,please.(这是你们的菜,请享用)


1:sir, what’s wrong with you ?(先生,怎么了)

A:the beef is too raw. How can I eat . (牛肉太生了,我怎么能吃呀) 1:sir , is that you want medium?(先生,您是点的五分熟呀?)A:but I used to eat medium rare beef is not so raw.(但是我以前吃的五分熟没有这么生呀)

Called your manager(把你们的经理叫过来)