当前位置:文档之家› 外研版九年级下册英语课文原文与翻译


外研版九下Module 1 Unit 1课文

Activity 3 Listen and read.

Lingling:Welcome back,everyone!


Betty:Hi,Lingling! How was your holiday?


Lingling:Not bad!1 went to see my grandparents in Henan Province. The train was full of people,and l had to stand for over three hours!


Betty:Bad luck.Why is travel so difficult in winter?


Lingling; Well, it's the busiest season in China because of the Spring Festival.Where's Tony?

玲玲:哦,因为春节,它是中国最繁忙的季节。托尼在哪里?Daming:He went to stay with his family in the UK.He's flying back today.But the flight is late.


Betty:Where did you go,Daming?


Daming: We flew direct to Hong Kong-and the plane left a bit late tco!

But the pilot in landing on time.Then we took a boat to Lantau and went to Disneyland,It was great fun!


Lingling:How about you,Betty?


Betty; We had quite a good time in Beijing.We toured the city by bus and by taxi.Last weekend,we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace and went for along walk around the lake.


Lingling:That sounds great! But now,we'd better get back to work.O We're going to have a big exam at the end of the term.


Betty:There's nothing to worry about you work hard as long as you work hard.


Daming:And after the exam,there's the school leaver's party.We're all looking forward to it!


Betty:Exactly! We'll have a great time!


外研版九下Module 1 Unit 2课文


Unit 2 Activity 2 Read the play and number the expressions...

(Li Lin and Li Wei are on the station platform,saying goodbye to each other.)


Li Lin: Tell Mum and Dad…miss them.…I'll miss you all.

李林:告诉妈妈和爸爸,我会想念他们……我会想念你们所有的人。Li Wei:And we'II miss you too.


Li Lin:See you at the Spring Festival.


Li Wei:Take care.Bye!


(Li Lin gets on the train and looks for his seat.)


Li Lin:Excuse me,sir.I'm afraid you're sitting in my seat.


Elderly man:I'm sorry,young man. What did you say?I can't hear very well.


Li Lin:You've taken the wrong seat.


Elderly man:Really? But…I thought it was my seat. Where's my ticket?

老人:真的吗?但是……我认为它是我的座位。我的票在哪里?(The elderly man looks for his ticket in his pocket,his bag and finally in his wallet.)


Elderly man:Here it Is.Car 9,Seat 12A. This is Seat 12A,isn't it?


(The ticket officer arrives.)


Ticket officer :Tickets, please. Please have your tickets ready.


Elderly man; Excuse me,is this Seat 12A?


Ticket officer; Yes, it is.Let's have a look at your ticket. Oh,l see the problem.O This is


Seat 12A,but you should be in Car 9.This is Car 8.


Elderly man: Oh, how stupid of me!


l'd better go and find Car 9.

(The elderly man gets up and starts to collect his bags.)


Li Lin:Wait a moment,sir! Please stay here.take your seat in Car 9.

李林:等一等,先生!请待在这儿。我将坐你在9车厢的座位。Elderly man: Well, that's very good of you.Thank you.


Ticket officer:Yes,thank you,young man.


(Li Lin goes past people standing in the train to Car 9.)


Li Lin:10A.…11A.…12A, here it is.That's my seat.


(His friend,Wen Peng,is sitting in Seat 128. He is surprised to see Li Lin.) (他的朋友,文鹏,正坐在12B座上。看到李林他非常惊讶。)

Wen Peng:Hi,Li Lin! What a surprise!


Li Lin:Hey,Wen Peng! lt's great to see you.


Wen Peng:Great to see you too. Wonderful!


have someone to talk to on the long journey. Now,take off your jacket.Sit down and make yourself comfortable. But why are you so late?


Li Lin:Oh,it's a long story.…


外研版九下Module 2 Unit 1课文


Activity 3 Listen and read.

Betty:Hey,Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London?


Tony:Yes!I went to see my friend Susie. And I visited her school .


Betty:What are English schools like?


Tony:Here are a few photos.I took them myself.


Daming:Let's have a look.


Tony:So this is Susie's school.it's got about 700 pupils,like most schools In England.


Betly:How many pupils are there in a class in England?


Tony:About thirty.


Daming:We have forty in our class.So is a bit bigger.Look,everyone is wearing a jacket and tie!


Tony:Yes,every student wears school clothes in England.


Daming:And everyone is sitting around tables in the classroom.


Tony:That's right. They don't sit in rows Look at the swimming pool and the huge sports ground.Most English schools have sports grounds。Kids there really enjoy playing football.


Daming:We like playing football too.And we also have an excellent swimming team.

大明:我们也喜欢踢足球。而且我们也有一支出色的游泳队。Betty:I hope I can visit Susie's school one day.It looks really great

贝蒂:我希望有一天我能参观苏茜的学校。它看起来确实很棒。Tony:Our school is great too,and we have more students here.This means more people to play with.


Betty:And more friends too.


外研版九下Module 2 Unit 2课文


Unit 2 Activity 2 Read the passage and answer the questions.

My school life


My name is Susie Thompson,and I'm fifteen.I've been at River School,London,sinceI was eleven.if i pass my exams next year,I'll stay here until I'm eighteen.


River School is a secondary schoo,about twenty minutes away from my home by bike.Before I came here,I went to the primary school near my home.I started primary school when l was five and stayed there for six years.


We go to school every weekday from 8:45am to 3:15 pm.Before cIass,our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent. Then everyone goes to the main hall.There,our head teacher tells us news about the school.At9:05 am the bell rings,and lessons start.Each lesson lasts for an hour.We have a break from 11:05 am until 11:15 am,then another lesson,and then lunch for an hour.In the afternoon.we have two more lessons before school finishes.


This year l have ten subjects:maths,English,physics,chemistry,French,history,geography,music,IT and PE.Some people learn German instead of French.lt's lucky we don't have exams in every subject.


We have a large sports ground for football and tennis,where we can play both during and after school hours.After-school activities,such as sports clubs and language societies,are popular too.During the school year there are usually visits to museums and to camps for activities such as climbing and walking in the country.Last year a group of us even went to Japan.There are parties and a sports day,and school plays are really popular.once a term,there is a parents' meeting,So our parents and teachers can talk about our progress.


What do I like best about school? English,chemistry,music,sports clubs,school plays and above all,my friends!


外研版九下Module 3 Unit 1课文

【Activity 3中英文对照】

Activity 3 Listen and read.

Mum: lt's getting late,Betty. How is your homework?

妈妈:时候不早了,贝蒂。你的家庭作业(做得)怎么样了?Betty:Nearly finished. Mum,do you think that life is better today than in the past?

贝蒂:就快完成了。妈妈,你认为现在的生活比过去的好吗?Mum: Yes,of course,l do.


Betty: I do too. People are wealthier, today, and they live longer than they did in the past.


Mum: That's true. We know more about medicine today, and there's less fear of getting ill because we know how to deal

with the ordinary diseases. But people don't take as much exercise as they ,used to.


Betty: l suppose that's because more people have cars,and they walk or use their bikes less.



Mum: Some people think life in the past was simpler and healthier than today. More wealth sometimes means less health.

When the number of cars is doubled, the pollution is also doubled, or even worse.


Betty: What about work? Do people work as hard as they did fifty years ago?


Mum: Yes, and they sometimes work harder. People seldom say they have enough spare time! 'Why don't you go and ask Mrs Li,our neighbour? She's over seventy years old. She's seen how life has changed.


Betty: That's a good idea. l'II go and ask her.


Mum: Remember to speak up!l She's a bit deaf now.


外研版九下Module 3 Unit 2课文


Unit 2 Activity 2 Read the passage and take notes on what Mrs Li says ... Life now and then


By Betty King


Mrs Li is over seventy years old. She has lived in Beijing all her life. I asked her about life today and in the past.


What was your life like in the past?


My family lived in a tiny house.There were no electric lights,only candles My father was a postman,and he often worked twelve hours a day outside in the winter cold or in the summer heat. My mum was a farm girl before she met my father. She was a kind and loving mother. She didn't go out to work.There were five children in my family, and looking after us was more than a full-time job.



I remember the family meals. The food was simple. We could only eat meat once or twice a year. I wasn't sent to school because my family couldn't afford it ,and what's more,because I was a girl.

我记得(当时)家里的饭菜。食物很简单。我们一年只能吃一两次肉。我没有被送去上掌,因为我的家庭负担不起,而且,因为我是个女孩。How has life changed?


Families have got smaller than they were in the past. Today most people only have one child! The role of women has changed too.My daughter is really lucky. She has a good education,and she goes to work even after getting married. l'm happy to see she's busy working every day, but sometimes I feel lonely because she can't come to see me often.


Transport, and travel are easier today. When I was young,l went everywhere on foot or sometimes by bike. Now you can take the bus everywhere,and there's also the underground. And you young people can take a plane to anywhere in the world. The only thing I don't like though, is that there's so much more traffic.It's so difficult to cross the road.


Of course,we didn't have television when I was a child. I really enjoy watching television today. There're so many good programmes,like the Beijing Opera and old films. But some of the shows are too noisy for me. 当然,当我是个孩子的时候,我们没有电视。现在我非常喜欢看电视。有那么多好节目,像京剧和老电影。但一些节目对我而言太吵闹了。Generally speaking,l think life is better to day. We eat better and we live longer.总的来说,我认为现在的生活更好。我们吃得更好,也更长寿了。

Now complete the notes and add more points of your own.


外研版九下Module 4 Unit 1课文

【Activity 3中英文对照】

Activity 3 Listen and read.

Mr Jackson:OK,please pay attention for a moment!Before we set off,there are a few rules and suggestions for you.


All:Yes,Mr Jackson.


Mr Jackson; First,is everyone wearing strong shoes and thick socks? 杰克逊先生:首先,大家都穿着结实的鞋子和厚袜子吗?

All:Yes,Mr Jackson.


Mr Jackson:OK,whenever you go walking in the hills,you should always wear proper clothes.Now,you mustn’t walk too close to the edge of the hill path because you might fall and hurt yourselves.Is that clear? 杰克逊先生:好,无论什么时候你们在山里徒步旅行,你们应该总是穿着合适的衣服。现在,你们不许太靠近山路的边缘走,因为你们可能会掉下去并伤了你们自己。明白了吗?



Mr Jackson:And you have to keep together so you don't get lost.You mustn't go off on your own.


All:No,we won't,Mr Jackson.


Daming:Can we have something to eat now? I'm starving!


Mr Jackson:No,you can't,Daming! You just had breakfast an hour ago.Let's start walking,and we'II stop at noon for our picnic.Don't drink all your water in one go.You may need some later.


Betty:Can we go rock climbing?


Mr Jackson:No,you can't.And you must be careful of falling stones.OK,off we go,down this path,and across the stream,and then we'll...

杰克逊先生:不,你们不能去。你们还必须当心下落的石头。好了,我们沿着这条小路出发,穿过小溪,然后我们将……Daming:...have lunch?


Mr Jackson:…have lunch when we get up to the top.Come on! I'll lead the way.It should be a fairly smooth walk to begin with because it’s a straight path,but it'll start to get difficult soon!


外研版九下Module 4 Unit 2课文


Unit 2 Activity 2 Read the passage and answer the questions. 1.Where do you think is the best place to keep food safe from bears?


2.What was the noise behind the writer?


3.Do you think their camping trip was interesting?


Watch out! Bears about!


On the first evening,the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours.We soon felt asleep.


In the middle of the night,I heard a strange noise outside.0 But when l looked out of the tent,there was nothing there.


In the morning,I got up to make breakfast.


The bag of food was open.“Bears,”said Joe.“We should hang the food

in a tree tonight.


Later that day,we stopped in a beautiful field by a stream.0We put up the tent and fell asleep.


During the night,the bears came again.This time they took the food from the tree.夜里,熊又来了。这次它们从树上拿走了食物。

“It wasn't high enough.Bears can climb trees.They can smell food from a long way away”said Ben.


“We must keep the camp clean0,”I said. “Bears might think our rubbish is food.”

“我们必须保持营地干净,”我说,“熊可能认为我们的垃圾是食物。”“OK,let's tidy up and move on.And we should make lots of noise too.If they know where we are.they may not come any closer,”said Joe


“But if you see a bear,”said Ben,“you mustn't make any sudde n moves or make a sound.And above all,you mustn't run.No one can run faster in the forest than a bear.And remember,we don't have a gun to keep us



That night,we went to sleep...or we tried to.


The next day,we stopped at eleven o'clock for a break.While the others were resting,I went for a walk in the forest。


Suddenly,I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stones.He looked so soft and friendly,and I remember thinking,“If I reach out,I can just touch him.”

突然,我看到一只小熊在玩树枝和石头。它看起来那么柔软和友好,并且我现在还记得当时在想:“我要是伸出手的话,就能摸着它。”There was a loud noise behind me.


I stood very still.I didn't even turn my head.There was another loud noise.The baby bear looked up,and ran towards me.I turned pale and he ran past me into the woods.



外研版九年级英语下全册课文翻译 Module1 Travel Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi 3.Listenand read. Now complete the table. 玲玲:欢迎大家回来! 贝蒂:嗨, 玲玲! 假期过得怎么样? 玲玲:不错! 我去河南看望了我的祖父母。当时火车上全都是人, 我不得不站了 3 个多小时。 贝蒂:真不走运啊。为什么春节出行这么困难呢? 玲玲:噢,因为春节的缘故,这段时间成了交通最繁忙的时候。 托尼呢? 大明:他回英国和家人团聚去了。他今天坐飞机回来,但是航班 晚点了。 贝蒂:大明,你去了哪里? 大明:我们坐飞机直飞香港——飞机出发时也晚点了,不过飞 行员成功地按时着陆了。然后我们乘船去了大屿山和迪斯尼乐园。真好玩! 玲玲:你呢,贝蒂? 贝蒂:我们在北京玩得很开心。我们坐公交车和出租车在城市里 游玩。上周末我们坐客车去了颐和园,还沿湖走了一段很长的路。玲玲:听起来不错!但是这会儿我们还是最好回去学习吧…期末 还有一场大考试呢。 贝蒂:只要你努力,就没什么好担心的。 大明:考试之后就是毕业晚会了。我们都盼着呢! 贝蒂:没错!我们会玩得很开心的! Unit2 It’s a long story . 2.Readthe play and number the expressions in Activity 1 in the orderthey appear. (李林和李薇在车站站台上告别。) 李林:告诉爸爸妈妈我会想他们的……我也会想念你们所有人。李薇:我们也会想你的。 李林:春节见。 李薇:保重。再见! (李林上了车,寻找他的座位。) 李林:对不起,先生。恐怕你坐了我的座位。 长者:对不起,年轻人。你说什么?我听不大清楚。 李林:你坐错位置了。 长者:真的吗?但是……我以为这是我的座位呢。我的票呢? (长者在口袋里、包里,最后又在钱包里翻找他的车票。) 长者:找到了。9 车厢,12A 座。这是 12A 座,对吗? (检票员来了。) 检票员:检票了,请大家准备好车票。


最新外研版九年级下册全册课译文(其8个模块) Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi 3.Listen and read. Now complete the table. 玲玲:欢迎大家回来! 贝蒂:嗨, 玲玲! 假期过得怎么样? 玲玲:不错! 我去河南看望了我的祖父母。当时火车上全都是人,我不得不站了3个多小时。贝蒂:真不走运啊。为什么春节出行这么困难呢? 玲玲:噢,因为春节的缘故,这段时间成了交通最繁忙的时候。托尼呢? 大明:他回英国和家人团聚去了。他今天坐飞机回来,但是航班晚点了。 贝蒂:大明,你去了哪里? 大明:我们坐飞机直飞香港——飞机出发时也晚点了,不过飞行员成功地按时着陆了。然后我们乘船去了大屿山和迪斯尼乐园。真好玩! 玲玲:你呢,贝蒂?贝蒂:我们在北京玩得很开心。我们坐公交车和出租车在城市里游玩。上周末我们坐客车去了颐和园,还沿湖走了一段很长的路。 玲玲:听起来不错!但是这会儿我们还是最好回去学习吧…期末还有一场大考试呢。 贝蒂:只要你努力,就没什么好担心的。 大明:考试之后就是毕业晚会了。我们都盼着呢! 贝蒂:没错!我们会玩得很开心的! Unit 2 It’s a long story . 2.Read the play and number the expressions in Activity 1 in the order they appear. (李林和李薇在车站站台上告别。) 李林:告诉爸爸妈妈我会想他们的……我也会想念你们所有人。 李薇:我们也会想你的。

李林:春节见。李薇:保重。再见!(李林上了车,寻找他的座位。) 李林:对不起,先生。恐怕你坐了我的座位。 长者:对不起,年轻人。你说什么?我听不大清楚。 李林:你坐错位置了。 长者:真的吗?但是……我以为这是我的座位呢。我的票呢?(长者在口袋里、包里,最后又在钱包里翻找他的车票。) 长者:找到了。9车厢,12A座。这是12A座,对吗?(检票员来了。) 检票员:检票了,请大家准备好车票。长者:对不起,这是12A座吗? 检票员:是的,让我看看你的车票。哦,我知道问题在哪里了。这是12A座,但是您应该去9车厢,这里是8车厢。 长者:哦,我真糊涂!我还是去找9车厢吧。(长者起身开始收拾他的包裹。) 李林:等一下,先生!请您留下。我去坐9车厢你的座位吧。 长者:哦,你太好了。谢谢! 检票员:是的,谢谢你,年轻人。(李林穿过站立的人群向9车厢走去。) 李林:10A、11A、12A,找到了,那是我的座位。(他的朋友,温鹏,正坐在12B座上。看到李林他很吃惊。) 温鹏:嗨!李林!真意外啊! 李林:嗨!温鹏!见到你太高兴了。 温鹏:我也是!太棒了!漫长的旅程里有人陪我聊天了。好了,把外套脱了吧。舒舒服服地坐下来。对了,你怎么来得这么晚啊? 李林:哦,说来话长…… Module 2 Educatio n Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows. 3.Listen and read. Now complete Susie’s column in the table.


最新外研版九年级下册全册课译文(其8个模块)Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi 3.Listen and read. Now complete the table. 玲玲:欢迎大家回来! 贝蒂:嗨, 玲玲! 假期过得怎么样? 玲玲:不错! 我去河南看望了我的祖父母。当时火车上全都是人,我不得不站了3个多小时。贝蒂:真不走运啊。为什么春节出行这么困难呢? 玲玲:噢,因为春节的缘故,这段时间成了交通最繁忙的时候。托尼呢? 大明:他回英国和家人团聚去了。他今天坐飞机回来,但是航班晚点了。 贝蒂:大明,你去了哪里? 大明:我们坐飞机直飞香港——飞机出发时也晚点了,不过飞行员成功地按时着陆了。然后我们乘船去了大屿山和迪斯尼乐园。真好玩! 玲玲:你呢,贝蒂?贝蒂:我们在北京玩得很开心。我们坐公交车和出租车在城市里游玩。上周末我们坐客车去了颐和园,还沿湖走了一段很长的路。 玲玲:听起来不错!但是这会儿我们还是最好回去学习吧…期末还有一场大考试呢。 贝蒂:只要你努力,就没什么好担心的。 大明:考试之后就是毕业晚会了。我们都盼着呢! 贝蒂:没错!我们会玩得很开心的! Unit 2 It’s a long story . 2.Read the play and number the expressions in Activity 1 in the order they appear. (李林和李薇在车站站台上告别。)

李林:告诉爸爸妈妈我会想他们的……我也会想念你们所有人。 李薇:我们也会想你的。 李林:春节见。李薇:保重。再见!(李林上了车,寻找他的座位。) 李林:对不起,先生。恐怕你坐了我的座位。 长者:对不起,年轻人。你说什么?我听不大清楚。 李林:你坐错位置了。 长者:真的吗?但是……我以为这是我的座位呢。我的票呢?(长者在口袋里、包里,最后又在钱包里翻找他的车票。) 长者:找到了。9车厢,12A座。这是12A座,对吗?(检票员来了。) 检票员:检票了,请大家准备好车票。长者:对不起,这是12A座吗? 检票员:是的,让我看看你的车票。哦,我知道问题在哪里了。这是12A座,但是您应该去9车厢,这里是8车厢。 长者:哦,我真糊涂!我还是去找9车厢吧。(长者起身开始收拾他的包裹。)李林:等一下,先生!请您留下。我去坐9车厢你的座位吧。 长者:哦,你太好了。谢谢! 检票员:是的,谢谢你,年轻人。(李林穿过站立的人群向9车厢走去。) 李林:10A、11A、12A,找到了,那是我的座位。(他的朋友,温鹏,正坐在12B座上。看到李林他很吃惊。) 温鹏:嗨!李林!真意外啊! 李林:嗨!温鹏!见到你太高兴了。 温鹏:我也是!太棒了!漫长的旅程里有人陪我聊天了。好了,把外套脱了吧。舒舒服服地坐下来。对了,你怎么来得这么晚啊?


最新外研版九年级下册全册课文译文(其8个模块) Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi 3.Listen and read. Now complete the table. 玲玲:欢迎大家回来! 贝蒂:嗨, 玲玲! 假期过得怎么样? 玲玲:不错! 我去河南看望了我的祖父母。当时火车上全都是人,我不得不站了3个多小时。 贝蒂:真不走运啊。为什么春节出行这么困难呢? 玲玲:噢,因为春节的缘故,这段时间成了交通最繁忙的时候。托尼呢? 大明:他回英国和家人团聚去了。他今天坐飞机回来,但是航班晚点了。 贝蒂:大明,你去了哪里? 大明:我们坐飞机直飞香港——飞机出发时也晚点了,不过飞行员成功地按时着陆了。然后我们乘船去了大屿山和迪斯尼乐园。真好玩! 玲玲:你呢,贝蒂? 贝蒂:我们在北京玩得很开心。我们坐公交车和出租车在城市里游玩。上周末我们坐客车去了颐和园,还沿湖走了一段很长的路。 玲玲:听起来不错!但是这会儿我们还是最好回去学习吧…期末还有一场大考试呢。

贝蒂:只要你努力,就没什么好担心的。 大明:考试之后就是毕业晚会了。我们都盼着呢! 贝蒂:没错!我们会玩得很开心的! Unit 2 It’s a long story . 2.Read the play and number the expressions in Activity 1 in the order they appear. (李林和李薇在车站站台上告别。) 李林:告诉爸爸妈妈我会想他们的……我也会想念你们所有人。 李薇:我们也会想你的。 李林:春节见。 李薇:保重。再见! (李林上了车,寻找他的座位。) 李林:对不起,先生。恐怕你坐了我的座位。 长者:对不起,年轻人。你说什么?我听不大清楚。 李林:你坐错位置了。 长者:真的吗?但是……我以为这是我的座位呢。我的票呢? (长者在口袋里、包里,最后又在钱包里翻找他的车票。) 长者:找到了。9车厢,12A座。这是12A座,对吗? (检票员来了。) 检票员:检票了,请大家准备好车票。 长者:对不起,这是12A座吗?


外研版九下Module 1 Unit 1课文 Activity 3 Listen and read. Lingling:Welcome back,everyone! 玲玲:欢迎归来,各位! Betty:Hi,Lingling! How was your holiday? 贝蒂:你好,玲玲!你的假期怎么样? Lingling:Not bad!1 went to see my grandparents in Henan Province. The train was full of people,and l had to stand for over three hours! 玲玲:还不错!我去看望了在河南省的祖父母。火车里挤满了入,我不得不站了3个多小时! Betty:Bad luck.Why is travel so difficult in winter? 贝蒂:真倒霉。为什么在冬天旅行如此困难? Lingling; Well, it's the busiest season in China because of the Spring Festival.Where's Tony? 玲玲:哦,因为春节,它是中国最繁忙的季节。托尼在哪里?Daming:He went to stay with his family in the UK.He's flying back today.But the flight is late. 大明:他去了英国与家人待在一起。他今天乘飞机回来。但是航班晚点了。 Betty:Where did you go,Daming? 贝蒂:你去哪里了,大明? Daming: We flew direct to Hong Kong-and the plane left a bit late tco!


外研版九年级下册英语课文及翻译 外研版九年级下册英语课文及翻译 Module1TravelUnit 1The fight was late 第一模块、旅游、第一单元、飞机晚点了。 Lingling: Welcome back , everyone! Betty: Hi Lingling! How was your holiday? Lingling: Not bad! I went to Henan Province. But the trip back was very long. The train was fullof people, and I had to stand for over six hours. Betty: Bad luck , Wheres Tony? Daming: Hes staying with his family in the UK , and flying back tomorrow. The flights were late today, Betty: Why is travel so difficult in winter? Lingling: Well , its the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival. Where did you go, Daming? Daming : We flew to Hong Kong and the flight was late! But we took the boatto Landau Island and went to Disneyland. Lingling: How about you, Betty? Betty : We had quite a gook time in Beijing, We went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. And last weekend, we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palsce and went for a long walk. Daming: And now, better get back to work ... Weve got exams at the end of the term. 140


外研九年级英语下册课 文翻译 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

2016最新外研版九年级下册全册课译文(其8个模块) Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi and read. Now complete the table. 玲玲:欢迎大家回来! 贝蒂:嗨, 玲玲! 假期过得怎么样 玲玲:不错! 我去河南看望了我的祖父母。当时火车上全都是人,我不得不站了3个多小时。贝蒂:真不走运啊。为什么春节出行这么困难呢? 玲玲:噢,因为春节的缘故,这段时间成了交通最繁忙的时候。托尼呢 大明:他回英国和家人团聚去了。他今天坐飞机回来,但是航班晚点了。 贝蒂:大明,你去了哪里? 大明:我们坐飞机直飞香港——飞机出发时也晚点了,不过飞行员成功地按时着陆了。然后我们乘船去了大屿山和迪斯尼乐园。真好玩! 玲玲:你呢,贝蒂贝蒂:我们在北京玩得很开心。我们坐公交车和出租车在城市里游玩。上周末我们坐客车去了颐和园,还沿湖走了一段很长的路。 玲玲:听起来不错!但是这会儿我们还是最好回去学习吧…期末还有一场大考试呢。 贝蒂:只要你努力,就没什么好担心的。

大明:考试之后就是毕业晚会了。我们都盼着呢! 贝蒂:没错!我们会玩得很开心的! Unit 2 It’s a long story . the play and number the expressions in Activity 1 in the order they appear. (李林和李薇在车站站台上告别。) 李林:告诉爸爸妈妈我会想他们的……我也会想念你们所有人。 李薇:我们也会想你的。 李林:春节见。李薇:保重。再见!(李林上了车,寻找他的座位。) 李林:对不起,先生。恐怕你坐了我的座位。 长者:对不起,年轻人。你说什么?我听不大清楚。 李林:你坐错位置了。 长者:真的吗?但是……我以为这是我的座位呢。我的票呢 (长者在口袋里、包里,最后又在钱包里翻找他的车票。) 长者:找到了。9车厢,12A座。这是12A座,对吗(检票员来了。) 检票员:检票了,请大家准备好车票。长者:对不起,这是12A座吗?

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