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Read the following phrases and sentences. 朗读下面的短语和句子。每小题2分,共20分。

right now

in the sun

half an hour

enjoy themselves

all over the world

How can I get to the bus stop?

It's time to go to the library now.

Sunday is the first day of the week.

They usually watch football on TV at weekends.

My mother wants to make a birthday cake for me.


Read the following passage. 朗读下面的短文。总分10分。

Almost everybody likes music. When we walk, we listen to music; when we work, we listen to music; and even when we sleep, we listen to it. Why we like music so much? First of all, music makes our life fun. Without music, what the world would be? Second, music can cheer us up when we are in blue. When I'm sad I always go to a music club for help. Third, music is a good friend. Music makes us no longer lonely. In a word, we love music because it can make us happy!


According to the situation, answer the question. 根据所给情景回答问题。每小题3分,共15分。

1. 明明和你说周末他要和Mike要去海边度假,你该如何回应?#A. Thank you very much.#B. I don’t want to go there.#C. Have a good time.

2. Jack得知你不喜欢吃汉堡,他问你是什么原因,你该如何回答?#A. They’re good for health.#B. They are very delicious.#C. I don’t want to be fat.

3. 你想给爸爸买一件衬衫作为礼物,你想征求妈妈的意见,你该如何表达?#A. What about a shirt, Mom?#B. How much is the shirt?#C. Do you like the blue one?

4. Tony到家里来做客,你想问他要喝点什么,你该如何表达?#A. What’s your favorite food, Tony?#B. Can you come to my house?#C. Would you like something to drink?

5. 妈妈正在和你谈论你的新同桌,妈妈问你他是怎么样的一个人,你该如何回答?#A. He's polite and helpful.#B. We are good friends.#C. He likes watching TV.

Have a good time.

I don’t want to be fat.

What about a shirt, Mom?

Would you like something to drink?

He's polite and helpful.


Listen and read the best answer. 根据所听内容,朗读最正确的答语。每小题3分,共15分。

1. A. Brown.#B. $1

2.#C. OK. I'll take it.

2. A. Mr Smith.#B. I like art best.#C. It's interesting.

3. A. Yes, it’s mine.#B. Yes, it does.#C. No, I don't.

4. A. He's my cousin.#B. It's red.#C. That’s my bedroom.

5. A. Because it's fun.#B. On Sunday.#C. At 8:00.


12 dollars.

I like art best.

Yes, it’s mine.

It's red.

Because it's fun.


1. How much are the shorts?

2. What's your favorite subject?

3. Is that hat yours, Mary?

4. What color is the chair?

5. Why do you like geography?


Listen to the dialogues, and answer the questions with the information you hear. 听对话,根据你听到的内容回答问题。每小题3分,共15分。

原文: M: Is your birthday in June, Joan?

W: No, it's in October.

原文:M: Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. I want a sweater for school.

原文: M: Why do you like music, Cindy?

W: Because it's fun.

原文:W: Are your socks five dollars?

M: No, they are three dollars.

原文:W: Do you like tomatoes, Bob?

M: No, but I like carrots.

1. When is Joan's birthday?

2. Where are they?

3. Why does Cindy like music?

4. How much are the socks?

5. What does Bob like?

In October.#Joan's birthday is in October.#It is in October.#It’s in October.

In a shop.#They are in a shop.#In a clothes shop.#They are in a clothes shop.

Because it's fun.#Music is fun.#It’s fun.

Three dollars.#They are three dollars.#The socks are three dollars.

Carrots.#Bob likes carrots.#He likes carrots.


Speak out according to the following sentences. 根据所给句子提示描述情景。总分25分。