当前位置:文档之家› 剑桥国际少儿英语第二册文本kb2






Unit 1 Hello again!

1.Listen and point.

Stella:Hello again! We’re the Star Family. I’m Stella Star and I’m eight. This i s my brother, Simon. He’s seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She’s four.

Simon: This is my grandmother. She’s grandma Star.

Grandma: Hello.

Simon: This is my grandfather. He’s grandpa Star. Simon: Grandpa, say hell o.

Grandpa: Oh! Hello, everybody

Mrs Star: And we’re Mr and Mrs Star.

Simon: What’s your name? How old are you.

2. Listen, point and repeat.

Stella Simon Suzy Mr Star Mrs star Grandma Star Grandpa Star Listen and answer. Trevor: Hello! I’m Trevor. Look at number four. Who’s he ?

Look at number one. Who’s she?

Look at number eight. Who’s he?

Look at number three.

Who’s she?

Look at number six. Who’s she?

Look at number two. Who’s he?

Look at number nine. Who’s she?

Look at number ten. Who’s he?

Look at number five. Who’s she?

Look at number seven. Who’s he?

(Answer: 4 Mr star, 1 Suzy, 8 Monty, 3 Stella, 6 Grandma Star, 2 Simon, 9 Ma rie, 10 Maskman, 5 Mrs Star, 7 Grandpa Star)


Unit2Back to school!

1. Listen and point.

Stella: Hello, Alex! Hello, Lenny! How are you?

Alex and Lenny: Fine,thanks.

Merra: Is this your classroom,Simon?

Simon: Yes.

Merra:Who’s that on the board?

Simon:That’s my favourite toy, Maskman. Look at my Maskman ruler.

Lenny: That’s nice. My ruler’s on my desk.

Stella: Are your school books in the bookcase?

Simon:No, they are in the cupboard. Our teacher’s here now.

stella and Meera: Oops

2.Listen, point and repeat.

board bookcase cupboard desk ruler teacher 6.Listen, point and repeat.

There’s a long pink ruler on her desk.

There are a lot of boos in the bookcase.

There’s a big whiteboard on the wall.

There’s a computer in the classroom, but there isn’t a television. Unit 3 Play time!

1.Listen and point.

Suzy: Ooh, kites! Can we look at them, Dad?

Mr Star: OK, Suzy. Where are they?

Suzy: Over there! Next to the lorries.

Simon: Look at these robots!

Stella: Ugh! They’re ugly!

Alex: I like this big yellow watch.

Meera:Look at this camera. It’s orange, my favourite colour.

Stella:Hum! … Look! Computer games! I love computer games! Simon: Great! Is there a Maskman Playbox?

Stella:Yes, there is, and there’s a ‘Can you spell…?’ game.

Meera, Alex, Simon: Ugh! Stella!

2.Listen, point and repeat.

Camera watch kite robot lorry computer game

3.Listen, point and say the numbers.

There are dolls.

This is a robot.

This is a train.

This is a camera.

These are lorries.

This is a watch.

This is a computer game.

This is a kite.

These are balls.

4.Listen and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ .

There are two bid red lorries.

(No-There’s a red lorry and a yellow lorry.) There’s a beautiful pink and purple kite. (Yes)

There’s a Maskman computer game.


There’s an ugly robot with green eyes.

(No-There’s an ugly robot with red eyes.) There’s a small orange camera.


There’s a clean orange camera.

There are two small white balls.

There are three happy dolls.

There are two big yellow watches.

There’s a long brown train.

5.Listen, point and repeat.

Toys in the toy box,

Come alive,

Walk and talk,

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Monty:Look at Suzy’s kite! It’s beautiful. It’s pink and purple with a long tail .

Maskman: And it’s big, and it can fly. I can fly too. What’s that, Marie? Marie:It’s a ‘Can you spell…?’ computer game.

Monty: Whose is it? Is it Suzy’s?

Marie:No, it isn’t.It’s stella’s.

Monty:What’s that under the table?

Maskman:It’s Simon’s basketball.

Monty:No, not that. What’s that new toy next to the ball?

Marie: It’s a big robot. It’s‘Metal Mouth’.

Maskman:Metal Mouth? Hmm, yes. It’s an ugly robot.

Monty: Whose is it?

Maskman:It’s Simon’s.

Metal Mouth: My name is Metal Mouth. My name is Metal Mouth.

Monty: Ooh, look! It can walk and talk.

Maskman:Yes, but it’s can’t fly. I can fly.

6.Listen, point and repeat.

Look at Suzy’s kite.

Whose is the computer game?

It’s Stella’s computer game.

It’s Simon’s robot.

Unit 4 At home!

1.Listen and point.

Stella: Can I play, Suzy?

Suzy: OK!

Stella:Where’s my bedroom?

Suzy:It’s there, next to the bathroom.


Suzy: Put this blue mat on the floor next to your bed.

Stella: Can I have a phone in my bedroom?

Suzy:No, you can’t. The phone’s in the living room next to the sofa. Stella: Can I have a Lamp, please?

Suzy: OK. You can put the lamp on the table next to your bed.

Stella: Thanks, Suzy. Where can I put the armchair?

Suzy: Put it in the living room under the clock.

Stella: Is there a mirror in my bedroom?

Suzy:A mirror in your bedroom? No, there isn’t. There are three mirrors. on e in the bathroom, one in my bedroom and one in Simon’s bedroom.

Stella: Oh.

2.Listen, point and repeat.

mat lamp clock phone mirror sofa

4.Listen and correct.

There’s a girl sitting on the sofa.

(No, there isn’t.There’s a boy sitting on the sofa.)

There’s a mirror in the living room.

(No, there isn’t. The re’s a a mirror in the bathroom.)

There’s a phone in the bedroom.

(No, there isn’t.There’s a phone in the hall.)

There’s a boat on the bed.

(No, there isn’t.There’s a boat in the bath.)

There’s a sofa in the hall.

(No, there isn’t.There’s a sofa in the living room.)

There’s a lamp under the window.

(No, there isn’t.There’s a lamp on the table.)

There’s a clock next to the bath.

(No, there isn’t.There’s a clock on the wall.)

There’s a boy sitting on the bed.

(No, there isn’t.There’s a girl sitting on the bed.)

5.Listen and correct.

Grandpa: Simon! Stella! Can you take your clothes to your bedrooms, plea se?

Simon and stella: OK!

Grandpa: Whose T-shirt is that?

Stella: Which T-shirt?

Grandpa: The yellow one.

Stella:It’s Suzy’s.

Simon:No, it isn’t.It’s mine.

Stella: No, Simon. That T-shirt’s very small. Yours is the big yellow one ove r there.

Simon: Oh! Yes!

Grandpa: OK. Are those blue socks yours, Simon?

Simon:No, they aren’t mine. They are Dad’s.

Grandpa: What now? Oh, yes! Whose black trousers are those?

Stella and Simon:They’re yours, Grandpa.

Grandpa:Oh, yes! That’s right, they are.

6.Listen, point and repeat.

Grandpa: Whose T-shirt is that?

Simon: It’s mine.

Grandpa: Whose black trousers are those?

Stella and Simon:They’re yours, Grandpa.

Unit 5 Meet my family

1.Listen and point.

Stella:Look, Lenny’s with Frank’s mum and dad.

Simon:Who’s Frank?

Stella:Frank’s Lenny’s baby cousin.

Meera: Oh, how old is he?

Stella:He’s one.

Simon: How many cousins have you got, Meera?

Meera: Six: four boys and two girls. How many cousins have you got?

Simon:None, but we’ve got a baby. Her name’s Suzy.

Suzy:I’m not a baby. I’m a big girl! Grandpa! Simon says I’m a baby.

Grandpa:Simon, as you’re a big boy, you can fly Suzy’s kite with her. Here you are!

Simon: Puph! Thank you!

2.Listen, point and repeat.

mummy daddy grandma grandpa cousin baby

3.Listen, point and answer.

He’s Lenny’s daddy. What’s his name? (Nick) She’s Frank’s cousin. What’s her name?(May)

He’s Kim’s brother. What’s his name? (Ben) She’s Lenny’s sister. What’s her name? (May) She’s Frank’s mummy. What’s her name? (Lucy) He’s May’s cousin. What’s his name? (Frank) He’s Frank’s grandpa. What’s his name? (Nelson) She’s Sam’s grandma. What’s her name? (Anna) 5. Listen and say the numbers.

Lenny’s hitting the ball.(16)

The dog’s getting the ball. (19)

The boy’s mother is cleaning his mouth. (14)

The baby’s sleeping. (11)

Simon’s throwing the ball. (15)

The girl’s kicking the football. (18)

Frank’s mum and dad are talking. (12)

Meera’s catching the ball. (17)

Grandpa’s flying a kite. (13)

The cat’s jumping. (20)

Unit 6 Dinner time

1.Listen and point.

Simon: What are you doing, Dad?

Mr Star:’m making dinner. This evening we’v e got bread and water.

Stella:No, we can’t have bread and water for dinner, Dad. We have bread an d milk for breakfast.

Suzy:Hmm. Milk’s my favourite drink.

Simon:Orange juice is my favorite drink.

Suzy: So, what is fou dinner, Dad?

Simon:Let’s have egg and chips.

Suzy:Let’s have chocolate cake!

Mr Star: No, Suzy. Chocolate cake’s for tea.

All three children: So, what for dinner?

Mr Star:Hmm… for dinner? It’s your favourite, it’s my favourite, it our favou rite. This evening we’ve got…Dad’s Star dinner!... Chicken and rice!

Stella, Simon and Suzy: Lovely.

2.Listen, point and repeat.

bread water milk juice chicken eggs chips rice

5.Listen and answer.

Mr Star: Come on, everybody. Sit down. It’s dinner time.

All three children: OK, Dad.

Suzy: Can I have some fruit juice, please, Mum?

Mrs Star: Yes, Suzy. Orange juice or apple juice?

Suzy: Orange juice, please.

Mrs Star: Here you are.

Suzy: Thank you! //a

Stella: Can I have some brown bread, please?

Mrs Star: Here you are.

Stella: Thanks! //b

Simon: Can I have some egg and chips, please?

Mr Star:No, Simon. I’m sorry. It’s chicken and rice for dinner tonight, but, if you’re good, you can have chocolate ice cream after.

Simon:Hmm, great! Chocolate ice cream’s my favourite.

6.Listen, point and repeat.

Suzy: Can I have some fruit juice, please, Mum?

Mrs Star: Here you are.

Stella: Can I have some brown bread, please?

Mrs Star: Here you are.

7.Listen and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Marie:I’m having chicken and rice. (No. I’m having tomatoes and carrots.) Monty: Can I have some milk, please? (No. Can I have some apple juice, pl ease?)

Maskman: Is there any chocolate cake? (Yes.)

Trevor:Yes, there is. (No. No, there isn’t.)

Monty:No, it isn’t mine. It’s Trevor’s. (No. No, it isn’t mine. It’s Marie’s.) Trevor: Er, no. It isn’t chicken. It’s a long brown pencil. (Yes.)

Unit 7 At the farm (在农场)

1.Listen and point.

Suzy: Look at all those animals. This is a nice zoo.

Mr Star:It isn’t a zoo. It’s a farm. Look- t here’s a cow under the tree.

Simon: Uh oh! Mum! The goat’s eating your bag.

Mrs Star: Aaahh! Shoo! Shoo! Stop that!

Stella: Look, Suzy. The baby sheep are drinking milk.

Suzy: Ahhh!

Mr Star: Let’s give the ducks some bread.

Suzy:There’s a frog!

Simon:Look, Stella. There’s a lizard on your T-shirt!

Stella: Ha,ha,Simon. Very funny! I know, and I love lizards. Do

you like spiders, Simon?

Simon:No, I don’t.

Stella:Oh. Well, there’s a big, black, ugly spider in your hair.

Simon: Ahh!

2.Listen, point and repeat.

cow duck goat lizard sheep spider frog

3.Listen and point Sing

Cows in the kitchen ,Moo moo moo

Cows in the kitchen,

There are cows in the kitchen ,moo moo moo

What can we do, John farmer?

Sheep in the bedroom, baa baa baa

Sheep in the bedroom,

There are sheep in the bedroom, baa baa baa What can we do, John farmer?

Ducks on the armchair,

Ducks on the armchair,

There are ducks on the armchair,

Quack quack quack

Frogs in the bathroom ,croak croak croak

Frogs in the bathroom

There are frogs in the bathroom ,croak croak croak What can we do, John farmer?

Chicken in the cupboard ,cluck cluck cluck

Chicken in the cupboard

There are chicken in the cupboard ,cluck cluck cluck

What can we do, John farmer?

5.Listen and answer.

Toys in the toy box, Come alive. Walk and talk,

On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five.

Marie:Trevor, can I have the sheep, please? Let’s put it here, next to the co ws.

Trevor: Here you are.

Monty: Oh, I love sheep. Baa, baa.

Trevor: So do I.

Maskman:I don’t. I love horses.

Marie: So do I.

Trevor:I don’t. Horses are very big and they can kick.

Maskman: What now?

Monty: Let’s put the goat under the tree.

Marie: No, Monty. It can eat the flowers and I love flowers. Maskman: So do I.

Trevor: Flowers, Maskman? Do you love flowers? Maskman: Yes, I do. I can give them to Marie. Monty and Trevor: Oooohhh!

6. Listen, point and repeat.

Monty: Oh, I love sheep. Baa, baa.

Trevor: So do I. Maskman: I love horses. Trevor: I don’t. 7.Listen and point. Chant

I love watermelon. So do I.

I love pineapple. So do I.

I love bananas. So do I.

I love oranges So do I.

I love coconuts. So do I.

I love lemon and lime. Hmm. So do I

I love onions I don't. Goodbye.


9.Say it with Monty

MONTY: Shirley sheep

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Shirley sheep

MONTY: She shows shoes in the shoe shop.

MONTY BOY AND GIRL: She shows shoes in the shoe shop Page45

11.Listen to the story.

Toys in the toy box,,Come alive.

Walk and talk,,0n the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five

MASKMAN: Trevor ! Trevor! Pssst! Are you sleeping?

TREVOR: Yes, l am.

MARIE: Trevor! Maskman! Can you be quiet, please? l'm trying to sleep!

MASKMAN: I can't sleep.

TREVOR: Well, count sheep, Maskman

MASKMAN: 11, 12, 13 0h, no! My sheep aren't sleeping. They're jumping! l can't sleep.

MARIE: We can't sleep now.

MARIE: 0K, let's talk about farms. Farm dogs can get sheep. Farm cats can catch mice. And we get milk from cows.

TREVOR: Yes yes,I know Maskman!

MARIE: What are you doing, Maskman?

MASKMAN: l'm sleeping, Marie. Goodnight.

1102 剑桥国际少儿英语2 Unit8文本

Unit 8 My town

1. Listen and point.

Suzy: This is a long street, grandpa.

Grandpa: Yes, it is. It’s a big city. Can you see me flat? Suzy: No. Where is i t?

Grandpa: It’s over there, next to the park. It’s the with the green windows.

Suzy: Oh, yes. What’s this over here, next to the toy shop. Grandpa: That’s a hospital.

Suzy: Ooh, look! There’s a shoe shop! Look at those beautiful red shoes, gr andpa. Grandpa: What…? Oh, yes.

Suzy: The shoe shop’s next to the café, Grandpa. Grandpa: Good idea. Let’s go to the café for a drink. Suzy: No, grandpa. Let’s go to the shoe shop fo r my new red shoes.

Grandpa: Oh, sorry…Yes…Of course.

2. Listen, point and repeat.

park shop street hospital café flat

5. Listen and ponit.

Narrator: Mr Star is playing his guitar at Simon and Stella’s school. Simon’s sitting between Stella and Suzy, and Mrs Star’s sitting next to Suzy. Lenny’s sitting in front of Mrs Star, and

Lenny’s mum’s sitting between Lenny and his dad. Grandpa and Grandma Star are sitting behind Simon and Suzy. Everybody is very happy, but Suzy isn’t. Stella: I love music.

Mrs Star: So do I. Suzy: Mum, I can’t see. Mrs Star: Shh, Suzy. Be quiet. Suzy: But, I can’t see. Lenny’s mum’s in front of me. Grandma: Shh, Suzy. Be quiet. I can’t hear if you’re talking. Suzy: Can I sit with Stella, please? Mr s Star: Well, all right, but be quiet. Suzy: Yes, mum. Thanks.

Suzy: Oh, this is good. Now I can see.

Stella: Huh! You can see, but I can’t, Mum!


7.Listen and point. Sing.

Put two books on the table,

Put two books on the table.

Put a pencil between the books,

Put a pencil between the books

Put a pencil behind your head,

Put a pencil behind your head.

Put a book in front ofyour nose, Put a book in front of your nose. Put a book under your chair,

Put a book under your chair

Put a pencil behind your ear,

Put a pencil behind your ear

Put two books on your head,

Put two books on your head.

Put them all back on the table,

And now, now, sit down.

9.Say it with Monty

MONTY: Ollie octopus

MONTY, BOY AND GIRL: Ollie octopus

MONTY: The clock's on an orange box in Tom's shop.

MONTY BOYAND GIRL: The clock's on an orange box in Tom's shop


剑桥国际少儿英语KB2 第一单元文本 Unit 1 Hello again! 1.Listen and point. Stella: Hello again! We’re the Star Family. I’m Stella Star and I’m eight. This is my brother, Simon. He’s seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She’s four. Simon: This is my grandmother. She’s grandma Star. Grandma: Hello. Simon: This is my grandfather. He’s grandpa Star. Simon: Grandpa, say hello. Grandpa: Oh! Hello, everybody. Mrs Star: And we’re Mr and Mrs Star. Simon: What’s your name? How old are you. 2.Listen, point and repeat. Stella Simon Suzy Mr Star Mrs star Grandma Star Grandpa Star 3.Listen and answer. Trevor: Hello! I’m Trevor. Look at number four. Who’s he?

Look at number one. Who’s she? Look at number eight. Who’s he? Look at number three. Who’s she? Look at number six. Who’s she? Look at number two. Who’s he? Look at number nine. Who’s she? Look at number ten. Who’s he? Look at number five. Who’s she? Look at number seven. Who’s he? (Answer: 4 Mr star, 1 Suzy, 8 Monty, 3 Stella, 6 Grandma Star, 2 Simon, 9 Marie, 10 Maskman, 5 Mrs Star, 7 Grandpa Star)


剑桥少儿英语二级第一集hospital 医院['h?spitl] cinema电影院['sinim?] library 图书馆['laibr?ri] market交易; 市集; 需求[?mɑ:k?t] zoo 动物园[zu:] park 公园[pɑ:k] shop 商店 [??p] supermarket超级市场[?su:p?mɑ:k?t] farm农场[fɑ:m] all全部,都[?:l] weekend 周末['wi:kend] 剑桥少儿英语二级第二集 Weather天气[?wee?(r)] sunny 晴朗的['s?ni] fine好的,上等的[fa?n] rain 雨;下雨[rein] rainy下雨的,多雨的 [?re?ni] windy有风的 [?w?ndi] cloud 云[klaud] cloudy多云的; 阴天的[?kla?di] snow积雪; 雪 [sn??]

snowy 下雪的['sn?ui] cold 寒冷的[k?uld] hot热的[h?t] about 关于;大约['?baut] outside外面;在外面; 向外面 [?a?t?sa?d] rainbow彩虹[?re?nb??] shout大叫; 呐喊; 大叫着说 [?a?t] 剑桥少儿英语二级第三集 ours 我们的['au?z] mine我的[main] yours你的,你们的[ju?z] theirs他(她,它)们的[e??z] pet宠物; 宠儿[pet] video录像机,收音机[?v?di??] comic连环图画,喜剧的['k?mik] scarf 领巾[skɑ:f] flat平的; 单调的; [fl?t] village村民; 乡村,村庄[?v?l?d?] come 来; 出现[k?m] need需要; 必须[ni:d] best 最;极[best] cd唱片,光盘[?si: ?di:]

剑桥国际少儿英语1册1 12单元文本

xx国际少儿英语1第一单元文本 Unit 1 Hello! 1. Listen and point. Mrs Star: Hello. I'm Mrs Star. Mr Star: Hello. I'm Mr Star. Stella: Hello. I'm Stella Star. This is Marie. Simon: Hello. I'm Simon Star. This is Maskman. Suzy: Hello. I'm Suzy Star. This is Monty. Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye. Monty: Hello. I'm Monty. What's your name? 2. Listen, point and repeat. Mrs star Mr Star Stella Simon Suzy Listen and do the actions. 3. Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Marie: Hello. I'm Marie. What's your name? Maskman: Maskman. What's your name?Monty: Monty. / 157

All: Goodbye. 4. Say the chant. One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine and ten. 5. Listen and point. Stella: Hello. Meera. Meera: Hello, Stella. Hello. What's your name? Suzy: Suzy. Meera: How old are you? Suzy: I'm three. Simon: How old are you, Meera? Meera: I'm eight, and you? Simon: I'm six. 6. Listen, point and repeat. Simon: Hello. I'm Simon. I'm six. Meera: Hello. I'm Marie. I'm eight. Suzy: Hello. I'm Suzy. I'm three. Stella: Hello. I'm Stella. I'm seven. 7. Sing the song. Red and yellow and pink and green, Orange and purple and blue.

新版剑桥少儿英语二级上册教案 (1)

Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands 通过本学习本单元,学生能用英语简单介绍自己的朋友学习和掌握本单元的重点句型 综合复习一下以前学过的词汇 交际用语 Expressions in communication I’ve got many new friends. They are so lovely. Maybe I can meet her tomorrow. I like to play with toys. My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.” My English name is“Ann.” Please give it to me. Can I help you with the bag? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions

Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden 所需教具 Materials for teaching 几个男生和几个女生照片或图片 每个同学需要带自己的照片 已学过的分类图片 书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品 教学步骤Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师热情得和学生们打招呼,并主动带领学生认识班上的新同学,鼓励新同学融入到集体中,全班同学互相介绍与认识。同时鼓励学生定出新学期的学习目标,制定好每天的学习计划,注意把握时间。 Presentation 上课时,教师首先欢迎学生继续选学剑桥少儿英语的课程。教师说:“First of all, I would like to say‘welcome’to all of you. Welcome you back to school. I’m sure you can learn more things this semester. And I hope you enjoy learning English.”接着,教师说:“This semester we’ve got some new friends.”教师有意


剑桥国际少儿英语K B 课文 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

剑桥少儿国际KB3课文 Unit 1 Family matters! STELLA: : Hi, everyone. This is my project. Here’s my family tree. These are my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Star. And look, here are Grandma and Grandpa Star. They’re my grandparents and they’ve got two children: a son and a daughter. Their son’s my dad and their daughter’s my Aunt May. I’ve got one aunt and one uncle: Aunt May and Uncle Fred. Aunt May’s my dad’s sis ter. Uncle Fred’s my mum’s brother. Grandma and Grandpa Star have got three grandchildren: one grandson, Simon, and two granddaughters, Suzy and me. Unit 2 Home sweet home house in the country to a flat in the town. ALEX: : Do you like living in the country? MEERA: : I love the country. At the moment I live in a small village. It’s quiet and there are a lot of trees. LENNY: : Has your house got a basement under the floor?


剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级上册教案Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过本学习本单元,学生能用英语简单介绍自己的朋友 , 学习和掌握本单元的重点句型 , 综合复习一下以前学过的词汇 交际用语 Expressions in communication , I’ve got many new friends. , They are so lovely. , Maybe I can meet her tomorrow. , I like to play with toys. , My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.” , My English name is“Ann.” , Please give it to me. , Can I help you with the bag? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 几个男生和几个女生照片或图片 , 每个同学需要带自己的照片 , 已学过的分类图片

, 书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师热情得和学生们打招呼,并主动带领学生认识班上的新同学,鼓励新同学融入到 集体中,全班同学互相介绍与认识。同时鼓励学生定出新学期的学习目标,制定好每天的学 习计划,注意把握时间。 Presentation 上课时,教师首先欢迎学生继续选学剑桥少儿英语的课程。教师说:“First of all, I would like to say‘welcome’to all of you. Welcome you back to school. I’m sure you can learn more things this semester. And I hope you enjoy learning English.”接着,教师说:“This semester we’ve got some new friends.”教师有意识地介绍一两个新同学,比如说:“This is Li Ming. He is eight years old. He likes to play football and he is very good at learning maths. He likes to play soccer, too.”介绍完了之后,教师可以对学生说:“Now I want you to work in groups and introduce yourself to your friends. You are going to tell your friends the following things: name (English and Chinese name) , age, hobby, and where do you study?”学生依次在小组 里做一个介绍,让大家相互了解。介绍完之后,教师说:“We have six new friends today. Who can tell us something


剑桥少儿国际KB3课文(Unit 5-8) Unit 5 Fit and well AUNT MAY: Good morning. How are you today, Stella STELLA: Oh, I’m not very well. I’ve got a cold. AUNT MAY: And you’ve got a cough. Have you got a headache STELLA: Oh, yes. My head hurts a lot, and I’m very hot. AUNT MAY: OK. Put this under your arm. Oh, yes. 39 degrees. You’ve got a temperature. So you must drink lots of water and orange juice. Now, what’s the matter with you, Simon SIMON: M y stomach hurts a lot. I don’t want to eat. AUNT MAY: Have you got a toothache SIMON: No. -ache. Well, AUNT MAY: I see, so … you’ve got a stomach go to bed and don’t eat any cake, sweets or chocolate today. SIMON: O h, I think I’m OK now. Can I go and play AUNT MAY: Hmm … Unit 6 A day in the country MR STAR: Look at this map of the countryside. Let’s go there for a picnic on Sunday.


(完整版)剑桥国际少儿英语 2 第二册文本

剑桥国际少儿英语KB2 第一单元文本 Unit 1 Hello again! 1. Listen and point. Stella:Hello again! We' re the Star Family. I 'm Stella Star and I 'm eight. This is my br other, Simon. He's seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She 's four. Simon: This is my grandmother. She 's grandma Star. Grandma: Hello. Simon: This is my grandfather. He 's grandpa Star. Simon: Grandpa, say hello. Grandpa: Oh! Hello, everybody Mrs Star: And we' re Mr and Mrs Star. Simon: What 's your name? How old are you. 2. Listen, point and repeat. Stella Simon Suzy Mr Star Mrs star Grandma Star Grandpa Star Listen and answer. Trevor: Hello! I 'm Trevor. Look at number four. Who's he? Look at number one. Who's she? Look at number eight. Who's he? Look at number three. Who's she? Look at number six. Who's she? Look at number two. Who's he? Look at number nine. Who's she? Look at number ten. Who 's he?


剑桥少儿国际KB3课文 Unit 1 Family matters! 2.Listen and check. STELLA: Hi, everyone. This is my project. Here family tree.’Thesemy are my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Star. And look, here are Grandma and Grandpa Star. They ’ re my grandparents and theygot two ’ ve children: a son and a daughter.Their son ’ s my dad and their daughter ’ s Auntmy May. I ’ ve got one aunt and one uncle: Aunt May and Uncle Fred. Aunt May ’ s sistermydad.Uncle’s Fred ’ s my mum’ s brother.Grandma and Grandpa Star have got three grandchildren: one grandson, Simon, and two granddaughters, Suzy and me. Unit 2 Home sweet home house in the country to a flat in the town. ALEX: Do you like living in the country? MEERA: LENNY: I love the country. At the moment I live in a small village. It quiet and there are a lot of trees. Has your house got a basement under the floor? ’ s MEERA: ALEX: Yes, it ’ s full of boxes and old toys. And what about your new flat? MEERA: Well, it hasn ’ t got a basement or a garden, butit ’ s got a


剑桥国际少儿英语KB2 第一单元文本 Unit 1 Hello again! 1.Listen and point. Stella:Hello again! We're the Star Family. I'm Stella Star and I'm eight. This is my brother, Simon. He's seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She's four. Simon: This is my grandmother. She's grandma Star. Grandma: Hello. Simon: This is my grandfather. He's grandpa Star. Simon: Grandpa, say hello. Grandpa: Oh! Hello, everybody Mrs Star: And we're Mr and Mrs Star. Simon: What's your name? How old are you. 2. Listen, point and repeat. Stella Simon Suzy Mr Star Mrs star Grandma Star Grandpa Star Listen and answer. Trevor: Hello! I'm Trevor. Look at number four. Who's he? Look at number one. Who's she?

Look at number eight. Who's he? Look at number three. Who's she? Look at number six. Who's she? Look at number two. Who's he? she? Who's Look at number nine. Look at number ten. Who's he? Look at number five. Who's she? Look at number seven. Who's he? (Answer: 4 Mr star, 1 Suzy, 8 Monty, 3 Stella, 6 Grandma Star, 2 Simon, 9 Marie, 10 Maskman, 5 Mrs Star, 7 Grandpa Star) 剑桥国际少儿英语 Unit2Back to school! 1. Listen and point. Stella: Hello, Alex! Hello, Lenny! How are you? Alex and Lenny: Fine,thanks. Merra: Is this your classroom,Simon? Simon: Yes. Merra:Who's that on the board?

剑桥国际少儿英语二级 单元教案


Unit1 Hello again 第一课时Lesson 1 本课目标: 1、复习如何问候和自我介绍; 重点语言:what’s your name How old are you 准备材料:PB, AB, P, EB, CD 1、Greeting; 2、教师自我介绍,认识新同学; My name is Mandy. What’s your name (将问题列在黑板上)全班接龙问答; I am 28. How old are you (将问题列在黑板上)用同样的方法接龙来问答;认读句子,跟读; 3、请学生分享第1部分,what can you see Who can you see

将star 一家的名字列在黑板上认读; 练习:跟读,接龙读,踩地雷,拍单词 4、听CD第1、2部分;(三遍) 5、书写练习:人名和句子。 6、结束本课。 7、作业:完成作业单,并能认读作业单上的句子和单词; 第二课时Lesson 2 本课目标: 1、继续复习问候语; 2、能熟练运用句型Who’s he/she He/she is…并能进行熟练问答; 重点语言:Who’s he/she He/she is…Star 一家的名字 准备材料:PB, AB, P, EB, CD, 1、Greeting; 2、教师书写上节课的句子和人名,提问学生认读;再书写几个大写或者小写字母,请学生写出它们的大小写或者前后相邻字母; 3、请学生观察第3部分图片,能看到什么邀请一位同学读一下Trevor的话,教师将最后一个句子who’s he He is Mr Star.列在黑板上.教师继续模仿句型来提问who’s he/who’s she 完成图片上所有人物的问答; 4、教师在班级走动,将所有同学的名字都提问一遍; 5、听CD; 6、练习书写; 7、结束本课。


小桔灯英语2019暑假剑桥二级下阶段测试三 姓名:得分: 一、听录音连线(共10分) 二、听录音,给下列句子排出正确的顺序。(共10分) ()What’s the matter with you ? ()I can see with my eyes. ()I like going swimming . ()Why do you want to go shopping now?. ()Do you like to go bike riding? 三、听录音,选择合适的答案。(共10分) ()1. A. I’ve got many new friend B. I’ve got a puppy C. I’ve got many pens in my pencil-case ()2. A. I like dogs B. I like swimming C. I like to read picture books ()3. A. Yes, I’d like to B. Yes, I do C. No, I don’t ()4. A. I am a boy B. I’ve got a headache C. No, I am not ()5. A. It’s a rainbow B. It’s sunny today C. It’s Sunday 四、根据例子改写单词。(8分) wind——(windy ) rain—()cloud—()sun—()snow——()五.根据基数词选出序数词。(12分) one——-()two——----()three——()nine——()twelve——-()twenty——()


剑桥国际少儿英语2级测试题 Listening(听力) 一、Listen and circle the words.(10) ( ) 1. A. robot B. ruler C. pad ( ) 2. A. pink B. purple C. red ( ) 3. A. book B. watch C. ball ( ) 4. A. jacket B. skirt C. shoes ( ) 5. A. apple B. egg C. gum 二、Listen and match(15) 1. What’s this? There are 10 desks. 2. How many desks are there? I’m Li Ming. 3. Where’s the ruler? It’s the letter Bb. 4. Whose is this jacket? On the desk. 5. What’s your name? It’s John’s. 三、Listen and write down the words.(10) 1. I can see the ________. 2. Would you like some ________? 3. This is my ________. 4. Which ________ is yours? 5. ________! I’m riding a bike. 四. Listen and colour.(6) Writing(笔试) 一.Choose the right answer.(15) ( ) 1. Where is the phone? A. It’s mine. B. On the desk. C. It’s blue. ( ) 2. Whose is this jacket? A .Blue B .There are 3. C. It’s John’s.

剑桥国际少儿英语课文原文U Hello

Unit 1 Hello! 你好 ●重点语言 词汇:red(红色),yellow(黄色), pink(粉红色), green(绿色), orange(橙色), purple(紫色), blue(蓝色), monster(怪物), rainbow(彩虹), and(和), Sid snake,(Sid 的蛇)数字1-10 句型:Hello, I’m…. Goodbye. What’s your name? How old are you? What colour’s…? It’s …. 发音:/s/ ●学习内容 情景对话: 1.Listen and point. Hello, I’m Mrs Star. Hello, I’m Mr Star. Hello, I’m Stella Star. This is Marie. Hello, I’m Simon Star. This is Maskman. Hello, I’m Suzy Star. This is Monty. Goodbye. Hello, I’m Monty. What’s your name? 2.Listen and point. Hello, Meera. Hello, Stella. Hello. What’s your name? Suzy. How old are you? I’m three. How old are you, Meera? I‘m eight, and you? I’m six. 歌谣: Say the chant. One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine and ten. 歌曲: Sing the song. Red and yellow and pink and green. Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow to you. 语音: Say it with Monty. Sid snake Sid snake Stella, Suzy, Simon, star Stella, Suzy, Simon, star 故事: Listen to the story. Toys in the toy box, Come alive. Walk and talk, On the count of five. One, two, three, four, five. Hello, Marie. Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here. Listen to my chant, Marie. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10. Very good, Maskman. Yes, good. Listen! Look! What….? Aaaagghh! A blue monser! No, Maskman. It’s a ….. Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie. Goodbye, Mskman. Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you. Hello, Marie. Hello, Monty. Look, a blue pencil. Yes, a blue pencil.


剑桥国际少儿英语1第一单元文本 Unit 1 Hello! 1.Listen and point. Mrs Star:Hello. I’m Mrs Star. Mr Star:Hello. I’m Mr Star. Stella:Hello. I’m Stella Star. This is Marie. Simon:Hello. I’m Simon Star. This is Maskman. Suzy:Hello. I’m Suzy Star. This is Monty. Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye. Monty:Hello. I’m Monty. What’s your name? 2.Listen, point and repeat. Mrs star Mr Star Stella Simon Suzy 3.Listen and do the actions. Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Marie: Hello. I’m Marie. What’s your name? Maskman: Maskman. What’s your name? Monty: Monty. All: Goodbye. 4.Say the chant. One, two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine and ten. 5.Listen and point. Stella: Hello. Meera. Meera:Hello, Stella. Hello. What’s your name?

剑桥国际少儿英语第2级 第1 12单元文本

实用标准文档 文案大全剑桥国际少儿英语KB2 第一单元文本 Unit 1 Hello again! 1.Listen and point. Stella:Hello again! We're the Star Family. I'm Stella Star and I'm eight. This is my brother, Simon. He's seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She's four. Simon: This is my grandmother. She's grandma Star. Grandma: Hello. Simon:This is my grandfather. He's grandpa Star. Simon: Grandpa, say hello. Grandpa:Oh! Hello, everybody. Mrs Star:And we're Mr and Mrs Star. Simon:What's your name? How old are you. 2.Listen, point and repeat. Stella Simon Suzy Mr Star Mrs star Grandma Star Grandpa Star 3.Listen and answer. 实用标准文档 文案大全Trevor: Hello! I'm Trevor. Look at number four.

Who's he? Look at number one. Who's she? Look at number eight. Who's he? Look at number three. Who's she? Look at number six. Who's she? Look at number two. Who's he? Look at number nine. Who's she? Look at number ten. Who's he? Look at number five. Who's she? Look at number seven. Who's he? (Answer:4 Mr star, 1 Suzy, 8 Monty, 3 Stella, 6 Grandma Star, 2 Simon, 9 Marie, 10 Maskman, 5 Mrs Star, 7 Grandpa Star) 剑桥国际少儿英语2 Unit2文本 Unit 1 Back to school! 1.Listen and point. Stella: Hello, Alex! Hello, Lenny! How are you? Alex and Lenny: Fine,thanks. Merra: Is this your classroom,Simon? 实用标准文档 文案大全Simon: Yes. Merra: Who's that on the board? Simon: That's my favourite toy, Maskman. Look at my Maskman ruler. Lenny:That's nice. My ruler's on my desk. Stella: Are


剑桥少儿英语二级考试攻略 剑桥少儿英语二级考试技巧及备考方法 1.准备三支铅笔、干净橡皮、直尺、十二色水彩笔(色正、水足)。建议使用铅笔做答,保证卷面整洁; 2.提前30分钟进入考场,保证良好的考试状态,把考试当作一次模拟练习,争取最好成绩; 3.抓住两遍听力,第一遍认真听做,第二遍确认或更正;同时,应带着问题听录音,并巧用例题example; 4.书写需规范、勿连笔,注意人名、地名的首字母大写,数字可用阿拉伯数字填写,学会通过重音来区分单词(thirteen/thirty); 5.阅读句子和文章时要找到主干,可圈画出重点单词或句型,如: What did she do last night? She watched TV. 此外,当需要从文中摘抄单词时,需小心仔细,通过上下文及关键词汇判断所选单词或短句是否正确; 6.读写部分要检查,看看是否漏题,是否画蛇添足,要注意:名词单复数、大小写、时态,动词三单等; 7.口试时要主动问好,如:Hello, Good-bye, Thank you.等,在自己没有把握或没有听清时,用pardon再次询问,二级口语要用完整句子来回答,如:Yes, I am. Yes, I do. Cherry is my best friend. 等。同时,回答时可以借助表情及手势来辅助回答,如:This is a cat. But that is a dog.用手指一指左图的猫和右图的狗。 剑桥少儿英语二级语法六大金钢

1.掌握名词复数的不规则变化,如:man-men, woman-women, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese, leaf-leaves, shelf–shelves, mouse-mice, person-people, fish-fish, deer-deer, sheep-sheep等; 2.掌握形容词的比较级和最高级,注意特殊变化,如:good-better-best, well-better-best, bad-worse-worst, many-more-most, much-more-most等; 3.掌握代词的用法,按“主格代词、宾格代词、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词”顺序记牢,I-me-my-mine-myself, you-you-your-yours-yourself/yourselves, he-him-his-his-himself, she-her-her-hers-herself, it-it-its-its-itself, we-us-our-ours-ourselves, they-them-their-theirs-themselves. 4.掌握There be句型,并与表示以人做主语的have区分,注意There be的be要随着名词单、复数形式以及时态的不同而变化,此外,There be句型还要符合就近原则,如:There is a helicopter and motorbike. 5.掌握一般现在时的单数第三人称,注意在疑问句和否定句中,does或doesn’t后面的行为动词要用原形,如:Does your fath er work in a store? No, he doesn’t work in a store. 6.掌握一般过去时,注意二级考试中不规则变化动词共有55个(注意:become-became, bring-brought, choose-chose, fly-flew, leave-left, meet-met, stand-stood, wake-woke, wear-wore 等),同时,应结合表过去的时间状语,如:yesterday, last weekend等,反复操练。 名师点睛 Part 3 Read the text and choose the best answers

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