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四. 找小伙伴练习










托福口语考试的话题则主要落在我们学习生活上,分为6 tasks,即一共就6个题目。这6个题目简单来说分为两大类,第一大类independent tasks独立口语,task 1、2指的就是独立口语,给你一道题目让你准备一下就直接说出你的答案就可以了,考到

的都是你熟悉的话题familiar topics;第二大类integrated tasks综合口语,会给你多一些材料例如阅读、听力材料。让你根据你所看到的、听到的去做一些总结、转述以及自身想法的表述,所以考到的是我们的综合能力,包括我们的阅读能力、听力能力、记笔记能力、概括能力包括最重要的英语语言表述能力。如果再把integrated tasks细分也可以分为task 3、5一类,表述的主要是关于校园场景campus situation,tasks 4、6一类,围绕的较有难度的学术话题academic topics,这也是咱们托福口语成绩单中的分类方法。那另外一种分类方法,就是按照形式来分,task 3、4一类,因为他们又有阅读又有听力;而task 5、6只有一篇听力材料。

而雅思口语考试主要以对话沟通为主,我们是要跟考官进行一对一的互动对话的。其中涉及到的话题包括我们日常生活的方方面面。主要可以分为三大部分,即我们所说的3 parts。part 1是对我们较为熟悉的话题进行双向的交流,主要他问你答。part 2则会稍微难一点,会根据其给定的任务卡准备一分钟时间然后就进行两分钟的个人陈述,在这里是没有和考官的互动的,是你单方面的陈述。最后在part 3会针对part 2处较难的话题较为抽象的话题进行双向讨论,所以在这一环节还是他问你答。



托福口语万能例子|托福口语万能套用例子 环保 There’s no trees, no grass in my community. It's very bare. So I have decided to give several hours each month to plant trees and grass in my community. After several years, there will be a lot of trees and grass in my community. It's very charming environment. You can imagine how comfortable it can be, just relax yourself on the grass, when sun is setting down and birds in the trees are singing. Second, Air pollution and noisy pollution are serious in my community. Planting trees and grass can reduce pollution. 健康运动: Doing exercise every day is helpful to students' health. I think health will go with us for a long life if we insist on exercising everyday. It is helpful for us to focus the energy on study and work. Second, doing exercise is the best way to relax. It helps us to reduce stress and release tension. 听音乐: Music is also the best way to help me escape stress and trouble. You know, stress is the biggest enemy of the health. Music can bring me lots of pleasure and turn my blue mood to a bright one. When I am listening music, I can forget all the difficulties of stress life. 合作与交流: To succeed in the world, we should cooperate with others. The ability and the knowledge of one person are limited. How to cooperate with others is important to our success. 增长知识和扩大视野: It may be helpful to increase our knowledge and widen our views. 减少压力: The games can also reduce the stress and pressure of the adults. Great pressure may cause lots of illness, for example, high blood pressure, physiological problem, and so on.Through the game, the adults can feel easy and happy. 发展能力:Playing games can be helpful to develop some skills, such as how to cooperate with partners, how to get along with others and so on. All of the skills are


托福口语Task1四类话题整合及思路整理 托福口语当中,task 1,2作为independent tasks,是很多考生比较头疼的问题。虽然它相较于后面的integrated tasks来说形式简单,给你一句话的题目直接说出你的思路即可,但是它所涉及到的知识面是非常广泛的,甚至会涉及到我们之前完全没有思考过的领域,甚至是不熟悉的领域。这就要求着我们在复习的时候对于不同话题的思路整理,包括相似话题的整合、以及陌生话题的思路扩展。 Task 1无非就是让我们描述一个与我们生活息息相关的一些事物,我们较为常见的一些话题可以简单来说归纳为四个字母——“OPPE”,及O(object), P(person), P(place), E(event)。 一、object类话题 根据以往常出的题目总结来看,object往往可以分为tangible object(有形物体)以及intangible object(无形无体)。 Tangible object,顾名思义我们能够看得见摸得着的实物,除了一些比较常规的special gift,meaning object之外,还包括出题者最爱考的一些关于book类的话题,即让我们描述最喜欢看的、或是读过的最有意义的一本书。另外,较为常见的一些题目还包括描述a song, a film, a painting, a photograph等题目。在这样的题目当中,很多同学因为不知道要说什么或是不熟悉这样的事物导致完全说不出或是表述不流利,结结巴巴说不到重点。在遇到此类题目,一个比较简单的思路就是不要纠结于一些大家都要知道的名著,我们完全可以从自己比较熟悉的一些话题展开,如自己画的第一幅全家福。另外,尽量避免每个人都在讲的一些话题,比如大部分人都在说《Harry Potter》,那我们如果换成《How to win friends》会不会好很多呢?一定不要给自己挖坑,怎么便于表述怎么来。 至于intangible object,较为常考的有让我们去描述positive invention,favorite subject,important characteristic等话题。在这里还是一样,就我们容易表述的说,每个想法列出两个关键词,再去展开就可以了,在这里表述以简单易懂为主,千万不要说一些高深曲折的大道理。掌握了这些素材之后,object类题目就没问题了。所以建议在考试之前,先把所有可能会考到的题目先过一遍,想到要说什么就已经成功了一半了。 二、person类话题 Person类话题在task 1的考试中形式不多,总结起来无非两类人,一种是我们比较熟悉的在我们身边的人,例如family member, best friend, favorite teacher, an old person you respect 等,由于这些都是我们较为熟悉的,所以比较容易想到,在表述的时候也较为简单。相对来说会有一定难度的就是第二类人——famous person名人了。在task 1,它有可能让你去描述一位你钦佩、喜欢或是想见面的名人,甚至给你规定一定领域。这是如果碰到一些不关注这一领域的就不太好说了。比如一些女生平时对体育不感兴趣,但考试的时候让你去描述一个你最喜欢的足球选手,那可能一下子就懵圈了。但是遇到这样的题目也不用怕,在我们备考时完全可以提前准备好相关素材,在考试的时候也不是任何领域都会考我们,常见的也就actor/actress, singer, spotsman, business man, leader这几类,所以就算我们不喜欢不感兴趣,只要我每个领域都想出来一个人就完全没有问题啦。 在这里给到两个我们凡事涉及到人都非常通用的一些素材思路,一是表述ta在专业领域上的卓越表现。比如ta是歌手,我们说ta歌唱得好,是演员我们说ta演技精湛,是商人我们说ta把公司


托福口语万能模板 为了让同学们在短期内可以快速有效地提高托福口语水平,天道小编特为大家搜集整理了一些比较常用、比较简单的托福口语模板,希望对大家复习托福口语备考有所帮助。 Q1 Personally, I would like to say that my favorite is … And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that… What’s more… So that’s why Q2 Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that… The first reason I want to say is that… More importantly… So, that’s why I choose… for the two reasons listed above Personally speaking, I prefer… for several reasons. I think …is more appropriate for… for several reasons. Firstly, … Besides, in my experience Bur probably the most important reason for my preference is that… In a word, that’s the reason of my preference./ that’s why my preference is… I think it is important to … For one thing, …. By doing… Another thing is the advantage of… As for… I agree that, but unless…, … Q3 The school has implemented a new policy that… due to… And the woman/man holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that… And the second one is based on the fact that…


万能理由 new experiences and increased knowledge 拓展知识 Virtue &Personality 品德,性格 experienced, veteran, weathered, sophisticated, capable of doing, competent, bright, intelligent, ingenious, cooperative, collaborative, team-spirited, persevere, perseverance, persevering, persist, persistent, aggressive, ambitious, enterprising, hard-work, diligent, industrious, self-reliant, independent, responsible, tolerance, tolerant considerate, considerable, thoughtful, optimistic, optimism, pessimistic, modest, courageous, gallant Nation Civilization 国家文明 Civilization, culture, advancement, progress, promotion, public good/interest, charity, volunteer, pass civilization down from one generation to another, popularize 放松 Firstly, people pay more attention to relaxation from pressure. Undoubtedly, people nowadays undergo a great deal of pressure that comes from various directions, including work, school, and so forth. Pressure is detrimental rather than instrumental and has been one of the biggest enemies .It hurts our health, personality, and relationship with others. Statistical report from a research institute proved that it is hard to find an ailment that cannot trace in some way to pressure. To keep healthy and work efficiently, an increasing proportion of people pursue all kinds of ways to escape pressure, including taking a short or long vacation, having a party with friends at weekend, or traveling to other countries. What’s more, television and music also help relax us. Therefore, escaping pressure is the foremost reason why we are living longer now. Happiness & Emotion 幸福&情感 Passion, interest, sentiment, affection, friendship, fondness, dislikes personal preference 锻炼 Secondly, exercise is also instrumental to our health and leads to our longer lives. Nowadays, you can see people here and there, in the morning or at evening, on the weekdays or weekend. You also can find the gym is filled with a vast majority of citizens every day. Tests have shown that a 15-minute exercise is more beneficial than most medicines on the market. Individuals have come to realize the importance of exercise. For instance, when I was a student in the university, I used to run every morning and play tennis after class. As a proverb says, “wealth is nothing without health”. A good health promises a bright future. Hence, exercise is the second important reason why we are living longer. Health & Safety 健康和安全 physical condition,Keep fit,diet,energetic,vigorous,relax,relieve, refresh,sporting/fitness activity,do morning/eye exercise,property,possession,belongings

新托福口语黄金80题万能理由之五:get emotional ...

新托福口语黄金80题 万能理由之五:Let’s get emotional… 我们先来看下上期的答案: (第36题Do you prefer to do your school assignments alone or in a group? Doing school assignments with a group is much better than doing them alone It is more interesting ?doing assignments alone is very bor ing ?exchanging ideas and feelings is full of fun ?it also enhances your relationships with peers 点评:中国古话说的好,“独乐乐不如众乐乐”。当题目里面出现“一和多”的对立时,我们一般总是选择“多”,而其中的一个强大理由就是full of fun或more interesting. (第42题Would you like to attend class regularly or study by oneself? I think attending class regularly is much better than self-studies Interacting with people is fun ?can often have interesting discussions ?have frequent face to face communication ?make friends with classmates or even professors 点评:该题的出题和解答思路跟上题完全一样,仍旧是选择“多”的模式,在分支理由中加入了face to face communication和make friends等思路。 (第60题Describe the favorite room in your home. The living room of my home is my favorite as there is a big TV screen


托福黄金口语80题 十大万能理由 在这里,小站为您从托福80道真题中,精心挑选和梳理了十个万能话题理由,其中囊括了几乎所有常规题和部分另类题。考生如果掌握了这串十个万能理由的钥匙,就如同拥有了打开任意门的钥匙,使你通往一扇又一扇高分的大门。 让我们启程吧。 key 1 Expand one’s horizons Money, finance & economy Learn, learn, learn Let’s get emo-tional Relax, enjoy & have fun! Communi -cation Efficient Health & wealth Trait & characte-ristic Interest

Expand one’s horizons 作为万能理由的第一条,expand one’s horizons 绝对是不二之选。究其本意,单数的horizon 是“地平线、海平线”的意思,但复数的horizons 却指人们的“眼界、视野”,其英文注释为: the limit of your ideas, knowledge and experience. 略举一例:World history is a course of study that will broaden your horizons. 先看一个具体话题:(第10题)Should the government help to build more museums and theaters?下面以表格的形式给出其中一条主干理由:enrich citizens’ cultural life(丰富公民的文化生活) 再来看一个抽象话题:(第3题)Describe the most important decision in your life. 面对此类抽象话题,最佳策略是将其具体化,变成一个日常生活话题,然后套用我们的万能理由。 请看思路:I think I made the most important decision of my life by choosing to go to an overseas university after graduation from high school in China.而其中的一条主干理由就是:it will broaden my horizons. 参见下表: 作为主干理由的broaden my horizons,之下又有made friends, travelled a lot, visited various museums等三条分支理由,思路极易展开。


托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分 享 托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分享, 综合独立题型都能用,今天给大家带来了托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分享 综合独立题型都能用,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语科技类话题5个万能理由分享综合独立题型都能用 托福口语科技类话题万能理由分享 1、convenient 人类世界的大部分发明 2、efficiency 科技发明也让我们的生活变得更加便利,比如以前人类想要获得知识需要查很多很多的书籍,但是现在只要在网络上一搜索就可以找到自己想要的答案。科技确实让我们的学习和工作变得更加高效,便利。 3、健康

健康可以分为身体健康和精神健康。任何新事物的出现都是一把双刃剑,有好的地方就一定会有坏的地方。科技的发明在提高人类的工作效率的同时,也对人们的健康造成了一定的影响. 4、personal relationship 科技最终要在人类的世界中应用,只要有人,就会有人际关系,科技在实际生活中也会影响人与人之间的关系 5、money 钱涵盖了我们生活中的方方面面,科技产品的出现也不例外。如果想要使用科技产品,首先需要购买,而且科技产品的出现也促使了很多物品进行价格的调整。 托福口语:还在很土的用I think表达“我认为”? I maintain/suppose/presume that 除了think这种老旧的说法,我们可以用 maintain/suppose/presume 这几个词来替换。这些词都比think、believe 要高大上、听上去有质感,比如: I presume the director has already heard the news. 我觉得主管已经知道这件事了吧。 I maintain that all workers should be treated eqaully.


万能理由整理 1. 便宜 It’s cheap and economical. It can help me save a lot of money to buy books or to travel with my friend Jane. Specifically, it only costs______Yuan to_________. However , if I want to________, it will cost me at least_____Yuan. I hate squandering, so I think it is awesome. 2.省时 It is convenient and I would be able to save tons of time. Specifically, it takes me only_____minutes to_______. However, if I’d like to______, I will spend at least_____hours. I think spending the time saved on reading books on history or chemistry/doing exercises is considered to be the better way for me to relax/learn more knowledge. 3.交朋友 I can make more friends in different background/from different cities/countries such as Japan, Canada and America/with the same interest. We could have pleasant conversation not only about the academic information such as history, biology and economics, but also about the international events. And I can also learn some useful interpersonal skills or personality such as honesty and persistence 4.好环境 The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers and hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face. 5.减压

托福独立口语万能理由梳理 拿不到高分算我输(一)

托福独立口语万能理由梳理拿不到高分算我输(一) 在托福独立口语部分很多童鞋经常会出现面对考题抓狂沉默的窘境,要么就是没有思路不知道该说点啥,要么就是有了思路却不知如何说,其实,不管是哪一种情况导致我们在考试时“开不了口”,我们都可以通过日常素材积累循序渐进实现托福口语提分。针对于托福独立口语的论证铺陈部分,我们给大家梳理了一些万能理由,大家可以在备考过程中先熟悉再多加应用训练应用,托福实考时才能真正做到心中有数。 1. 便宜 It’s cheap and economical. It can help me save a lot of money to buy books or to travel with my friend Jane. Specifically, it only costs______Yuan to_________. However, if I want to________, it will cost me at least_____Yuan. I hate squandering, so I think it is awesome. 2.省时 It is convenient and I would be able to save tons of time. Specifically, it takes me only_____minutes to_______. However, if I’d like to______, I will spend at least_____hours. I think spending the time saved on reading books on history or chemistry/doing exercises is considered to be the better way for me to relax/learn more knowledge. 3.交朋友 I can make more friends in different background/from different cities/countries such as Japan, Canada and America/with the same interest. We could have pleasant conversationnot only about the academic information such as history, biology and economics, but also about the international events. And I can also learn some useful interpersonal skills or personalitysuch as honesty and persistence 4.好环境


托福口语模板:12个万能理由 托福口语中经常会问到:你的职业理想是什么?你最喜欢的餐馆是什么?你最喜欢的交通工具是什么?等等诸如此类的问题。虽然这些托福口语模板问题不可能提前猜到,不过,类似这样的问题,却可以统一备考。下面,天道留学为大家总结“托福口语12个万能理由”,希望大家能够熟练运用。 (1)托福口语模板建筑和地方 In this wide world, there are thousands of amazing architectures. As for myself, my favorite is undoubtedly the Great Wall. Why? That’s simple. The following reasons will sufficiently illustrate what I say. First and foremost, the most self- evident reason why I like the Great Wall so much is basically because it symbolizes our Chinese’s great intelligence and hard-work. It’s hard to imagine at that time people can build such huge architecture. Even in modern times, it seems a mission impossible. What’s more, it in so me way improves the economic development of China because it attracts thousands of tourists around the world. Meanwhile, it also helps more foreigners to learn about the traditional Chinese culture. Anyway, I love Great Wall. 提分必背:新托福口语50句 如何掌握大量的托福词汇 托福听力词汇的6个学习误区 (2)动物 Who is the best friend to our human beings? With no further doubts, dogs. For me, dogs are always my friend and company. The reasons why I am so fascinated with dogs can be best summarized as the followings. As for the very first reason, it is apparently because dog is the most loyal and helpful animal in the world. There are many stories about the dog saving his master in all countries. What’s more, dogs are docile and lovely. It is said that dogs are used to watch doors since the ancient time. And no matter old or young, people all love to keep dogs as their ideal pets. Nowadays when our friends are becoming less and less, dog can make your best company. You can imagine what a happy picture it is that a dog shakes its tail and barks to you when you open the door. Anyway, I am so proud to say that I am a dog lover. (3)学科/比赛/兴趣爱好/休闲方式 Although there are many kinds of subjects, my priority is PE lesson.


Doing sth enables me to make a lot of friends. When I…, I can share my happiness and sorrow, help others with their life dilemmas, and develop a common interest and things like that with my friends. That way, my social connections can be widened, which is beneficial to my future study and career. Doing sth can help me relax myself from heavy pressure. For example, when I…, I will forget about the frustrating troubles I met in study or work and my mood will shift from blue to delighted. You know, nowadays people are too exhausted and suffer from severe stress, thus, it’s necessary to refresh our minds from time to time. By doing sth, I can broaden my horizons to a great extent. We cannot emphasize the importance of experiencing new things too much. When I …, I will have opportunities to know more about different cultures, ideas and backgrounds, which can shape me into a knowledgeable and sophisticated man. Sth/ doing sth can help me save my time in a great deal. Since I’m a college student, I’m supposed to spend most of my time in studying and working. If I do sth, I will manage my time scientifically and the time saved can be used in something more valuable and important, such as reading literature works and doing assignments. Doing sth is the more economical way to live/… .I’m not totally independent and have to depend on my parents’ financial supports at the moment. If I do sth, I will save some money and purchase some living and learning necessities, like reference books, stationeries and some high-tech products. Therefore, I can accumulate money that way.


托福口语Task1常考话题整理 在整个托福口语的答题环节中,很多同学大都并不会把Task1放在最最重要的一个位置上。但是,在考场上我们就能体会到,由于其是整个口语环节中的第一题,答题的顺利与否直接关系到了之后题目的进行。那么,在托福口语的Task1中有哪些常见的话题呢?现在,现在我们就为大家详细分析一下吧。 》》》点击查看:托福口语评分标准 1. 人物类 在托福口语的考题中我们常见的人物类话题,常见的都会是类似以下的这些话题: Describe a person you admire. Describe the famous person you admire most. Describe a person who had a positive impact on you. Describe a person who you would like to talk with. Describe a special friend in your childhood. Describe an elder person that you respect. Describe your favorite performer or musician. What are some important characteristics of a good leader? 而看过以上的这些话题内容后,大家也就不难看出,托福口语Task1中人物类话题一般也是可以分为两种类型:常人类和名人类。所谓常人类,也就是让考生描述的是可能是自己身边的人,比如你最喜欢的老师,给你印象最深的朋友,你身边给你影响最为深刻的人。比如:What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a good teacher should have? Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.而名人类的话题也就是,让大家陈述出一个自己最喜欢的明星,最喜欢的作家等等。 托福口语Task1 人物类范例: Describe a person who had a positive impact on you. The person I want to describe is my grandfather. He is a medium height man. He is smartly dressed with a big pair of glasses. He is a retired history teacher. I was raised up by my grandparents because my parents were very busy working when I was a little kid. My grandfather was methodical in teaching. He tirelessly taught me a lot of historic stories and knowledge to educate me and build my good personality. I liked to listen to his stories like patriotism or great inventors. I showed great interest on history because of him and he had positive impact on me.


健康: Doing exercise every day is helpful to students' health. I think health will go with us for a long life if we insist on exercising everyday. It is helpful for us to focus the energy on study and work. Second, doing exercise is the best way to relax. It helps us to reduce stress and release tension. My arms and legs are much stronger than before and I seldom catch a cold 减少压力: The games can also reduce the stress and pressure of the adults. stress is the biggest enemy of the health. Great pressure may cause lots of illness, for example, high blood pressure, physiological problem, and so on. Through the game, the adults can feel easy and happy. Music can bring me lots of pleasure and turn my blue mood to a bright one.The harmonious atmosphere has a calming effect.Good rest may lead to better efficiency. 发展能力: Playing games can be helpful to develop some skills, such as how to cooperate with partners, how to get along with others and so on. All of the skills are the key qualities needed in our daily lives. To succeed in the world, we should cooperate with others. The ability and the knowledge of one person are limited. How to cooperate with

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