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(1) The room is so dirty. Let's ___ the room.

(2) The Sun ______ from the east.

(3) There is a newspaper stand ___ home.

(4) The workers work ___ to finish that tower.

(5) She was so excited that she didn't sleep __ .

【答案】( 1) clean up

(2) comes up

(3) on my way

(4) from dawn to dusk

(5) all night

【解析】【分析】 on my way 在我去某地的路上; from dawn to dusk 从黎明到黄昏; all night 一整夜; come up 上升; clean up 打扫

( 1)句意:这个房间是如此脏。让咱们打扫一下吧。根据The room is so dirty 可知是要打

扫房间, let's 后面跟动词原形,故填 clean up 。

( 2)句意:太阳从东方升起。根据 from the east 可知是太阳升起,上升 come up ;太阳东升西落这是客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是 the sun 第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用单三

形式,故填 comes up 。

( 3)句意:在我回家的路上有一个报摊。根据 home 可知是在我回家的路上,在我去某

地的路上 on my way,故填 on my way 。

( 4)句意:这些工人们从黎明到黄昏地工作来完成这座塔。此句缺时间状语, from dawn

to dusk 从黎明到黄昏,在句中做时间状语,故填 from dawn to dusk 。

( 5 )句意:她如此激动以致于她一整夜没睡。根据 sleep 可判断是一整夜,故填 all night 。



(1) We can't go to the park ____ the bad weather.

(2) In order to make energy and paper, people __ too many trees.

(3) Tom didn't sleep well last night. __ , he felt sleepy in class.

(4) The news _______ the country and all of us knew it.

(5) English are quite different from Chinese _ .

(6) Every year, ______ travellers come to visit Shenzhen.

答案】(1) because of

(2) cut down

(3) as a result

(4) spread across

(5) in many ways

(6) thousands of

【解析】【分析】 in many ways,在很多方面,用很多方法; cut down, 砍伐, spread across, 传播,蔓延; thousands of, 数以千计的; as a result,结果,因此; because of 因为

(1)句意:因为天气恶劣,所以我们不能去公园。由句意可知恶劣天气是不能去公园的原因, bad weather 是名词,应选表示原因的介词,故填because of。

(2)句意:为了制造能源和纸张,人们砍伐的树木太多了。根据常识,人们用砍伐的木材获取热量和木造纸,根据句意,动词要用一般现在时,主语是 people ,可数名词复数,动词用原形,故填 cut down 。

(3)句意:汤姆昨晚睡得不好。因此他在课堂上感到昏昏欲睡。根据句意可知,上课昏昏欲睡是他睡不好的结果,故填 as a result。

(4)句意:消息传遍全国,我们都知道。有句子结构可知,缺少谓语动词,根据句意应选 spread across,且后句的用过去式 knew ,可知前句也要用一般过去时,spread 的过去式与原形相同,故填 spread across。

(5)句意:英语和汉语在很多方面有很大的不同。由句子结构,可知句子结构完整,缺少地点状语,根据句意,故填 in many ways 。

(6)句意:每年都有数以千计的游客来深圳旅游。空格后 travellers ,可数名词复数,前面

可用表示数量的修饰词,故填hundreds of 。



(1) The water in the river is so clear that you can see the water plants it.

(2) Jim's home caught fire last week and a fireman .

(3) My home is _____ a river, so I always go for a walk by the river after supper. (4) There's nothing but woods ___ the road.

(5) I'm a big fan of Jay Chou and l will support him .

(6) Jack often gets No. 1 in his class. His parents ___ him.