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It is somewhat erratic that some young people nowadays prefer to live with their parents and shownowillingnesstobeindependenteventhoughtheyhavestartedtowork.Factorsforth ephenomena can be listed as below. To start with, they think that it is much more convenient andlesstime-consumingiftheyarefendedforbytheirparentswithreadilypreparedmealsandcomfortab le as well as tidy rooms. Besides, their parents are prone to give them reasonable andshrewd advice in the light of their experience and thinking patterns. For that matter, chances arethat they will suffer comparatively less setbacks than if not. In addition, the young are bound torecognizethesenseofbelongingwiththeexistenceofthewarmhomewithoutwhichthey areinclined to feel lonely and homesick.

However,otherschoosetostayalooffromthehomeandliveonthehump.Reasonsforit aredemonstratedasfollowings.Firstandforemost,itenforcesthemtorelyontheirowneffo rts,which shapes them to be extremely independent. In this case, they are likely to be more adaptableto the baleful society. What’s more, self-reliance indicates that their decision is largely based ontheir personal unique thinking types as well as principles. Once the results of their decision cameout, they will benefit a great deal by reflecting on their thoughts. Last but by no means the least, itis likely that if the young stay close to their home, there might be less opportunities of the dulcetjobs compared with those in metropolis.

As far as I am concerned, I would rather accept the challenge to stand on my own feet. To beginwith, it is apparent that there are more chances in metropolis, which caters to my interest to makeacquaintance with more people and acquire more skills to cope with tough matters. Furthermore,augmenting more burdens on my diligent parents is not what I desire. I prefer to lead a decent lifebytheindustriousworkofmyself.Tosumup,Iadmirethosecapableofearningoftheirow nearningandmakingallowanceofthemselvesforthattheydemonstrateindependencean dultra-successful ability to survive. We are anticipated to emulate them to embrace ourgorgeouslife.

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