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1.Like a duck to water如鱼得水,轻而易举地;

shrimpn. 虾; 无足轻重的人; 矮个子; 小东西v. 捕虾

2.Sneeze at 藐视,轻视;laugh at 嘲笑

3.Clear-cut 清晰的;blurry 模糊的,轮廓不清的;marginal 不重要的,边缘的;

ambiguous 含糊不清的,模棱两可的

4.Refurbishment 整修,翻新;restoration恢复,王政复辟;conservation 保存,保护


5.Tentatively 暂时地;coincidentally 巧合地;supposedly 可能

6.Eradicate 消灭,根除;deport 把…驱逐出境,放逐;expedite 加快,促进

7.Take in欺骗;take out 取出,去掉;take off 起飞,突然成功;take on 承担,呈现

Hoax n. 骗局; 恶作剧; 玩笑

8.In the name of 以…..的名义;relate with 使相关,使符合;in touch with同…有联系

A lobby of people 许多人;lobby n. 大厅; 游说议员者; 休息室

9.Stretch延伸;compress 压缩,简缩;

hollow container n. 洞; 山谷; 窟窿

v. 挖空; 弄凹; 形成空洞

adj. 空的; 空腹的; 虚伪的

10.Cult 受到狂热崇拜的;humble 谦卑的,谦虚的;vulgar 粗俗的,通俗的;feeble 虚弱

的;box-office disaster 票房灾难

11.Not only 置于句首时句子要部分倒装;shun :keep away from (sth/sb); avoid 避开, 回

避(某事物[某人]); 避免; proffer n.提供, 提出; 提议, 建议v.提供, 提议, 贡献Pram-pushing mothers 推婴儿车的母亲:pram 婴儿车;pram-pushing 推婴儿车的12.Stubborn adj. 倔强的, 顽固的; 不屈不挠的; 不听话的; 难处理的

Take sth for granted 把某事当作理所当然

Nothing serious 没有什么大不了的

13.Why on earth not? 究竟为什么不?

14.That’s a relief 那样我就放心了。Let it go.让它去,不必考虑。


1.’couch potato’-‘成天躺着或坐在沙发上看电视的人’-just sitting without being chanllenged


2.Oven [ov·en || 'ʌvn] n. 炉, 灶; 烤箱;

mitt : a type of glove that covers the four fingers together and the thumb separately连指手套,棒球手套,拳击手套

3.Brass (lock): brass [brɑːs] n. 黄铜; 黄铜制品, 铜器; 黄铜色; 铜管乐器

4.rack [ræk]

n. 架子; 网架; 挂物架; 肢刑架, 拷问台#伸长快步#饲草架#毁灭, 荒废#颈脊肉; 缓冲垫#行迹; 小路

v. 把...放在架子上; 使受极大痛苦,折磨; 对...施肢刑; 尽力使用; 作伸长快步跑; 在饲草架装满干草; 把...注入容器


1.short-staffed 人员不足.(adj+n-ed类似结构:short-sighted;sweet-tempered)

2.capsule: [cap·sule || 'kæpsjuːl]n. 胶囊, 瓶帽, 蒴;太空舱v. 概括, 简述; 使浓缩

3.A quite sizeable number of 大量的人

4. suit up; suit [suːt] n. 衣服; 副; 套; 组v. 适合, 使适应; 合适, 相称

5. curfew [cur·few || 'kɜːfjuː] n. 晚钟; 宵禁; 戒严

6. implement [im·ple·ment || 'ɪmplɪmənt] n. 工具; 器具v. 实现, 执行, 使生效

7. duplication [du·pli·ca·tion || ‚djuːplɪ'keɪʃn] n. 副本; 复制

raid [reɪd] n. 袭击, 搜捕, 突袭v. 袭击; 侵吞; 对...突然查抄; 劫掠; 发动突然袭击8.fare n. 费用, 旅客, 食物vi. 遭遇, 进展, 进步, 经营, 过活

How sth would fare during extreme emergencies

By and large 大体上,总的来说


1.expire [ex·pire || ɪk'spaɪə]v. 期满, 断气, 呼气; 呼出

a final deadline espired at midnight on Sunday without agreement

2.plunge [plʌndʒ]n. 跳进, 投入v. 使投入, 使陷入, 使插入; 投入, 陷入, 跳进

plugesth into sth

3.assemble [as·sem·ble || ə'sembl]v. 集合; 装配; 聚集; 集会, 集合, 聚集

The whole school (was) assembled in the main hall.

4.vacuum [vac·u·um || 'vækjʊəm]n. 真空, 真空吸尘器, 空间v. 用吸尘器打扫

There has been a vacuum in his life since his wife died.

5.stalemate [stale·mate || 'steɪlmeɪt]n. 无子可动; 陷于困境; 僵持状态

v. 使无法动棋子; 使陷入困境

Negotiations have reached (a) stalemate.


/ ˈdeərɪŋ; ˋdɛrɪŋ/ n [U] adventurous courage; boldness 冒险精神; 勇气; 胆量: the daring of the mountain climber 爬山者的冒险精神* an ambitious plan of great daring, ie that is bold and new 大胆创新的计划.

> daringadj

courageous 勇敢的; 英勇的: a daring person, exploit,attack 勇敢的人﹑英雄的业绩﹑勇猛的进击.

bold in a new or unusual way (出奇地)大胆的: a daring plan, innovation, etc别出心裁的大胆计划﹑革新等* a daring new art form 别具一格的创新艺术形式* She said some daring (ie bold and possibly shocking) things. 她说了一些泼天大胆的话.

daringly adv.

7.Muti-national company 跨国公司

8.Sensation [sen·sa·tion || sen'seɪʃn]

n. 感觉, 知觉; 轰动, 激动; 感觉能力, 知觉作用; 轰动的事件

Synonym: FEELING

She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms.

I had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream.

9.Failure can be both a motivator as well as a drawback.

Admit your failure and just meet it head-on

Head-on: in which people express strong views and deal with sth in a direct way 10.Jealousy ['jeal·ous·y || 'dʒeləsɪ]n. 妒忌, 羡慕, 猜忌