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第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)(略)





Sprts an help us a lt. Taking exerises an ake us strng. In lletive(集体的) sprts like basketball, vlleyball r ftball, we will learn the iprtane f peratin(合作). And sprts an als help us relax after wrk r study.

Hwever, as the saying ges, “there are tw sides f everything.” Seties we ay hurt ther players r urselves if we are nt areful enugh when partiipating(参加) in sprts ativities. hat’s re, t uh r hard pratie an be bad fr ur health.

Sprts an ake us healthy bth physially and psyhlgially(心理地). It is als a gd way fr peple t knw eah ther and an iprve friendship between peple. S lng as we are areful enugh, sprts an d us nthing but gd.

21. an ake us strng.

A. Sleeping

B. Singing. aking friendsD. Taking exerise

22. T uh exerise an be fr us.

A. gd

B. enugh. bad D. helpful

23. Sprts an .

A. help peple t knw eah ther

B. iprve friendship

between peple

. d us nthing but gd if we are areful D. All f the abve

24. hih f the fllwing is NT true?

A. Sprts an help us relax after wrk r study.

B. Sprts an nly ake us healthy physially.

. Seties we ay hurt ther players r urselves when partiipating in sprts ativities.

D. Basketball and vlleyball are bth lletive sprts.


any United States panies have ade the searh fr legal prtetin fr iprt petitin int a ar line f wrk. Sine 1980, the United States Internatinal Trade issin(IT) has reeived abut 280 plaints alleging daage fr iprts that benefit fr subsidies(补贴)by freign gvernents. Anther 340 harge that freign panies “duped” their prduts in the United States at “less than fair value”. Even when n unfair praties are laied, the siple lai that an industry has been inured by iprts is suffiient grunds t seek relief(救济).

ntrary t the general ipressin, this request fr iprt relief has hurt re panies than it has helped. As

rpratins begin t funtin glbally, they develp a pliated web f arketing, prdutin, and researh relatinships. The plexity f these relatinships akes it unlikely that a syste f iprt relief laws will eet the strategi needs f all the units under the sae parent pany. Internatinalizatin inreases the danger that freign panies will use iprt relief laws against the very panies the laws were designed t prtet. Suppse a United States-wned pany establishes an verseas plant t anufature a prdut while its petitr akes the sae prdut in the United States. If the petitr an prve inury fr the iprts——and that the United States pany reeived a subsidy fr a freign gvernent t build its plant abrad ——the United States pany’s prduts will be unpetitive in the United States, sine they wuld be subet t duties.

Perhaps the st shaeful ase urred when the IT investigated allegatins(控诉) that anadian panies were inuring the United States salt industry by duping rk salt, used t deie rads. The bizarre aspet f the plaint was that a freign nglerate(联合企业) with United States peratins was rying fr help against a United States pany with freign peratins. The “United States” pany laiing