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金融英语阅读 1 :“the market”is aconcept

is the market a place? or a thing? neither, really. its a concept. if you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale, you are producing for the market. you might sell some to your neighbor and some in your little stand by the roadside and some to the manager of the local supermarket. but in either case, you are producing for the market. your efforts are being directed by the market. if people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. if you mow lawns to earn money, you are producing a service for the market. if your father a steelworker or a bricklayer or a truck driver or a dentist or a grocer, he is producing goods or services for the market.


当你花钱时,你是在市场上购买东西。你可以在商店、超级市场、气站和餐馆花钱,你还是在市场上购买东西。当本地的杂货店雇你开送货车,他是在劳动力市场上购买你的劳动。the market may seem to be a fuzzy sort of thing. but for each person(or business)who is making and selling something, its very real. if nobody buys your tomatoes, it wont be long before you get the message. the market is telling you something. its telling you that you are using your energies and resources in doing something the market doesnt want you to do.


金融英语阅读 2 :the money in a bank


the money which a bank obtains from its customers is generally known as its “deposits”and represents the balances which customers keep on their accounts with their banks. these accounts are of two main kinds: current accounts on which customers can draw cheques but receive no interest, and deposit and savings accounts on which the banks pay interest for the use of the money.




--banks pay interest on deposit and savings accounts.

--banks provide their customers with many other useful services. they will, for example, look after valuables, deal with investments, make payments to businesses and people abroad and provide financial information. --banks will lend money to their customers. for many purposes, “money in the bank” is money in its most convenient form.







金融英语阅读 3 :财务报表there are two basic financial statements: the balance sheet and the operations statement. the balance sheet shows the firms condition on the last day of the accounting period. it shows what the business owns and what it owes to its creditors or its owners. a business is always in a state of equilibrium. in other words, what it owns is equal to what it owes. this is expressed in the fo11owing accounting formula:

营业状况表是指损益计算书,它表明在该会计期间企业经营所产生的盈利或亏损情况。在这样的情况下,经营被认为是销售产品和劳务。销售减去产品和劳务成本后的收益是毛收入或毛利。可是,企业收入产生的同时,会有一些费用 --与产生收入有关的间接成本,如管理或销售费用,在进一步扣减这些费用后剩下的余额就是净收入或净利润。


金融英语阅读 4 :存款账户

deposit accounts, together with savings accounts, represent the simplest form of bank account. the customer deposits funds and withdraws them as required. no chequebook is issued on this type of account. therefore, the formalities of opening an account are simple, often there is no need for a reference, the customers name, address and occupation, together with a specimen signature and an initial deposit being all that are needed.


payments into a deposit account, which can consist of cash, cheques, postal orders and so on, may be made at the branch where the account is maintained or at any other branch of the bank. funds may be withdrawn to the amount of the credit balance on the account normally only at the branch where it is maintained, although some banks do permit limited withdrawals at other branches. withdrawals are subject to the required period of notice --often seven days. but in practice, prior notice is not