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三级上Unit3 The weather Band

Teaching aims and demands




Expressions in communication

What was the weather like yesterday?

It was windy

It was sunny all the time

Did you go anywhere?

No, I stayed at home

Yes, I went to Zhongshan Park

Key words and expressions

weather, band, raindrop, fall, down, loudly, quietly, fog, foggy, bring, song, light, scarf, windy, sunny, stay, week, yesterday, cloud, snow, sun, storm, stormy, rain, shower

Materials for teaching




单元教学活动1 Listen, ask and answer.

上课时,教师首先指着外面的天空问大家:“What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny? Is it windy? Is it cold? Is it hot? What’s the weather like today?”学生因为在二级下曾学过这样的句型, 所以能够说出答句, “I t’s sunny.” 接着教师马上引出过去时的句子: “What was the weather like yesterday? Was it sunny? Was it rainy?” 学生应会猜出“It was sunny.” 教师可以多问几位同学。接着教师问,“What was the weather like last week?”也把“上周”的中文写出,但不说该单词。“Was it sunny? Was it windy?”“It was sunny.”教师应让学生反复地练习这两种问句和答语。教师可以马上让学生两人一组进行练习,并请学生进行对话表演。在学生已经掌握的基础上,教师再继续问学生:“Did you go anywhere yesterday? Did you go anywhere last Sunday?”教师引导学生说:“Yes, I went to....”教师相应地给出一些地名,如,Zhongshan Park, Beibai Park, Y uyuantan Park, Longtan Park, 然后,教师再问:“Did you go anywhere?”教师给出“No, I stayed at home.”的答语。请两人一组反复练习这两组对话并表演。经过几次的反复练习,教师让学生看第三单元中主图中的对话部分,并让学生两人一组进行练习。教师可以找几对同学进行对话,以便检查效果。然后,教师对学生说:“在‘/’处稍停顿。”

We all hear/raindrops falling down/so loudly/on the ground

The wind/comes so quietly/making no sound.

The fog/dresses all in white/bringing lots of songs.

The snow/puts on a light scarf/saying all the chants


只是需要学生朗读的时候指着图给学生看,并在适当的时候用英语简单地解释一下即可。最后,教师可以引导学生看本单元的主图,教师可以让学生指问乐队中的每个成员是谁。Who is the member of the weather band?

单元教学活动2 Listen, read and talk

第二部分是词汇学习部分。绝大部分单词在前面的一些章节中已经出现,教师需着重注意fog—foggy, storm—stormy 这两组单词。教师可以用简单的英语句子配以形象的肢体语言,请学生猜出这两组单词。接着教师可以带着学生一起朗读这些单词。本单元提供了这些单词的英文解释,教师需要让学生认真地阅读每句话的定义,然后可以相互检查效果。检查时,教师可以让两人一组的一个同学将书合上,另一个同学挑选着念本练习的解释,另一个同学说出与其相吻合的英语单词。然后,两个人在更换角色。

单元教学活动3 Listen and read


Red Sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.

Rainbow in the morning gives you fair warning.

The higher the clouds, the better the weather

A wind from the south has rain in its mouth

Wet May, dry July. As high as the weeds grow, so will be the bank of snow.

Birds sitting on a telephone line, expect rain

单元教学活动4 Look and circle


单元教学活动5 Listen, read and learn

第五部分是一篇有关raining cats and dogs 的短文。教师可以这样组织学生:“Now let’s read the following passage first. Let’s see who can tell us something about the passage. If you have any questions, you can ask me.”给出几分钟的阅读时间后,教师说:“Now who can answer my questions? Why are frogs and fish sometimes sucked up? At what time was the old saying passing around? In which country?”。

单元教学活动6 Look and find out

第六部分的活动是查询下列城市当天的天气情况。在做这个作业之前,教师最好将这些城市的天气情况在地图上做一个标注,然后对学生说:“Now let’s look at some cities in China and see what the weather is like in local places”教师指着其中的一个城市问:“Which city is it? Do you know?”这些城市当中,教师需着重提出来“T ibet”。等学生把城市都熟悉一遍后,教师问:“What was the weather like yesterday in these cities?”教师指着图标依次问学生,练习之后,教师说:“Now you have something to do after school. Please go back and work with your parents to find out the weathers in these cities.”教师应把文字放在相应的图片上:

单元教学活动7 Listen, read and sing.