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粉葛赤小豆pig bone made soup with arrow root & adsuki bean 罗宋汤borsch

鸡腿菇抄鸭脯肉fried duck with coprinus comatus

咖喱牛肋条curry beef short rib

椰香五仁果nut with coconut flavor

吉列猪扒Gillet pork chops

白酒烩海鲜Braised Seafood in white wine sauce

西芹芦笋炒鲈鱼球fried weever with celery & asparagus 吞拿鱼土豆沙拉tuna potato salad

西班牙炒饭fried rice in Spanish style

白灼生菜boiled lettuce

星洲炒米粉fried rice noodle in Singapore style

糖醋排骨sweet & sour spare ribs

花生西芹peanut & celery

韩国泡菜Korean Pickled Vegetables

芥末油土豆丝potato shreds dressed with mustard oil

海鲜披萨seafood pizza

番薯饼fried sweet potato cake

麦包wheat bread

蒸金瓜braised pumpkins


冬瓜薏米煲老鸭duck soup with wax & pearl barley

海皇忌廉汤cream of crab paste soup

波罗排骨pineapple fried pork ribs

荷兰牛扒grilled beef steak in Holland style

蒙古烤羊肉roasted mutton in Mongolia style

酸辣土豆丝chili and sour potato

煎红衫鱼fried redwood fish

芝士焗西兰花baked broccoli with cheese

杂果沙拉fruit salad

生炒牛肉饭Fried beef with rice

西红柿炒蛋scrambled egg with tomato

干烧伊面fried e-fu noodles

泡椒鸡中翼chicken wings with pickled peppers

青瓜木耳cucumber & agaric

老虎菜vegatable salad with mustard

椒盐平菇oyster mushroom with spicy slat

粗粮面包mixed grain bread

咸水角fried dumplings

丹麦肉松酥denmark meat floss shortbread

蒸玉米steamed corns

酥皮鸡蛋挞egg tart

香橙蛋卷orange egg roll

咸方包配牛油toast with butter

烤番薯roasted sweet potato

牛油曲奇butter cookies

煎鸡蛋fried egg

丹麦蜜桃酥、denmark peach shortcake

干炒牛河stir-fried rice noodles with BEEF

白灼西兰花boiled lettuce



巧克力慕斯chocolate mousse

炸脆皮肠仔fried sausage

全麦面包whole-wheat bread

炸猪扒fried pork chop



橙汁orange juice


西洋菜煲生鱼fish soup with watercress

菠菜奶油汤cream soup of spinach

咖喱焖鸡stewed chicken with curry

烟肉肠仔卷bacon sausage roll

忌廉焖金瓜braised pumpkin with cream

夏威夷牛仔骨beef rib in Hawaii

蒜蓉丝瓜fried loofah with garlic

吞拿鱼西兰花fried tuna with brocoli

煎马友鱼fried king salmond

芝士番茄沙拉cheese & tomato salad

苹果海鲜炒饭fried rice with apple & seafood 烤排骨roasted ribs

海鲜烩宽面braised lasagna with seafood

大拌菜chefs salad

浙醋苹果vinegar apple

芹菜香干smoked bean curd with celery

叉烧餐包roast pork

炸香芋饼deep fried taro cake

蒸土豆steamed potato

牛油葱油饼green onion pie with butter





姬苁蓉炖老鸭stewed duck with desert cistanche

鲜虾干笋忌廉汤cream soup of shrimp &bamboo shoot

炸子鸡fried young chicken

西兰花墨鱼烧fried inkfish with broccoli

香煎金丝鱼fried Minnow

香酥羊棒骨baked sheep bone

蒜蓉菜心fried flowering cabbage with garlic

蟹籽沙拉crab roesalad

三丝炒意粉Pasta with three shredded vegetable

酥炸鹅肝酱deep fried foie gras

洋葱猪扒fried prok with onion

西式炒饭fried rice in western style

椒盐虾仔Salt and Pepper Shrimp

青笋拌金针菇golden mushroom & Bamboo Shoots

韩国泡菜Korean Pickled Vegetables

青瓜蘸酱cucumber with dressing

什锦披萨mixed pizza

煎南瓜饼fried pumpkin cake

胡萝卜同骨汤carrot Pork Bone Soup

鸡茸粟米汤stewed millet with chicken

香橙焗鸭脯baked duck breast with orange

咖喱焖牛腩braised sirlion with curry

芝士焗椰菜花baked cauliflower with cheese

剁椒蒸鱼云steamed fish with hot red pepper 西芹百合木耳fried celery with lily& agaric

田园沙拉Garden Salad

忌廉焖南瓜braised pumpkin with cream

酿青瓜stuffed cucumber with pork

西西里意粉baked pasta in

健康红米炒饭fried red rice

陈皮牛肉、beef with orange peel

椒油藕片lotus root with pepper oil dressing

凉拌豆腐丝cold bean curd

沙姜芥兰Sauted Chinese Broccoli with ginger